The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
Documents from 2017
Reproductive ecology of the California sea mussel, Mytilus californianus Conrad, Bruce Robert Bartlett
The Small IPO and the Investing Preferences of Mutual Funds, Robert Bartlett
The Determinants of Buyout Returns: Does Transaction Strategy Matter?, Robert Bartlett, Brian Ayash, and Annette Poulsen
CRITiCal.pdf, Subhajit Basu
International Direct Taxation and E-Commerce: A Catalyst For Reform?, Subhajit Basu
The balancing act between Innovation and Regulation: Theory and Practice, Subhajit Basu
India's dodgy mass surveillance project should concern us all, Subhajit Basu and R Malick
The Holocaust at Nuremberg: What the Record Reveals, Michael Bazyler
Anti-Corruption Experts Lay into Lax Enforcement, Margaret Beare
Crossing the Thin Blue Line: Police Misconduct in Hamilton, Margaret Beare and Steve Buist
Watchdogs, Oversight and Ontario's Thin Blue Line: How the Stakes Got So High, Margaret Beare and Tyler Dawson
‘Brilliant’ operation targets underworld’s upper crust, Margaret E. Beare
Illegal Migration: Personal Tragedies, Social Problems, or National Security Threats?, Margaret E. Beare
Long-awaited Charbonneau Commission report into Quebec corruption is around the corner, Margaret E. Beare
Long-Awaited Charbonneau Commission Report Into Quebec Corruption Is Around The Corner, Margaret E. Beare
Preliminary Examination of the Formal Application of the Criminal Organizations Provisions of the Criminal Code, Margaret E. Beare
Policing Organized Crime: The Comparative Structures, Traditions and Policies Within the United States and Canada, Margaret E. Beare and Frederick Martens
Annotated Organized Crime Bibliographic Database and Report, Margaret E. Beare, Norm Taylor, James Sheptycki, and Margaret E. Beare
Tory Says Changes are Necessary to Modernize Policing, Margaret Beare and Kendra Mangione
Educational Programs for Professional Identity Formation: The Role of Social Science Research, Muriel J. Bebeau, Stephen J. Thoma, and Clark D. Cunningham
Best Practices for Recognizing and Remedying Wrongful Convictions, Sharon Beckman
Integrating Policy and Law Reform Projects into a Criminal Litigation Clinic, Sharon Beckman
Long Delayed Justice: Reflections, Sharon Beckman
Panel Moderator, Best Practices for Identifying and Rectifying Wrongful Convictions, Sharon Beckman
The Role of Clinics in Pursuing Systemic Change in the Criminal Justice System, Sharon Beckman
Asymmetry of Crimes By and Against Police Officers, Monu S. Bedi
Professor Anthony J. Bellia, Jr. Commencement Address, Anthony J. Bellia
Professor Anthony J. Bellia Jr., Diploma Ceremony Address, Anthony J. Bellia
The Original Source of the Cause of Action in Federal Courts: The Example of the Alien Tort Statute, Anthony J. Bellia and Bradford R. Clark
Commodity Exchanges and the Privatization of the Agricultural Sector in the Commonwealth of Independent States—Needed Steps in Creating a Market Economy, Alexander Belozertsev and Jerry W. Markham
Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration, Second Edition, Lisa Bench Nieuwveld and Victoria S. Sahani
Can Science Save Justice?, Adam Benforado
Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law : Cases, Texts, and Materials, Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Debt or Equity? A Puzzle for Canadian Bankruptcy Law, Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Government Student Loans, Government Debts and Bankruptcy: A Comparative Study, Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Sarbanes-Oxley Five Years Later: A Canadian Perspective, Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Involuntary Creditors and Corporate Bankruptcy, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Stephen J. Lubben
Bankruptcy for the Poor?, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Saul Schwartz
Debtor Assistance and Debt Advice: The Role of the Canadian Credit Counselling Industry, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Saul Schwartz
Public on Paper: The Failure of Law to Protect Public Water Uses in the Western United States, Reed Benson
A Bright Idea from the Black Canyon: Federal Judicial Review of Reserved Water Right Settlements, Reed D. Benson
Adequate Progress, or Rivers Left Behind? Developments in Colorado and Wyoming Instream Flow Laws Since 2000, Reed D. Benson
A Few Ironies of Western Water Law, Reed D. Benson
Alive but Irrelevant: The Prior Appropriation Doctrine in Today’s Western Water Law, Reed D. Benson
Avoiding Jeopardy, Without the Questions: Recovery Implementation Plans for Endangered Species in Western River Basins, Reed D. Benson
Avoiding Jeopardy, Without the Questions: Recovery Implementation Programs for Endangered Species in Western River Basins, Reed D. Benson
A Watershed Issue: The role of streamflow protection in Northwest river basin management, Reed D. Benson
Can’t Get No Satisfaction: Securing water for federal and tribal lands in the West, Reed D. Benson
Clean Water Act Citizens Suits After Gwaltney: Applying Mootness Principles in Private Enforcement Actions, Reed D. Benson
Dams, Duties, and Discretion: Bureau of Reclamation Water Project Operations and the Endangered Species Act, Reed D. Benson
Deflating the Deference Myth: National Interests vs. State Authority under Federal Laws Affecting Water Use, Reed D. Benson
Environmental Issues in the Allocation and Management of Western Interstate Rivers, Reed D. Benson
Environmental Review of Western Water Project Operations: Where NEPA has not Applied, Will it now Protect Farmers from Fish?, Reed D. Benson
Federal Water Law and the 'Double Whammy': How the Bureau of Reclamation can Help the West Adapt to Drought and Climate Change, Reed D. Benson
Federal Water Law and the “Double Whammy”: How the Bureau of Reclamation can help the West Adapt to Drought and Climate Change, Reed D. Benson
Giving Suckers (and Salmon) an Even Break: Klamath Basin water and the Endangered Species Act, Reed D. Benson
Introduction, Reed D. Benson
Introduction, Reed D. Benson
Maintaining the Status Quo: Protecting established water uses in the Pacific Northwest, despite the rules of prior appropriation, Reed D. Benson
New Adventures of the Old Bureau: Modern-Day Reclamation Statutes and Congress Unfinished Environmental Business, Reed D. Benson
New Role for Nonparties in Tort Actions-The Empty Chair, Reed D. Benson
Pollution Without Solution: Flow Impairment Problems Under Clean Water Act Section 303, Reed D. Benson
Protecting River Flows for Fun and Profit: Colorado's Unique Water Rights for Whitewater Parks, Reed D. Benson
Protecting River Flows for Fun and Profit: Colorado's Unique Water Rights for Whitewater Parks, Reed D. Benson
Public Funding Programs for Environmental Water Acquisitions: Origins, Purposes, and Revenue Sources, Reed D. Benson
Public on Paper: The Failure of Law to Protect Public Water Uses in the Western United States, Reed D. Benson
Recommendations For An Environmentally Sound Federal Policy on Western Water, Reed D. Benson
Rethinking Western Water Law: Instream Flows, Reed D. Benson
Reviewing Reservoir Operations: Can Federal Water Projects Adapt to Change?, Reed D. Benson
Rivers to Live By: Can Western Water Law Help Communities Embrace Their Streams?, Reed D. Benson
SLIDES: Dam Operations: Does a Changing World Call for Changing Plans?, Reed D. Benson
The Greenback, the Humpback, and the Silverback: How a Third Wave of Federal Water Policy Could Benefit the West, Reed D. Benson
The Interior Department's Water 2025: Blueprint for Balance, or Just Better Business as Usual?, Reed D. Benson
The Supreme Court of Science Speaks on Water Rights: The National Academy of Sciences Columbia River Report and Its Water Policy Implications, Reed D. Benson
Whose Water Is It? Private rights and public authority over reclamation project water, Reed D. Benson
Making a Wrong Thing Right: Ending the "Spread" of Reclamation Project Water, Reed D. Benson and Kimberley J. Priestley
Water Resource Management, Reed D. Benson, A. Dan Tarlock, James N. Corbridge Dr., David H. Getches, and Sarah F. Bates
Review of: Dance Psychology for Artistic and Performance Excellence, Gigi Berardi
Belonging to Law: Religious Difference, Secularism, and the Conditions of Civic Inclusion, Benjamin Berger
Comparative Matters: The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law, Benjamin Berger
Criminal Appeals as Jury Control: An Anglo-Canadian Historical Perspective on the Rise of Criminal Appeals, Benjamin Berger
Emotions and the Veil of Voluntarism: The Loss of Judgment in Canadian Criminal Defences, Benjamin Berger
Faith in Sovereignty: Religion and Secularism in the Politics of Canadian Federalism, Benjamin Berger
Is Being a Vegan a Human Right? Advocates Claim Protection Under New Ontario Policy, but That Wasn’t the Point, Benjamin Berger
Poetry, Mercy, and the Phenomenology of Justice, Benjamin Berger
Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law, Benjamin Berger
Sentencing and the Salience of Pain and Hope, Benjamin Berger
The Legal Unintelligibility of Prayer, Benjamin Berger
The Virtues of Law in the Politics of Religious Freedom, Benjamin Berger
Using the Charter to Cure Health Care: Panacea or Placebo?, Benjamin Berger
Why Don't We Have the Same Driving Laws All Across Canada?, Benjamin Berger
Supreme Court Rules Police Can Swab a Suspected Rapist Without a Warrant, Benjamin Berger and Sean Fine
Court Review: Volume 39, Issue 3 - Trial by Metaphor: Rhetoric, Innovation, and the Juridical Text, Benjamin L. Berger
Freedom of Religion, Benjamin L. Berger
Narratives of Self Government in Making the Case, Benjamin L. Berger
Supreme Court to rule on mandatory minimum jail terms for gun possession, Benjamin L. Berger
Introduction to the Collection, Benjamin L. Berger, Emma Cunliffe, and James Stribopoulos
To Ensure that Justice is Done: Essays in Memory of Marc Rosenberg, Benjamin L. Berger, Emma Cunliffe, and James Stribopoulos
Constitutional Cases 2016: An Overview, Benjamin L. Berger, Sonia Lawrence, and Spiros Vavougios