About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Learning from the Law: Thinking about Divorce and Remarriage, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Mercy for the Remarried What the Church Can Learn from Civil Law, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Religion, Conscience and the Public Square: Thirty Years after Cuomo's Notre Dame Speech, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Toward a Fruitful Conversation: What Secular Law and Christian Ethics Can Say to Each Other, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Vigilante Injustice: The Right to Life & the Rule of Law, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Commanding Legality: The Juridification of Immigration Policymaking in France, Leila Kawar

Contesting Immigration Policy in Court: Legal Activism and Its Radiating Effects in the United States and France, Leila Kawar

Défendre la cause des étrangers en justice aux Etats-Unis, Leila Kawar

Finding a Place for Marginal Migrants in the International Human Rights System, Leila Kawar

Illegal Aliens, Leila Kawar

Juridical Framings of Immigrants in the United States and France: Courts, Social Movements, and Symbolic Politics, Leila Kawar

Legality and [Dis]membership: Removal of Citizenship and the Creation of ‘Virtual Immigrants', Leila Kawar

Legal Mobilization on the Terrain of the State: Immigrant Rights Practice in Two National Legal Fields, Leila Kawar

Making the Machine Work: Technocratic Engineering of Rights for Domestic Workers at the International Labour Organization, Leila Kawar

Plyler v Doe, Leila Kawar

Teaching and Practicing the Politics of Immigrant Rights in 'America's Whitest State', Leila Kawar

New Directions in Comparative Public Law, Leila Kawar and Mark Fathi Massoud

Statistics in the Jury Box: How Jurors Respond to Mitochondrial DNA Match Probabilities, David H. Kaye, Valerie P. Hans, B. Michael Dann, Erin J. Farley, and Stephanie Albertson

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Law Professor Extraordinaire, Herma Hill Kay


Section 179 Expensing and the Bonus Depreciation Allowance: Their application, history, costs, and benefits., Alice E. Keane


Holding Standards for RANDsome: A Remedial Perspective on RAND Licensing Commitments, Layne S. Keele

The Institutionalized Child's Claim to Special Education: A Federal Codification of the Right to Treatment, 56 U. Det. J. Urb. L. 337 (1979), Patrick A. Keenan and Celeste M. Hammond


The Problem of Purpose in International Criminal Law, Patrick J. Keenan


Balancing Testamentary Incapacity and Undue Influence: How to Handle Will Contests of Testators With Diminishing Capacity, Richard B. Keeton


Crime Victims and Offenders Face to Face: An Overview of the TDCJ Victim Offender Mediation/Dialogue, Richard B. Keeton


Guaranteed to Work or It's Free!: The Evolution of Student Loan Discharge in Bankruptcy and the Ninth Circuit's Ruling in Hedlund v. Educational Resources Institute, Inc., Richard B. Keeton

Seminar on Securities Law, , James A. Kegley, H. Alexander Campbell, Gary L. Stage, Ralston W. Steenrod, James C. Strode, Robert P. Ross, Gerald R. Martin, C. Christopher Trower, Willburt D. Ham, Ronda S. Paul, Rodger A. Marting, Oscar N. Persons, Francesca Marciniak, O. Wayne Davis, and Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.

From Conquest to Consent: Puerto Rico and the Prospect of Genuine Free Association, Chimene I. Keitner

Functional Immunity of State Officials Before the International Law Commission, Chimene I. Keitner

Horizontal Enforcement and the ILC’s Proposed Draft Articles on the Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction, Chimene I. Keitner

Prosecute, Sue, or Deport? Transnational Accountability in International Law, Chimene I. Keitner

The Three C's of Jurisdiction Over Human Rights Claims in US Courts, Chimene I. Keitner

A Historical Introduction to the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Elisabeth Keller

Chartacourse Family Law: Cases, Policies, and Practices, Alicia B. Kelly and John G. Culhane

Acquiring Land Through Eminent Domain: Justifications, Limitations, and Alternatives, Daniel B. Kelly

The Public Use Requirement in Eminent Domain Law: A Rationale Based on Secret Purchases and Private Influence, Daniel B. Kelly

“All Good Things Flow . . . ”: Rule of Law, Public Goods, and the Divided American Metropolis, James J. Kelly Jr.


Sustaining Neighborhoods of Choice: From Land Bank(ing) to Land Trust(ing), James J. Kelly Jr.

Attendee Discussion: How Should Legal Educators and Law Schools Respond to These Changes?, Michael Kelly, Robert Rhee, Gillian Hadfield, Jeanne Charn, William Henderson, and Clark Cunningham

The Effect of Educating Prisoners, JaPaula Kemp and Marcia Johnson


Law, Fugitive Capital, and Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation, walter j. kendall lll

Magna Carta and Its Companion Charter of the Forest, walter j. kendall lll

A Brief Argument for Greater Control of Litigation Discretion - The Public Interest and Public Choice Contexts, 23 J. Marshall L. Rev. 215 (1990), Walter J. Kendall III

Adam Smith’s Lectures on Jurisprudence – Justice, Law, and the Moral Economy, 8 Vienna J. Int’l Const. Law 367 (2014), Walter J. Kendall III

Agency Fact Finding, Walter J. Kendall III

Book Review, 29 Loy. L. Rev. 247 (1983), Walter J. Kendall III

Brief of Amici Curiae Not Dead Yet, Adapt, Center on Disability Studies, Law and Policy at Syracuse University, Center for Self-determination, Hospice Patients Alliance, Mouth Magazine/Freedom Clearinghouse, National Council on Independent Living, National Spinal Cord Injury Association, Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered, Society for Disability Studies, Tash and the World Institute on Disability in Support of Petitioners, Gonzalez v. Oregon, 126 S.Ct. 904 (Supreme Court of the United States of America 2006) (No. 04-623), Walter J. Kendall III

Chief Justice Marshall as Modern, 33 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1145 (2000), Walter J. Kendall III

Foreword - Alinsky Conference, 42 J. Marshall L. Rev. xxv (2009), Walter J. Kendall III

Law, China and John Dewey, 46 Syracuse L. Rev. 103 (1995), Walter J. Kendall III

Peace Perspective on the Taiwan United Nations Membership Question, 28 J. Marshall L. Rev. 259 (1994), Walter J. Kendall III

Reflections on Judicial Review and the Plight of the Poor in a World Where Nothing Works, 37 J. Marshall L. Rev. 555 (2004), Walter J. Kendall III

Statement of Professor Kendall Before Illinois Campaign Finance Reform Task Force, Special Public Hearing, Pursuant to Illinois Public Act 96-832 (SB 1466) (December 15, 2011), Walter J. Kendall III

The Republican Revival Debate - Private Economic Power, the Forgotten Factor, 16 U. Dayton L. Rev. 363 (1991), Walter J. Kendall III

Affordable Care Act After 5 Years, Kathryn Kennedy

Executive Compensation: Where Will It be 10 Years From Now?, Kathryn Kennedy

Financial Planning for Retirement: Is the United States Prepared for the Retirement of our Elderly Population?, Kathryn Kennedy

IRC 409A Turns 10, Kathryn Kennedy

The DOL Proposed Fiduciary Regulations and Related Prohibited Transaction Exemptions, 2015 NYU Exec. Comp. & Employee Benefits, New York University Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation (2015), Kathryn Kennedy

2013 Law Review Articles on Employee Benefits Issues, 143 Tax Notes 1308 (2014), Kathryn J. Kennedy

A Primer on the Taxation of Executive Deferred Compensation Plans, 35 J. Marshall L. Rev. 487 (2002), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Comments on The John Marshall Law School's Employee Benefits Program, 47 J. Marshall L. Rev. 853 (2014), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Dedication, 37 J. Marshall L. Rev. xi (2003), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Dedication to Professor Timothy P. O'Neill, 41 J. Marshall L. Rev. xxv (2008), Kathryn J. Kennedy

DOMA Implications for Employee Benefit Plans, 140 Tax Notes 1571 (2013), Kathryn J. Kennedy

DOMA Implications for Employee Benefit Plans: Round 2, 144 Tax Notes 947 (2014), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Excessive Executive Compensation: Prior Federal Attempts to Curb Perceived Abuses, 10 Hous. Bus. & Tax L.J. 196 (2010), Kathryn J. Kennedy

IRS's Recent Uncertain Tax Positions Initiative: A Tangle of Accounting, Tax and Privilege Issues, 9 DePaul Bus. & Comm. L.J. 401 (2011), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Judicial Standard of Review in ERISA Benefit Claim Cases, Kathryn J. Kennedy

Judicial Standard of Review in ERISA Benefit Claim Cases, 50 Am. U. L. Rev. 1083 (2001), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Notable Employee Benefits Articles of 2012, 139 Tax Notes 656 (2013), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Notable Employee Benefits Articles of 2014, 146 Tax Notes 1655 (2015), Kathryn J. Kennedy

The 11th Annual Employee Benefits Symposium: America's Retirement Crisis: What Can be Done, 46 J. Marshall L. Rev. xxiii (2013), Kathryn J. Kennedy

The IRS's Recent Uncertain Tax Positions Initiative: A Tangle of Accounting, Tax and Privilege Issues, Kathryn J. Kennedy

The Perilous and Ever-Changing Procedural Rules of Pursuing an ERISA Claims Case, 70 UMKC L. Rev. 329 (2001), Kathryn J. Kennedy

The Use of Federal Law to Curb Excessive Executive Compensation: Lessons in Past Failures and Lessons for the Future, Kathryn J. Kennedy

The Use of Federal Law To Curb Excessive Executive Compensation: Lessons in Past Failures and Lessons for the Future, 57 Vill. L. Rev. 551 (2012), Kathryn J. Kennedy


Nothing To Do With Personhood: Corporate Constitutional Rights And The Principle Of Confiscation, Paul Kens Dr.


Land Use Exactions, Anti-Evasion, and Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District, Michael B. Kent Jr.

Judicial Doctrine as Risk Regulation, Michael B. Kent Jr. and Brannon P. Denning

Webster's Real Estate Law in North Carolina (6th ed. annual supplement), Michael B. Kent Jr. and James B. McLaughlin Jr.



Sustainability Council of New Zealand Trust v. The Environmental Protection Authority: Gene Editing Technologies and the Law, Drew L. Kershen

Sustainability Council of New Zealand Trust v. The Environmental Protection Authority: Gene Editing Technologies and the Law, Drew L. Kershen


Fanaticism, Pragmatism And Organic Agriculture, Drew L. Kershen and Henry I. Miller


Give Genetic Engineering Some Breathing Room, Drew L. Kershen and Henry I. Miller


Give Genetic Engineering Some Breathing Room, Drew L. Kershen and Henry I. Miller


The Colossal Hoax Of Organic Agriculture, Drew L. Kershen and Henry I. Miller


Regulatory Paradigms for Modern Breeding, Drew L. Kershen and Wayne A. Parrott

More than BRIC-a-Brac: Testing Chinese Exceptionalism in Patenting Behavior Using Comparative Empirical Analysis, Jay P. Kesan, Alan C. Marco, and Richard S. Miller

Evolving Contours of Immigration Federalism: The Case of Migrant Children, Elizabeth Keyes

Attorneys-general, solicitors-general and 'the public interest' in Australian constitutional cases: A case for citizen input into the development of constitutional policy, Patrick Keyzer

The United Nations Human Rights Committee's views about the legitimate parameters of the preventive detention of serious sex offenders, Patrick Keyzer

Legal risk management and injury in the fitness industry: The outcomes of focus group research and a national survey of fitness professionals, Patrick Keyzer, Ian R. Coyle, Joachim Dietrich, Kevin Norton, Betul Sekendiz, Veronica Jones, and Caroline Finch

Legal risk management and injury in the fitness industry: The outcomes of focus group research and a national survey of fitness professionals, Patrick Keyzer, Ian R. Coyle, Joachim Dietrich, Kevin Norton, Betul Sekendiz, Veronica Jones, and Caroline Finch

The courts and social media: What do judges and court workers think?, Patrick Keyzer, Jane Johnston, Mark Pearson, Sharon Rodrick, and Anne Wallace

The courts and social media: what do judges and court workers think?, Patrick Keyzer, Jane Johnston, Mark Pearson, Sharon Rodrick, and Anne Wallace


The "Uberization" of Healthcare: The Forthcoming Legal Storm Over Mobile Health Technology's Impact on the Medical Profession, Fazal Khan

Getting Past the Politics: How the Healthcare Reform Affects You, Fazal Khan, Sylvia Caley, David Howard, and Glenn Pearson

Paging King Solomon: Towards Allowing Parents to Donate Organs of Anencephalic Infants, Fazal Khan and Brian Lea