About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

Rules of Statutory Construction for Biblical and American Laws-A Comparative Analysis, Donna Litman


Paracopyright: A Peculiar Right to Control Access, Joseph P. Liu

Conflict-of-Interest Policies for Investigators in Clinical Trials, Bernard Lo, Leslie E. Wolf, and Abiona Berkeley

Ethical Issues in Early Detection of HIV Infection to Reduce Vertical Transmission, Bernard Lo, Leslie E. Wolf, and Sohini Sengupta

Abolishing State Trademark Registrations, Lee Ann Lockridge

Honoring International Obligations in U.S. Trademark Law: How the Lanham Act Protects Well-Known Foreign Marks (and why the Second Circuit was Wrong), Lee Ann Lockridge

Intellectual Property in Outer Space: International Law, National Jurisdiction, and Exclusive Rights in Geospatial Data and Databases, Lee Ann Lockridge

The Myth of Copyright's Fair Use Doctrine as a Protector of Free Speech, Lee Ann Lockridge

When is a Use in Commerce a Noncommercial Use?, Lee Ann Lockridge

Justifications for the First Sale / Exhaustion Doctrine, Lee Ann Lockridge, Vince Chiappetta, Anne Layne-Farrar, Rahul Telang, and Molly Shaffer


Influence of Involvement and Cognitive Ability on College Retention, Jonathan Locust Jr. and Oscar T. McKnight

Corporate Governance in Banks - the EU and the US' responses to the financial crisis, Mette W. Loefquist Mrs


When Free Exercise Is A Burden: Protecting "Third Parties" In Religious Accommodation Law, Kara Loewentheil

Child Pornography and the Restitution Revolution, Cortney E. Lollar

A Case of Abortion in India, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Culture and Controversy, Paul A. Lombardo

A Century of Eugenics in America: From the Indiana Experiment to the Human Genome Era, Paul A. Lombardo

A Matter of Days, Paul A. Lombardo

Amending the Virginia Transplant Law: Consent and 'Donations' From The Dead, Paul A. Lombardo

An Argument for Limiting the Ability of Proxies to Consent to Participation in Medical Research for Incapacitated Patients, Paul A. Lombardo

Bioethics on the Subcontinent: The Sindh Institute in Karachi, Paul A. Lombardo

BioLaw - A Legal and Ethical Reporter on Medicine, Health Care, and Bioengineering, Paul A. Lombardo

Buck v. Bell, Paul A. Lombardo

Carrie Buck's Pedigree, Paul A. Lombardo

Case #22, Paul A. Lombardo

Case Discussion: Comments from a Lawyer/Ethicist, Paul A. Lombardo

Cloning, Paul A. Lombardo

Contributor, Testosterone and Aging: Clinical Research Directions, Paul A. Lombardo

Crime/Genetics Conference Rekindles Controversy over Genetic Determinism, Paul A. Lombardo

Kansas v. Hendricks & Civil Commitment of Sexual Predators: Bad Medicine, Bad Policy, Paul A. Lombardo

Eugenic Laws Against Race Mixing, Paul A. Lombardo

Eugenic Laws Restricting Immigration, Paul A. Lombardo

Eugenics, Paul A. Lombardo

Eugenics: Lessons from a History Hiding in Plain Sight, Paul A. Lombardo

Eugenic Sterilization in Virginia: Aubrey Strode and the Case of Buck v. Bell, Paul A. Lombardo

Familiar Battles for Bioethics: Facing off over Transplantation, Paul A. Lombardo

Family Ties and Due Process: Supreme Court to Review Kentucky's Law for Committing Mentally Retarded Adults, Paul A. Lombardo

Fletcher's Introduction to Clinical Ethics, Paul A. Lombardo

Genetic Confidentiality: What's the Big Secret?, Paul A. Lombardo

Genetic Engineering, Paul A. Lombardo

Health Care Confidentiality: Current Virginia Law and a Proposal for Legislation, Paul A. Lombardo

Historical Development and Practice of Eugenics, Paul A. Lombardo

Historic Echoes: Romantic Emphasis in Tocqueville's Democracy in America, Paul A. Lombardo

Human Sterilization, Paul A. Lombardo

In Memoriam: John C. Fletcher (1931-2004), Paul A. Lombardo

Introduction: Looking Back at Eugenics, Paul A. Lombardo

Introduction to Clinical Ethics, Paul A. Lombardo

Involuntary Sterilization, Paul A. Lombardo

Involuntary Sterilization in Virginia: From Buck v. Bell to Poe v. Lynchburg, Paul A. Lombardo

Libido and the Law: Posner's Sex Education for Judges, Paul A. Lombardo

Medicine, Eugenics and the Supreme Court: From Coercive Sterilization to Reproductive Freedom, Paul A. Lombardo

Medicine, Eugenics and the Supreme Court: From Coercive Sterilization to Reproductive Freedom, Paul A. Lombardo

Medicine, Eugenics, and the Supreme Court: From Coercive Sterilization to Reproductive Freedom, Paul A. Lombardo

Miscegenation, Eugenics, and Racism: Historical Footnotes to Loving v. Virginia, Paul A. Lombardo

New Faces on the IRB: Who Speaks for Subjects?, Paul A. Lombardo

New Federal Nondiscrimination Regulations Define 'Qualified Handicapped Person', Paul A. Lombardo

New Virginia Medical Records Law Helps Physicians and Patients, Paul A. Lombardo

"Of Utmost National Urgency": The Lynchburg Hepatitis Study, 1942, Paul A. Lombardo

Pedigrees, Propaganda, Paranoia: Family Studies in a Historical Context, Paul A. Lombardo

Pioneer's Big Lie, Paul A. Lombardo

Public Health or AIDS Hysteria?: Helms's Proposal, Paul A. Lombardo

Reflections on a Visit to Karachi: A Small World, After All, Paul A. Lombardo

Settlement of Poe v. Lynchburg Ends Sterilization Era, Paul A. Lombardo

Substance Abuse Treatment Records: A Special Corner of Medical Privacy, Paul A. Lombardo

Taking Eugenics Seriously: Three Generations of ??? are Enough?, Paul A. Lombardo

Taking Eugenics Seriously: Three Generations of ??? Are Enough?, Paul A. Lombardo

Taking Eugenics Seriously: Three Generations of ??? Are Enough?, Paul A. Lombardo

"The American Breed": Nazi Eugenics and the Origin of the Pioneer Fund, Paul A. Lombardo

The Ethics of Controlling Reproduction in a Population with Mental Disabilities, Paul A. Lombardo

The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Partners in Innovation, Paul A. Lombardo

The Great Chain of Being and the Limits to the Machiavellian Cosmos, Paul A. Lombardo

The History of Ethics in Innovative Surgery: A Few Stories, Many Questions, Paul A. Lombardo

The Newest Federal Privilege: Jaffee v. Redmond and the Protection of Psychotherapeutic Confidentiality, Paul A. Lombardo

The Tuskegee Study, Paul A. Lombardo

The Virginia Health Records Privacy Act of 1997, Paul A. Lombardo

Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell, Paul A. Lombardo

Three Generations, No Imbeciles: New Light on Buck v. Bell, Paul A. Lombardo

Turning Back the Clock on Sexual Abuse of Children: Amending Virginia's Statute of Limitations, Paul A. Lombardo

Two Faces of Henry Adams: The 'Education' and the Letters, Paul A. Lombardo

Virginia Supreme Court Endorses Medical Confidentiality Claim, Paul A. Lombardo

Vita Activa Versus Vita Contemplativa in Petrarch and Salutati, Paul A. Lombardo

Swimming Upstream: Regulating Genetically Modified Salmon, Paul A. Lombardo and Ann Bostrom

Genetic Testing, Paul A. Lombardo and Stephen Trombley


Please Provide the Entire Electronic Medical Record, Jonathan H. Lomurro Esq. LLM


Litigation Technology for the Modern Practitioner, Jonathan H. Lomurro Esq. LLM, Christopher T. Campbell Esq, Matthew K. Blaine Esq, Stephanie L. Lomurro Esq, and Christina V. Harvey Esq


A Second Chance for Innovation--Foreign Inspiration for the Revised Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, Melissa T. Lonegrass

Convergence in Contort: Landlord Liability for Defective Premises in Comparative Perspective, Melissa T. Lonegrass

Louisiana Obligations II: Sale and Lease: Cases and Readings, Melissa T. Lonegrass

State v. Chauvin: Determining the Admissibility of a Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome Diagnosis as Substantive Evidence of Sexual Abuse, Melissa T. Lonegrass


The Anomalous Interaction Between Code and Statute--Lessor's Warranty and Statutory Waiver, Melissa T. Lonegrass

Successions, Donations & Trusts: Cases and Readings, Melissa T. Lonegrass, Cynthia A. Samuel, Ronald J. Scalise Jr., and Katherine S. Spaht


Access to Information a Hot Topic in International IP Protection for 2014, Doris E. Long

Be Careful What You Wish For: When Trademarks Become 'Investment' Properties, Doris E. Long

Branding the Land : Creating Global Meanings for Local Characteristics, Doris E. Long


Companies Need Closer Look at Personal Devices to Protect Secrets, Doris E. Long


Europe’s Unitary Patents May Cut U.S. Inventors’ Protection Costs, Doris E. Long


Fame Remains Fleeting for Well-Known Marks Internationally, Doris E. Long


Game on: Biotech Gene Patents Find Renewed Life in Australia, Doris E. Long

Intellectual Property – Minefields for the general practitioner when working internationally, Doris E. Long

International Developments: Minefields and Opportunities for 2014, Doris E. Long


International Rules on Origin Source for Biotech Patents Grow Tougher, Doris E. Long