The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Islam Enters America, L. Ali Khan
Islam Enters America, L. Ali Khan
Payment Systems: Prenotes, Cases, & Problems, L. Ali Khan
Rebuilding Muslim Nations, L. Ali Khan
Revealing the Truth Behind Law School Admissions, Shahabudeen K. Khan
The Threat Lives On: How To Exclude Expectant Mothers From Prosecution For Mere Exposure Of HIV To Their Fetuses And Infants, Shahabudeen K. Khan
The judge looked at the consolidation of law and the rights of criminal policy approach, Saeed kharadmandi, Ali Asghar Azami, and Kheyri Khazayi
The judge looked at the consolidation of law and the rights of criminal policy approach, Saeed kharadmandi, Ali Asghar Azami, and Kheyri Khazayi
Use common sense application of the law of general and specific, saeed -. kheradmandy, ali asghar azamy, and Kheiry Khazayi
The State as Religious Gatekeeper: Human Rights, Resistance and Indian Anti-Conversion Laws, Amar Khoday
The State as Religious Gatekeeper: Human Rights, Resistance and Indian Anti-Conversion Laws, Amar Khoday
Neither Savior Nor Bogeyman: What Waits Behind the Door of Third-Party Litigation Financing?, Jeremy Kidd
[Appendix on Drafting Motions], Shelley Kierstead
An International Bind: Article XXIV:12 of GATT and Canada, Shelley M. Kierstead
Parent Education Programs in Family Courts: Balancing Autonomy and State Intervention, Shelley M. Kierstead
Retroactive Child Support - A Tangle of Competing Interests, Shelley M. Kierstead
The Impact of NAFTA in the Private Law Context, Shelley M. Kierstead
Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Child Protection, Shelley M. Kierstead
A Preliminary Exploration of the Elements of Expert Performance in Legal Writing, Shelley M. Kierstead and Erika Abner
Learning Professionalism in Practice, Shelley M. Kierstead and Erika Abner
Text Work as Identity Work for Legal Writers: How Writing Texts Contribute to the Construction of a Professional Identity, Shelley M. Kierstead and Erika Abner
The Law Workbook: Developing Skills for Legal Research and Writing [2nd Edition], Shelley M. Kierstead, Sherifa Elkhadem, and Suzanne Gordon
Civil Codes and Consumers, 51 Loy. L. Rev. 11 (2005), Jason Kilborn
Civil Codes and Consumers, 51 Loy. L. Rev. 11 (2005), Jason Kilborn
Comparative Cause and Effect: Consumer Insolvency and the Eroding Social Safety Net, 14 Colum. J. Eur. L. 563 (2008), Jason Kilborn
Foundations of Forgiveness in Islamic Bankruptcy Law: Sources, Methodology, Diversity, 85 Am. Bankr. L.J. 323 (2011), Jason Kilborn
Mercy, Rehabilitation, and Quid Pro Quo: A Radical Reassessment of Individual Bankruptcy, 64 Ohio St. L.J. 855 (2003), Jason Kilborn
Securing Russia's Future: A Plea for Reform in Russian Secured Transactions Law, 95 Mich. L. Rev. 255 (1996), Jason Kilborn
Still Chasing Chimeras but Finally Slaying Some Dragons in the Quest for Consumer Bankruptcy Reform, 25 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 1 (2012), Jason Kilborn
Thou Canst Not Fly High with Borrowed Wings: Airline Finance and Bankruptcy Code Section 1110, 8 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 41 (1999), Jason Kilborn
Who's in Charge Here?: Putting Clients in Their Place, 37 Ga. L. Rev. 1 (2002), Jason Kilborn
Money Makes the World Go Round: A Discussion on International Insolvency Issues Today, Jason J. Kilborn
Reflections of the World Bank’s Report on the Treatment of the Insolvency of Natural Persons in the Newest Consumer Bankruptcy Laws: Colombia, Italy, Ireland, Jason J. Kilborn
Still Chasing Chimeras But Finally Slaying Some Dragons In the Quest for Consumer Bankruptcy Reform, Jason J. Kilborn
Still Chasing Chimeras But Finally Slaying Some Dragons In the Quest for Consumer Bankruptcy Reform, Jason J. Kilborn
The Innovative German Approach to Consumer Debt Relief: Revolutionary Changes in German Law, and Surprising Lessons for the United States, Jason J. Kilborn
Involuntary Bankruptcy As Debt Collection: Multi-Jurisdictional Lessons in Choosing the Right Tool for the Job, 87 Am. Bankr. L.J. 123 (2013), Jason Kilborn and Adrian Walters
New Perspectives on European Women’s Legal History, Sara L. Kimble and Marion Rowekamp
The Philosophical, Ethical, and Legal Challenges toward Biopolitics on the Commercializing Human Body Parts, Jongho Kim
Moderating Roles of Review Credibility and Author Popularity on Book Sales, Keehyung Kim, Xiao Ma, and Sung Kim
Trade Promotional Authority: Evaluating The Necessity of Congressional Oversight And Accountability, Margaret M. Kim
Internet Giants as Quasi-Governmental Actors and the Limits of Contractual Consent, Nancy Kim and D. A. Jeremy Telman
The Legacy of Institutionalized Gender Inequality in South Korea: The Family Law, Rosa Kim
You (Don’t) Look Marvelous: Considerations for Employers Regulating Employee Appearance, G. Roger King, Jeffrey D. Winchester, and David Sherwyn
Global Chorus: 365 Voices on the Future of the Planet, Matthew Wilburn King PhD
Should biodiversity offsets help finance underfunded Protected Areas?, Matthew Wilburn King PhD
Global Administrative Law and Deliberative Democracy, Benedict Kingsbury, Megan A. Donaldson, and Rodrigo Vallejo
Cost-Effective Juvenile Justice Reform: Lessons From The Just Beginning “Baby Elmo” Teen Parenting Program, Shani M. King, Rachel Barr, and Jennifer Woolard
Delegation, Immigration and Property Rights, Neil Kinkopf
Book Review, The Progressive Dilemma, Neil J. Kinkopf
Book Review, Unintended Consequences of Constitutional Amendment, Neil J. Kinkopf
Legislatively Directed Judicial Activism: Some Reflections on the Meaning of the Civil Justice Reform Act, 28 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 305 (1995), Matthew R. Kipp and Paul B. Lewis
Cold War Legacy and Continuing Temptation: Tactical Nuclear Weapons in International Humanitarian Law, Stefan Kirchner
Serrano in the Political Arena, David L. Kirp and Mark G. Yudof
Flying The Flag, Aaron S. Kirschenfeld
Constrained Choice: Mothers, the State, and Domestic Violence, Rona Kaufman Kitchen
Holistic Pregnancy: Rejecting the Theory of the Adversarial Mother, Rona Kaufman Kitchen
Congress Can Rewrite the Iran Deal, Orde F. Kittrie
New Sanctions for a New Century: Treasury's Innovative Use of Financial Sanctions, Orde F. Kittrie
The China-Iran Nuclear Pipeline, Orde F. Kittrie
What is the Big Fracking Deal?, Vanessa Klass
What's the Big Fracking Deal?, Vanessa Klass
What's the Big Fracking Deal?, Vanessa L. Klass
The National Labor Relations Act Is Not Just for Unionized Employers Anymore, Adam Klauser J.D., Paul Salvatore, and David Sherwyn J.D.
Shadal on Exodus: Samuel David Luzzatto's Interpretation of the Book of Shemot, Daniel A. Klein
Civil Rights in Crisis: The Racial Impact of the Denial of the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel, Richard Klein
Death Penalty and the Right to Counsel Decisions in the October 2005 Term, Richard Klein
"The Majestic Professor Barbara Swartz", Richard Klein, Howard Glickstein, Eileen Kaufman, Jeffrey B. Morris, Thomas Schweitzer, and April Schwartz
"The Majestic Professor Barbara Swartz", Richard Klein, Howard Glickstein, Eileen Kaufman, Jeffrey B. Morris, Thomas Schweitzer, and April Schwartz
“Determining Who is At-Risk for Bar Struggles and Creating Programming to Improve Success”, Jamie Kleppetsch
“Writing for the Practice of Law and the Bar”, Jamie Kleppetsch
A Critique of Libertarianism, Thomas Kleven
Is Capital Punishment Immoral Even If It Deters Murder, Thomas Kleven
On The Freedom To Associate or Not To Associate with Others, Thomas Kleven
The Democratic Right to Full Bilingual Education, Thomas Kleven
The Supreme Court, Race, and the Class Struggle, Thomas Kleven
Why International Law Favors Emigration Over Immigration, Thomas Kleven
Brown’s Lesson: To Integrate or Separate is Not the Question, But How to Achieve a Non-Racist Society, Thomas E. Kleven
On Becoming Charitable: Predicting and Encouraging Charitable Bequests in Wills, Kristine Knaplund
Religious Exemptions, Marriage Equality, and the Establishment of Religion, Nancy J. Knauer
ICGN Statement and Guidance on Anti-Corruption Practices, and Marjorie F. Knowles
Report of the Task Force of the ABA Section of Business Law Corporate Governance Committee on Delineation of Governance Roles and Responsibilities, Marjorie F. Knowles
A Framework for Understanding Property Regulation and Land Use Control from a Dynamic Perspective, Donald J. Kochan
Bubbles (Or, Some Reflections on the Basic Laws of Human Relations), Donald J. Kochan
Constituencies and Contemporaneousness in Reason-Giving: Thoughts and Direction After T-Mobile, Donald J. Kochan