About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

I Share, Therefore It's Mine, Donald J. Kochan

Jenkwe and Magaji_2016pdf.pdf, CJES Department of Geography and Planning Kogi State University Anyigba

Brief for Foreign and Comparative Law Experts Harold Hongju Koh et al. as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners, Harold Hongju Koh, Thomas Buergenthal, Sarah H. Cleveland, Laurence R. Helfer, Ryan Goodman, and Sujit Choudhry

Der Wagner Act, Thomas C. Kohler

The Significance of Religion for US-American Labor and Social Regulation, Thomas C. Kohler

Discourses on Gender and Sexual Inequality: The Legacy of Sandra L. Bem, Marla H. Kohlman and Dana B. Krieg

For the Sake of Hearth and Home: Gender Schematicity in the Romance Novel ☆, Marla H. Kohlman and Samantha N. Simpson

The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany. 3rd Edition,, Donald P. Kommers and Russell A. Miller

Associate Dean Randy Kozel develops a theory of precedent in new book, Randy J. Kozel

Precedent and Speech, Randy J. Kozel

Discretionary Dockets, Randy J. Kozel and Jeffrey Pojanowski

Discretionary Dockets, Randy J. Kozel and Jeffrey A. Pojanowski

Banner News, Mike Kraft, Mike Garvey, Brian Bertini, and Tom Johnson

Introduction to the Law and Markets: Regulating Controversial Exchange, Kimberly Krawiec, Poonam Puri, and Mitu Gulati

Banking Deregulation, Local Credit Supply, and Small-Business Growth, Prasad Krishnamurthy

Banking Restrictions, Financial Integration, and Firm Growth, Prasad Krishnamurthy

Food Price Subsidies and Nutrition: Evidence from State Reforms to India's Public Distribution System, Prasad Krishnamurthy

Lecture, Prasad Krishnamurthy

Regulating Capital, Prasad Krishnamurthy

Rules, Standards, and Complexity in Capital Regulation, Prasad Krishnamurthy

Stereotypes and Affirmative Action in Higher Education Admissions, Prasad Krishnamurthy and Aaron Edlin

Stereotypes and Affirmative Action in Higher Education Admissions, Prasad Krishnamurthy and Aaron Edlin

3 Myths About Coastal Zone Act Proposal, Kenneth T. Kristl

The Market Metaphor, Radicalized: How a Capitalist Theology Trumped Democracy, Timothy Kuhner

American Kleptocracy: How to Categorise Trump and His Government, Timothy K. Kuhner

The Next American Revolution, Timothy K. Kuhner

"Allahu Akbar" is a Beautiful Phrase and We Want it Back, Faisal Kutty

Canada Must Pressure Burma to End Abuse of Muslim Minority, Faisal Kutty

Eight Reasons Why Canada Must Repeal Its Anti-Terror Laws, Faisal Kutty

Entrapment Decision a Pyrrhic Victory if Bill C-51 is Not Amended, Faisal Kutty

Fasting Just One Aspect of Ramadan, Faisal Kutty

Free Speech Hypocrisy, Faisal Kutty

French Prosecution of Canadian Hassan Diab a Travesty, Faisal Kutty

Guilt, Pain and India's Economic Ritual Cleansing, Faisal Kutty

Haters of Islam Have Been Emboldened By Rhetoric, Faisal Kutty

How Canada Can Act to Ensure Justice for Rohingya, Faisal Kutty

How We Swim in Canada, Faisal Kutty

I Hereby Condemn All Past, Present and Future Terrorism in My Name, Faisal Kutty

It's Time to Take Back the Reins, Faisal Kutty

Legal System Not Doing Enough for Radicalized Members, Faisal Kutty

Lessons from Past Islamophobia and the Christian Response, Faisal Kutty

National Security Framework Needs Major Overhaul, Faisal Kutty

No Gold Medal for Human Rights at Global Sports Events, Faisal Kutty

No, Muslims Are Not Taking Over Public School Boards, Faisal Kutty

Non-Fiction: Say Hello to My Muslim Friend, Faisal Kutty

One Person's Criminal May Be Another's Terrorist, Faisal Kutty

Persecution of Christians in Middle East is Profoundly Un-Islamic, Faisal Kutty

Terrorism Charges are Only Reserved for Muslims, Faisal Kutty

The Death of the "Father of International Law", Faisal Kutty

The Disturbing Agenda to Rewrite India's History, Faisal Kutty

The Hate that Canada's Islamophobia Motion Stirred Up Shows Exactly Why We Need It, Faisal Kutty

Today It's Mandatory Music. Tomorrow It's Removing Hijabs, Faisal Kutty

U.S. Border Crossing Numbers Don't Tell Full Story, Faisal Kutty

US Elections: Muslim Reactions Around the Globe, Faisal Kutty

What We All Need to Understand About the Hajj, Faisal Kutty

When Schools Are Not Safe Places for All Children, Faisal Kutty

Why Obama Must Veto the 9/11 Lawsuit Bill, Faisal Kutty

Your Name May Dictate Your Apartment, Degree, and Career, Faisal Kutty

Fresno’s BID for downtown revitalization: an analysis of a business improvement district, Christopher Kutz

Groups, Equality, and the Promise of Democratic Politics, Christopher Kutz

Re-Examining Foreign Direct Investment - Growth Nexus., Edmund Kwablah and Edinam K. Glover

Conservative Jewish Leaders are Endangering their Brand, Roberta R. Kwall

Saving Conservative Judaism, Roberta R. Kwall

Why the aversion to conversion?, Roberta R. Kwall

Content-Based Instruction: Teaching English and the “Green Movement” to Students in China, Joanna Labov and Robert A. Eckhart

Who's Gonna Take the Weight: using Legal Storytelling to Ignite a New Generation of Social Engineers, Camille Lamar

California’s Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds: Taxes, Fees, or Something Else?, Deborah Lambe and Daniel Farber

Panel: Starting a Business/Financial Literacy, Harvey Lam, Richard Haggins, Stephanie Ben-Ishai, and Ruby Bhasin

Assimilation Vs. Acculturation: The Competition for Cultural Integration, D'Andre Lampkin

From Rising Heat Comes Rising Tension in Syria: How Global Warming Started a War & Threatens Homeland Security, D'Andre D. Lampkin

Technology Disaster Recovery.docx, D'Andre D. Lampkin

Patriot Act A More Perfect Policy.docx, D'Andre Devon Lampkin

Lindey on Entertainment, Publishing & the Arts: Agreements and the Law, Michael B. Landau and Alexander Lindey

Lindey on Entertainment, Publishing & the Arts: Agreements and the Law, Michael B. Landau and Alexander Lindey

Global Issues in Constitutional Law, Brian K. Landsberg and Leslie Gielow Jacobs

An Interview with Barrie Stavis, Daniel Larner

Anywhere But Home: The Life and Work of Barrie Stavis, Daniel Larner

Lessons from the Bloody Rain: The Young Vic Production of A View from the Bridge and Miller's Tragic Form, Daniel Larner

Review of: The Story of Drama: Tragedy, Comedy and Sacrifice from the Greeks to the Present by Gary Day, Daniel Larner

Equality and Anti-discrimination: The Relationship between Government Goals and Finding Discrimination in Section 15, Sonia Lawrence

Moderator, "Immigrants and Criminal Law: What Can We Expect Under a Trump Administration", Margaret M. Lawton

Panel I: Theory I -- Multidimensional Masculinities, Sylvia R. Lazos, Athena D. Mutua, Juliet Williams, and Frank Rudy Cooper

Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Judicial Independence: The Freedom to Be Fair, Steve Leben, Michael R. McAdam, Leo Bowman, Kevin S. Burke, Michael Cicconetti, Malcom Feeley, Jack Ford, Gayle Nachtigal, Tam Nomoto Schumann, and William C. Vickrey

Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Friends of the Court? The Bar, the Media, and the Public, Steve Leben, John Russonello, and Malcom Feeley

A Primer for 1st-Year Legal-Writing Adjuncts, Gerald Lebovits

Evidence in a Housing Court Trial (PPT 5/19/17), Gerald Lebovits

Free at Last from Obscurity: Achieving Clarity, Gerald Lebovits

Judicial Wellness: The Ups and Downs of N.Y. Judges, Gerald Lebovits

Judicial Wellness: The Ups and Downs of N.Y. Judges, Gerald Lebovits

Judicial Wellness: The Ups & Downs of Sitting New York Judges, Gerald Lebovits

Legal-Writing Exercises: Part I, Gerald Lebovits

Legal-Writing Exercises: Part II, Gerald Lebovits

Legal-Writing Exercises: Part III, Gerald Lebovits

Legal-Writing Exercises: Part IV, Gerald Lebovits

Legal-Writing Exercises: Part V—Punctuation, Gerald Lebovits

Legal-Writing Myths, Gerald Lebovits

NY Residential Landlord-Tenant Law & Procedure─2017-2018 (10th ed. 2017), Gerald Lebovits

On Terra Firma with English, Gerald Lebovits

The Writing Process for New Lawyers: Getting It Written & Right, Gerald Lebovits

Will of Fortune: New York Will Drafting–Part 2, Gerald Lebovits