The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Predicting Secure Detention Placement for African-American Juvenile Offenders: Addressing the Disproportionate Minority Confinement Problem, Christopher A. Mallett and Patricia A. Stoddard Dare
Predicting Juvenile Delinquency: The Nexus Of Childhood Maltreatment, Depression And Bipolar Disorder, Christopher A. Mallett, Patricia A. Stoddard Dare, and Mamadou M. Seck
33. Disclosing adult wrongdoing: Maltreated and non-maltreated children’s expectations and preferences., Lindsay C. Malloy, Jodi A. Quas, Thomas D. Lyon, and Elizabeth C. Ahern
On Keeping Pigs Out of the Parlor: Speech as Public Nuisance after FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, Earl M. Maltz and L. Lynn Hogue
The Health Insurance Mandate - a Tax or a Taking, Karl Manheim
The Consequences of Abortion Restrictions for Women's Healthcare, Maya Manian
Session 5, Maya Manian, Lynne Marie Kohm, Robin Wilson, and James Mahon
A Tale of One CALI Lesson: Librarians Share a New Approach, Terrance K. Manion and Ronald E. Wheeler
Copyright and Trademark Legal Research, Terrance K. Manion and Colleen C. Williams
Subchapter S: Vive La Difference, Roberta F. Mann
The future of consumer data protection in the E.U. Rethinking the “notice and consent” paradigm in the new era of predictive analytics, Alessandro Mantelero
Enforcing the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), Jonathan A. Marcantel
Regional Governments and Coastal Zone Management in Louisiana, Kathleen W. Marcel and Joseph T. Bockrath
Why We Teach Law Students to Mediate, Kathleen W. Marcel and Patrick Wiseman
Deeply Rooted Principles of Equal Liberty, Not 'Argle Bargle': The Inevitability of Marriage Equality After Windsor, Nancy C. Marcus
2014 Bill of Rights Journal Symposium: Atkins on the Ground, Paul Marcus, Jeffrey Bellin, Caroline Everington, Marc Tassé, and John H. Blume
2014 Bill of Rights Journal Symposium: Lunch with Diana Holt and Edward Lee Elmore, Paul Marcus, John H. Blume, Diana Holt, and Edward Lee Elmore
2014 Bill of Rights Journal Symposium: The Road To and From Atkins v. Virginia, Paul Marcus, John H. Blume, Mark E. Olive, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Jordan Steiker
2014 Bill of Rights Journal Symposium: The Road To and From Atkins v. Virginia, Paul Marcus, John H. Blume, Mark E. Olive, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Jordan Steiker
The Bitter Pill of Empiricism: Health Maintenance Organizations, Informed Consent and the Reasonable Psychotherapist Standard of Care, Geoffrey R. Marczyk and Ellen Wertheimer
Jurors and Juries, Nancy S. Marder
Jurors and Social Media: Is a Fair Trial Still Possible?, Nancy S. Marder
División de sociedades y sucesión universal, Marcelo Mardones
Fusión internacional de sociedades anónimas en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno, Marcelo Mardones
Los Centros de Despacho Económico de Carga como entidades que ejercen potestades públicas, Marcelo Mardones
Reglamento de Seguridad Minera e Hidrocarburos, Marcelo Mardones
Bridging the Gap Between Intent and Status: A New Framework for Modern Parentage, yehezkel Margalit
In Defense of Surrogacy Agreements: A Modern Contract Law Perspective, Yehezkel Margalit
Are Cryptocurrencies 'Super' Tax Havens?, Omri Y. Marian
Meaningless Comparisons: Corporate Tax Reform Discourse in the United States, Omri Y. Marian
The Discursive Failure in Comparative Tax Law, Omri Y. Marian
The Tension Between Normativity and Plurality in Religious Dogmas and in Constitutional Principles, Vinicius Pintas Marinho
Foreword, Daniel Marino, Lawrence Singer, Megan Bess, and John Blum
High Speed Trading on Stock and Commodity Markets— From Courier Pigeons to Computers, Jerry W. Markham
Competitechs: una mirada a algunos aspectos de libre competencia en mercados de tecnología, Críspulo Marmolejo
Immigrants Unshackled: The Unconstitutional Use of Indiscriminate Restraints, Fatma E. Marouf
Infusing the Meaning of “Cruel and Unusual” Through the Digital Public Sphere: How the Internet Can Change the Debate on the Morality of Capital Punishment, Adam A. Marshall
Florida's Downtowns: The Key to Smart Growth, Urban Revitalization, and Green Space Preservation, John Travis Marshall
Note, The Property Rights Movement and Historic Preservation in Florida: The Impact of the Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property Protection Act, John Travis Marshall
Rebuilding the American City: Bonds of Friendship as Bricks and Mortar, John Travis Marshall
Weathering NEPA Review: Superstorms and Super Slow Urban Recovery, John Travis Marshall
Urban Wreckage and Resiliency: Articulating a Practical Framework for Preserving, Reconstructing, and Building Cities, John Travis Marshall and Ryan Rowberry
Urban Wreckage and Resiliency: Articulating a Practical Framework for Preserving, Reconstructing, and Building Cities, John Travis Marshall and Ryan Rowberry
The Median Justice on the United States Supreme Court, Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Lee Epstein
Federalism and Municipal Innovation: Lessons from the Fight Against Vacant Properties, Benton C. Martin
5 Things To Do Before You Start A New Job, Charles H. Martin
Cash from Chaos: Sound Recording Authorship, Section 203 Recapture Rights and a New Wave of Termination, Hector Martinez
Clase sobre Propiedad Intelectual, Derecho de la Competencia y Telecomunicaciones, Gabriel Martinez Medrano
G. Delledonne, G. Martinico, P. Popelier (Eds), Re-Exploring Subnational Constitutionalism, Special Issue. Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 6, Issue, 2014, Giuseppe Martinico, Giacomo Delledonne, and Patricia Popelier
What Remains of Vicarious Jurisdiction for Establishing General Jurisdiction over Corporate Defendants After DaimlerAG v. Bauman, Keri M. Martin
¿Cómo la Suprema Corte hizo de la consulta popular letra muerta?, Javier Martín Reyes
Participación ciudadana en serio. Reformas constitucionales y consultas populares, Javier Martín Reyes
"Converting" the Future of Public Academic Law Libraries, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice
What Legal Apps Can Do For You, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice
What MORE Legal Apps Can Do For You, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice
Inventing the New Classroom, Jennifer R. Mart-Rice, Debra Denslaw, Susan Boland, and Jesse Bowman
Tax Management Estates, Gifts, And Trusts Portfolios, Elena Marty-Nelson
Emblem of Folk Legality: Semiotic Prosecution and the American Bald Eagle, Sarah Marusek
Visual Jurisprudence of the American Yellow Traffic Light, Sarah Marusek
Visual Semiotics of the Spaces We Inhabit: Preface, Sarah Marusek
Crop Insurance Fraud and Misrepresentations: Contemporary Issues and Possible Remedies, Chad G. Marzen
Law, Popular Legal Culture, and the Case of Kansas, 1854-1856, Chad G. Marzen
Public Policy Considerations Concerning Insurance Bad Faith and Residual Market Mechanisms, Chad G. Marzen
Making Civility Democratic, Amy R. Mashburn
The Civil Rights Legacy of Fr. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Jennifer Mason McAward
The Confident Court, Jennifer Mason McAward
Disability Matters: Toward a Law School Clinical Model for Serving Youth with Special Education Needs, Patricia A. Massey and Stephen A. Rosenbaum
The Orderly Liquidation Authority: Fanatical or Familiar? Idealistic or Unrealistic?, Stephanie P. Massman
Librarians, Legal Research, and Classroom iPads—A Winning Combination, Alex Berrio Matamoros and Mary Ann Neary
Jurisprudenta in materia concurentei. Obligatia de a solicita o hotarare preliminara., Emanuela A. Matei
The Donau Chemie Case: Access To File As A Guarantee Of Access To Justice In Cross-Border Litigation, Emanuela A. Matei
The Second Decentralisation of Competition Law — A Must for an Orderly Administration of Justice in the EU, Emanuela A. Matei and Valentin Mircea
Elite Institutionalism and Judicial Assertiveness in the Supreme Court of India, Manoj Mate
High Courts and Election Law Reform in the United States and India, Manoj Mate
State Constitutions and the Basic Structure Doctrine, Manoj Mate
Rebooting the Discourse on Causation in Criminal Law: A Pragmatic (and Imperfect) Approach, Michele C. Materni
SYNESTHESIA: The Phenomenon and its Presentation in Torts and Criminal Justice, Naira Matevosyan
Court-visited Surgical Errors: A Guide to Forensic Testimony, Naira R. Matevosyan
Court-visited Erroneous Diagnoses and Surgeries of Parathyroids, Naira Roland Matevosyan
Matevosyan NR. Court orders on procreation, Naira Roland Matevosyan
Matevosyan NR. Court Orders on Procreation, Naira Roland Matevosyan
PROCREATIVE LIBERTY: Revisiting Obiter Dicta and Holdings on Compulsory Sterilization or Pregnancy Termination from 1913 to 2013, Naira Roland Matevosyan
L'acqua e il suo diritto, di Ugo Mattei (Autore), Alessandra Quarta, Ugo Mattei
Senza proprietá non c’é libertà. Falso!, Ugo Mattei
Economia digitale e sviluppo rurale: le reti a banda larga in Italia, tra intervento pubblico e privato, Nicola Matteucci
La banda larga del Veneto: stato, orientamenti e politiche, Nicola Matteucci
L’investimento nelle reti NGA a larga banda: la 'questione settentrionale', Nicola Matteucci
Selling rewards schemes for your personal details as Coles reveal privacy policy, Jordan Matthews and Katina Michael
Forum over Substance: Order from Chaos in Regulatory Takings Jurisprudence, Basil Mattingly
Re-Establishment of Bankruptcy Review of Oppressive Foreclosure Sales: The Interaction of Avoidance Powers as Applied to Creditors Bid-Ins, Basil Mattingly
Sale of Property of the Estate Free and Clear of Restrictions and Covenants in Bankruptcy, Basil Mattingly