About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

Keeping Gideon's Promise: Using Equal Protection to Address the Denial of Counsel in Misdemeanor Cases, Brandon Buskey and Lauren Sudeall Lucas

legalese vs plain.pdf, PETER BUTT DR SPENCER

Could U.S. Corporations Readily Comply with the German Corporate Governance Code?, Richard M. Buxbaum


A Kiss Is Just a Kiss, or Is It? A Comparative Look at Italian and American Sex Crimes, Alberto Cadoppi and Michael Vitiello

The Shifting Tides of Merger Litigation, Matthew D. Cain, Jill E. Fisch, Steven Davidoff Solomon, and Randall S. Thomas

How Corporate Governance Is Made: The Case of the Golden Leash, Matthew D. Cain, Jill E. Fisch, Sean J. Griffith, and Steven Davidoff Solomon

How Corporate Governance Is Made: The Case of the Golden Leash, Matthew D. Cain, Jill E. Fisch, Sean J. Griffith, and Steven Davidoff Solomon

Broken Promises: The Role of Reputation in Private Equity Contracting and Strategic Default, Matthew D. Cain, Antonio J. Macias, and Steven Davidoff Solomon

A Great Game: The Dynamics of State Competition and Litigation, Matthew D. Cain and Steven Davidoff Solomon

Callister Freedom Essay 1.22.repository.submission.pdf, Paul D. Callister

What Is Meant by Freedom?, Paul D. Callister

Law, Politics and Legacy Building at the McLachlin Court in 2014, Jamie Cameron

Professor Jamie Cameron Receives Law Foundation of Ontario Award for Examination of Ontario Review Board Process, Jamie Cameron

Stages of Change for Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Adults and Young Adults Participating in the National 5-a-Day for Better Health Community Studies, Marci Kramish Campbell, Kim D. Reynolds, Stephen Havas, Susan Curry, Donald B. Bishop, Theresa A. Nicklas, Ruth Palombo, David B. Buller, Robert Feldman, Marie Topor, Carolyn Johnson, Shirley A. A. Beresford, Brenda McAdams Motsinger, Calvin Morrill, and Jerianne Heimendinger

The Case for Federal Pre-Emption of State Blue Sky Laws, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.

The Case for Federal Preemption of State Blue Sky Laws, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.

The Role of Blue Sky Laws After NSMIA and the JOBS Act, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.

The SEC's Regulation A+: Small Business Goes under the Bus Again, Rutheford B. Campbell Jr.

Measuring the Chilling Effect, Brandice Canes-Wrone and Michael C. Dorf

Building Employability Skills Through Experiential Learning in Clinical Education, Francina Cantatore

Building Employability Skills Through Experiential Learning in Clinical Education, Francina Cantatore

Intellectual Property Rights and the PPSA: Challenges for interest holders, creditors and practitioners, Francina Cantatore

Intellectual Property Rights and the PPSA: Challenges for interest holders, creditors and practitioners, Francina Cantatore

The migration of the book across territorial borders: Copyright implications for authors in the digital economy, Francina Cantatore

The migration of the book across territorial borders: Copyright implications for authors in the digital economy, Francina Cantatore

Defining Clinical Education: Parallels in Practice, Francina Cantatore, Linda Crane, and Deborah Wilmoth

Moral rights: Exploring the myths, meanings and misunderstandings in Australian Copyright Law, Francina Cantatore and Jane Johnston

Moral rights: Exploring the myths, meanings and misunderstandings in Australian Copyright Law, Francina Cantatore and Jane Johnston

A step too far in consumer credit protection: Are external dispute resolution schemes wielding the Sword of Damocles?, Francina Cantatore and Brenda Marshall

Businesses are people too? Anomalies in widening the ambits of "consumer" under consumer credit law, Francina Cantatore and Brenda Marshall

Businesses are people too? Anomalies in widening the ambits of "consumer" under consumer credit law, Francina Cantatore and Brenda Marshall

Pride and Prejudice in U.S. Trade, Lan Cao

Closing Remarks, Devon Carbado

After Inclusion, Devon Carbado, Catherine Fisk, and Mitu Gulati

Foreword: Making Makeup Matter, Devon Carbado, Catherine Fisk, and Mitu Gulati

A Social Movement History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan D. Carle

From Buchanan to Button: Legal Ethics and the NAACP (Part II), Susan D. Carle

Power as a Factor in Lawyers' Ethical Deliberation, Susan D. Carle

Panel Three: Ethical Dilemmas Associated with the Corporate Attorney's New Role, Susan D. Carle, Jeffrey D. Bauman, Arthur D. Burger, Susan Hackett, and Sheldon Krantz

Arbitrators and the Rule of X, David D. Caron

Unpacking the Complexities of Backlash and Identifying its Unintended Consequences, David D. Caron and Esme Shirlow

Paolo Carozza awarded honorary doctorate, Paolo G. Carozza

The Anglo-Latin Divide and the Future of the Inter-American System of Human Rights, Paolo G. Carozza

Active Judging and Access to Justice.pdf, Anna E. Carpenter

California Constitutional Law: Popular Sovereignty, David A. Carrillo, Stephen M. Duvernay, and Brandon V. Stracener

Comments on California Bar Exam & Buckendahl/ACS Study, Mark R. Carter J.D., Ph.D.


The American Perspective on Recovering Criminal Proceeds in Criminal and Non-Conviction Based Proceedings, Stefan D. Cassella

Douglass Cassel to Receive ND Faculty Award for Peace and Human Rights, Douglass Cassell

Remarks of Dr. Douglass Cassel, Notre Dame Law School Candidate (United States), Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Special Meeting of the OAS Permanent Council, Douglass Cassell

Law Professor Cassel to Join Colombian President at Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony, , Douglass Cassell, and Shannon Roddel

Catholic Social Teaching and Criminal Justice Reform, R. Michael Cassidy

Symposium Contribution, Perspectives on 21st Century Policing, R. Michael Cassidy

Professional Responsibility in Focus, R. Michael Cassidy, Benjamin P. Cooper, John Sahl, and Margaret C. Tarkington

Sentencing Reform: The Power of Reasons, R. Michael Cassidy and Robert L. Ullmann

Abortion's legality remains in play, Ligia Castaldi

Abortion's legality remains in play, OSV NEWSWEEKLY, Ligia Castaldi

Interpretación de los tratados relativos al derecho a la vida del que está por nacer en América Latina y el caribe: un análisis de las obligaciones internacionales, acuerdos regionales y práctica estatal pertinente, Ligia Castaldi

Interpretación de los tratados relativos al derecho a la vida del que está por nacer en América Latina y el caribe: un análisis de las obligaciones internacionales, acuerdos regionales y práctica estatal pertinente, in LA PROTECCION DE LA PERSONA HUMANA, PERSONA POR NACER 143-216 (Instituto de Investigaciones Jurίdicas eds.) (Para.), Ligia Castaldi

El caso Artavia Murillo y otros vs. Costa Rica (fecundación in vitro): la redefinición del derecho a la vida desde la concepción, reconocido en la Convención Americana, Ligia Castaldi and Jorge A. Oviedo Alvarez

La familia y la responsabilidad civil. Reflexiones personales a propósito de la presentación de un libro, Mario Castillo Freyre

Emerging Rights in Live Spectacles and Other Ephemera, David S. Caudill

Remembering Pether on Precedent: Crossing (National and Disciplinary) Borders, David S. Caudill

Sports and Entertainment Agents and Agent-Attorneys: Discourses and Conventions Concerning Crossing Jurisdictional and Professional Borders, David S. Caudill

Clio and Compound Republic, Brent Cebul, Karen Tani, and Mason B. Williams

Whose Freedom? Teaching The Contraceptive Coverage Cases As A Bridge From Policy To Bioethics, Kathy L. Cerminara

Introduction To Regulating Innovation In Healthcare: Protecting The Public Or Stifling Progress?, Kathy L. Cerminara and Marilyn Uzdavines

The Regulation of the Global Water Services Market, Julien Chaisse

Phone Privacy Brief Darren Chaker, Darren Chaker

Monopolies in Multidistrict Litigation, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch

Repeat Players in Multidistrict Litigation - The Social Network.docx, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch and Marjorie S. Williams

Panel II: Chicago-Based Resources for Administrators, Educational Staff, and Lawyers Practicing within the Educational Field, Kim D. Chanbonpin

Five Questions for the Next Thirty Years of Federal Sentencing, Steven L. Chanenson

All-Units Discounts: Leverage and Partial Foreclosure in Single-Product Markets, Yong Chao and Guofu Tan

No Title, Len Koskei Chelimo Lee

WWE The Undertaker Theme Song 2013.mp3, Len Koskei Chelimo Lee

WWE The Undertaker Theme Song 2013.mp3, Len Koskei Chelimo Lee

In Defense of Filibustering Judicial Nominations, Erwin Chemerinsky and Catherine Fisk

In Defense of the Big Tent: The Importance of Recognizing the Many Audiences for Legal Scholarship, Erwin Chemerinsky and Catherine Fisk

The Expressive Interest of Associations, Erwin Chemerinsky and Catherine Fisk

What Is Commercial Speech - The Issue Not Decided in Nike v. Kasky, Erwin Chemerinsky and Catherine Fisk

Cameras Belong in the Supreme Court, Erwin Chemerinsky and Eric J. Segall

Reimagining Democratic Inclusion: Asian Americans and the Voting Rights Act, Ming Hsu Chen and Taeku Lee

Advanced Fundamentals of Appellate Advocacy in a Moot Court, Siyuan CHEN

An Overview of the Impending Changes in the Family Justice Landscape, Siyuan CHEN

A Preliminary Survey of the Right to Presumption of Innocence in Singapore, Siyuan CHEN

Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code [Book review], Siyuan CHEN

Dealing with Unreliable Evidence, Siyuan CHEN

Discretionary Death Penalty for Convicted Drug Couriers in Singapore: Reflections on High Jurisprudence thus far, Siyuan CHEN

Expert Evidence and the Ultimate Issue Rule, Siyuan CHEN

Family Law [2014], Siyuan CHEN

Family Law [2015], Siyuan CHEN

International Moot Court as Equaliser: An Asian Paradigm, Siyuan CHEN

Inter-spousal Gifts as Matrimonial Assets?, Siyuan CHEN

'In the Interests of Justice' as the New Test to Exclude Relevant Evidence in Singapore: ANB v ANC [2014] SGHC 172; Wan Lai Ting v Kea Kah Kim [2014] SGHC 180, Siyuan CHEN

Killing New Vistas with the Over-Regulation of Recreational 'Drone' Use, Siyuan CHEN

Maintenance Under the Women's Charter, Siyuan CHEN

Mediated Postnuptial Agreements and Ancillary Matters, Siyuan CHEN

Misconduct and the Division of Matrimonial Assets: Chan Ting Sun v Fong Quay Sim [2014] SGHC 97, Siyuan CHEN

Misconduct and the Division of Matrimonial Assets: Clarification from the Court of Appeal Chan Tin Sun v Fong Quay Sim [2015] SGCA 2, Siyuan CHEN