The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
Documents from 2017
More Thoughts on Another Record-Breaking Season for Singapore’s International Mooters, Siyuan CHEN
Prosecutorial Discretion Revisited, Siyuan CHEN
Regulating Aerial Photography and Videography Proportionately, Siyuan CHEN
Revisiting the Similar Fact Rule in Singapore: Public Prosecutor v. Mas Swan bin Adnan and another, Siyuan CHEN
Sham Marriages, Ancillary Powers, and Moral Discourse: Toh Seok Kheng v. Huang Huiqun; ADP v. ADQ, Siyuan CHEN
Some Thoughts on a Record-Breaking 2014/15 Season for Singapore’s International Mooters, Siyuan CHEN
The 2012 Amendments to Singapore's Evidence Act: More Questions than Answers as Regards Expert Opionion Evidence?, Siyuan CHEN
The Corroborative Effect of Lies, Siyuan CHEN
The Discretionary Death Penalty for Drug Couriers in Singapore: Four Challenges, Siyuan CHEN
The Division of Matrimonial Assets: A Mathematical Methodology as a "Check"? AJR v. AJS, Siyuan CHEN
The Final Twist in Common Intention? Daniel Vijay s/o Katherasan v. Public Prosecutor, Siyuan CHEN
The Judicial Discretion to Exclude Relevant Evidence: Perspectives from an Indian Evidence Act Jurisdiction, Siyuan CHEN
The Judicial Duty to Give Reasons: Thong Ah Fat v Public Prosecutor [2011] SGCA 65, Siyuan CHEN
The Limits of Prosecutorial Discretion in Singapore: Past, Present, and Future, Siyuan CHEN
The Limits of Prosecutorial Discretion in Singapore: Past, Present, and Future, Siyuan CHEN
The Little India Riot: Domestic and International Law Perspectives, Siyuan CHEN
The New Discretionary Death Penalty for Drug Couriers in Singapore: Evidential, Certification, and Sentencing Issues, Siyuan CHEN
The Prosecution's Duty of Disclosure in Singapore: Muhammad bin Kadar v Public Prosecutor [2011] 3 SLR 1205, Siyuan CHEN
The Relationship between International Law and Domestic Law: Yong Vui Kong v PP [2010] 3 SLR 489 [Case Note], Siyuan CHEN
The Unresolved Legality of Online Gambling in Singapore, Siyuan CHEN
Void Marriages, Maintenance, and Matrimonial Assets: ADP v ADQ [2012] SGCA 6, Siyuan CHEN
Civil Procedure in Singapore, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA
Civil Procedure in Singapore, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA
Recent developments in the offer to settle regime in Singapore: Accepting an offer to settle before damages are assessed and the Contra Proferentem Rule: Ong & Ong Pte Ltd v Fairview Developments Pte Ltd [2014] 2 SLR 1285, Siyuan CHEN and Eunice CHUA
Possession and Knowledge in the Misuse of Drugs Act: Nagaenthran a/l K Dharmalingam v. Public Prosecutor, Siyuan CHEN and Nathaniel Poon-Ern KHNG
The Inadmissibility of Unreliable Self-inculpatory Statements, Siyuan CHEN and Nicholas Poon
Interim Relief in Civil Matters: National Report of Singapore, Siyuan CHEN and Denise Huiwen WONG
Accurate Calculation of Short-Swing Profits Under Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Andrew Chin
Healthcare Reform in America 101, Mary Ann Chirba
Editorial: Competition and Regulatory Trends in Digital Markets, Anca Daniela Chirita
Congressional Shooting, Douglas Chisholm and Mark Caleb Smith
Making a Case for Regulating Institutional Shareholders' Corporate Governance Roles, Iris H-Y Chiu and Dionysia Katelouzou
International Cooperation and Organizational Identities: The Evolution of the ASEAN Investment Regime, Sungjoon Cho and Jürgen Kurtz
Communitizing Transnational Regulatory Concerns, Sungjoon Cho, Cecilia M. Suh, and Jacob Radecki
International and Regional Trade Law: The Law of the World Trade Organization Through Cases, Sungjoon Cho, J.H.H. Weiler, Isabel Feichtner, and Julian Arato
Myanmar – Microfinance institutions and their obligations under the 2016 notifications, Nishant Choudhary
Bill 11, the Canada Health Act and the Social Union: The Need for Institutions, Sujit Choudhry
Globalization in Search of Justification: Toward a Theory of Comparative Constitutional Interpretation, Sujit Choudhry
Rights Adjudication in a Plurinational State: The Supreme Court of Canada, Freedom of Religion, and the Politics of Reasonable Accommodation, Sujit Choudhry
So What is the Real Legacy of Oakes?: Two Decades of Proportionality Analysis under the Canadian Charter’s Section 1, Sujit Choudhry
The Canadian Constitution and the World, Sujit Choudhry
Racial and Ethnic Profiling: Statutory Discretion, Constitutional Remedies, and Democratic Accountability, Sujit Choudhry and Kent Roach
A Plea to North Carolina: Bring Fairness to the Assessment of Civil Battery Liability for Defendants with Cognitive Disabilities, Johnny C. Chriscoe
A Plea to North Carolina: Bring Fairness to the Assessment of Civil Battery Liability for Defendants with Cognitive Disabilities, Johnny C. Chriscoe
Murder for Life Insurance Money: Protecting the Children, Johnny C. Chriscoe
Using Global Migration Law to Prevent Human Trafficking, Janie A. Chuang
Facial Recognition is Increasingly Common, But How Does It Work?, Jessica Gabel Cino
Sessions's Assault on Forensic Science Will Lead to More Unsafe Convictions, Jessica Gabel Cino
Tackling Technical Debt: Managing Advances in DNA Technology That Outpace the Evolution of Law, Jessica Gabel Cino
Interpreting Stale Preferential Rights to Acquire Real Estate: Beyond the Restatement of Property, Carl J. Circo
Metagasco Limited v Minister for Resources and Energy, Cristy Clark
Of what use is a deradicalized human right to water?, Cristy Clark
Afghanistan Troop Levels, Marc A. Clauson
American Health Care Act, Marc A. Clauson
Base Realignment, Marc A. Clauson
Bipartisan Talks, Marc A. Clauson
City Files Lawsuit Against Drug Companies, Marc A. Clauson
City of Dayton Files Lawsuit, Marc A. Clauson
Concern over Missing Missile Defense System, Marc A. Clauson
Emergency UN Meeting, Marc A. Clauson
Ex-Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty, Marc A. Clauson
Face the State, Marc A. Clauson
Face the State, Marc A. Clauson
Firearms in Public Buildings, Marc A. Clauson
Firing of James Comey, Marc A. Clauson
First Execution Since 2014, Marc A. Clauson
GOP Healthcare Bill, Marc A. Clauson
GOP Healthcare Bill, Marc A. Clauson
Gorsuch Confirmed, Marc A. Clauson
Gorsuch Confirmed, Marc A. Clauson
Government Shutdown?, Marc A. Clauson
Governor Kasich's State of the State Address, Marc A. Clauson
Governor Kasich's State of the State Address, Marc A. Clauson
Health Care Bill Failure, Marc A. Clauson
House Passes GOP Tax Overhaul, Marc A. Clauson
Indictments Possible in Mueller Investigation, Marc A. Clauson
Iran Nuclear Pact, Marc A. Clauson
Murphy New NJ Governor, Marc A. Clauson
North Korean Sanctions, Marc A. Clauson
Premier Leaves Marketplace, Marc A. Clauson
President Addresses U.N. for the First Time, Marc A. Clauson
Presidential News Conference, Marc A. Clauson
Presidential Tweets Unbecoming of Office, Marc A. Clauson
President Trump Expected to End DACA, Marc A. Clauson
President Trump Reacts: Blames Both Sides for Violence, Marc A. Clauson
Senate Showdown, Marc A. Clauson
Shutdown Avoided, Marc A. Clauson
Special Counsel Appointed, Marc A. Clauson
Supreme Court and Attorney General Nominees, Marc A. Clauson
Supreme Court Nominee, Marc A. Clauson
Transgender Ban in Military, Marc A. Clauson
Trump Ends DACA, Marc A. Clauson
Trump's Congressional Address, Marc A. Clauson
Trump's New Goals, Marc A. Clauson
Trump Speech on Afghanistan, Marc A. Clauson