About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

The Shift From Power to Process: A Functional Approach to Foreclosure Law, Basil H. Mattingly


Barns delaktighet i forskning. Särskilt om informationskravet, Titti Mattsson


Delaktighet i vård, omsorg och forskning - barns beslutsförmåga i relation till ålder, mognad och hälsa, Titti Mattsson


Patient safety at odds with patient privacy? The case of national and regional quality registries for incapacitated elderly in Sweden, Titti Mattsson

Information society perspectives on choice of law and jurisdiction – party autonomy in transition, Ulf Maunsbach

Evaluation of Vancomycin Dosing and Corresponding Drug Concentrations in Pediatric Patients, Lauren Maurer PharmD and Jenny Boucher PharmD, BCPS, EJD

Copying Material in Educational Institutions: Plagiarism and the Copyright Act,, Ralph Mawdsley

Fair Use and the Copyright Act, Ralph Mawdsley

Feliability of Student Informants and Strip Searches, Ralph Mawdsley

Free Speech and Procedural Due Process Rights for Private Members of State Athletic Associations: The Supreme Court Speaks in Brentwood Academy II, Ralph Mawdsley

Funding Student Organizations in Colleges and Universities: An Examination of Constitutional Requirements, Ralph Mawdsley

Garcetti v. Ceballos: Balancing Employee Free Speech with Efficient Operation of Schools in the United States of America, Ralph Mawdsley

Noncustodial Parents' Right to Direct the Education of their Children, Ralph Mawdsley

Parent Liability for the Intentional Tortious Acts of their Children: A U.S. Perspective, Ralph Mawdsley

Parent Liability for the Intentional Tortious Acts of Their Children Under Common Law Neglegance Theories and Parental Responsibility Statutes, Ralph Mawdsley

Parents’ Right to Direct Their Children’s Education: Examining the Interests of the Parents, the Schools, and the Students, Ralph Mawdsley

School Board Control Over Education and a Teacher's Right to Privacy, Ralph Mawdsley

Section 1981 and Private Schools: The Ninth Circuit Revisits Race-Conscious Admissions Policies, Ralph Mawdsley

Sherman Act Antitrust Liability and State Athletic Associations, Ralph Mawdsley

Solicitation of Personal Messages for Display on Public School Premises: What are the First Amendment Considerations?, Ralph Mawdsley

The United States Federal Judiciary: Its Structure and Jurisdiction, Ralph Mawdsley

High Stakes Testing and the Demand for School District Accountability: A Dilemma for Special Education Students in the United States and Australia, Ralph Mawdsley and J. Joy Cumming

The Origins and Development of Education Law as a Separate Field of Law in the United States and Australia, Ralph Mawdsley and J. Joy Cumming

Educational Malpractice and Setting Damages for Ineffective Teaching: A Comparison of Legal Principles in the U.S. A., England and Australia, Ralph Mawdsley and Joy Cumming

Student Searches in Australia: A Consideration of Roles, Responsibilities and Rights of Students, School Staff and Police, Ralph Mawdsley and Joy Cumming

Academic Misconduct : Cheating and Plagiarism, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Access to Public School Facilities for Religious Expression by Students, Student Groups and Community Organizations: Extending the Reach of the Free Speech Clause, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Applying the Forest Grove Balancing Test to Parent Reimbursement for Placement in Residential Medical Facilities, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Charter Schools and Charter School Officials: Have States Adequately Defined the Status and Responsibilities of These Schools, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Charter Schools and the Law: Current Issues in U.S. Courts and Legislatures, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Diminished Rights of Parents to Seek Reimbursement Under the IDEA for Unilateral Placement of Their Children in Private Schools, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Diminished Teacher Free Expression in the Classroom in US Schools, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Diversity, Affirmative Action and Higher Education, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Employment, Sexual Orientation and Religious Beliefs: Do Religious Educational Institutions have a Protected Right to Discriminate in the Selection and Discharge of Employees?, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Employment, Sexual Orientation, and Religious Beliefs: Do Religious Educational Institutions Have a Protected Right to Discriminate in the Selection and Discharge of Employees?, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Garcetti v. Ceballos and Classroom Instruction: The Sixth Circuit Creates Diminished Free Speech Protection for ClassroomTeachers, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Language and Culture Restrictions in K-12 Nonpublic Schools: Exploring the Reach of Federal Nondiscrimination Law, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Legal Problems of Religious and Private Schools, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Legal Problems of Religious and Private Schools, Fifth Edition., Ralph D. Mawdsley

Legal Problems of Religious and Private Schools, Fourth Edition, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Legal Problems of Religious and Private Schools, Second Edition, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Legal Problems of Religious and Private Schools. Sixth Edition., Ralph D. Mawdsley

One Minute of Required Silence in Texas Classrooms: The Fifth Circuit Upholds the State's Moment of Silence Amendments, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Parental Right to Direct the Education of Their Children in the U.S.: What About the Rights of Children, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Post-Forest Grove Parental Reimbursement for Private School Placements: What about the Parents Who Cannot Afford the Cost of Such Placements?, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Pupil Transportation and the Law, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Random Drug Testing for Extracurricular Activites: Has the Supreme Court Opened Pandora's Box for Public Schools?, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Reimbursement for Parents’ Unilateral Placement of their Children in Private Schools in the Wake of Forest Grove, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Religious Viewpoint Discrimination in Public Elementary Schools: Lessons from the Fifth Circuit, Ralph D. Mawdsley

School District Liability for Bus-Related Student Injuries, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Standard of Care for Students with Disabilities: The Intersection of Liability Under the IDEA and Tort Theories, Ralph D. Mawdsley J.D., Ph.D.

Strip Searches and Governmental Immunity: Raising the Stakes for School Officials, Ralph D. Mawdsley

Student Allegations of Teacher Sexual Misconduct and A Teacher’s Right to Privacy: The U.S. Context, Ralph D. Mawdsley

The Changing Face of Parents' Rights, Ralph D. Mawdsley

The Equal Access Act and Public Schools: What are the Legal Issues Related to Recognizing Gay Student Groups?, Ralph D. Mawdsley

The Nationalization of Education in Australia and Annexation of Private Schooling to Public Goals, Ralph D. Mawdsley

The Supreme Court’s Reassessment of Parental Placement Under the IDEA: Forest Grove School District v. T.A., Ralph D. Mawdsley

The Tangled Web of Plagiarism Litigation: Sorting Out the Legal Issues, Ralph D. Mawdsley

The Use of Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNR) in School Settings, Ralph D. Mawdsley

The Best Interest of the Child: A United States and South African Perspective, Ralph D. Mawdsley, Johan Beckmann, and Charles J. Russo

Certification of Teachers, Pre-Service Teacher Education, Tests and Legal Issues in Australia and the United States of America: Part B, Implications for Queensland and Australia, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Joy Cumming

Establishment Clauses, Legislation and Private School Funding in the United States and Australia: Recent Trends, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Joy Cumming

Florida v. Harris: Is Your Search Dog’s Sniff “Up to Snuff?, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Joy Cumming

Language and Culture Restrictions and Discrimination in K-12 Schools: An Australian Perspective, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Joy Cumming

The Prevailing Voice in Choice of Schooling: The Balancing Rights of Parents, Children and the Courts, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Joy Cumming

U.S. Federal Discrimination Law and Language and Culture Restrictions in K-12 Private Schools, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Joy Cumming

Building a Nation: Religion and Values in the Public Schools of the U.S.A., Australia, and South Africa, Ralph D. Mawdsley, Joy Cumming, and Elda de Waal

Student/Learner Allegations of Teacher Sexual Misconduct: Teacher’s Right to Privacy and Due Process, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Elda de Waal

Furthering National Values Through Religion in Public School Education: Comparing the United States, South Africa, and Australia, Ralph D. Mawdsley, Elda de Waal, and Joy Cumming

Restricting public school teacher classroom speech in the United States, Ralph Mawdsley and Elda de Waal

Symbolism in education: A comparative legal analysis of symbolism, language and culture in the United States and South Africa, Ralph Mawdsley and Elda de Waal

School Nurses and Student Searches, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Vida B. Lock

Free Expression and Censorship : Public Policy and the Law, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Alice L. Mawdsley

Balancing Teacher Privacy with the Public's Right to Know: Bellevue John Does v. Bellevue School District No. 405 and Public Access to Reports of Teacher Sexual Misconduct, Ralph D. Mawdsley and James Mawdsley

Students, Websites, and Free Speech in the U.S., Ralph D. Mawdsley and James Mawdsley

Volunteering and the Federal Government Serve America Act, Ralph D. Mawdsley and James L. Mawdsley

Restraint of Students in Schools, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Allan Osborne

Strip Searches: What is Their Constitutional Viability After the Supreme Court’s Redding Decision, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Allan Osborne

Teachers as Role Models: Limitation on Their Use of Social Networking, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Allan Osborne

What Price Victory: A Unanimous Supreme Court Permits § 1983 Damages Claims for Constitutional and Title IX Violations, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Allan Osborne

Shout Hosanna: The Supreme Court Affirms the Free Exercise Clause’s Ministerial Exception, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Allan G. Osborne Jr.

When Does the Failure to Implement Terms of an IEP Result in the Denial of a FAPE?, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Allan G. Osborne Jr.

Research Methods for Studying Legal Issues in Education, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Steve Permuth

Constitutional Issues Surrounding Student Possession and use of Cell Phones in Schools, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo

Education Law, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo

Searches, Seizures and Drug Testing Procedures: Balancing Rights and School Safety, 1st Edition, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo

Searches, Seizures and Drug Testing Procedures: Balancing Rights and School Safety, Second Edition, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo

Vouchers and Religious Schools: Why Some Religious Schools May Refuse to Participate, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo

A Law Too Far? The Wisconsin Budget Repair Act: Counterpoint, Ralph D. Mawdsley, Charles J. Russo, and James Mawdsley

Students, Websites, and Freedom of Expression in the United States and South Africa, Ralph D. Mawdsley and Marius Smit

Special Education Law: Cases and Materials, 1st Edition, Ralph D. Mawdsley, Mark C. Weber, and Sarah Redfield

Special Education Law: Cases and Materials, 2nd Edition, Ralph D. Mawdsley, Mark C. Weber, and Sarah Redfield

Special Education Law : Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition, Ralph D. Mawdsley, Mark C. Weber, and Sarah Redfield

Special Education Law: Cases and Materials, 4th edition, Ralph D. Mawdsley, Mark C. Weber, Roslyn Z. Wolf, and Sarah Redfield

Religious Events in Public Schools: Celebration or Controversy?, Ralph Mawdsley and Charles Russo

Hostility Toward Religion and the Rise and Decline of Constitutionally Protected Religious Speech, Ralph Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo

Student Vaccinations: A Brief Pain That's Worth the Gain?, Ralph Mawdsley and Charles J. Russo

Decision Making by School Administrators in the United States and South Africa Using Two Different Standards: The Best Interest of the Child and the Right of Parents to Make Decisions for Their Children, Ralph Mawdsley, P.J. Hans Visser, and Steven B. Permuth

Teacher Assessment and Credentialling: The Role of the Federal Government in a State Function, Ralph Mawdsley and Paul Williams

Establishing an Indirect Liability System for Digital Copyright Infringement in China: Experience from the United States’ Approach, XIAO MA