About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

La protection des données à caractère personnel en droit européen - Chronique de jurisprudence (2016) / Data Protection in European Law - Chronicle of case-law (2016), Jean HERVEG and Jean-Marc Van Gyseghem

Materials on Accounting for Lawyers, Concise 3rd ed., David R. Herwitz and Matthew J. Barrett

Materials on Accounting for Lawyers, Temporary Concise 4th ed., David R. Herwitz and Matthew J. Barrett

The Reference Assistant, Annalee Hickman Moser and Felicity Murphy

Learning as a Machine. Crossovers Between Humans and Machines, Mireille Hildebrandt

The virtuality of territorial borders.pdf, Mireille Hildebrandt

Folkrättens indirekta genomslag vid tolkning av svenska skatteavtals införlivandelagstiftning, Maria Hilling

Alternative Business Structures for Lawyers and Law Firms: A View from the Global Legal Services Market, Louise L. Hill

Ethics of Attorney Diligence, Louise L. Hill

Kentucky Legal Research, William A. Hilyerd, Kurt X. Metzmeier, and David Ensign

Entering the Trump Ice Age: Contextualizing the New Immigration Enforcement Regime, Bill Ong Hing


Three New Books Discuss How to Confront and Reform Racist Policing, Elizabeth Hinton

Are Bank Fiduciaries Special?, Robert C. Hockett

Putting Distribution First, Robert C. Hockett

Public Actors in Private Markets: Toward a Developmental Finance State, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova

"Special," Vestigial, or Visionary? What Banking Regulation Tells Us About the Corporation—and Vice Versa, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova

The Finance Franchise, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova

Early Modern Absolutism and Constitutionalism, Kinch Hoekstra

Thomas Hobbes and the Creation of Order, Kinch Hoekstra

Sex-specific developmental changes in muscle size and bone geometry at the femoral shaft, Wolfgang Hogler, Cameron J.R. Blimkie, Chris T. Cowell, Dean Inglis, Frank Rauch, Allan F. Kemp, Peter Norman Wiebe, Craig Scott Duncan, Nathalie Farpour-Lambert, and Helen J. Woodhead

Panelist, Legal and Practical Implications of the Executive Order Entitled "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States", Mary Holper

Redefining Particularly Serious Crimes in Refugee Law, Mary Holper

The Beast of Burden in Immigration Bond Hearings, Mary Holper

The Unreasonable Seizures of Shadow Deportations, Mary Holper

Patent Injunctions on Appeal: An Empirical Study of the Federal Circuit's Application of eBay, Ryan T. Holte

Patent Submission Policies, Ryan T. Holte

6 Things To Know About The Partial Reinstatement Of Trump’s Travel Ban, Kari E. Hong

A Former Practitioner's Meditation on The Second-Worst Case, Kari E. Hong

Bar and Court Admissions, Kari E. Hong

Co-Author, Amicus Brief by Immigration Law Professors and Clinicians in Garcia-Martinez v. Sessions, 16-72940 (Ninth Circuit), Kari E. Hong

Co-Author, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Brief of Amici Curiae Law Professors, Immigration Scholars, and Clinicians in Support of Defendant-Appellant's Request for En Banc Review in United States v. Peralta-Sanchez, 847 F.3d 1124, Kari E. Hong

Court Deals Blow to Trump Immigration Order - Interviewed for Top of Mind with Julie Rose, Kari E. Hong

Faculty Advisor, If/When/How, Kari E. Hong

Faculty Advisor, Lambda Law Students Association, LGBT law student association, Kari E. Hong

Interviewed for Curtis and Kuby on 77 WABC Radio, Kari E. Hong

Interviewed for Radio Sputnik, Kari E. Hong

Interviewed for The Drive at Five with Curtis Sliwa, Kari E. Hong

Interviewed for The Drive at Five with Curtis Sliwa, Kari E. Hong

Kari Hong .mp3, Kari E. Hong

No Title, Kari E. Hong

No Title, Kari E. Hong

Panelist: Maryland Journal of International Law Symposium, How To End "Illegal" Immigration, Kari E. Hong

Panelist, State/Federal Tensions in Immigration Enforcement: Looking Back and Looking Forward, Kari E. Hong

Prosecuting Rape Without Mass Incarceration, Kari E. Hong

Rape by Malice, Kari E. Hong

Signee, Amicus Brief by Immigration Legal Academics in Lunn v. Commonwealth, 477 Mass 517, Kari E. Hong

Signee, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Brief of Law Professors and Clinicians, Washington v. Trump, 847 F.3d 1151, Kari E. Hong

Signee, U.S. District Court, Northern Dist. of Cal., Brief of Amici Curiae Professors of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, and Immigration Law, County of Santa Clara v. Trump, __F. Supp. 3d __, Kari E. Hong

Supreme Court of the United States, Kari E. Hong Professor

The Absurdity of Crime-Based Deportation, Kari E. Hong

The Absurdity of Crime-Based Deportation, Kari E. Hong

The Costs of Trumped-Up Immigration Enforcement Measures, Kari E. Hong

There Is No Good Reason To End DACA. Period., Kari E. Hong

There Is One Clear Way To End Trump’s Immigration Ban: An Act Of Congress, Kari E. Hong

The Ten Parts of "Illegal" in "Illegal Immigration" that I Do Not Understand, Kari E. Hong

We Need Less, Not More Border Security, Kari E. Hong

What Rape Reform Needs: More Convictions, Less Punishment, Kari E. Hong

Why Trump’s Plan to Deport Criminal Noncitizens Won’t Work, Kari E. Hong

The Costs of Trumped-Up Immigration Enforcement Measures, Kari E. Hong

Fear of Islam in America, Keeping Peace, Sanctuary Cities, Kari E. Hong, Safi Kaskas, Laura Vinson, Josh Heward, Sam Payne, and Julie Rose

Does Trump Order Discriminate?, Kari E. Hong and Sue O'Connell

Fate of 'Dreamers' in Trump's Hands - Interviewed for The Take with Sue O'Connell, Kari E. Hong and Sue O'Connell

Post-Weinstein Look at Rape Laws - Interviewed for The Take with Sue O'Connell, Kari E. Hong and Sue O'Connell

NightSide – Supreme Court Fallout, Kari E. Hong and Dan Rea

Trump Immigration Order Awaits Circuit Court Decision, Kari E. Hong and David Rivkin

FTC Regulation of Cybersecurity and Surveillance, Chris Jay Hoofnagle

The Federal Trade Commission's Inner Privacy Struggle, Chris Jay Hoofnagle

Restoring American Antitrust's Moral Arc, Thomas J. Horton

Conway v. Fulbright: Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Injunctive Relief, Daniel A. Horwitz

Dustin Owens Complaint--Stampfiled.pdf, Daniel A. Horwitz

Dustin Owens Verified Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief and Exhibits, Daniel A. Horwitz

Maximiliano Gluzman Tennessee Supreme Court Principal Brief, Daniel A. Horwitz

Maximiliano Gluzman Tennessee Supreme Court Reply Brief, Daniel A. Horwitz

The Actavis Inference: Theory and Practice (Symposium: Drug Patent Settlements After Actavis), Herbert Hovenkamp, Aaron Edlin, Scott Hemphill, and Carl Shapiro

Reassessing the Trade-Development Nexus in International Economic Law: The Paradigm Shift in Asia-Pacific Regionalism, Pasha L. HSIEH

Trade Strategies of the TPP-11 Countries: Asian Regionalism in Turbulent Times (European Parliament), Pasha L. HSIEH

Judicial Priorities, Bert I. Huang and Tejas N. Narechania

La declaración judicial de ineficacia del título valor subsiste aunque se haya emitido un nuevo título valor en reemplazo.pdf, Angel Rimascca Huarancca

La venta de aires y sus aspectos registrales.pdf, Angel Rimascca Huarancca

No se aplica la caducidad prevista en el artículo 1454 del Código Civil a la acción de reajuste: ¿Cuál es el sentido y alcance correcto de la acción por lesión y la acción de reajuste?, Angel Rimascca Huarancca

Nulidad del acto jurídico por contravención al orden público y a las buenas costumbres: "negocio jurídico ilícito".pdf, Angel Rimascca Huarancca

ND Law Professor Bruce Huber Earns Tenure, Bruce R. Huber

Professor Bruce Huber, Diploma Ceremony Address, Bruce R. Huber

Temporal Spillovers, Bruce R. Huber

Instrumental and Transformative Medical Technology, Nicole Huberfeld

Law, Language, and Corporatehood.pdf, Wm. Dennis Huber

The Saga of Huber v. the American Accounting Association JFIA-2017-No2-10.pdf, Wm. Dennis Huber

The Supreme Court’s subversion of the constitutional process .pdf, Wm. Dennis Huber

Property and the True-Sale Doctrine, Heather Hughes

Copyright and Distributive Justice, Justin Hughes and Robert P. Merges

Algorithmic Jim Crow, Margaret Hu

Big Data Blacklisting, Margaret Hu

Guests in Another's House: An Analysis of Racially Disparate Bar Performance, Cecil J. Hunt II

The Jim Crow Effect: Denial, Dignity, Human Rights, and Racialized Mass Incarceration, 29 J. Civ. Rts. & Econ. Dev 15 (2016), Cecil J. Hunt II

Using the World Bank Inspection Panel to Defend the Interests of Project-Affected People, David Hunter

Amicus Brief in opposition to mandamus in Juliana v. US, Ninth Circuit, David B. Hunter

Whatever Happened to Implied Consent--A Sounding, Edward H. Hunvald and Franklin E. Zimring

'Accurately, Completely, and Solemnly’: One Country, Two Systems and an Uneven Constitutional Equilibrium, Jaakko Husa

Global Law and Comparative Law – Allies or Adversaries?, Jaakko Husa