About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

Transformation of legal language – Early Byzantine legal discourse, Jaakko Husa

A Study of the Costs of Legal Services in Personal Injury Litigation in Ontario: Final Report, Allan C. Hutchinson

Double-dipping Lawyers Taking Big Slice of Injury Settlements, Allan C. Hutchinson

Five Questions with Allan Hutchinson, Allan C. Hutchinson

Is Killing People Right? : More Great Cases that Shaped the Legal World, Allan C. Hutchinson

Law Professor Questions Whether Contingency Fees Benefit Clients, Allan C. Hutchinson

More Revelations on Auto Premiums’ Inflated Legal Costs, Allan C. Hutchinson

Why I Don't Teach Administrative Law (And Perhaps Why I Should?), Allan C. Hutchinson

Constitutionalising the Senate: A Modest Democratic Proposal, Allan C. Hutchinson and Joel I. Colón-Ríos

ABA Prohibits Bias in Law Practice, Nicole Iannarone

Keeping Our Houses in Order: Lawyers' Obligations Concerning Our Own or Our Colleagues' Inability to Competently Represent Clients, Nicole G. Iannarone

Crafting Comment Letters: Teach Policy, Develop Skills, and Shape Pending Regulation, Nicole G. Iannarone and Benjamin P. Edwards

Application of GPS and Total Station in the Determination of Gully attributes in some Nigerian Cities., Matthew O. Ibitoye

Entrepreneurs on Horseback: Reflections on the Organization of Law, Darian M. Ibrahim and D. Gordon Smith

Affordable Housing, Fair Housing and Community Development: Joined at the Hip, We Need to Learn to Walk Together, Tim Iglesias

A Novel Tool for Teaching Property: Starting With The Questions, Tim Iglesias

Two Competing Concepts of Residential Integration, Tim Iglesias

Comparison of Proteins from Cocaine Addicted and Control Mouse Brains using Proteomic Techniques, Shin Imai

La “Marca Canadiense”: La violencia y las compañías mineras canadienses en América Latina, Shin Imai, Leah Gardner, and Sarah Weinberger

Gun Rights and The New Lochnerism, Areto A. Imoukhuede

A Critique of The Uniquely Adversarial Nature Of The U.S. Legal, Economic And Political System And Its Implications for Reinforcing Existing Power Hierarchies, Areto A. Imoukhuede and Jim Wilets

David Ingram's Curriculum Vitae, david ingram

Group Rights: A Defense, David Ingram

Late Pragmatism, Logical Positivism, and Their Aftermath, David Ingram

No Title, david ingram

No Title, david ingram

No Title, david ingram

No Title, david ingram

Recognition Within the Limits of Reason: Remarks on Pippin’s Hegel’s Practical Philosophy, David Ingram

Toward a Cleaner Whiteness: New Racial Identities, David Ingram

The Public Sphere as Site of Emancipation and Enlightenment: A Discourse Theoretic Critique of Digital Communication, David Ingram and Asaf Bar-Tura

Making Sense of the Antitrust State-Action Doctrine: Balancing Political Participation and Economic Efficiency in Regulatory Federalism, Robert P. Inman and Daniel L. Rubinfeld

The Judicial Pursuit of Local Fiscal Equity, Robert P. Inman and Daniel L. Rubinfeld

Accountability in extraterritoriality: A comparative and international law perspective, Danielle Ireland-Piper

Comparison, Self-Direction and Creativity: Contextualising Public Law, Danielle Ireland-Piper

Development through sport: Fans and critics of the new player on the field, Danielle Ireland-Piper

Extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction: Does the long arm of the law undermine the rule of law?, Danielle Ireland-Piper

Institutional dichotomies: The Solicitor-General in Sri Lanka, Danielle Ireland-Piper

Quoted in "Q & A: What is a Sanctuary City?", Meghan E. Irons

Patent exhaustion regime and international production sharing: Winners and losers?, Olena Ivus and Edwin L.-C. Lai

Patent Protection and the Composition of Multinational Activity: Evidence from U.S. Multinational Firms, Olena Ivus, Walter Park, and Kamal Saggi

Relationships between vegetation characteristics and soil erosion in the rainforest zone of Southern Nigeria, Anthony I. Iwara, E E. Ewa, G N. Njar, and S O. Maduka

0000000000000000-My Works 2009-2017.docx, Girma Yohannes Iyassu Menelik Prof. Dr.

0000000000000000-My Works 2009-2017.docx, Girma Yohannes Iyassu Menelik Prof. Dr.

Jackson_Selecting_LPMS.pdf, Darla W. Jackson

Oklahoma Lawyers for America's Heroes Program: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Darla W. Jackson

Selecting a Law Practice Management Solution, Darla W. Jackson

Ending the Pursuit: Releasing Attorney Advertising Regulations at the Intersection of Technology and the First Amendment, Jan L. Jacobowitz Ms.


Legal Ethics and Social Media: A Practitioner’s Handbook, Jan L. Jacobowitz Ms. and John G. Browning

In Memoriam: Norval Morris (1923-2004), James B. Jacobs, James R. Coldren Jr., Franklin E. Zimring, Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, and Albert W. Alschuler

Adding Complexity to Confusion and Seeing the Light: Feminist Legal Insights and the Jurisprudence of the Religion Clauses, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

A Troubling Equation in Contracts for Government Funded Scientific Research: "Sensitive But Unclassified" = Secret But Unconstitutional, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Bioterrorism Defense: Current Components and Continuing Challenges, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Bush, Obama and Beyond: Observations on the Prospect for Fact Checking Executive Department Threat Claims Before the Use of Force, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Clarifying the Content-Based/Content Neutral and Content/Viewpoint Determinations, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Compelled Commercial Speech as Compelled Consent Speech, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Even More Honest Than Ever Before: Abandoning Pretense and Recreating Legitimacy in Constitutional Interpretation, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Free Speech and the Limits of Legislative Discretion: The Example of Specialty License Plates, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Government Identity Speech Programs: Understanding and Applying the New Walker Test, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Government Identity Speech Programs: Understanding and Applying the New Walker Test, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Is There an Obligation to Listen?, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

License Plates are Back in Court in Walker v. Texas Sons of Confederate Veterans, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Nonviolent Abortion Clinic Protests: Reevaluating Some Current Assumptions About the Proper Scope of Government Regulations, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Pledges, Parades, and Mandatory Payments, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Snow White, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Supplementing the Assumed Definitions: A Commentary on Professor Brownstein's Analysis of Abortion Protest Restrictions, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

The Court Decides, 5-4, Specialty License Plates are Government Speech, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

The Link Between Student Activity Fees and Campaign Finance Regulations, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

The Public Sensibilities Forum, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

What the Abortion Disclosure Cases Say About the Constitutionality of Persuasive Government Speech on Product Labels, Leslie Gielow Jacobs

Global Issues in Freedom of Speech and Religion: Cases and Materials, Leslie Gielow Jacobs and Alan Brownstein

United States Legislation and Presidential Directives,, Leslie Gielow Jacobs and Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker

Limits to the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission Model of Corruption Reform: Lessons from Indonesia, Leslie Gielow Jacobs and Benjamin B. Wagner

Retooling Law Enforcement to Investigate and Prosecute Entrenched Corruption: Key Criminal Procedure Reforms for Indonesia and Other Nations, Leslie Gielow Jacobs and Benjamin B. Wagner

More than merely work-ready: Vocationalism versus professionalism in legal education, Nickolas J. James

La consulta y la protección de los intereses difusos, Leonardo Jara Bazán

Una jurisprudencia de observancia obligatoria que hace agua: El extraño caso de la RTF Nº 03820-Q-2016, Leonardo Jara Bazán

Quoted in "Travel Ban Hearing: Fiery Judges Put Lawyers on Their Heels", Laura Jarrett and Ariane de Vogue

Florida Legal Malpractice and Attorney Ethics, Robert M. Jarvis, Warren R. Trazenfeld, and Timothy P. Chinaris

Freedom to Mislead, Hao Jiang

Freedom To Mislead: The Fictitious Freedom to Contract Around Fraud Under Delaware Law, Hao Jiang

Why Negligence Per Se Should Be Abandoned, Barry L. Johnson

A Practical Guide to Using Repo Master Agreements: Existing Market Practice for Legal Documentation in Europe and the USA, Christian A. Johnson and Paul C. Harding

Quoted in "Q&A: Murkiness Follows Supreme Court's Action on Travel Ban", Gene Johnson

Reflecting on Three Decades of Corporate Law Scholarship, Lyman P.Q. Johnson

Microsoft Word - Texas Business Associations 2016.jpg, Marcia A. Johnson Ms and Emeka Duruigbo

Contemporary Problems of Drug Abuse - III. Saturday Afternoon, Nicholas Johnson, Mark L. Cohen, Joe Moss, and Nicholas N. Kittrie

A Legal Obituary for Ramiro, Sheri Lynn Johnson

The Pre-Furman Juvenile Death Penalty in South Carolina: Young Black Life Was Cheap, Sheri Lynn Johnson, John H. Blume, and Hannah L. Freedman

The Pre-Furman Juvenile Death Penalty in South Carolina: Young Black Life Was Cheap, Sheri Lynn Johnson, John H. Blume, and Hannah L. Freedman

When Empathy Bites Back: Cautionary Tales from Neuroscience for Capital Sentencing, Sheri Lynn Johnson, Amelia Courtney Hritz, Caisa Elizabeth Royer, and John H. Blume

A Modest Proposal, Tom Johnson

A Review of Exploring Heaven, #2, Tom Johnson

Retributive Justifications for Jail Diversion of Individuals with Mental Disorder, E. Lea Johnston

Law and Politics of the Taiwan Sunflower and Hong Kong Umbrella Movements, Brian Christopher Jones

Should Hong Kong’s Basic Law be scrapped and a new constitution negotiated?, Brian Christopher Jones

Taiwan: a derogation of international law?, Brian Christopher Jones

The Government’s Quandary: “Great”, or Ordinary, Repeal, Brian Christopher Jones

Justices as Sacred Symbols: Antonin Scalia and the Cultural Life of the Law, Brian Christopher Jones and Austin Sarat