The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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from 2006
The Unexplored Option: Jewish Settlements in a Palestinian State, David M. Phillips
Global Warming in the Courts: An Overview of Current Litigation and Common Legal Issues, Justin Pidot
Democratizing the Administrative State, Richard James Pierce
Discarded Deference: Judicial Independence in Informal Agency Guidance, Christopher M. Pietruszkiewicz
Discarded Deference: Judicial Independence in Informal Agency Guidance, Christopher M. Pietruszkiewicz
Against Freedom of Commercial Expression, Tamara R. Piety
Free Advertising: The Case for Public Relations as Commercial Speech, Tamara R. Piety
Why the ACLU was Wrong About Nike, Inc. v. Kasky, Tamara R. Piety
Control and Responsibility of Credit Rating Agencies in the United States, Arthur R. Pinto
An Overview of United States Immigration Law, Michele R. Pistone
Perspectives on the Content of the Chruch's Social Message: Should the Church Sound its Voice in the Tower of Babel?, Michele R. Pistone
Religion And Public Affairs: Should the Church Sound its Voice in the Tower of Babel?, Michele R. Pistone
Rules Are Made to Be Broken: How the Process of Expedited Removal Fails Asylum Seekers, Michele R. Pistone and John J. Hoeffner Esq.
No Admissions: Bureaucratic Denial and the Expansion of Expedited Removal, Michele R. Pistone and John J. Hoeffner
The Acceptance of Immigrants: Lessons from the Past and Questions for the Future, Michele R. Pistone and John J. Hoeffner
Environmental Law as a Backdrop to Citizen Action, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Keynote Speaker, Environmentalists & Cultural Relativity: the Challenges of Being Effective in a Polarized, Balkanized, Commoditized, Lobotomized Political World, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Law, Media, and Environmental Policy, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Public Interest Environmental Law, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Speech, Environmental Law, Citizenship, and the Snail Darter, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Exxon-Valdez Oilspill and its Legal Reverberations; The Endangered Species Act as a Societal Challenge, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
2006-2007 Teacher’s Manual Update: Environmental Law & Policy: Nature, Law and Society, Zygmunt J.B. Plater and Robert H. Abrams
eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, LLC , Malla Pollack
Towards a Feminist Theory of the Public Domain, or The Gendered Scope of United States’ Copyrightable and Patentable Subject Matter, Malla Pollack
Sex Torts, D A. Pollard
Haiku for Mike Roche, Frank Pommersheim
SOUTH DAKOTA TRIBAL COURT HANDBOOK (Revised Edition), Frank Pommersheim
SOUTH DAKOTA TRIBAL COURT HANDBOOK (Revised Edition), Frank Pommersheim
Law Probably Won’t Provide Safe Harbor to Hospitals, Thaddeus Pope
Flyktingstatus - en marginaliserad resurs i svensk asylrätt, Aleksandra Popovic
Mänskliga rättigheter och Europakonventionen, Aleksandra Popovic
Reasonable Burdens: Resolving the Conflict between Disabled Employees and Their Co-Workers, Nicole Porter
Escape: A Jewish Scandinavian Family in the Second World War, Norman Poser
Five Recommendations to Law Schools Offering Legal Instruction over the Internet, Daniel C. Powell
Toward a Transformative View of Race: The Crisis and Opportunity of Katrina, John Powell, Hassan Kwame Jeffries, Daniel Newhart, and Eric Stiens
Changing Expectations of Privacy and the Fourth Amendment, Robert Power
Changing Expectations of Privacy and the Fourth Amendment, Robert Power
An Empirical Assessment of Federal Question Jurisdiction, Jack F. Preis
Jurisdiction and Discretion in Hybrid Law Cases, John F. Preis
Bizarro Statutory Stare Decisis, Jamie D. Prenkert
Affirmative Defenses in Section 337 ITC Patent Infringement Proceedings, Natalie Prescott
Immigration Reform Fuels Employment Discrimination, Natalie Prescott
Orange Revolution in Red, White, and Blue: U.S. Impact on the 2004 Ukrainian Election , Natalie Prescott
Bringing Locus Into Focus: A Choice-of-Law Methodology for CISG-based Concurrent Contract and Product Liability Claims, Antonin I. Pribetic
Enforcing Foreign Summary/Default Judgments: The Damoclean Sword Hanging over Pro Se Canadian Corporate Defendants? Case Comment on U.S.A. v. Shield Development, Antonin I. Pribetic
“The (CISG) Road Less Travelled”: Grecon Dimter Inc. v. J.R. Normand Inc., Antonin I. Pribetic
“Thinking Globally, Acting Locally”: Recent Trends in the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Canada, Antonin I. Pribetic
Presenter, Tenth Circuit Judicial Conference., Bruce M. Price
Imagining the Law-Trained Reader: the Faulty Description of the Audience in Legal Writing Textbooks., Jessica E. Price
Tough Love: The Dramatic Birth and Looming Demise of UNCLOS Property Law (and What Is to Be Done about It), Peter S. Prows
Rural Rhetoric, Lisa R. Pruitt
Toward a Feminist Theory of the Rural, Lisa R. Pruitt
'Embrace the Prudent Alliance': William Byrd of Westover and Intermarriage between Europeans and Native Americans, Katie Rose Guest Pryal
God’s Bridle: John Calvin’s Application of Natural Law, C. Scott Pryor
Former NSW Privacy Commissioner Speaks at Wollongong National Security Workshop, C. Puplick and K. Michael
People as Property: On Being a Resource and a Person, Jedediah S. Purdy
Property and Empire: The Law of Imperialism in Johnson v. M'Intosh, Jedediah S. Purdy
The New Biopolitics: Autonomy, Demography, and Nationality, Jedediah S. Purdy
The Promise (and Limits) of Neuroeconomics, Jedediah S. Purdy
Crossing the Immunological Barrier, Farrah Qazi
Vietnam's Last Call for Bribes, Brian JM Quinn
Fundamentals of Modern Property Law, Edward H. Rabin, Roberta R. Kwall, and Jeffrey L. Kwall
Impeachment Calls and Death Threats: Assessing Criticisms of the Death Penalty Jurisprudence of Justices Kennedy and O’Connor, Susan Raeker-Jordan
Parsing Personal Predilections: A Fresh Look at the Supreme Court’s Cruel and Unusual Death Penalty Jurisprudence, Susan Raeker-Jordan
Defining Fair Use in the Digital Era, Joseph James Raffetto
Access v. Patents: We Still Can’t Get Along!, Srividhya Ragavan
A Hybrid Game: Of the Blessed Intellectual Property Rights & the Bastardized Biodiversity, Srividhya Ragavan
Infringers or Innovators: Infringers & Innovators: Debunking Myths, Srividhya Ragavan
Of the Inequals of the Uruguay Round, Srividhya Ragavan
Of the Unequals of Uruguay, Srividhya Ragavan
To Sow or Not to Sow: Practical Issues Relating Arising from Introducing Plant Variety Protecting in Developing Nations, Srividhya Ragavan
Trade and Intellectual Property Law (Panelist), Srividhya Ragavan
O Processo de Flexibilização e as Fusões e os Acordos de Flexibilização no Mercado de Transporte Aéreo de Passageiros, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo
Aspectos Econômicos e Jurídicos sobre Cartéis na Revenda de Combustíveis: Uma Agenda para Investigações, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo and rutelly marques da silva
Redefining the ‘Doctrine of Insurable Interest’ for Life Insurance – The New Dimensions!, Manmeet Singh Rai Mr.
Larceny Offenses in Islamic Law , Hisham M. Ramadan
Are Browse-Wrap Agreements All They Are Wrapped Up to Be? , Ian A. Rambarran
The End of Corporate Governance Law, Steven A. Ramirez
El título ejecutivo europeo, Francisco Ramos Romeu
Las medidas cautelares civiles: un análisis jurídico-económico, Francisco Ramos Romeu
Law and Politics in the application of EC law: Spanish Courts and the European Court of Justice 1986 – 2000, Francisco Ramos Romeu
¿Reduce realmente la ejecución provisional la interposición de recursos injustificados?, Francisco Ramos Romeu
The establishment of constitutional courts: a study of 128 democratic constitutions, Francisco Ramos Romeu
Les méthodes quantitatives pour la comparaison historique et géographique en matière pénale, Sacha Raoult
Bankruptcy Ethics Issues for Solos and Small Firms, Nancy B. Rapoport
Eating Our Cake and Having It, Too: Why Real Change Is So Difficult in Law Schools, Nancy B. Rapoport
Lord of the Flies (1963): The Development of Rules Within an Adolescent Culture, Nancy B. Rapoport
Empirically Bankrupt, Bob Rasmussen
To Catch a Sex Thief: The Burden of Performance in Rape and Sexual Assault Trials, Corey Rayburn Yung
Natural Resource Management and Conservation – Fisheries and Marine Mammals: The Year in Review, Rosemary Rayfuse
Laughter at the Court: The Supreme Court as a Source of Humor, Laura K. Ray
A Race or a Nation? Cherokee National Identity and the Status of Freedmen's Descendents, S. Alan Ray
Los Principios Generales del Derecho Probatorio y el Proceso Civil, Dr Leonardo J. Raznovich
Law and Obesity, Miguel A. Recuerda
Adult Punishment for Juvenile Offenders: Does it Reduce Crime?, Richard E. Redding