About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015


Citizenship and Taxation in France, Andreas Kallergis

Going-Private Decisions and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: A Cross-Country Analysis, Ehud Kamar, Pinar Karaca-Mandic, and Eric Talley

Sustainability in the Financial Sector in Kenya, Francis Kariuki Kamau Mr.

Sustainability in the Financial Sector in Kenya, Francis Kariuki Kamau Mr.

Age Discrimination and the Prima Facie Case: Supreme Court's Age Discrimination Decision Fails to Resolve Key Questions Arising under the ADEA, Steven J. Kaminshine

Does Title VII Protect Former Employees From Acts of Retaliation by Former Employers?, Steven J. Kaminshine

How to Define Who Qualifies as an Employee Within the Meaning of Title VII?, Steven J. Kaminshine

Landlord's Duty to the Police - Fancil v. Q.S.E. Foods, Inc., Steven J. Kaminshine

Landlord's Duty to the Police - Fancil v. Q.S.E. Foods, Inc., Steven J. Kaminshine


Land and Law in the Age of Enterprise: A Legal History of Railroad Land Grants in the Pacific Northwest, 1864-1916, Sean M. Kammer


Due Process and Federal Property Forfeiture Statutes: The Need for Immediate Post-Seizure Hearing, 34 Sw. L.J. 925 (1980), Kenneth Kandaras

Federal Property Forfeiture Statutes: The Need to Guarantee a Prompt Trial, 33 U. Fla. L. Rev. 195 (1981), Kenneth Kandaras

New Developments in the Illinois Law of Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors, 23 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 407 (1992), Kenneth Kandaras

Survey of Illinois Law: Tort Developments, 17 S. Ill. U. L.J. 961 (1993), Kenneth Kandaras

Civil Procedure, Kenneth Kandaras and Catherine Wozniak

Civil Procedure, 18 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 317 (1986), Kenneth Kandaras and Catherine Wozniak


Catching up with Society – How, What, and Why: The Case of the Regulatory Development for the UN Security Council’s Targeted Sanctions, Machiko Kanetake

Initial experience with Imacor hTEE-guided management of patients following transplant and mechanical circulatory support., Christopher Kang, Hitoshi Hirose, Harold Hasting, and

Optimized Theft: Why Some Controlling Shareholders “Generously” Expropriate from Minority Shareholders, Sang Yop Kang


Optimized Theft: Why Some Controlling Shareholders “Generously” Expropriate from Minority Shareholders, Sang Yop Kang


Puzzles in Controlling Shareholder Regimes and China: Shareholder Primacy and (Quasi) Monopoly, Sang Yop Kang


Re-envisioning Investors’ Anti-Director Rights Index: Theory, Criticism, and Implications, Sang Yop Kang

Re-envisioning Investors’ Anti-Director Rights Index: Theory, Criticism, and Implications, Sang Yop Kang

Deportation and Rights, Daniel Kanstroom


Human Rights for All is Better Than Citizenship Rights for Some, Daniel Kanstroom

Immigration Teaching Careers, Daniel Kanstroom


Response to Jacqueline Bhabha, Child Migration and Human Rights in a Global Age, Daniel Kanstroom

Smart(er) Enforcement: Rethinking Removal, Daniel Kanstroom

The Legal View of Deportation, Daniel Kanstroom

Waterboarding, Daniel Kanstroom

The Forgotten Deported: A Declaration on the Rights of Expelled and Deported Persons, Daniel Kanstroom and Jessica Chicco

The New Deportations Delirium (Editor), Daniel Kanstroom and M. Brinton Lykes

Executive Justice?, Daniel Kanstroom and Mae Ngai

The Continuum of Excludability and the Limits of Patents, Amy Kapczynski and Talha Syed

An Introduction To The American Legal System, Government, and Constitution, Diane S. Kaplan

A User's Guide to Supplemental Jurisdiction, 27 U. Tol. L. Rev. 85 (1995), Diane S. Kaplan

Corporations, 12 S. Ill. U. L.J. 809 (1987), Diane S. Kaplan

Immaculate Deception: The Evolving Right of Paternal Renunciation, 27 Women's Rts. L. Rep. 139 (2006), Diane S. Kaplan

Paddling Up The Wrong Stream: Why the Stream of Commerce Theory is Not Part of the Minimum Contacts Doctrine, 55 Baylor L. Rev. 503 (2003), Diane S. Kaplan

Round Two: Illinois' Second Generation Takeover Legislation , Diane S. Kaplan

Round Two: Illinois' Second Generation Takeover Legislation, 36 DePaul L. Rev. 361 (1987), Diane S. Kaplan

The Baby Richard Amendments and the Law of Unintended Consequences, 22 Child. Legal Rts. J. 2 (2002), Diane S. Kaplan

The Demise of the Praecipe, 11 S. Ill. U. L.J. 29 (1986), Diane S. Kaplan

The Wyatt Case: Implementation of a Judicial Decree Ordering Institutional Change, 84 Yale L.J. 1338 (1975), Diane S. Kaplan

Who Are the Mothers Who Need Safe Haven Laws?: An Empirical Investigation of Mothers Who Kill, Abandon, or Safely Surrender Their Newborns, Diane S. Kaplan

Who Are the Mothers Who Need Safe Haven Laws? An Empirical Investigation of Mothers Who Kill, Abandon, or Safely Surrender Their Newborns, 29 Wis. J.L. Gender & Soc'y 213 (2014), Diane S. Kaplan

Why Truth is Not a Defense in Paternity Actions, 10 Tex. J. Women & L. 69 (2000), Diane S. Kaplan

Survey of Illinois Law - Civil Procedure, 14 S. Ill. U. L.J. 699 (1990), Diane S. Kaplan and Donald L. Beschle

Survey of Illinois Law - Civil Procedure, 14 S. Ill. U. L.J. 699 (1990), Diane S. Kaplan and Donald L. Beschle

Time Warps and Identity Crises: Muddling through the Misnomer/Misidentification Mess, 26 J. Marshall L. Rev. 257 (1993), Diane S. Kaplan and Kimberly L. Craft

Kaplan's Georgia Corporations, Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, with Forms, Jerome L. Kaplan and B. Ellen Taylor


Battling inertia in educational leadership: CRT praxis for race conscious dialogue., Zorka Karanxha and Vonzel Agosto

Applying Fundamental Copyright Principles to Lotus Development Corp. v. Borland International, Inc, Dennis S. Karjala and Peter S. Menell

Minding the Aging Brain: Are We Ready for Personalized Medicine?, Jason Karlawish and Robert C. Green


The Encrypted Self: Fleshing Out the Rights of Electronic Personalities, 13 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 1 (1994), Curtis E. A. Karnow


Cognitive Fallacies Reading List, Curtis E.A. Karnow


Complexity in Litigation: A Differential Diagnosis, Curtis E.A. Karnow


Deciding, Curtis E.A. Karnow


Experts, Statistics, Science & Bad Science, Curtis E.A. Karnow

Liability for Distributed Artificial Intelligences, Curtis E.A. Karnow

Enhancement, Anomalous Bodies and the Regulation of Disability, Isabel Karpin and Roxanne Mykitiuk

Going out on a Limb: Prosthetics, Normalcy and Disputing the Therapy/Enhancement Distinction, Isabel Karpin and Roxanne Mykitiuk

Persisting in the Face of Resistance: Feminist Legal Theory as Embodied Justice, Isabel Karpin and Roxanne Mykitiuk


Before Bhopal: Explaining the Infrequency of Railway Accident Victim Compensation, 1889-1931: Karmic Fatalism or Colonial Law and Policy?, peter karsten

The Arbitral Role in Contractual Interpretation, Joshua D H Karton

The Structure of International Arbitration Law and the Exercise of Arbitral Authority, Joshua D H Karton

New Wine in Old Bottles: Corrupt Foreign Contracts in Canadian Private Law, Joshua D H Karton and Jenna-Dawn Shervill


Shipping Documnts in C.I.F and F.O.B Contracts, Jackson Katabaro


A Leximetric Approach to Comparative Corporate Governance: The Case of Hedge Fund Activism, Dionysia Katelouzou

New EU Proposed 'Say on Pay' Regulation: Some Cautionary Notes, Dionysia Katelouzou


Worldwide Hedge Fund Activism: Dimensions and Legal Determinants, Dionysia Katelouzou


Disappearing Paradigms in Shareholder Protection: Leximetric Evidence for 30 Countries, 1990-2013, Dionysia Katelouzou and Mathias Siems


Disappearing Paradigms in Shareholder Protection: Leximetric Evidence for 30 Countries, 1990-2013, Dionysia Katelouzou and Mathias M. Siems

Spectre: Canadian Copyright and the Mandatory Tariff— Part I, Ariel Katz

Spectre: Canadian Copyright and the Mandatory Tariff - Part II, Ariel Katz

Interveners Factum of Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Ariel Katz in CBC v SODRAC (Supreme Court of Canada), Ariel Katz, David Lametti, and Howard P. Knopf

Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution, the Voting Rights Act, and Restoration of the Congressional Portion of the Election Ballot: The Final Frontier of Felon DISenfrachisement Jurisprudence?, Daniel M. Katz

Social Architecture, Judicial Peer Effects and the "Evolution" of the Law: Toward a Positive Theory of Judicial Social Structure, Daniel M. Katz

A Mathematical Approach to the Study of the United States Code, Daniel Martin Katz

Hustle and Flow: A Social Network Analysis of the American Federal Judiciary, Daniel Martin Katz

Institutional Rules, Strategic Behavior and the Legacy of Chief Justice William Rehnquist: Setting the Record Straight on Dickerson v. United States, Daniel Martin Katz

Reproduction of Hierarchy? A Social Network Analysis of the American Law Professoriate, Daniel Martin Katz, Josha R. Gubler, Jon Zelner, and Michael J. Bommarito II

How Smart Resolution Planning Can Help Banks Improve Transparency, Increase Profitability and Reduce Risk, Daniel M. Katz and P Lippe

Legal by Design: A New Paradigm for Handling Complexity in Banking Regulation and Elsewhere in Law, Daniel M. Katz, P Lippe, and D Jackson

Measuring, Monitoring and Managing Legal Complexity, Daniel M. Katz and J B. Ruhl

Labor Relations in a Globalizing World, Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander Colvin


A Federal Information Quality Act Challenge to the White House “Patent Troll” Report, Ron D. Katznelson


How misleading scholarship contorted an individual inventors’ story of virtuous patent enforcement into a “Patent Troll” fable, Ron D. Katznelson

Perilous Deviations from FRAND Harmony — Operational Pitfalls of the 2015 IEEE Patent Policy, Ron D. Katznelson

The Family Law World of Michael Freeman, Sanford N. Katz

Learning together: the law, politics, economics, pedagogy, and neuroscience of early childhood education, Michael J. Kaufman, Sherelyn R. Kaufman, and Elizabeth C. Nelson

Leave Time for Trouble: The Limitations Periods Under the Federal Securities Laws, Michael J. Kaufman and John M. Wunderlich

Bring Back the Gallows?: The Supreme Court's Cruel & Unusual Ruling, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Cake Wars, Hobby Lobby, and Complicity-Based Religious Freedom Claims, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Catholic Health Care and Moral Theology, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Faith and Citizenship: A Challenge for American Catholics, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Keynote, The Anti-Apocalyptic Ethic of Gaudium et Spes, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Law and Christian Ethics: Signposts for a Fruitful Conversation, M. Cathleen Kaveny