The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2015
Complex Questions Asked by Defense Lawyers But Not Prosecutors Predicts Convictions in Child Abuse Trials, Angela D. Evans, Kang Lee, and Thomas D. Lyon
Federal Jurisdiction -- Pendent Parties -- Aboriginal Title and Federal Common Law -- Charter Challenges -- Reform Proposals: Roberts v. Canada, J. M. Evans and Brian Slattery
An Empirical Economic Analysis of the 2005 Bankruptcy Reforms, 24 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 327 (2008), Thomas Evans and Paul B. Lewis
Through the Lens of Innovation, Mirit Eyal-Cohen
Enciclopedia de Filosofía y Teoría del Derecho, vol. 1, Jorge Luis Fabra and Álvaro Núñez Vaquero
Enciclopedia de Filosofía y Teoría del Derecho, vol. 2, Jorge Luis Fabra and Verónica Rodríguez Blanco
Enciclopedia de Filosofía y Teoría del Derecho, vol. 3, Jorge Luis Fabra and Ezequiel Spector
Using Noncambatants as Shields, Cécile Fabre, Idil Boran, and François Tanguay-Renaud
Enforcing Global Law: International Arbitration and Informal Regulatory Instruments, katia fach gómez
Capital Punishment and Capital Murder: Market Share and the Deterrent Effects of the Death Penalty, Jeffrey Fagan, Franklin E. Zimring, and Amanda Geller
Declining Homicide in New York City: A Tale of Two Trends, Jeffrey Fagan, Franklin E. Zimring, and June Kim
2015 SERI Call for Papers, michele faioli
21st ISLSSL Labour Law World Congress, michele faioli
Collective bargaining developments in time of crisis, michele faioli
Conciliare vita e lavoro. Verso un welfare plurale, michele faioli
Crisi, politica e diritti. Fondamenti e percorsi del diritto del lavoro, michele faioli
Festival della Diplomazia, michele faioli
LLRN Conference 2015 - Amsterdam, michele faioli
SERI CLUSTERS (gennaio 2015, febbraio 2015, marzo 2015), michele faioli
SERI OUTREACH Labor Law vs Varieties of Liberalization. Colloquium for Young Scholars (Fano, May 15-17, 2015), michele faioli
The Quest for a New Generation of Labor Chapter in the TTIP, michele faioli
Bitproperty, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
ERISA Preemption and the Case for a Federal Common Law of Agency Governing Employer-Administrators, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Death Penalty Jurisprudence by Tallying State Legislative Enactments: Harmonizing the Eighth and Tenth Amendments, Akram Faizer and Charles E. Maclean
A Curious Omission from Ohio's Rape Statute: Sexual Assault When the Victim Consents to Medical or Dental Drugging, Patricia J. Falk
"Because Ladies Lie": Eliminating Vestiges of the Corroboration and Resistance Requirements from Ohio's Sexual Offenses, Patricia J. Falk
Why Not Beyond a Reasonable Doubt? Santosky v. Kramer, 102 S. Ct. 1388 (1982), Patricia J. Falk
Demystifying Fair Use: The Gift of the Center for Social Media Statements of Best Practices, Anthony Falzone and Jennifer Urban
Demystifying Fair Use: The Gift of the Center for Social Media Statements of Best Practices, Anthony Falzone and Jennifer Urban
Demystifying Fair Use: The Gift of the Center for Social Media Statements of Best Practices, Anthony Falzone and Jennifer Urban
Demystifying Fair Use: The Gift of the Center for Social Media Statements of Best Practices, Anthony Falzone and Jennifer Urban
Demystifying Fair Use: The Gift of the Center for Social Media Statements of Best Practices, Anthony Falzone and Jennifer Urban
An Unexceptional Aspect of President Obama's Immigration Executive Actions, Jill E. Family
DAPA and the Future of Immigration Law as Administrative Law, Jill E. Family
Removing the Distraction of Delay, Jill E. Family
The Procedural Fortress of US Immigration Law, Jill E. Family
Explaining the Supreme Court's Fair Housing Decision, Rhonda Fanning
Explaining the Supreme Court's Fair Housing Decision, Rhonda Fanning
The Vanishing Supervisor, JAMES A. FANTO
A Response, Fay Faraday and Eric Tucker
Ages of American Formalism, Daniel Farber
Climate Change: A U.S. Perspective, Daniel Farber
Executive Privilege at the State Level, Daniel Farber
Federal Regulation of Pyramid Sales Schemes, Daniel Farber
Lincoln's Constitution, Daniel Farber
Navigating the Intersection of Environmental Law and Disaster Law, Daniel Farber
The Scholarly Attorney as Lawyerly Judge: Stevens on Statutes, Daniel Farber
Agencies, Courts, and the Limits of Balancing, Daniel A. Farber
Autonomy, Welfare, and the Pareto Principle,, Daniel A. Farber
Another View of the Quagmire: Unconstitutional Conditions and Contract Theory Daniel A. Farber, Daniel A. Farber
Basic Compensation for Victims of Climate Change , Daniel A. Farber
Breaking Bad? The Uneasy Case for Regulatory Breakeven Analysis, Daniel A. Farber
Carbon Leakage versus Policy Diffusion: The Perils and Promise of Subglobal Climate Action, Daniel A. Farber
Catastrophic Risk, Climate Change, and Disaster Law, Daniel A. Farber
Climate Justice, Daniel A. Farber
Environmental Federalism in a Global Economy, Daniel A. Farber
Environmentalism, Economics, and the Public Interest, Daniel A. Farber
Free Speech Without Romance: Public Choice and the First Amendment, Daniel A. Farber
Hate Speech after R.A.V., Daniel A. Farber
Man Who Mistook His Life for a Plant, Daniel A. Farber
Modeling Coherence, Stability, and Risk Aversion in Legislative Delegation Decisions, Daniel A. Farber
Pollution Markets and Social Equity: Analyzing the Fairness of Cap and Trade, Daniel A. Farber
The Fourteenth Amendment and the Unconstitutionality of Secession, Daniel A. Farber
The Missing 'Play of Intelligence': Thoughts About the Impoverishment of Legal Discourse (Program), Daniel A. Farber
What (if Anything) Can Economics Say About Equity?, Daniel A. Farber
DISASTER LAW AND POLICY, Daniel A. Farber, Jim Chen, Robert R.M. Verchick, and Lisa Grow Sun
DISASTER LAW AND POLICY, Daniel A. Farber, Jim Chen, Robert R.M. Verchick, and Lisa Grow Sun
The Lost World of Administrative Law, Daniel A. Farber and Anne Joseph O'Connell
The Lost World of Administrative Law, Daniel A. Farber and Anne Joseph O'Connell
Beyond All Criticism, Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry
The Pariah Principle, Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry
Looking Beyond the Negative-Positive Rights Distinction: Analyzing Constitutional Rights According to their Nature, Effect and Reach, Jorge Farinacci-Fernós
Originalism in Puerto Rico: Original Explication and its relation with Clear Text, Broad Purpose and Progressive Policy, Jorge Farinacci-Fernós
Designing an Online Civic Engagement Platform: Balancing "More" vs. "Better" Participation in Complex Public Policymaking, Cynthia R. Farina, Dmitry Epstein, Josiah Heidt, and Mary J. Newhart
Democratic Deliberation in the Wild: The McGill Online Design Studio and the RegulationRoom Project, Cynthia R. Farina, Hoi Kong, Cheryl Blake, Mary J. Newhart, and Nik Luka
Rulemaking vs. Democracy: Judging and Nudging Public Participation That Counts , Cynthia R. Farina, Mary Newhart, Josiah Heidt, and
Stiffing the Arbitrators: The Problem of Nonpayment in Commercial Arbitration, Brian Farkas and Neal M. Eiseman
Piercing the corporate veil in favour of creditors and pooling of groups - a comparative study, John Farrar
Doctrinal incoherence and complex variables in piercing the corporate veil cases, John H. Farrar
Hard choices: Defining Australia's national interest in an Asian century, John H. Farrar
The BRICS: Experiments with state capitalism and institutional investment, John H. Farrar and Mohamed Ariff
National interest in an increasingly globalised world, John H. Farrar, Mary Hiscock, and Vai Io Lo
National interest in an increasingly globalised world, John H. Farrar, Mary Hiscock, and Vai Io Lo
National interest in an increasingly globalised world, John H. Farrar, Mary Hiscock, and Vai Io Lo
Incentives to Challenge and Defend Patents: Why Litigation Won't Reliably Fix Patent office Errors and Why Administrative Patent Review Might Help, Joseph Farrell and Robert P. Merges
89th Ames Challenges Nurses’ Constitutional Right to Protest Wages, Trevor C. W. Farrow
An Introduction to Representative Negotiation, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Attacks on Your Reputation: Potential Responses, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Citizen Participation and Peaceful Protest: Let’s Not Forget APEC, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Civil Justice, Privatization, and Democracy, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Community discusses access to justice issues, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Courts and Procedures: The Changing Roles of Participants, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Discovery, Trevor C. W. Farrow