The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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from 2005
A Foundation for International Taxation: The Institutional Competence of Nations, Eric T. Laity
Implementing the ‘Heartland Departure’ in a Post-Booker World, Adam Lamparello
Case Study of a Mathematics Teacher at Lakewood High School, Arthur Lang
Republican Values, Arthur Lang
Justice and American Particularism, Sheldon H. Laskin
Scholarly and Scientific Boycotts of Israel: Abusing the Academic Enterprise, Kenneth Lasson
The Trademark Function of Authorship, Greg Lastowka
Can You Hear Me Now? Corporate Censorship and its Troubling Implications for the First Amendment, Terence Lau and William Wines
Activist or Automaton: The Institutional Need to Reach a Middle Ground in American Jurisprudence, Richard L. Lavoie
Appointing Federal Judges: The President, the Senate, and the Prisoner's Dilemma, David S. Law
Generic Constitutional Law, David S. Law
Strategic Judicial Lawmaking: Ideology, Publication, and Asylum Law in the Ninth Circuit, David S. Law
The Paradox of Omnipotence: Courts, Constitutions, and Commitments, David S. Law
The Paradox of Omnipotence: Courts, Constitutions, and Commitments, David S. Law
Why Nuclear Disarmament May Be Easier to Achieve Than an End to Partisan Conflict over Judicial Appointments, David S. Law and Sanford Levinson
Reviving a Natural Right: The Freedom of Autonomy, Michael Anthony Lawrence
Reviving a Natural Right: The Freedom of Autonomy Amendment, Michael Anthony Lawrence
Reviving a Natural Right: The Freedom of Autonomy Amendment, Michael Anthony Lawrence
African Canadian Legal Clinic, Sonia Lawrence
Choosing Equality? Working with the Supreme Court's New Equality Discourse, Sonia Lawrence
Deference and Equality: Understanding the Logic of Section 15, Sonia Lawrence
“Oh Lord, Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood!”: Rediscovering the Penn Central and Mathews v. Eldridge Frameworks, Gary Lawson, Katharine A. Ferguson, and Guillermo Montero
El riesgo en la compraventa de vino en el derecho romano, Patricio Lazo
Fractura de la pierna del esclavo vendido y periculum rei venditae, Patricio Lazo
Linking Salary and Hours: When Will a Reduction in Salary and Hours Based on Declining Sales Defeat the FLSA's Professional Exemption?, Laurie E. Leader
Learning Disabilities and the Legal Writer, Gerald Lebovits
Legal-Writing Ethics—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
Legal-Writing Ethics—Part II, Gerald Lebovits
Military Law in New York Landlord-Tenant Actions and Proceedings, Gerald Lebovits
Nuisance Holdovers in New York, Gerald Lebovits
Problem Words and Pairs in Legal Writing—Part I, Gerald Lebovits
Problem Words and Pairs in Legal Writing—Part II, Gerald Lebovits
Problem Words and Pairs in Legal Writing—Part III, Gerald Lebovits
Problem Words and Pairs in Legal Writing—Part IV, Gerald Lebovits
Problem Words and Pairs in Legal Writing—Part V, Gerald Lebovits
Sentences and Paragraphs: A Revisionist Philosophy, Gerald Lebovits
The Third Series: A Review, Gerald Lebovits
The Present and Future of Federalism, Bruce Ledewitz
The New Canon: Using or Misusing Foreign Law to Decide Domestic Intellectual Property Claims, Edward Lee
Anti-Competitive Practices in Service/Investment Markets Used by Korea and Japan, Eun Sup Lee
Corporate Law, Profit Maximization and the "Responsible Shareholder", Ian B. Lee
Towards a Development-Oriented Multilateral Framework on Competition Policy, Jae Sung Lee
Christ and Culture in Harold Berman’s Theology of Revolt, Kevin P. Lee
Nature and Grace in Legal Education, Kevin P. Lee
‘Code’ and the Slow Erosion of Privacy, Ronald Leenes and Bert-Jaap Koops
A Law Professor on Being Fashioned, Randy Lee
Bruce Springsteen’s Hope and the Lawyer as Poet Advocate, Randy Lee
Dorothy Day and Innovative Social Justice: A View from Inside the Box, Randy Lee
The Continuing Moral Fashioning of a Law Professor, Randy Lee
The Lawyer as Poet Advocate: Bruce Springsteen and the American Lawyer, an Introduction, Randy Lee
Bilateralism under the World Trade Organization, Y.S. Lee
Medical Error as Reportable Event, as Tort, as Crime: A Transpacific Comparison, Robert B. Leflar and Futoshi Iwata
Drugs and Incarceration in Oklahoma: An Arresting Problem, Arthur G. LeFrancois
From Harm to Robustness: A Principled Approach to Vice Regulation, Jim Leitzel
Amicus Curiae Brief to California Appellate Court in Eldon Blumhorst v . Haven Hills, Inc . et al, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Amicus Curiae Brief to California Supreme Court in People v. Giles , ar, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Domestic Violence Law, Nancy K.D. Lemon
Challenges and Possibilities Facing the Courts, J. Rich Leonard
Líderes y modelos (o la farándula de los feos), Francisco Javier Leturia Infante
Justicia Civil: Una Reforma Pendiente, Francisco Javier Leturia Infante and José Francisco García
The New Prosecution, Kay L. Levine
Lawyers in Cyberspace: The Impact of Legal Listservs on the Professioal Development and Ethical Decisionmaking of Lawyers, Leslie Levin
Embracing Segregation: The Jurisprudence of Choice and Diversity in Race and Sex Separatism in Schools, Nancy Levit
Is It a Subsidy? An Evaluation of China's Currency Regime and Its Compliance with the WTO, Matthew R. Leviton
The Solution to the Problem of Outcome Luck: Why Harm Is Just as Punishable as the Wrongful Action that Causes It, Ken M. Levy
Statement of Jeanne M. Woods and Hope Lewis prepared for the Hearings of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty, Dr. Arjun Sengupta on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Hope Lewis and Jeanne M. Woods
How Overregulation Creates Sprawl (Even in a City without Zoning), Michael E. Lewyn
How Overregulation Creates Sprawl (Even in a City without Zoning), Michael E. Lewyn
Judged the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition in The Hague, Netherlands, Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
Legislation in a Common Law Context, David Lieberman
Taking Power From the Past: Remix Artists Create Positive Alternatives From Cultural Dustbins, Raizel Liebler
This Song is My Song, Raizel Liebler
Of Square Pegs, Round Holes, and Recalcitrants Lying in the Weeds: Superfund's Legal Lessons for Everglades Restoration, Alfred R. Light
Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia, Rain Liivoja, René Värk, and Merri Kastemäe
A Map of Society: Defining Income in British, British-Colonial and American Tax Legislation, Assaf Likhovski
The Story of Gregory, Assaf Likhovski
The Uses of Pacific Settlement Techniques in Malaysia-Singapore Relations, Chin Leng Lim
Principles of Fairness for International Economic Treaties: Constructivism and Contractualism, John Linarelli
Empirical Study of Civil Justice Systems: A Look at the Literature, michael lines
Book Note: Are American Human Rights Groups Exceptional in their Silence?, Katerina Linos
Book Note, Measuring the Costs of Humanitarian Efforts, Katerina Linos
Book Review (reviewing Frank I. Michelman, Brennan and Democracy 2005), Robert Justin Lipkin
Going Courting: How Same-Sex Marriage Opponents Came to Love the Courts, Robert Justin Lipkin
The Harm of Same-Sex Marriage: Real or Imagined?, Robert Justin Lipkin
Anatomy of a Disaster Under the Internal Revenue Code, Francine J. Lipman
Undocumented Working Poor and Refundable Tax Credits, Francine J. Lipman
Unintended Consequences? Undocumented, Working Poor Families and the Refundable Child Tax Credit, Francine J. Lipman
Contingency and Contracts: A Philosophy of Complex Business Transactions, Jeffrey Marc Lipshaw
Duty and Consequence: A Non-Conflating Theory of Promise and Contract, Jeffrey Marc Lipshaw
The Bewitchment of Intelligence: Language and Ex Post Illusions of Intention, Jeffrey Marc Lipshaw
Mathematical Determinism: Natural Law's Missing Link - Jurisprudence's Missing Axioms , Ashley Saunders Lipson
Price, Path & Pride: Third-Party Closing Opinion Practice Among U.S. Lawyers (A Preliminary Investigation), Jonathan C. Lipson
The DRM Dilemma: Re-Aligning Rights Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Jewish Law: Deciphering the Code by Global Process and Analogy, Donna Litman