About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015

Settlement Advocacy, Kay Elkins-Elliott and Frank W. Elliott

Evidence, Frank W. Elliott

Evidence, Frank W. Elliott

E. Wayne Thode - 1920-1980, Frank W. Elliott

E. Wayne Thode - 1920-1980, Frank W. Elliott

Fractional Mineral Deed Subject to a Lease, Frank W. Elliott Jr

Fractional Mineral Deed Subject to a Lease, Frank W. Elliott Jr

Notes - Admiralty-Claims Agent's Misreporentation of Law Held Not To Vitiate Seaman's Agreement Releasing Shipowner-Thompson v. Coastal Oil Co., 218 F.2d 664 (3d Cir. 1955), Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Admiralty-Claims Agent's Misreporentation of Law Held Not To Vitiate Seaman's Agreement Releasing Shipowner-Thompson v. Coastal Oil Co., 218 F.2d 664 (3d Cir. 1955), Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Banks and Banking—Bills and Notes—Rights of Depositary Bank Against Drawer of Check.—City State Bank v. Lummus, Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Banks and Banking—Bills and Notes—Rights of Depositary Bank Against Drawer of Check.—City State Bank v. Lummus, Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Conflict of Laws-Workmen's Compensation-Constitutional Law-Receipt of Workmen's Comensation Benefits in Domiciliary State Does Not Bar a Tor Action in State Where Injury Occurred.-Carrol v. Lanza, 75 Sup. Ct. 804 (1955), Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Conflict of Laws-Workmen's Compensation-Constitutional Law-Receipt of Workmen's Comensation Benefits in Domiciliary State Does Not Bar a Tor Action in State Where Injury Occurred.-Carrol v. Lanza, 75 Sup. Ct. 804 (1955), Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Jury—Trial—Appointment and Hearing by Master Does Not Affect Right to Jury Trial.—Creglar v. Hyde, Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Jury—Trial—Appointment and Hearing by Master Does Not Affect Right to Jury Trial.—Creglar v. Hyde, Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Libel and Slander—Lis Pendens—Filing of Lis Pendens Notice Not Privileged.—Albertson v. Raboff, 287 P.2d 145 (Cal. 1955), Frank W. Elliott

Notes - Libel and Slander—Lis Pendens—Filing of Lis Pendens Notice Not Privileged.—Albertson v. Raboff, 287 P.2d 145 (Cal. 1955), Frank W. Elliott

Part II: Procedural Law - Evidence (1971), Frank W. Elliott

Part II: Procedural Law - Evidence (1971), Frank W. Elliott

Part II: Procedural Law - Evidence (1972), Frank W. Elliott

Part II: Procedural Law - Evidence (1972), Frank W. Elliott

Part II: Procedural Law - Evidence (1973), Frank W. Elliott

Part II: Procedural Law - Evidence (1973), Frank W. Elliott

Survey of Cases Decided by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals: Introduction, Frank W. Elliott

Survey of Cases Decided by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals: Introduction, Frank W. Elliott

The Impact of the Texas Medical Liability and Insurance Improvement Act on Informed Consent Recovery in Medical Malpractice Litigation, Frank W. Elliott

The Impact of the Texas Medical Liability and Insurance Improvement Act on Informed Consent Recovery in Medical Malpractice Litigation, Frank W. Elliott

Volksgeist and a Piece of Sulphur, Frank W. Elliott

Volksgeist and a Piece of Sulphur, Frank W. Elliott

Eliciting User Analogies to Improve Documentation, Lisa J. Elliott and Peter W. Foltz

Research Participation Versus Classroom Lecture: A Comparison of Student Learning, Lisa Jo Elliott, Stephen Rice, David Trafimow, Laura Madson, and Malisa F. Hipshur

Detect, Sense and Avoid, Lisa J. Elliott, Jeremy D. Schwark, and Matthew J. Rambert

Automation and Autonomy in Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Lisa J. Elliott and Bryan Stewart


Effects of Feedback Mapping on Human Control of Robotic Systems in Individual and Cooperative Tasks, L. Jo Elliott, Stephen B. Hottman, William L. Christian, and Kyle B. Reed

Rethinking Equality in the Global Society, Dorsey D. Ellis Jr., John Bowen, Clark D. Cunningham, Pauline T. Kim, John J. Donohue, B.P. Jeevan Reddy, Sunita Parikh, Linda Krieger, Aaron Porter, Pansy Tlakula, Garrett Duncan, Joshua Aronson, Gerald Torres, Karthigasen Govender, Lani Guinier, Jack Knight, David B. Oppenheimer, Karen Tokarz, Virginia Dominguez, M. N. Srinivas, Karen Porter, N.R. Madhava Menon, and Marc Galanter


Adaptation of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) to Climate Change: The Importance of Genetic Diversity., Sakina Elshibli and Edinam K. Glover

A Postcolonial Theory of Spousal Rape: The Carribean and Beyond, Stacy-Ann Elvy

Theories of State Compliance with International Law: Assessing the African Union's Ability to Ensure State Compliance with the African Charter and Constitutive Act, Stacy-Ann Elvy

An Analysis of Alternatives to Incarceration in Georgia : A Special Research Project, Anne S. Emanuel

A Portrait of Courage, Anne S. Emanuel

Biographical Sketch of Judge Tuttle, Anne S. Emanuel

Book Review, Romantic Outlaws, Beloved Prisons: The Unconscious Meanings of Crime and Punishment, Anne S. Emanuel

Book Review, Romantic Outlaws, Beloved Prisons: The Unconscious Meanings of Crime and Punishment, Anne S. Emanuel

Class Actions under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act: The Question is Why Not?, Anne S. Emanuel

Constance Baker Motley: 1921-2005, Anne S. Emanuel

Davis Backers Come in All Stripes, Anne S. Emanuel

Death Penalty: It's Inaccurate, Unfair, Ineffective, Anne S. Emanuel

Elbert Parr Tuttle: Chief Jurist of the Civil Rights Revolution, Anne S. Emanuel

Evaluating Fairness and Accuracy in State Death Penalty Systems: The Georgia Death Penalty Assessment Report, Anne S. Emanuel

Forming the Historic Fifth Circuit: The Eisenhower Years, Anne S. Emanuel

Judge Tuttle Honored by ACLU, Anne S. Emanuel

Lawyer's Calling Was Civil Rights: Constance Baker Motley, 1921-2005, Anne S. Emanuel

Lynching and the Law in Georgia Circa 1931: A Chapter in the Legal Career of Judge Elbert Tuttle, Anne S. Emanuel

Spendthrift Trusts: It's Time to Codify the Compromise, Anne S. Emanuel

The Concurrent Sentence Doctrine Dies a Quiet Death -- or are the Reports Greatly Exaggerated?, Anne S. Emanuel

The Georgia Trust Act, Anne S. Emanuel

The Guilty But Mentally Ill Plea and Verdict: An Eighth Amendment Analysis, Anne S. Emanuel

The Tuttle Trilogy: Habeas Corpus and Human Rights, Anne S. Emanuel

Turning the Tide in the Civil Rights Revolution: Elbert Tuttle and the Desegregation of the University of Georgia, Anne S. Emanuel

When Finality is More Important Than Certainty, Anne S. Emanuel




corporate social responsibility, Nnamdi Emeana

The Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Scanning as Starting Points of Strategy Development Process, Nnamdi Emeana





Optical Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Doped ZnO Nanoparticles., Trevor Engman, Josh Angel, Aaron Thurber, Lydia Johnson, and Alex Punnoose

A Legal and Empirical Perspective on Crime and Adult Entertainment Establishments: A Secondary Effects Study in San Antonio, Texas, Roger Enriquez, Jeffrey M. Cancino, and Sean P. Varano

Is There Room for State Law in the U.S. Immigration Arena?: A Look at New State Laws and Established Ideas of Federalism, Lyn Entzeroth, Michael Scaperlanda, Rick Su, and Huyen Pham


Attack of the Cheerleaders! Allegations of Violations of the FLSA on an Uncertain Landscape, Adam Epstein


Ohio and Sports Law, Adam Epstein

Contract Theory and the Failures of Public-Private Contracting, 34 Cardozo L. Rev. 2211 (2013)., Wendy Epstein

Facilitating Incomplete Contracts, __ Case W. Res. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2014), Wendy Epstein

Public-Private Contracting and the Reciprocity Norm, __ Am. U. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming, 2014), Wendy Epstein

38th Annual Health Law Professors Conference: Welfare & Informed Consent (now Nudging Patient Decision-Making), Wendy Netter Epstein

Chicago Junior Faculty Workshop 2015: Informed Consent & Cognitive Bias (now Nudging Patient Decision-Making), Wendy Netter Epstein

Contract Theory and the Failures of Public-Private Contracting, Wendy Netter Epstein

Midwest Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting: Contracting for Results in Health Care? (now Revisiting Incentive-Based Contracts), Wendy Netter Epstein

Public-Private Contracting and the Reciprocity Norm, Wendy Netter Epstein

University of Chicago Legal Scholarship Workshop 2015: Contracting for Results in Health Care? (now Revisiting Incentive-Based Contracts), Wendy Netter Epstein


Citizenship Management: On the Politics of being Included-out, John Nguyet Erni

The Lost Precedent of the Reverse Doctrine of Equivalents, Samuel F. Ernst


Trolls or Toll-Takers: Do Intellectual Property Non-practicing Entities Add Value to Society?, Samuel F. Ernst


Protecting the Boundaries: Unclaimed Consideration in the Patentee’s Social Contract, Samuel F. Ernst

A Method to Negotiating International Business Contracts, Daniel H. Erskine

Judgments of the United States Supreme Court and the South African Constitutional Court as a Basis for a Universal Method to Resolve Conflcits Between Fundamental Rights, Daniel H. Erskine


Mecanismos de Impugnación en el Procedimiento Ordinario Minero, Francisco Escajadillo Chimayco


Protección registral y nulidad de oficio del título de concesión minera, Francisco Escajadillo Chimayco


Comment on FAA Rule Revision - Transport Category Aircraft, Paul F. Eschenfelder and Valter Battistoni

Energía y Cambio Climático.pdf, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco

Las repercusiones negativas del INDC de Argentina. Consecuencias para Mendoza, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco

MTyRN Atuel f.pdf, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco

Repercusiones negativas del INDC Informe de las Contribuciones Nacionales de la Argentina por el Cambio Climático, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco

TRATADOS Y CONVENIOS SOBRE AGROQUIMICOS Indice y Bibliografia, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco

TRATADOS Y CONVENIOS SOBRE AGROQUIMICOS Indice y Bibliografia, Luis Gabriel Escobar Blanco


A New Cross-National Measure of Corruption, Laarni Escresa and Lucio Picci

Assessing Catholic Identity: A Study of Mission Statements of Catholic Colleges and Universities, Sandra M. Estanek, Michael J. James, and Daniel A. Norton

How Much Disagreement is Good for Democratic Deliberation, Kevin M. Esterling, Archon Fung, and Taeku Lee

Lessons From Institutional Shareholder Services: Governing Benefit Corporations' Third Party Standard, Tammi S. Etheridge


Subverting Congress' Intent: The Recent Misapplication of Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act and Its Consequent Impacts on Sensitive Wildlife and Habitat, William S. Eubanks II

Specialty Certification as an Incentive for Increased Professionalism: Lessons from Other Disciplines and Countries, Adrian Evans and Clark D. Cunningham