The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
2014 Planetizen blog posts, Michael Lewyn
How Environmental Review Can Generate Car-Induced Pollution: A Case Study, Michael Lewyn
How Real Is Gentrification?, Michael Lewyn
How to Make America Walkable, Michael Lewyn
Learning from Detroit, Michael Lewyn
Sprawl And The Law, Michael Lewyn
Suburban Sprawl: Weaker but Still Alive, Michael Lewyn
The (Somewhat) False Hope of Comprehensive Planning, Michael Lewyn
Rethinking the Tort Liability System and Patient Safety: From the Conventional Wisdom to Learning from Litigation, Chih-Ming Liang
Analysis of Legal Hurdles to Issuing Catastrophe Bonds in China, Tao (Tim) LIANG
China's Agricultural Insurance is Catching Up, Tao (Tim) LIANG
Financial Reforms in Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Tao (Tim) LIANG
Internet Transforms Finance - Understanding Regulation of Online Insurance Business in China, Tao (Tim) LIANG
Legal Issues Concerning EU Unilateral Aviation ETS: A China Perspective, wenqiong liang
Legal Issues Concerning EU Unilateral Aviation ETS: A China Perspective, wenqiong liang
The Necessity of Expanding Protection from Retaliation for Employees Who Complain About Hostile Environment Harassment, Ernest F. Lidge III
Brandenburg and the United States' War on Incitement Abroad: Defending a Double Standard, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Defensor Fidei: The Travails of a Post-Realist Formalist, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Incendiary Speech and Social Media, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Intrusion and the Investigative Reporter, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Prying, Spying, and Lying: Intrusive Newsgathering and What the Law Should Do About It, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
Silencing John Doe: Defamation & Discourse in Cyberspace, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
The Reasonable Woman and the "Warrior Code", Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
How Not to Criminalize Cyberbullying, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky and Andrea Garcia
Medium-Specific Regulation of Attorney Advertising: A Critique, Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky and Tera Jckowski Peterson
An Observational Descriptive Study of IRB Decision Making, Charles W. Lidz, Philip J. Candilis, Kenneth L. Appelbaum, Robert M. Arnold, Albert J. Grudzinskas Jr., Suzanne Garverich, Kim Smith, Tara Zandi, Antonia Seligowski, William Gardner, John Grillo, and Lorna J. Simon
Bentham’s Jurisprudence and Democratic Theory: An Alternative to Hart’s Approach, David Lieberman
Institutions of Learning or Havens for Illegal Activities: How the Supreme Court Views Libraries, 25 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 1 (2004), Raizel Liebler
Google Analytics: Analyzing the Latest Wave of Legal Concerns for Google in the U.S. and the E.U., 7 Buff. Intell. Prop. L.J. 135 (2010), Raizel Liebler and Keidra Chaney
Here We Are Now, Entertain Us: Defining The Line Between Personal and Professional Context on Social Media, Raizel Liebler and Keidra Chaney
Something Rotten in the State of Legal Citation: The Life Span of a United States Supreme Court Citation Containing an Internet Link (1996-2010), 15 Yale J.L. & Tech. 273 (2013), Raizel Liebler and June Liebert
L'imposition duale: après le secret bancaire, la fin du gain en capital?, Fabien LIEGEOIS
Extending the European Debt Discussion to Broader International Governance, Odette Lienau
Legitimacy and Impartiality in a Sovereign Debt Workout Mechanism, Odette Lienau
Who is the "Sovereign" in Sovereign Debt?: Reinterpreting a Rule-of-Law Framework from the Early Twentieth Century, Odette Lienau
Panel Discussion, Cynthia Lifson, Ellen Hare, Margaret Johnson, and Leigh Goodmark
SARA's State Procedural Reform: Reading CTS v. Waldburger through Canons of Statutory Interpretation, Alfred R. Light
Establishing an Island of Patent Sanity, Oskar Liivak
Finding Invention, Oskar Liivak
Maintaining Competition in Copying: Narrowing the Scope of Gene Patents, Oskar Liivak
Maturing Patent Theory from Industrial Policy to Intellectual Property, Oskar Liivak
Rethinking the Concept of Exclusion in Patent Law, Oskar Liivak
The Forgotten Originality Requirement: A Constitutional Hurdle for Gene Patents, Oskar Liivak
The Right Not to Use in Property and Patent Law, Oskar Liivak and Eduardo M. Peñalver
The Right Not to Use in Property and Patent Law, Oskar Liivak and Eduardo M. Peñalver
The Time Has Not Yet Come to Repair the World in the Kingdom of God: Israeli Lawyers and the Failed Jewish Legal Revolution of 1948, Assaf Likhovski
Reforma a la justicia penal juvenil y adolescentes privados de libertad en Chile: Aportes empíricos para el debate, Ricardo Lillo and Maximo Langer
Las Unidades de Justicia Vecinal en Chile y sus modelos en la experiencia de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Ricardo Lillo and Cristian Riego
China Mulls over Joining the TPP, Chin Leng Lim
Foreign Sovereign Counterparties to Hong Kong Contracts, Chin Leng Lim
Injuncting Foreign Sovereigns in Aid of Arbitration, Chin Leng Lim
Rare Earths, China and the WTO, Chin Leng Lim
The Wages of Belonging: Rare Earths from China, and the Return of GATT À LA CARTE, Chin Leng Lim and J. H. Senduk
Public Domain(s): Law, Generating Knowledge, and Furthering Innovation in the Information Economy, Daryl Lim
Self-replicating Technologies and the Challenge for the Patent and Antitrust Laws, Daryl Lim
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: A Patent Cemetery? Law Abider? Or Both?, Daryl Lim
Communication Technology and Social Change: Theory and Implications, Carol A. Lin, David J. Atkin, and Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
Business Models at Crossroads: A Tale of Two Recent Commercial Mergers in Taiwan and Its Lessons, Chien-Chung Lin
U.S. Insider Trading Law Enforcement: Survey of SEC Actions from 2009 to 2012 and Related Issues, Chien-Chung Lin
U.S. Insider Trading Law Enforcement: Survey of SEC Actions from 2009 to 2013 and Issues, Chien-Chung Lin and Eric Hung
Food Law & Policy: The Fertile Field's Origins & First Decade, Baylen J. Linnekin and Emily Broad Leib
Modeling Domestic Politics in International Law Scholarship, Katerina Linos and Jerome Hsiang
What Happens When Soft Law Hardens? National Human Rights Institutions and the International Human Rights System, Katerina Linos and Thomas Pegram
Broadcast and Internet Indecency: Defining Free Speech, Jeremy Lipschultz
Benefits of Courtroom Cameras Outweigh Costs, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
Broadcast Indecency: F.C.C. Regulation and the First Amendment, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
Free Expression in the Age of the Internet: Social and Legal Boundaries, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
The Influence of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Broadcast Indecency Policy, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
The Nonreader Problem: A Closer Look at Avoiding the Newspaper, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
Vague and Outdated FCC Indecency Policy Must be Altered, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz
AARP and the Politics of the Obama Election: "Tough Times, Tough Choices", Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Broadcast Managers and the Tolerance for Sexual Harassment Inventory, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Crime and Local Television News: Dramatic, Breaking, and Live from the Scene, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Deciding Local TV News: Perceptions of Late Evening News Producers, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Editors’ Note: Defining Media and Information Literacy Amid Change, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Editors’ Note: Media and Information Literacy in Theory and Practice, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Editors’ Note: SIMILE Progress Report, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Editors’ Note: The Expansion of the Media Literacy Research Agenda, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Editors’ Note: The Need for Media and Information Literacy in Graduate Education, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Election 2000: AARP Portrayals of Presidential Candidates and Issues, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
First Amendment vs. Business Orientations of Broadcast General Managers and News Directors, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Graduate Program Assessment of Student Satisfaction: A Method for Merging University and Department Outcomes, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Local Television Coverage of a Mall Shooting: Separating Facts From Fiction in Breaking News, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Local TV News and the Death Penalty: Social Construction of a Nebraska Execution, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Mass Media and the Death Penalty: Social Construction of Three Nebraska Executions, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Media & Information Literacy Theory and Research: Thoughts from the Co-editors, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Predicting Newspaper Readership on the Campus Community, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Public Radio Listener Data Analysis: Mass Communication Research Course Student Projects, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Race and Local Television News Crime Coverage, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Radio General Managers and News Directors in the United States: A Descriptive Analysis, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
Research Note: International Issues in Media and Information Literacy, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt
A Methodological Note on Mail Survey Response Rates, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz, Michael L. Hilt, and Christine Renee Mixan
Nebraska Immigration: Deliberative Polling and Civic Engagement on Broadcast and New Media Coverage, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz, Michael L. Hilt, David C. Ogden, and Hugh J. Reilly
Organizing the Baby Boomer Construct: An Exploration of Marketing, Social Systems, and Culture, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz, Michael L. Hilt, and Hugh J. Reilly
Classic American Semi Trucks, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz and Stan Holzman
Against Regulatory Displacement: An Institutional Analysis of Financial Crises, Jonathan C. Lipson