About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2017

Tomorrow's Fringe Lending Issues, Jean Braucher, Eric Chaffee, Geoffrey Rapp, and Nathalie Martin

Animal Mobilegalities: The Regulation of Animal Movement in the American City, Irus Braverman

Animals and Law in the American City, Irus Braverman

Animals, Biopolitics, Law: Lively Legalities, Irus Braverman

Anticipating Endangerment: The Biopolitics of Threatened Species Lists, Irus Braverman

Bleached! The Catastrophe Management of Corals, Irus Braverman

Captive for Life: Conserving Extinct in the Wild Species through Ex Situ Breeding, Irus Braverman

Checkpoint Gazes, Irus Braverman

Checkpoint Watch: Bureaucracy and Resistance at the Israel/Palestinean Border, Irus Braverman

Civilized Borders: A Study of Israel's New Border Regime, Irus Braverman

Conservation and Hunting: Till Death Do They Part? A Legal Ethnography of Deer Management, Irus Braverman

Editing the Environment: Emerging Issues in Genetics and the Law, Irus Braverman

En-Listing Life: Red is the Color of Threatened Species Lists, Irus Braverman

"Everybody Loves Trees": Policing American Cities Through Street Trees, Irus Braverman

Gene Drives, Nature, Governance: An Ethnographic Perspective, Irus Braverman

Gene Editing, Law, and the Environment: Life Beyond the Human, Irus Braverman

Good Night, Zoo: a Children's Guide to Humanimal Spaces, Irus Braverman

Governing Certain Things: The Regulation of Street Trees in Four North American Cities, Irus Braverman

Governing the Wild: Databases, Algorithms, and Population Models as Biopolitics, Irus Braverman

Governing with Clean Hands: Automated Public Toilets and Sanitary Surveillance, Irus Braverman

Hidden in Plain View: Legal Geography from a Visual Perspective, Irus Braverman

Hyperlegality and Heightened Surveillance: The Case of Threatened Species Lists, Irus Braverman

I ḥuḳiyut be-Mizraḥ Yerushalayim : tofaʻat harisot ha-batim bi-reʼi merḥav, mishpaṭ ṿe-ḥevrah (Powers of "Illegality" : House Demolitions and Resistance in East Jerusalem), Irus Braverman

Is the Puerto Rican Parrot Worth Saving? The Biopolitics of Endangerment and Grievability, Irus Braverman

Legal Tails: Policing American Cities through Animals, Irus Braverman

Loo Law: The Public Washroom as a Hyper-Regulated Space, Irus Braverman

More-than-Human Legalities: Advocating an "Animal Turn" in Law and Society, Irus Braverman

Order and Disorder in the Urban Forest: A Foucauldian-Latourian Perspective, Irus Braverman

Pet Subjects (reviewing Jessica Pierce, Run, Spot, Run (2016)), Irus Braverman

Planted Flags: Trees, Land, and Law in Israel/Palestine, Irus Braverman

Planting the Promised Landscape: Zionism, Nature, and Resistance in Israel/Palestine, Irus Braverman

Planting the Promised Landscape: Zionism, Nature, and Resistance in Israel/Palestine, Irus Braverman

Potty Training: Nonhuman Inspection in Public Washrooms, Irus Braverman

States of Exemption: The Legal and Animal Geographies of American Zoos, Irus Braverman

The Life and Law of Corals: Breathing Meditations, Irus Braverman

The Pet Keeping Industry in the American City, Irus Braverman

The Place of Translation in Jerusalem's Criminal Trial Court, Irus Braverman

The Regulatory Life of Threatened Species Lists, Irus Braverman

"The Tree is the Enemy Soldier:" A Sociolegal Making of War Landscapes in the Occupied West Bank, Irus Braverman

Uprooting Identities: The Regulation of Olive Trees in the Occupied West Bank, Irus Braverman

Who's Afraid of Methodology? Advocating a Methodological Turn in Legal Geography, Irus Braverman

Wild Life: An Ethnography [Author's Response to Reviews], Irus Braverman

Wild Life : The Institution of Nature, Irus Braverman

Zooland: The Institution of Captivity, Irus Braverman

Zoo Registrars: A Bewildering Bureaucracy, Irus Braverman

Zootopia (reviewing David Grazian, American Zoo (2015)), Irus Braverman

Zootopia: Utopia and Dystopia in the Zoological Garden, Irus Braverman

Zooveillance: Foucault Goes to the Zoo, Irus Braverman

The Expanding Spaces of Law: a Timely Legal Geography, Irus Braverman, Nicholas Blomley, David Delaney, and Alexandre Kedar

Introduction: Expanding the Spaces of Law, Irus Braverman, Nicholas Blomley, David Delaney, and Alexandre (Sandy) Kedar

Foreword, Jeff Brax and Peter S. Menell

Pro Se Patent Appeals at the Federal Circuit, Daniel Harris Brean

A Catholic Way to Cook a Hamburger? The Catholic Case Against McLaw, Patrick McKinley Brennan

Comments on George Christie's "Judicial Decision Making in a World of Natural Law and Natural Rights", Patrick McKinley Brennan

Free Exercise! Following Conscience, Developing Doctrine, and Opening Politics, Patrick McKinley Brennan

"Religious Freedom," The Individual Mandate, and Gifts: On Why the Church is Not a Bomb Shelter, Patrick McKinley Brennan

Christian Legal Thought: Materials and Cases, Patrick McKinley Brennan and William S. Brewbaker III

Appreciating Dance: The View from the Audience, Aili W. Bresnahan

Dancing in Time, Aili W. Bresnahan

Review: 'Embodied Philosophy in Dance: Gaga and Ohad Naharin’s Movement Research', Aili W. Bresnahan

Illuminating a Gray Area: Prejudgment Attachment in Arkansas After Springdale Farms, Inc. v. McIlroy Bank & Trust, Cassady V. Brewer

Nonprofit LLCs, Cassady V. Brewer, Lisa A. Runquist, and Elizabeth Carrott Minnigh

Chinese Homicide Law, Irrationality, and Incremental Change, Cary Bricker and Michael Vitiello

The Death Penalty in the Twenty-First Century , Stephen B. Bright, Edward Chikofsky, Laurie Ekstrand, Harriet C. Ganson, Paul D. Kamenar, Robert E. Morin, William G. Otis, Jasmin Raskin, Ira P. Robbins, Diann Rust-Tierney, Charles F. Shilling, Andrew L. Sooner, Ronald J. Rabak, David V. Drehle, and James Wootton

Adultery: Trust and Children, Margaret F. Brinig

Introduction to Transgender Health Care, Nancy Brisbon, MD; Lisa Phillips, LSW; and Lin-Fan Wang, MD, MPH

Representing Unpopular Causes & Clients - A Guide to Professionalism in Criminal Defense, Beau James Brock

Privacy's Place at the Table: A Reflection on Richard Turkington's Approach to Valuing and Balancing Privacy Interests, Doris DelTosto Brogan

Migrant pensioners - taxation and healthcare issues in the EU, Cécile Brokelind and Martina Axmin

Rezoning the Post-Industrial City: Hartford, Sara C. Bronin

Assessing Law Students as Reflective Practitioners, Susan L. Brooks, Jodi S. Balsam, and Margaret E. Reuter

Legislation note: Building (earthquake-prone buildings) amendment Act 2016: risk, space and authority to govern, Ann Brower, John Page, and Danyon Thomas

The International Criminal Court in Africa: Impartiality, Politics, Complementarity and Brexit, Bartram Brown

The Perverse Effects of Efficiency in Criminal Process, Darryl K. Brown

An Addendum to Cox and Posner: A Visa to 'Snitch', Eleanor Marie Brown

A Visa to "Snitch": An Addendum to Cox and Posner, Eleanor Marie Brown

On the Evolution of Property Ownership Among Former Slaves, Newly Freedmen, Eleanor Marie Brown

Visa as Property, Visa as Collateral, Eleanor Marie Brown

Why Black Homeowners are More Likely to Be Caribbean-American than African-American in New York: A Theory of How Early West Indian Migrants Broke Racial Cartels in Housing, Eleanor Marie Brown

Donors, Ideologues, and Bureaucrats: Government Objectives and the Performance of the Nonprofit Sector, Eleanor Marie Brown and Kaitlyn Caughlin

Outsourcing Immigration Compliance, Eleanor Marie Lawrence Brown

McDonnell and the Criminalization of Politics, George D. Brown

The Federal Anti-Corruption Enterprise After McDonnell - Lessons from the Symposium, George D. Brown

Purchase Options: Problems Unique to Real Estate-Part 2, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Purchase Options: Their Uses in Real Estate Transactions-Part 1, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Expert Report Regarding the Ponzi Scheme 'Presumption' of Actual Intent to Defraud Creditors, Ralph Brubaker

Justice Story Bankruptcy Injunctions and the Anti-Injunction Act of 1793.pdf, Ralph E. Brubaker

Amicus Brief on Arbitrability of the Discharge (Anderson v. Credit One Bank), Ralph Brubaker, Robert Lawless, and Bruce A. Markell

Bankrupting Higher Education, Matthew Bruckner

Regulating Against Bubbles: How Mortgage Regulation Can Keep Main Street and Wall Street Safe - From Themselves, Ryan Bubb and Prasad Krishnamurthy

Regulating against Bubbles: How Mortgage Regulation Can Keep Main Street and Wall Street Safe - From Themselves, Ryan Bubb and Prasad Krishnamurthy

Regulating Against Bubbles: How Mortgage Regulation Can Keep Main Street and Wall Street Safe—From Themselves, Ryan Bubb and Prasad Krishnamurthy

Panel One, Christopher Buccafusco, Catherine Fisk, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz, Stephen Galoob, and Janet K. Levit

Don't End or Audit the Fed: Central Bank Independence in an Age of Austerity, Neil H. Buchanan and Michael C. Dorf

A Flex-Time JD in Canada: New Approaches to the Accessibility of Legal Education, Darcel Bullen and Lorne Sossin

Thursday Thinkpiece: Bullen and Sossin on Flex Time JDs, Darcel Bullen and Lorne Sossin

The Rampart Scandal: Policing the Criminal Justice System—Introduction, David W. Burcham and Catherine L. Fisk

Climate Change Geoengineering: Philosophical Perspectives, Legal Issues, and Governance Frameworks, William C. G. Burns and Andrew L. Strauss

The Rise of Internet Interest Group Politics, Aaron Burstein, Will Thomas DeVries, and Peter S. Menell

The "Article of Manufacture" in 1887, Sarah Burstein