The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Brooklyn Law School: The First Hundred Years, Jeffrey B. Morris
David Trager: Jurist, Jeffrey B. Morris
Discussion: A Focus on Federalism, Jeffrey B. Morris
Establishing Justice in Middle America: A History of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, Jeffrey B. Morris
In Memoriam: Deborah Hecht, Jeffrey B. Morris
Leadership on the Federal Bench: The Craft and Activism of Jack Weinstein, Jeffrey B. Morris
Making Sure We Are True to Our Founders: The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1970-95, Jeffrey B. Morris
On the Occasion of Leon Lazer’s 90th Birthday, Jeffrey B. Morris
To Administer Justice on Behalf of All the People: The United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York 1965-1990, Jeffrey B. Morris
Encyclopedia of American History, Jeffrey B. Morris and Richard B. Morris
Pocket History of the United States, Jeffrey B. Morris, Allan Nevins, and Henry Steele Commager
Calmly to Poise the Scales of Justice: A History of the Courts of the District of Columbia Circuit, Jeffrey B. Morris and Chris Rohmann
Ending Exploitative Enforcement through Executive Estoppel, Angela D. Morrison
Immigration & Nevada’s Criminal Statutes: Impact on Plea Negotiations, Angela D. Morrison
Invited testimony on SB169, Angela D. Morrison
Foreign in a Domestic Sense: American Samoa and the Last U.S. Nationals, Sean Morrison
Requiring Proof of Conspiratorial Dangerousness, Steven R. Morrison
The Conspiracy Origin of the First Amendment, Steven R. Morrison
The System of Modern Criminal Conspiracy, Steven R. Morrison
Attendee - 21st Annual Intellectual Property Law & Policy Conference, P. Sean MORRIS
Attendee - Biotech & Pharmaceutical Issues in China, P. Sean MORRIS
Attendee - Works in Progress in Intellectual Property (WIPIP) Conference, P. Sean MORRIS
Beyond Trade: Global Digital Exhaustion in International Economic Regulation, P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Dev Gangjee: Relocating the Law of Geographical Indications, P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Matthias Herdegen, Principles of International Economic Law, P. Sean MORRIS
BOOK REVIEW - Milena Sterio, The Right to Self-Determination under International Law: "Selfistans," Secession, and the Rule of Great Powers, P. Sean MORRIS
Knocking on the WTO’s Door: International Law and the Principle of First Sale Download in UsedSoft v. Oracle, P. Sean MORRIS
Solving Google's Antitrust Dilemma: Cognitive Habits and Linking Rivals when There is Large Market Share in the Relevant Online Search Market, P. Sean MORRIS
Trademarks as Sources of Market Power, P. Sean MORRIS
Regulatory Effectiveness in Onshore and Offshore Financial Centers, Andrew P. Morriss and Clifford Chad Henson
Regulatory Effectiveness in Onshore and Offshore Financial Centers, Andrew P. Morriss and Clifford Chad Henson
Warranted and Warrantless Tracking in Australia by Law Enforcement Agencies: Mass Surveillance, PRISM and the NSA Scandal, John Morrisson and Katina Michael
From Absence to Presence: A Critique of Intersex Surgeries (Hebrew), Sagit Mor
From Absence to Presence: A Critique of Intersex Surgeries (Hebrew), Sagit Mor, Maayan Sudai, and Or Shai
Governance, Representation and the 'Monstruous Regiment': Is the Collective Feminine?, john morss
The International Legal Status of the Vatican/Holy See Complex: A Cyborg Speaks, john morss
Coding and Decoding Legal Ethics, Melissa D. Mortazavi
The Revolution Will Not Be Codified, Melissa D. Mortazavi
Seeing Isn't Believing: Ahlquist v. City of Cranston and the Constitutionality of Religious Displays Under the Establishment Clause, Daniel W. Morton-Bentley
The Constitutionality of Vicarious Discrimination Claims Under Title VII, Daniel W. Morton-Bentley
Privacy problems over an online eye, Asher Moses and Katina Michael
Through the looking glass into the future, Asher Moses and Katina Michael
Can Parties Tell Court What to Do? Expanded Judicial Review of Arbitral Awards, Margaret L. Moses
Ethics in International Arbitration: Traps for the Unwary, Margaret L. Moses
Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, Margaret L. Moses
Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, 2d ed., Margaret L. Moses
The Irony of International Letters of Credit: They Aren’t Secure, But They (Usually) Work, Margaret L. Moses
The Jury-Trial Right in the UCC: On a Slippery Slope, Margaret L. Moses
What the Jury Must Hear: The Supreme Court’s Evolving Seventh Amendment Jurisprudence, Margaret L. Moses
What Federal Rulemakers Can Learn from State Procedural Innovations, Seymour Moskowitz
Reflecting Reality: Adding Elder Abuse and Neglect to Legal Education, Seymour H. Moskowitz
Condicion del usucapiente demandado en el IV pleno Casatorio, Nikolay Mosquera Rojas
La prescripción adquisitiva de dominio en la jurisprudencia peruana., Nikolay Mosquera Rojas
Prescripcion Notarial en el Derecho Peruano., Nikolay Mosquera Rojas
Problemas operativos entre los derechos inscritos y los no inscritos en el Código Civil Peruano: con especial énfasis en la Us ucapión Inmobiliaria., Nikolay Mosquera Rojas
Reclamações fundamentadas sobre o tratamento dentário no Procon da cidade de São Paulo (2006 - 2010), Marcia V. Motta Dr.
Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and iron overload syndrome., Marcia V. Motta Dr. and Eduardo V. Motta Dr.
Intellectual Property Issues in the Network Cloud: Virtual Models and Digital Three-Dimensional Printers, Darrell G. Mottley
War Crimes and Other Human Rights Abuses in the Former Yugoslavia, Robert T. Mounts, Jeffrey L. Bleich, and Doug Cassell
Forgetting Furman: Arbitrary Death Penalty Schemes across the Nation, Sarah A. Mourer
Craig's Digital Story - Steal Away, Steal Away, Craig B. Mousin
Where Does One Stand on a Slippery Slope?, Craig B. Mousin
Neglected Infectious Diseases: Are Push and Pull Mechanisms Suitable for Promoting Drug Development Research?, Frank Mueller-Langer
Brief Guide for the Creation of Author-specific Citation Metrics and Publication Data Using the Thomson Reuters Web of Science and Scopus Databases, Frank Mueller-Langer, Michael Gerstenberger, Julian Hackinger, and Benjamin Heisig
Academic Publishing and Open Access (revised version forthcoming), Frank Mueller-Langer and Marc Scheufen
Academic Publishing and Open Access (revised version, forthcoming), Frank Mueller-Langer and Marc Scheufen
Free Movement of Capital and Takeovers: a case-study of the tension between primary and secondary EU legislation, Jonathan Mukwiri
Myth of shareholder primacy in English Law, Jonathan Mukwiri
Takeovers and incidental protection of minority shareholders, Jonathan Mukwiri
Transition to Adult Life: Advocating for Adolescents with ASD, Rosemary Mullaly Esq.
Food Labeling Regulations for Nutrition and Irradiation in the EEC, Rosemary E. Mullaly
Appropriate Evaluations and IEPs for Students with ASD, Rosemary E. Mullaly Esquire
Appropriate Evaluations and IEPs for Students with ASD, Rosemary E. Mullaly J.D.
Theory of constitutional comparison, sebastian müller-franken prof. dr
BePress Readership Statistics, Frank Müller-Langer
Hold On: The Remarkably Resilient, Constitutionally Dubious "48-Hour Hold", Steven Mulroy
Are You Smarter Than a 2L? An Evidence Refresher, Hugh Mundy
The Trick is the Treat: How Reese’s Cups Can Help Students Overcome the Challenge of Synthesizing Rules, Hugh Mundy
Optimal Warning Strategies: Punishment Ought not to be Inflicted where the Penal Provision is not Properly Conveyed, Murat C. Mungan
Less Protection, More Innovation?, Murat C. Mungan
Reverse Payments, Perverse Incentives, Murat C. Mungan
Are Judges the Makers or Discoverers of the Law?: Theories of Adjudication and Stare Decisis withSpecial Reference to Case Law in Pakistan, Muhammad Munir Dr
Reforms in triple talaq in the personal laws of Muslim states and the Pakistani legal system: Continuity verses change, Muhammad Munir Dr.
Three or One talaq? An Analysis of some fresh fatwas on the legal effect of three talaq in one Session in Pakistan and India, Muhammad Munir Dr
Triple Talaq in one Session: An Analysis of the Opinions of Classical, Medieval, and Modern Muslim Jurists under Islamic Law, Muhammad Munir Dr
Chile es una republica democratica, Fernando Muñoz
Ciudadania Laboral, Fernando Muñoz
Epistemología de la techne: a propósito del fraude informático, Fernando Muñoz
¿Es punible la parodia a través de Twitter?, Fernando Muñoz
No a "separados pero iguales en Chile": Un análisis del derecho antidiscriminación chileno a partir de su primera sentencia, Fernando Muñoz
Not Only ‘Who Decides’: The Rhetoric of Conflicts over Judicial Appointments, Fernando Muñoz
Sullivan's Paradox: The Emergence of Judicial Standards of Journalism, Brian Murchison
Anonymous Speech on the Internet, Brian C. Murchison
Interpretation and Interdependence: How Judges Use the Avoidance Canon in Separation of Powers Cases, Brian C. Murchison
Law, Belief, and Bildung: The Education of Harry Edwards, Brian C. Murchison