About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2005


The Sony Paradox, Jessica Litman


The Corporation as God, Douglas Litowitz


From Exxon to Engle: The Futility of Assessing Punitive Damages as Against Corporate Entities, Lisa Litwiller


Why Is Betamax an Anachronism in the Digital Age? - Erosion of the Sony Doctrine and Indirect Copyright Liability of Internet Technologies, Jiarui Liu

Bowdlerization, Copyright, and Consumer Theory, Joseph P. Liu


Copyright Law and Subject Matter Specificity: The Case of Computer Software, Joseph P. Liu and Stacey L. Dogan


'Well-Connected? Building Capacity for Telecommunications Regulation in Three Caribbean States, Martin C. Lodge PhD and Lindsay J. Stirton Ph.D.


Barriers to Services for Rural and Urban Survivors of Rape, T. K. Logan, Lucy Evans, Erin Stevenson, and Carol E. Jordan


Phantom Tumors & Hysterical Women: Revising Our View of the Schloendorff Case, Paul A. Lombardo


La reelección, mucho más que cambiar un artículo , Julián Daniel López Murcia


Los bichos jóvenes, Julián Daniel López Murcia

Un llamado a trascender, Julián Daniel López Murcia

TRANSFORMACIÓN DE LA POLÍTICA SOCIAL COLOMBIANA: ANÁLISIS NORMATIVO Y JURISPRUDENCIAL DE LA REFORMA LABORAL Y PENSIONAL 2002 - 2005, Julián Daniel López Murcia, Adriana García, Laura Vejarano, Diego Valdivieso, and Santiago Pinilla


Corporate governance e prezzo contrattuale, antonio lordi


La Constitución de 1824, Orígenes de la modernidad jurídica en México y el regreso a la policentría judicial, José Antonio Lozano Díez

Note, Effectively Ineffective: The Failure of Courts to Address Underfunded Indigent Defense Systems, Lauren Sudeall Lucas

Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Media: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Protection, Technological Measures and New Business Model, Nicola Lucchi


Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Media: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Protection, Technological Measures and New Business Models under E.U. and U.S. Law, Nicola Lucchi


Beyond Personhood: Abortion, Child Abuse and Equal Protection, Charles I. Lugosi

Executing the Factually Innocent: The U.S. Constitution, Habeas Corpus, and the Death Penalty: Facing the Embarrassing Question At Last, Charles I. Lugosi


Executing the Factually Innocent: The U.S. Constitution, Habeus Corpus, and the Death Penalty: Facing the Embarrassing Question At Last, Charles I. Lugosi

Moderator of "Yonung Scholars Workshop" panel, SEALS Annual Conference, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Paul Lund


El Recurso Extraordinario por Arbitrariedad de Sentencia en la Corte Suprema, Horacio M. LYNCH, Laura BIERZYCHUDEK, María Clara PUJOL, Sofía PLAZIBAT, and Martín BRUZZI


Farm Workers in Illinois: Law Reforms and Opportunities for the Legal Academy to Protect Some of the State's Most Disadvantaged Workers, Beth Lyon

New International Standards on Unauthorized Immigrant Worker Rights: Seizing an Opportunity to Pull Governments out of the Shadows, Beth Lyon

Juvenile Delinquency: Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention, Beth Lyon, K. Heilbrun, and N. Goldstein

In Wake of Deadly Tsunami Comes Dangerous Litigation, Daniel Lyons


Note: The Lesson of Lopez: The Political Dynamics of Federalism's Political Safeguards, Daniel Lyons


Balancing Acts: Intending Good and Foreseeing Harm - The Principle of Double Effect in the Law of Negligence, Edward C. Lyons


In Incognito: The Principle of Double Effect in American Constitutional Law, Edward C. Lyons


2. Lyon, T. D. (2005). Ten step investigative interview., Thomas D. Lyon

8. Freyd, J.J., Putnam, F.W., Lyon, T.D., Becker-Blease, K.A., Cheit, R.E., Siegel, N.B., & Pezdek, K. (2005). The science of child sexual abuse. Science, 308, 501. , Thomas D. Lyon


8. Speaking with children: Advice from investigative interviewers., Thomas D. Lyon


The False Promise of De-Regulation in Banking, Jonathan R. Macey

Umweltrecht, Hans-Michael Mache

A question of balance: How judges sentence, Geraldine Mackenzie

From prison hulks to penalties and sentences in Queensland: Lessons learned or history repeated?, Geraldine Mackenzie


The Basics of Drafting and Obtaining Search Warrants, Charles E. MacLean


The Supreme Court Restates Directors’ Fiduciary Duty – A Comment on Peoples Department Stores Inc. v. Wise, Darcy L. MacPherson


Tort Law Through TIme and Culture: Themes of Economic Efficiency, M Stuart Madden


The Cultural Evolution of Tort Law, Stuart Madden


The Effect of Myth on Primitive and Ancient Justice , Stuart Madden


The Graeco-Roman Antecedents of Modern Tort Law, Stuart Madden

Rewriting Fair Use and the Future of Copyright Reform, Michael J. Madison


Autonomy and End-of-Life Decision Making: Reflections of a Lawyer and a Daughter, Ray D. Madoff


Autonomy and End of Life Decision Making: Reflections of a Lawyer and a Daughter, Ray D. Madoff

Using Mediation to Resolve Estate and Trust Disputes, Ray D. Madoff

Practical Guide to Estate Planning: 2005 Cumulative Supplement, Ray D. Madoff, Cornelia R. Tenney, and Martin A. Hall


Substantive Due Process as a Source of Constitutional Protection for Nonpolitical Speech, Gregory P. Magarian


General and Specific Legal Rules, Paul G. Mahoney and Chris W. Sanchirico


ADR: The New Equity, Thomas O. Main

Forbes Burnham: National Reconciliation And National Unity 1984-1985, Halim Majeed


Afterword: Outsider Citizenships and Multidimensional Borders: The Power and Danger of Not Belonging, Pedro Malavet

Book Review, (reviewing Joseph E. Slater, Public Workers: Government Employee Unions, the Law and the State, 1900-1962 (2004)), Martin H. Malin


The Evolving Role of the Labor Arbitrator (with J. Vonhof), Martin H. Malin


Insider Trading: Hayek, Virtual Markets and the Dog that Did Not Bark, Henry G. Manne


Insider Trading: Hayek, Virtual Markets, and the Dog that Did Not Bark, Henry G. Manne


When the Federal Death Penalty Is "Cruel and Unusual", Michael J.Z. Mannheimer


The Promise of Internet Intermediary Liability, Ronald Mann


Global Credit Card Use and Debt: Policy Issues and Regulatory Responses, Ronald J. Mann


Making Sense of Payments Policy in the Information Age, Ronald J. Mann


Review of Agency Interpretations: The Difference Discovers Itself, Marla E. Mansfield


Sovereignty, Self-determination, and Environment-based Cultures: The Emerging Voice of Indigenous Peoples in International Law, Peter Manus


Countering Terrorism-From Wigged Judges to Helmeted Soldiers? Legal Perspectives on America’s Counter-Terrorism Responses, Jackson N. Maogoto

Invitational Chair, Second Annual College of Charleston Mock Trial Invitational Tournament , Jonathan Marcantel

Interfacing Between Former UCC Article 9 and Revised UCC Article 9, Jonathan Marcantel and Robert E. Culver


The Option Value of Patent Litigation: Theory and Evidence, Alan C. Marco


Selling Your Torts: Creating a Market for Tort Claims and Liability., Isaac M. Marcushamer


Juvenile decertification: Developing a model for classification and prediction, Geoffrey Marczyk, Kirk Heilbrun, Tammy Lander, and David DeMatteo

Cyberjuries: The Next New Thing?, Nancy S. Marder


Teaching Civil Procedure Stories (reviewing Civil Procedure Stories, Foundation Press 2004), Nancy S. Marder

The Jury as "Free School" for Democracy, Nancy S. Marder

The Jury Process, Nancy S. Marder


The Medical Malpractice Debate: The Jury as Scapegoat (symposium), Nancy S. Marder

The New ABA Jury Trial Standards: "Innovations" Go Mainstream?, Nancy S. Marder


La división de sociedades. Reivindicación del carácter mercantil de la institución, Marcelo Mardones

La vulgarización del derecho privado mexicano, Juan Carlos Marín


State, Be Not Proud: A Retributivist Defense of the Commutation of Death Row and the Abolition of the Death Penalty, Dan Markel


Accounting Fraud: Pleading Scienter of Auditors under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Gideon Mark

Tax in a changing world: The transfer pricing of intangible assets, Michelle Markham

The advantages and disadvantages of using an advance pricing agreement: Lessons for the UK from the US and Australian experience, Michelle Markham

The resolution of transfer pricing disputes through arbitration, Michelle Markham

The transfer pricing of intangibles, Michelle Markham

Critical analysis of the justification and economic foundations of the intellectual property rights system, Carlos Pablo Márquez


Violación A Los Derechos De Propiedad Intelectual: La Incidencia De La Cultura, La Educación Y Las Instituciones En La Pirateria De Software, Carlos Pablo Márquez

Anotaciones sobre Análisis Económico del Derecho: Escuelas, Carlos Pablo Márquez Escobar


Anotaciones sobre Análisis Económico del Derecho: Escuelas, Carlos Pablo Márquez Escobar

Holding advertising accountable for misleading advertisements: principal or accessorial liability under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth)?, Brenda Marshall

Pricing third party access to essential infrastructure: principles and practice, Brenda Marshall

Comparative Human Rights Jurisprudence in Azerbaijan: Theory, Practice and Prospects, Charles H. Martin

The UNCITRAL Electronic Contracts Convention: Will It Be Used or Avoided?, Charles H. Martin


Reducing VAT Transfer Pricing Abuse, Camilo Martinez


Competencia autonómica en materia de horarios comerciales: perspectiva histórica y situación actual, Anselmo M. Martinez Cañellas

The Scope Of Article 44 CISG, Anselmo M. Martinez Cañellas


The Scope Of Article 44 CISG, Anselmo M. Martinez Cañellas


Wheelchair as Semiotic: Space Governance of the American Handicapped Parking Space, Sarah Marusek


Breves Notas sobre Traducción y Derecho de Autor, Maximiliano Marzetti


Derecho Argentino de Defensa de la Competencia, Maximiliano Marzetti


El régimen de las invenciones laborales y universitarias en la legislación española, Maximiliano Marzetti


Speechless Trademarks? Dilution Theory Meets Freedom Of Speech, Maximiliano Marzetti