The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
A Theory of Governmental Damages Liability: Torts, Constitutional Torts, and Takings, Lawrence Rosenthal
A Theory of Government Damages Liability: Torts, Constitutional Torts, and Takings, Lawrence Rosenthal
Continuing the March Toward Reasonableness: Last Term's Fourth Amendment Decisions, Lawrence Rosenthal
Originalism and Parking Tickets, Lawrence Rosenthal
The Crime Drop and Racial Profiling: Toward an Empirical Jurisprudence of Search and Seizure, Lawrence Rosenthal
• The Irony of Populism: The Republican Shift and the Inevitability of American Aristocracy, Zvi S. Rosen
The Twilight of the Opera Pirates: A Prehistory of the Exclusive Right of Public Performance for Musical Compositions, Zvi S. Rosen
Harnessing the Costs of International Tax Arbitrage, Adam H. Rosenzweig
The Corporate Governance Industry, Paul Rose
Reconciling the Booker Conflict: A Substantive Sixth Amendment in a Real Offense Sentencing System, Bertrall L. Ross
Amiguity and the Academic: The Dangerous Attraction of Pan-Indian Legal Anaylsis, Ezra Rosser
Caution, Cooperative Agreements, and the Actual State of Things: A Reply to Professor Fletcher, Ezra Rosser
Rural Housing and Code Enforcement: Navigating Between Values and Housing Types, Ezra Rosser
The Place of Covert Policing in Democratic Societies: An Empirical Study of the U.S. and Germany, Jacqueline E. Ross
What Is Missing in Corporate Bankruptcy Theories? Revisiting the Efficiency Rationale, Yaad Rotem
2006 Pocket Part to Treatise on Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda
2006 Supplement to Modern Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda
Judicial Ethics, the Appearance of Impropriety, and the Proposed New ABA Judicial Code, Ronald D. Rotunda
Legal Ethics: The Lawyer's Deskbook on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Detainee Cases of 2004 and 2006 and Their Aftermath, Ronald D. Rotunda
The Propriety of a Judge's Failure to Recuse when Being Considered for Another Position, Ronald D. Rotunda
Professional Responsibility: A Student's Guide, Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski
Legal Ethics in a Nutshell, Ronald D. Rotunda and Michael I. Krauss
Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan
Enter the Poor: American Welfare Reform, Solidarity and the Capability of Human Flourishing, Vincent D. Rougeau
He Said-She Said: On Credibility and the New Reason, Nancy Rourke
Human Genetics and Justice: Sustaining Uncertainty. Genetic Enlightenment and the Metamorphosis of Governance., Antoinette Rouvroy
A democracia digital possível, Aires José Rover AJR
Saving Trade Secret Disclosures on the Internet through Sequential Preservation, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Uniform Commercial Code Survey, Sales, Keith A. Rowley, Robyn L. Meadows, Larry T. Garvin, and Carolyn L. Dessin
The Right to Self-Determination and Statehood: The Case of Kosovo, Besfort Rrecaj
Federal Institutions and the Democratic Transition: Lessons From South Africa, Daniel Rubinfeld
The Ineffectiveness of Capped Damages in Cases of Employment Discrimination: Solutions toward Deterrence, Vanessa M. Ruggles
Does Law School Curriculum Affect Bar Examination Passage? An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Which Were Related to Bar Examination Passage between 2001 and 2006 at a Midwestern Law School, Douglas Rush and Hisako Matsuo
Building a Library in the Digital Age or How Much Print is Enough? , Gordon R. Russell
Electronic Books - Acquisition, Access, Bibliographic Control and Use, Gordon R. Russell
The Law Library in 2015, Gordon R. Russell
Building the Emotionally Learned Negotiator, Erin Ryan
No Welcome Mat, No Problem?: Federal-Question Jurisdiction after Grable, Rory M. Ryan
Did Katrina Recalibrate Attitudes Toward Poverty And Inequality? A Test of the “Dirty Little Secret” Hypothesis, Emily Ryo and David Grusky
Family Law and Social Law; a Reciprocal Dependency in a Comparative Perspective, Eva Ryrstedt
The Child’s Right to Speak in the Process of Determining Matters of Custody, Residence or Access, Eva Ryrstedt
A Complete Property Right Amendment, John H. Ryskamp
Bond Repudiation, Tax Codes, the Appropriations Process and Restitution Post-Eminent Domain Reform, John H. Ryskamp
Did You Happen to Notice that Lawrence v. Texas Overruled West Coast Hotel v. Parrish?, John H. Ryskamp
Every Law Maintains an Important Fact: The Supreme Doctrine of the New Fourth Constitutional Epoch, John H. Ryskamp
Finding New Constitutional Rights through the Supreme Court’s Evolving “Government Purpose” Test under Minimum Scrutiny, John H. Ryskamp
Finding the Constitutional Right to Education in San Antonio School District v. Rodriguez, John H. Ryskamp
Lawrence v. Texas Overrules San Antonio School District. v. Rodriguez, John H. Ryskamp
The New Constitutional Right to Maintenance in the United States, John H. Ryskamp
Using Capture Theory and Chronology in Eminent Domain Proceedings, John H. Ryskamp
Why Guru Nanak Is Another Nail in the Coffin of West Coast Hotel v. Parrish, John H. Ryskamp
Zoning and Eminent Domain under the New Minimum Scrutiny, John H. Ryskamp
El negocio juridico testamentario: Algunas reflexiones en torno a su esencia y estructura, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Beyond Abstraction, the Law and Economics of Copyright Scope and Doctrinal Efficiency, Matthew J. Sag
Patent Reform and Differential Impact, Matthew J. Sag and Kurt Rohde
Even Heroes Need to Talk: Psycho-Legal Soft Spots in the Field of Asylum Lawyering, Tehila Sagy
Legal Theology: The Turn to Conceptualism in Nineteenth-Century Jewish Law, Chaim Saiman
Algunos Aspectos Políticos y Jurídicos de los Obispos de Puebla en el periodo de los Borbones. (1700-1821), Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
Domingo Pantaleón Álvarez de Abreu (1743-1763), Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
La construcción del orden jurídico mexicano, una obra Inconclusa, en México, visión global la agenda para el Siglo XXI., Juan Pablo Salazar Andreu
Sistemas_de_Constitucion_de_Personas_Jur.pdf, Max Salazar Gallegos
Dan the Xenophobe Rides the A-Train or the Modern, "Secret" Racist: Unconscious Racism in `Enlightened America' and the Destructive Stereotypes that Fuel It, Richard D. Salgado
Legal Transplantation and Local Knowledge: Corporate Governance in Malaysia, Mohammad Rizal Salim
Las hojas del arce, Pablo Salvador Coderch
Llave maestra, Pablo Salvador Coderch
Causalidad y responsabilidad, Pablo Salvador Coderch and Antonio Fernández Crende
Avance del Comentario InDret a la Ley 22/1994, de 6 de julio: el defecto en las instrucciones y advertencias en la responsabilidad de producto, Pablo Salvador Coderch and Sonia Ramos González
Las Sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional deben publicarse íntegras, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Sonia Ramos González, María de los Ángeles Gili Saldaña, and Rosa Milà Rafel
The Judicial Vesting Option: Opting Out of Nomination and Advice and Consent, Tuan Samahon
William Rehnquist, the Separation of Powers, and the Riddle of the Sphinx, Tuan Samahon
Retrospectivity and the rule of law, Charles JG Sampford, Jennie Louise, Sophie Blencowe, and Tom Round
Precedential Court Decisions Affecting PTO Trademark Practice: The Year in Review, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Recent Developments in U.S. Trademark Law: A Confusing State of Affairs, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Challenges in Mapping the Public Domain, Pamela Samuelson
Software & Internet Law, 3d ed., Pamela Samuelson, Mark A. Lemley, Peter S. Menell, and Robert P. Merges
A participação direta da sociedade civil nas negociações da Área de Livre Comércio das Américas (ALCA), Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs.
Brief observations on the mechanisms for NGO participation in the WTO, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs.
FOCOS: Edição IV - Negociações Comerciais Agrícolas e Desenvolvimento na OMC, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs.
FOCOS: Fórum Contexto Internacional e Sociedade Civil - Edição I, II e III, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs.
Política Externa como política pública: uma análise pela regulamentação constitucional brasileira 1967/1988, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs., Elaina Silva, Evorah Cardoso, and Priscila Spécie
Detection Avoidance, Chris William Sanchirico
Harnessing Adversarial Process: Optimal Strategic Complementarities in Litigation, Chris William Sanchirico
Come Down & Make Bargains in Good Faith: The Application of 42 U.S.C. § 1981 to Race & National Origin Discrimination in Retail Stores, Charlotte H. Sanders
A Norms Approach to Jury "Nullification", Joseph Sanders
A New Defense for Self-Defense, Boaz Sangero
Self-Defence in Criminal Law, Boaz Sangero
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt -- Human Dignity and Respect, Robert M. Sanger
Capital Increase and the Exclusion of the Subscription Right in the German Joint-Stock-Company, Valerio Sangiovanni
Circolazione dei prodotti finanziari e responsabilità degli investitori professionali: il nuovo art. 100 bis TUF, Valerio Sangiovanni
Contratto di agenzia e presupposti dell'indennità di fine rapporto nel diritto tedesco, Valerio Sangiovanni
Contratto di distribuzione e indennità di fine rapporto nel diritto tedesco, Valerio Sangiovanni
Determinazione del compenso dell'amministratore da parte del giudice, Valerio Sangiovanni