About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2015


The cruelty behind your ballpark hot dog, Bruce Friedrich


The cruelty of keeping orcas in captivity, Bruce Friedrich


The Pope is Clear: Animals Go To Heaven, Bruce Friedrich

When the Regulators Refuse to Regulate: Pervasive USDA Underenforcement of the Humane Slaughter Act, Bruce Friedrich


When the Regulators Refuse to Regulate: Pervasive USDA Underenforcement of the Humane Slaughter Act, Bruce Friedrich


Copyrightability of Music Compilations and Playlists: Original and Creative Works of Authorship?, Marc Fritzsche

Google Books Rejected: Taking the Orphans to the Digital Public Library of Alexandria, Giancarlo F. Frosio

Rediscovering Cumulative Creativity From the Oral Formulaic Tradition to Digital Remix: Can I Get a Witness?, 13 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 341 (2014), Giancarlo F. Frosio

Learning from Our Mistakes: Using Immigration Enforcement Errors to Guide Reform, Amanda Frost

When Two Wrongs Make a Right: Deferred Action and the Rule of Law - A Response to Hiroshi Motomura, Amanda Frost

Reconsidering the Reliance Interest, Christopher W. Frost

Test, Josh Frost

Andy Warhol’s Pantry, Brian L. Frye

Eldred & the New Rationality, Brian L. Frye

IP as Metaphor, Brian L. Frye



"Everybody Knows What a Picket Line Means": Picketing Before the British Columbia Court of Appeal, Judy Fudge and Eric Tucker

Pluralism or Fragmentation?: The Twentieth-Century Employment Law Regime in Canada, Judy Fudge and Eric Tucker

The Freedom to Strike in Canada: A Brief Legal History, Judy Fudge and Eric Tucker

Changing Boundaries of Employment: Developing a New Platform for Labour Law, Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker, and Leah Vosko

Employee or Independent Contractor?: Charting the Legal Significance of the Distinction in Canada, Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker, and Leah Vosko

Diseño de acuerdos colectivos: Reflexiones a partir de la experiencia en Estados Unidos, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira


La cultura jurídica y la reforma al proceso civil: reflexiones a propósito de las prácticas en los tribunales de familia, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira

LOS DILEMAS DEL JUEZ DE FAMILIA, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira

LOS DILEMAS DEL JUEZ DE FAMILIANo Title, Claudio A. Fuentes Maureira

Special Feature: The Future of Lay Adjudication in Korea and Japan, Hiroshi Fukurai and Valerie P. Hans

Undergraduate Education in Legal Psychology, Solomon F. Fulero, Edith Greene, Valerie P. Hans, Michael T. Nietzel, Mark A. Small, and Lawrence S. Wrightsman

A Building Contract Casebook, 4th edition, Michael Philip FURMSTON

Fair Hospital Prices Are Not Charity: Decoupling Hospital Pricing and Collection Rules from Tax Status, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Resurrecting Health Care Rate Regulation, Erin C. Fuse Brown

The Blind Spot in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's Cost-Control Policies, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Affordable Care Act Is Here to Stay, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Developing a Durable Right to Health Care, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Hospitals Using ACA to Justify Cuts in Charity Care, Erin C. Fuse Brown

How to Fix Our Hospital Pricing Problem (and How Not To), Erin C. Fuse Brown

IPAB May Be a Super-Independent Agency, But It Is Constitutional, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Irrational Hospital Pricing, Erin C. Fuse Brown

IRS Rules Will Not Stop Unfair Hospital Billing and Collection Practices, Erin C. Fuse Brown

More Than Just the ACA at Stake in King v. Burwell, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Much at Stake for Georgians in Health Care Fight, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Much at State for Georgia in Upcoming High Court Ruling, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Surprise! The Doctors at Your In-Network Hospital Are Out-of-Network, Erin C. Fuse Brown

The Health Implications of Piketty's Inequality, Erin C. Fuse Brown

The Hidden Costs of Narrow Networks, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Experts React as Obamacare Survives Another Near-Death Experience, Erin Fuse Brown, Mark Kende, and Thomas J. Whalen

The State of Constitutional Law and Health Care after the Supreme Court Decision: A Panel Series PPACA and the Supreme Court Different Perspectives, Erin Fuse Brown J.D. and Eric Segall J.D.

The State of Constitutional Law and Health Care after the Supreme Court Decision: A Panel Series PPACA and the Supreme Court Different Perspectives, Erin Fuse Brown J.D. and Eric Segall J.D.

The Implication of Burwell v Hobby Lobby: Three Perspectives, Erin Fuse Brown J.D., M.P.H.; Anne Tucker J.D.; and Eric J. Segall J.D.

The Implication of Burwell v Hobby Lobby: Three Perspectives, Erin Fuse Brown J.D., M.P.H.; Anne Tucker J.D.; and Eric J. Segall J.D.

The Implication of Burwell v Hobby Lobby: Three Perspectives, Erin Fuse Brown J.D., M.P.H.; Anne Tucker J.D.; and Eric J. Segall J.D.


Proliferation of the Ponzi Practice: Deconstructing a House of Cards in Bankruptcy, Jessica Gabel

The Tale of TOUSA: New Lender Liability without a Savings Clause, Jessica Gabel

Reliability Is a Two-Way Street: Forensic Reform in the Crime Lab and the Courtroom, Jessica D. Gabel

The Lean Legal Clinic: Cost-Effective Methods of Implementing Experiential Education, Jessica D. Gabel

When Politics, Medicine Mix, Jessica D. Gabel

Healing Hospitals on the Brink of Bankruptcy, Jessica Gabel and Samuel R. Maizel

Central Banks, Systemic Lending, and Collateral Markets, José Gabilondo


Birth, Survival, Growth and Death of ICT Companies, Garry A. Gabison

Does the Environmental Protection Agency Settle More CERCLA Cases?, Garry A. Gabison


Equity Crowdfunding: All Regulated But Not Equal, Garry A. Gabison

How the Legal Form Impacts the Survival of ICT Companies, Garry A. Gabison


Lessons that Europe Can Learn from the U.S. Patent Assertion Entity Phenomenon, Garry A. Gabison


Spotting Software Innovation in a Patent Assertion Entity World, Garry A. Gabison

The Effect of Plaintiff's Identity and Joint and Several Liability on Settlements of CERCLA Suits, Garry A. Gabison


The Problems with the Private Enforcement of CERCLA: an Empirical Analysis, Garry A. Gabison


Understanding Crowdfunding and its Regulations, Garry A. Gabison


Cuando la simulación absoluta no es la solución, Jose L. Gabriel Rivera


DANO POR ESTRES POST-TRAUMATICO ¿UNA NUEVA VOZ DE DANO? (Comentarios a una reciente sentencia de la Corte de Casación), Jose L. Gabriel Rivera

El contrato de transacción: ¿Vale más un mal arreglo que un buen juicio?: apuntes poco ortodoxos sobre el contrato de transacción, Jose L. Gabriel Rivera


¿El perjuicio de haber nacido? Sobre una reciente sentencia de la Corte Superior de Tacna, Jose L. Gabriel Rivera


Hipersensibilidad al... ¿Wifi? (A propósito de un reciente pronunciamiento francés), Jose L. Gabriel Rivera


Obligaciones de fuente legal : ¿contractual o extracontractual ?, Jose L. Gabriel Rivera


PREVOST, Jean-Baptiste, "Consideraciones filosóficas en torno a la noción del proyecto de vida" (TRADUCCION DEL FRANCES), en Actualidad Civil del Instituto Pacífico, Jose L. Gabriel Rivera


Responsabilidad civil médica: ¿laboratorio de la responsabilidad civil? Breves comentario de derecho extranjero a una sentencia de derecho nacional, Jose L. Gabriel Rivera

Can Company Disclosures Discipline State-Appointed Managers - Evidence from Greek Privatizations, Stavros Gadinis

From Independence to Politics in Financial Regulation, Stavros Gadinis

International Securities Regulation, Stavros Gadinis

Market Structure for Institutional Investors; Comparing the U.S. and E.U. Regimes, Stavros Gadinis

Sovereign Debt and Collective Action Clauses, Stavros Gadinis

The Financial Stability Board: The New Politics of International Financial Regulation, Stavros Gadinis

The Politics of Competition in International Financial Regulation, Stavros Gadinis

The SEC and the Financial Industry: Evidence from Enforcement against Broker-Dealers, Stavros Gadinis

Three Pathways to Global Standards: Private, Regulatory, and Ministry Networks, Stavros Gadinis

Markets as Regulators: A Survey, Stavros Gadinis and Howell E. Jackson

Program Administration, Amy Gadsden, Diane Edelman, and Stephanie Farrior


Exploitation in Migration: Unacceptable but Inevitable, Anne T. Gallagher AO

First Decade of the Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Migrant Smugglers: Monsters or Saviours?, Anne T. Gallagher AO


Migrant Smuggling, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Migration Diary, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Trafficking in Persons and Armed Conflict, Anne T. Gallagher AO

When it comes to Free Speech, we're all Hypocrites, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Without Trafficking - what would happen to Global Wealth and Productivity?, Anne T. Gallagher AO

The UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking: A Turbulent Decade in Review, Anne T. Gallagher AO and Joy Ngozi Ezeilo

Asia-Europe Human Rights Dialogue (ASEM): Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons, Anne T. Gallagher AO and Klara Skrivanova

The Historical Case for Abandoning Strickland, Brian Gallini

The Unlikely Meeting between Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Benjamin Quarles, Brian Gallini

The Economic Characteristics of Developing Jurisdictions: Their Implications for Competition Law, Michal S. Gal, Mor Bakhoum, Josef Drexl, Eleanor M. Fox, and David J. Gerber


Mimesis, Imagination and Law, Marcelo C. Galuppo