About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

The Language of Compromise in International Agreements, Katerina Linos and Tom Pegram

The Supreme Court, the Media, and Public Opinion: Comparing Experimental and Observational Methods, Katerina Linos and Kimberly Twist

Reforming and Specifying Intellectual Property Rights Policies of Standard-Setting Organizations: Towards Fair and Efficient Patent Licensing and Dispute Resolution, Richard Li and Richard Li-dar Wang


Digital Copyright, Jessica Litman

Panelist, Teaching from the Margins: Underrepresented Faculty Perspectives on the Classroom, Joseph P. Liu

Mining and Ranking Generators of Sequential Pattern, David LO, Siau-Cheng KHOO, and Jinyan LI

Mining iterative generators and representative rules for software specification discovery, David LO, Jinyan LI, Limsoon WONG, and Siau-Cheng KHOO

Criminalizing Pregnancy, Cortney E. Lollar

Chemistry: The Hidden War, Paul Lombardo

Chemistry: The Hidden War, Paul Lombardo

A Child's Right to Be Well Born: Venereal Disease and the Eugenic Marriage Laws, 1913-1935, Paul A. Lombardo

In the Letters of an 'Imbecile,' the Sham, and Shame, of Eugenics, Paul A. Lombardo

The Virginia Patient Health Records Privacy Act of 1997, Paul A. Lombardo

High-Interest Loans and Class: Do Payday and Title Loans Really Serve the Middle Class?, Ernesto A. Longa and Nathalie Martin

2018 Promises to be Rocky Time in IP World, Doris E. Long

21st Century Copyright Reform: Adding Privacy Considerations Into the Normative Mix, Doris E. Long

Basics of Intellectual Property Protection for Media Practitioners, Doris E. Long

Bilateral Investment Treaties May Be New Way to Protect IP Rights, Doris E. Long

Broadening the Normative Inputs for 21st Century Copyright Reform in the United States: Isn’t it Time to Add Privacy Into the Mix?,, Doris E. Long

Commercialization Strategies: Finding a Partner, Doris E. Long

Commercialization Strategies: Secrecy, Copyright Protection and Confidentiality Agreements,, Doris E. Long

Commercialization Strategies: Trade Secrets and Confidentiality Agreements for Innovators, Doris E. Long

Copyright and Industrial Design for IP Stakeholders, Doris E. Long

Copyright, Appropriation Art and Other Visual Conundrums, Doris E. Long

Copyright Developments, Doris E. Long

Copyright Law in China: Challenges and Opportunities, Doris E. Long

Creating an IP “Toolkit” for Ethiopia, Doris E. Long

Critical Steps to Protect Your Innovation: Secrecy, Documentation and Working Models, Doris E. Long

Emerging Areas in Intellectual Property: Traditional Knowledge, Handicrafts, Trade Secrets, and Geographical Indications, Doris E. Long

Emerging Areas in Intellectual Property: Traditional Knowledge, Handicrafts, Trade Secrets, and Geographical Indications,, Doris E. Long

Hot Topics in International IP Protection, Doris E. Long

How to Protect Yourself Online, Doris E. Long

How to Spot Counterfeit and Pirated Goods, Doris E. Long

Intellectual Property and E-Commerce: Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities,, Doris E. Long

Intellectual Property Protection: Promoting Creativity, Innovation and Sustainable Economic Development, Doris E. Long

Intellectual Property Protection: Promoting Creativity, Innovation and Sustainable Economic Development, Doris E. Long

Intellectual Property Rights Regulation in the United States: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions, Doris E. Long

Internationalizing Your Innovation, Doris E. Long

Internationalizing Your Innovation, Doris E. Long

IP Registration for Innovators: Process, Benefits and Timing, Doris E. Long

IP Registration for Innovators: Process, Benefits and Timing,, Doris E. Long

Is It Time To Adopt A ‘Petty Patent’ To Maintain U.S. Edge In Innovation?, Doris E. Long

Mapping the Pathways For Protecting the Investment Value of Intellectual Property: A Cautionary Guide, Doris E. Long

Maximize Your Export Market, Doris E. Long

Music Piracy: An International Perspective, Doris E. Long

Overview of Industrial Property: Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Designs, Doris E. Long

Overview of Industrial Property: Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Designs for IP Stakeholders, Doris E. Long

Overview of Intellectual Property Rights and Why They Matter, Doris E. Long

Overview of Intellectual Property Rights and Why They Matter, Doris E. Long

Overview of IP Rights: Copyrights and Industrial Design: How They Link to the Fashion World,, Doris E. Long

Patentable Inventions: Critical Issues in Protection: Novelty, Inventive Step, Utility,, Doris E. Long

Price Controls, Worldwide Access Take Center Stage for IP Owners in 2017, Doris E. Long

Protecting Intellectual Property in the 21st Century, Doris E. Long

Protecting Works Incorporating Traditional Designs, Doris E. Long

Secrecy, Destruction and Other Enforcement Issues, Doris E. Long

Selecting the Appropriate Form of Protection for Your Innovation, Doris E. Long

Special IP Issues for Photographers, Doris E. Long

Special Issues for Sculptors, Doris E. Long

Techniques for Gaining Public Support for IP Enforcement, Doris E. Long

The Importance of Registering Trademarks and Building Brands, Doris E. Long

The Importance of Registering Trademarks and Building Brands for IP Stakeholders, Doris E. Long

The International Coordination of Enforcement, Doris E. Long

The Offensive Use of IP Registrations (Copyright and Trademark) to Protect Your Business Assets for Visual Artists, Doris E. Long

The Role of Public Officials In Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights, Doris E. Long

The Unimagined Consequences of Star Athletica’s ‘Imaginative Separability’ Test (blog), Doris E. Long

Tracking the Distribution Trail to its Source, Doris E. Long

Trademarks, Special Issues involving Well-Known Marks, Domain Names and Geographical Indications: Critical Issues in Protection: Distinctiveness, Ownership and Convergence, Doris E. Long

Trademarks: Why Are They Important in Building the Brands Of Fashion Designers, Doris E. Long

Trump’s Trade Policies Could Run Afoul Of Treaties, Bring On Counterfeits, Doris E. Long

Using Intellectual Property to Protect Ethiopia’s Unique Culture, Doris E. Long

Using Trademarks to Protect Innovations, Doris E. Long

U.S. on Verge of Being Passed Up by Chinese on IP Standards, Doris E. Long

Why IP Reporting Matters, Doris E. Long

A Legal History of the Chicano Movement, Ian Haney Lopez

Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business 3rd Edition, Victor D. Lopez

Preventing Government Shutdowns: Designing Default Rules for Budgets, David Scott Louk and David Gamage

Article XIV, Section 3 of the Illinois Constitution: A Limited Initiative to Amend the Article on the Legislature, 48 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 899 (2017), Ann Lousin

200 years ago Illinois took step to statehood, Ann M. Lousin

Here’s A Somewhat Painless Way To Redistrict Without The Courts, Ann M. Lousin

What’s In A Name In Chicago? Changing Times, Changing Standards, Ann M. Lousin

Philosophical Legal Ethics: An Affectionate History, David Luban and W. Bradley Wendel

Behavioral Public Choice and the Carbon Tax, Gary M. Lucas Jr.

Behavioral Public Choice and the Carbon Tax, Gary M. Lucas Jr

Measuring Scholarly Impact: A Guide for Law School Administrators and Legal Scholars, Gary M. Lucas Jr

Measuring Scholarly Impact: A Guide for Law School Administrators and Legal Scholars, Gary M. Lucas Jr.

Behavioral Public Choice and the Law, Gary M. Lucas Jr. and Slaviša Tasić

An Empirical Assessment of Georgia's Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Standard to Determine Intellectual Disability in Capital Cases, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Georgia Should Not Execute a Man Whose Juror Called Him a "Ni**er", Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Proportionality Skepticism in a Red State, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Reflection: How Multiracial Lives Matter 50 Years After Loving, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

The Free Exercise of Religious Identity, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Every Year, Millions Try to Navigate US Courts Without a Lawyer, Lauren Sudeall Lucas and Darcy Meals

Henry J. Friendly: Designed to be a Great Federal Judge, Tory L. Lucas

U.S. Farm and Food Subsidies: A Short History of a Long Controversy, Sarah Ludington

How Contracts Influence Trust and Distrust, Fabrice Lumineau

Torts Cases and Commentary, Harold Luntz, David Hambly, Kylie Burns, Joachim Dietrich, Neil J. Foster, Genevieve Grant, and Sirko Harder

Ethical consequences of full human genome testing, Michael Lupton

A Schematic Approach to Understanding Probation Officers' Judgments of Criminals, Arthur J. Lurigio

Australian Fair Work Act 2009: with regulations and rules, Arthur J. Lurigio

Eugene Cullen Kennedy (1928–2015)., Arthur J. Lurigio