bepress Legal Repository | Scholarly Research from All Areas of Law
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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Secured Credit in Religious Institutions' Reorganizations, Pamela Foohey

From Mountains to Molehills: A Comparative Analysis of Drug Policy, Brian A. Ford

Introduction to "New Governance and the Business Organization", Cristie Ford and Mary Condon


Prerogative, Nationalized: The Social Formation of Intellectual Property, Laura R. Ford

The Complexity of International Criminal Trials Is Necessary, 48 Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev. 151 (2015), Stuart Ford

A Social Psychology Model of the Perceived Legitimacy of International Criminal Courts: Implications for the Success of Transitional Justice Mechanisms, 45 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 405 (2012), Stuart K. Ford

Complexity and Efficiency at International Criminal Courts, 29 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 1 (2014), Stuart K. Ford

Crimes against Humanity at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: Is a Connection with Armed Conflict Required, 24 UCLA Pac. Basin L.J. 125 (2007), Stuart K. Ford

Fairness and Politics at the ICTY: Evidence from the Indictments, 39 N.C. J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 45 (2013), Stuart K. Ford

How Leadership in International Criminal Law is Shifting from the United States to Europe and Asia: An Analysis of Spending on and Contributions to International Criminal Courts, 55 St. Louis U. L.J. 953 (2011), Stuart K. Ford

How Much Money Does the ICC Need, Stuart K. Ford

Is the Failure to Respond Appropriately to a Natural Disaster a Crime against Humanity - The Responsibility to Protect and Individual Criminal Responsibility in the Aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, 38 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 227 (2010), Stuart K. Ford

Legal Processes of Change: Article 2(4) and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 4 J. Conf. & Sec. L. 75 (1999), Stuart K. Ford

OSCE National Minority Rights in the United States: The Limits of Conflict Prevention, 23 Suffolk Transnat'l L. Rev. 1 (1999), Stuart K. Ford

The Complexity of International Criminal Trials Is Necessary, __ Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev. __, Stuart K. Ford

The ICC and the Security Council: How Much Support is There for Ending Impunity?, __ Ind. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. __, Stuart K. Ford

The International Criminal Court and Proximity to the Scene of the Crime: Does the Rome Statute Permit All of the ICC's Trials to Take Place at Local or Regional Chambers?, 43 J. Marshall L. Rev. 715 (2010), Stuart K. Ford

Share Characteristics Under the New Corporation Statutes, William D. Ford

Copy Game for High Score: The First Video Game Lawsuit, 20 J. Intell. Prop. L. 1 (2012), William K. Ford

First Amendment Concerns and How They Impact Your IP Department, William K. Ford

Judging Expertise in Copyright Law, 14 J. Intell. Prop. L. 1 (2006), William K. Ford

Recent Developments in Video Game Law, William K. Ford

The Law and Science of Video Game Violence: What Was Lost in Translation?, 31 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 297 (2013), William K. Ford

The Right of Publicity and Entertainment Works, William K. Ford

The Video Game Violence Debate, William K. Ford

Virtual Justice: The New Laws of Online Worlds by Greg Lastowka, 1 The IP Law Book Review 61 (2011), William K. Ford

The Phantom Philosophy? An Empirical Investigation of Legal Interpretation, William K. Ford and Jason J. Czarnezki

Games Are Not Coffee Mugs: Games and the Right of Publicity, William K. Ford and Raizel Liebler

Games Are Not Coffee Mugs: Games and the Right of Publicity, 29 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 1 (2012), William K. Ford and Raizel Liebler

Human Enhancement. La poursuite du bonheur par l'application des techniques, Matthieu Forlodou

Loi de promotion de la santé, Matthieu Forlodou

Loi relative aux traitements des patients atteints d'une maladie incurable, Matthieu Forlodou

Normativité et bioéthique au Japon (en japonais), Matthieu Forlodou

Récension d'ouvrage: Valérie Lasserre, Le nouvel ordre juridique. Le droit de la gouvernance, Paris: LexisNexis, 2015, 369pp., Matthieu Forlodou


Short Curriculum-Vitae (in Japanese), Matthieu Forlodou


Making the Internal Revenue Service Work, Jonathan B. Forman and Roberta F. Mann

Making the Internal Revenue Service Work, Jonathan B. Forman and Roberta F. Mann


Tontine Pensions, Jonathan B. Forman and Michael J. Sabin

Black Childhood and Philosophy | Panel Discussion, Sarah Jane Forman, Odeana R. Neal, SpearIt, Phyllis C. Taite, Tsedey Tedla, Cedric Merlin Powell, and Anthony Paul Farley

Roe v. Wade & the Legal Implications of State Constitutional “Personhood” Amendments, Clarke D. Forsythe and Keith Arago

Self-Government for the Self-Governed: The Role of Virtue in a Democratic Republic, David Forte

May It Please The Court, David F. Forte

May It Please The Court, David F. Forte

May It Please The Court, David F. Forte

May It Please The Court, David F. Forte

May It Please The Court, David F. Forte


Amicus brief in support of motion for reconsideration, in the case of Murray v. Chagrin Valley Publishing Co., Case no. 2015-0127, Supreme Court of Ohio, David F. Forte


A Speaker Must Be a Member of the House, David F. Forte


Barack Obama’s Yalta, David F. Forte


Book Review: When Thomas Jefferson Read the Qur’an, David F. Forte

Conscience and Republican Government, David F. Forte

How Justice Cardozo Almost Saved the Commerce Clause and Our Freedoms, David F. Forte

Natural Law, Positive Law, and the Vocation of a Judge, David F. Forte

Obergefell, The Next Battlegrounds, David F. Forte

Religion and the Republic, David F. Forte


Religion and the Republic, David F. Forte


Self-Government for the Self-Governed: The Role of Virtue in a Democratic Republic, David F. Forte


Supreme Court preview: Fisher, An "Honest" Affirmative Action Defense, David F. Forte


Taking the Measure of the West, David F. Forte


The government needs prayers, David F. Forte


The Heritage Guide to the Constitution, Second Edition: What Has Changed Over the Past Decade, and What Lies Ahead?, David F. Forte

The Moral Place of the Positive Law, David F. Forte

The Rise of Islamic Radicalism: How Should Israel and the U.S. Respond?, David F. Forte

A Jurisprudential Analysis of Government Intervention and Prenatal Drug Abuse , Susan Fortney

Jurisprudential Analysis of Government Intervention and Prenatal Drug Abuse, A, Susan Fortney

Designing a Proactive Regulatory Model, Susan S. Fortney

The Role of Ethics Audits in Managing Law Firm Risks, Susan S. Fortney

The Role of Regulatory Reform in Improving Access to Legal Services, Susan S. Fortney

The Use and Abuse of Law Firm Self-Evaluation Privileges, Susan S. Fortney

Using Compliance Principles to Forge Partnerships between Regulated Lawyers and the Regulators, Susan S. Fortney

A Jurisprudential Analysis of Government Intervention and Prenatal Drug Abuse, Susan Saab Fortney

Am I My Partner's Keeper? Peer Review in Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney

Am I My Partner's Keeper? Peer Review in Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney

An Empirical Study of Associate Satisfaction, Law Firm Culture, and the Effects of Billable Hour Requirements - Part One, Susan Saab Fortney

An Empirical Study of Associate Satisfaction, Law Firm Culture, and the Effects of Billable Hour Requirements - Part One, Susan Saab Fortney

An Empirical Study of Associate Satisfaction, Law Firm Culture, and the Effects of Billable Hour Requirements - Part Two, Susan Saab Fortney

An Empirical Study of Associate Satisfaction, Law Firm Culture, and the Effects of Billable Hour Requirements - Part Two, Susan Saab Fortney

Are Law Firm Partners Islands unto Themselves - An Empirical Study of Law Firm Peer Review and Culture, Susan Saab Fortney

Are Law Firm Partners Islands unto Themselves? An Empirical Study of Law Firm Peer Review and Culture, Susan Saab Fortney

Attorneys' Malpractice Policies: Regulatory Exclusions and Public Policy, Susan Saab Fortney

Challenges and Guidance for Lawyering in a Global Society, Susan Saab Fortney

Challenges and Guidance for Lawyering in a Global Society, Susan Saab Fortney

Chicken Little Lives: The Anticipated and Actual Effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on Corporate Lawyers' Conduct, Susan Saab Fortney

Chicken Little Lives: The Anticipated and Actual Effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on Corporate Lawyers' Conduct, Susan Saab Fortney

Ethics Counsel's Role in Combating the "Ostrich" Tendency, Susan Saab Fortney

Ethics Counsel's Role in Combating the Ostrich Tendency, Susan Saab Fortney

High Drama and Hindsight, Susan Saab Fortney

High Drama and Hindsight: The LLP Shield Post-Anderson, Susan Saab Fortney

I Don't Have Time to Be Ethical: Addressing the Effects of Billable Hour Pressure, Susan Saab Fortney

I Don't Have Time to Be Ethical: Addressing the Effects of Billable Hour Pressure, Susan Saab Fortney

Insurance Issues Related to Lateral Hire Musical Chairs, Susan Saab Fortney

Insurance Issues Related to Lateral Hire Musical Chairs, Susan Saab Fortney

Is it Educational Malpractice Not to Teach Comparative Legal Ethics?, Susan Saab Fortney

Law as a Profession: Examining the Role of Accountability, Susan Saab Fortney

Law as a Profession: Examining the Role of Accountability, Susan Saab Fortney

Law Firm General Counsel as Sherpa: Challenges Facing the In-Firm Lawyer's Lawyer, Susan Saab Fortney

Law Firm General Counsel as Sherpa: Challenges Facing the In-Firm Lawyer's Lawyer, Susan Saab Fortney

Law Firm Risk Management and Peer Review, Susan Saab Fortney

Law Student Admissions and Ethics - Rethinking Character and Fitness Inquiries, Susan Saab Fortney

Law Student Admissions and Ethics - Rethinking Character and Fitness Inquiries, Susan Saab Fortney