About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2007

The Brave New World of Bankruptcy Preferences, Charles J. Tabb

Top Twenty Issues in the History of Consumer Bankruptcy, Charles J. Tabb

Remedies: Cases and Problems, William M. Tabb, Elaine W. Shoben, and Rachel M. Janutis


The United States Supreme Court & the Second Amendment, Stefan B. Tahmassebi


Yukos Risk: The Double Edged Sword, Joseph Tanega and Dmitry Gololobov


Advancing Civil Rights, the Next Generation: the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007 and Beyond, Morse Tan


Upholding Human Rights in the Hemisphere: Casting Down Impunity Through the Inter-American Court of Human Rights , Morse Tan


Rejecting the Touchstone: Complete Preemption and Congressional Intent after Beneficial National Bank v. Anderson, Margaret C. Tarkington

International Environmental Law and Policy (with E. Weiss, S. McCaffrey & D. Magraw), A. Dan Tarlock


Are Shared Benefits of International Waters an Equitable Apportionment? (with P. Wouters), Dan Tarlock

Ecosystem Services in the Klamath Basin: Battlefield Casualties or the Future?, Dan Tarlock

Environmental Protection: Law and Policy (with R. Glicksman et al.), Dan Tarlock

Land Use Regulation: The Weak Link in Environmental Protection (symposium), Dan Tarlock


The Great Lakes as an Environmental Heritage of Humankind: An International Law Perspective, Dan Tarlock

The Non-Discrimination Principle in United States and International Environmental Law (France), Dan Tarlock

Water and Western Growth (with S. Van de Wetering), Dan Tarlock

Western Growth and Sustainable Water Use: If There Are No "Natural Limits," Should We Worry About Water Supplies? (with S. Van de Wetering), Dan Tarlock


Bullshitting the People: The Criminal Procedure Implications of a Scatalogical Term, Andrew Taslitz


Confessing in the Human Voice: A Defense of the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination, Andrew Taslitz

Autonomia statutaria delle società di capitali e imposizione sui redditi, Thomas Tassani

Azienda coniugale, Thomas Tassani

I mezzi di impugnazione ed il giudicato tributario, Thomas Tassani

Impresa e azienda familiare, Thomas Tassani


I trasferimenti immobiliari tra corrispettivo contrattuale e valore normale dopo il d.l. n. 223 del 2006, Thomas Tassani

L’accertamento dei corrispettivi nelle cessioni immobiliari e la nuova presunzione fondata sul valore normale, Thomas Tassani

L’accertamento tributario in base agli studi di settore, Thomas Tassani

La disciplina del Non profit e del “mercato sociale”nelle imposte sui redditi: profili ricostruttivi, Thomas Tassani

La fiscalità delle PMI tra distretti produttivi e reti di impresa, Thomas Tassani


Osservazioni sulla disciplina fiscale del trust nell’imposizione diretta, Thomas Tassani

Separazione e scioglimento del matrimonio, Thomas Tassani

Public Sector Intellectual Property Management in Life Sciences: Reconciling Practice and Policy, Antony Taubman and Roya Ghafele


Public Sector Intellectual Property Management in Life Sciences: Reconciling Practice and Policy, Antony Taubman and Roya Ghafele


A Judicial Framework for Applying Supreme Court Jurisprudence to the State Income Taxation of Indian Traders , Scott A. Taylor


The Unending Onslaught on Tribal Sovereignty: State Income Taxation of Non-Member Indians, Scott A. Taylor

Understanding Laïcité (reviewing John R. Bowen, Why the French Don't Like Headscarves: Islam, the State, and Public Space (2007)), Nelson Tebbe


Witchcraft & Statecraft: Liberal Democracy in Africa, Nelson Tebbe

Witchcraft & Statecraft: Liberal Democracy in Africa, Nelson Tebbe


La nuova disciplina dell'arbitrato, Francesco Tedioli


Regolamento CE 2201/2003 ed esecuzione delle decisioni in tema di affidamento dei minori, Francesco Tedioli


Are All ‘Legal Dollars’ Created Equal?, Doron Teichman and Yuval Feldman


Rebooting the Approach to Teaching Research: Embracing the Computer Age, Carrie W. Teitcher

Cartel - Teoria Unificada da Colusão, Ivo Teixeira Gico Júnior

Liberdade de escolha I: Idosos, Ivo Teixeira Gico Júnior

Liberdade no Mundo Moderno e o Estado Meio, Ivo Teixeira Gico Júnior


Our Very Privileged Executive: Why the Judiciary Can (and Should) Fix the State Secrets Privilege, D. A. Jeremy Telman


The Foreign Affairs Power: Does the Constitution Matter?, D. A. Jeremy Telman

What Google Knows: Privacy and Internet Search Engines, Omer Tene


Le Droit de Suite: An Unartistic Approach to American Law, Jonathan D. Tepper


A 'How To' Guide for Incorporating Global and Comparative Perspectives into the Required Professional Responsibility Course, Laurel S. Terry


The Bologna Process and its Implications for U.S. Legal Education, Laurel S. Terry


The GATS and Legal Services in Limerick, Laurel S. Terry


Defensa de la Universidad Pública, Germán M. Teruel Lozano

Entrevista impertinente, Germán M. Teruel Lozano


Medicina en la UCAM, no, Germán M. Teruel Lozano


"Siempre he querido ser juez y luchar contra las injusticias", Germán M. Teruel Lozano


Derecho de aguas: títulos jurídicos para el aprovechamiento del dominio público hidráulico, Germán M. Teruel Lozano and Isabel Flores Mulero

Derecho de aguas: títulos jurídicos para el aprovechamiento del dominio público hidráulico, Germán M. Teruel Lozano and Isabel Flores Mulero

Demystifying Florida Mediator Ethics: The Good, the Bad, and the Unseemly, Fran L. Tetunic


Intermediated Securities, Legal Risk, and the International Harmonisation of Commercial Law, Luc Thevenoz


Genocide and Jurisdiction: Methods for Achieving Justice Domestically for the International Crimes in Darfur, Matthew N. Thomas

Brave New World of Global Slavery: The Underbelly of Business, Sharon Breckenridge Thomas

China Labor Contract Law and the Liberalization of Global Markets: Will Employee Rights Equate to Employer Nightmares?, Sharon Breckenridge Thomas


Proportionality and the Supreme Court's Jurisprudence of Remedies, Tracy A. Thomas


Question & Answers: Remedies, Tracy A. Thomas


The Continued Vitality of Prophylactic Relief, Tracy A. Thomas


The Limits of Hedge Fund Activism, Robert Thompson


Turning a Blind Eye to Misleading Scientific Testimony: Failure of Procedural Safeguards in a Capital Trial, William C. Thompson


The Sentencing Theory Debate: Divergence in Reasoning, Convergence in Outcomes, Malcolm Thorburn


Legal Archaeology and Feminist Legal Theory: A Case Study of Gender and Domestic Violence, Debora L. Threedy

Property rights developments and productivity gains in China: A law and economics perspective, Xiaowen Tian and Vai Io Lo




BEPRESS Download Report, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List: Judicial Citations -- U.S. and non-U.S., Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List: Law Clerks, Fellows, Dissertation Candidates, and other Student Publications, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List to Betwixt Principle and Practice: Tara Ross's Defense of the Electoral College, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List To Gazing Into the Crystal Ball of Future Developments in Delaware Corporate Law, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List to Model Continuity of Congress Statute, and to Tillman's Reply to Levinson, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List To "Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking," and to Tillman's Reply to Bruhl, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List to Senate Termination of Presidential Recess Appointments, and to Tillman's Reply to Kalt, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citation List to The Federalist Papers as Reliable Historical Source Material for Constitutional Interpretation, Seth Barrett Tillman


Citations by Practitioners in Legal Briefs and Agency Filings, and Other Practitioner-Authored Publications, Seth Barrett Tillman

Combined Citation List, Seth Barrett Tillman


Defending the (Not so) Indefensible: A Reply to Professor Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Dan T. Coenen's The Story of The Federalist: How Hamilton and Madison Reconceived America citing Tillman's The Federalist Papers as Reliable Historical Source Material for Constitutional Interpretation, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Michael J. Gerhardt et al.'s Constitutional Theory: Arguments and Perspectives citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Michael J. Gerhardt's Non-Judicial Precedent (UNC Legal Studies Research Paper No. 1011505, 2007), citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Michie's Jurisprudence of Virginia & West Virginia, citing Tillman's The Federalist Papers as Reliable Historical Source Material for Constitutional Interpretation, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Ralph A. Rossum & G. Alan Tarr's American Constitutional Law citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law (3d ed. Supp. 2007) citing Lawson-Tillman exchange and Tillman's Reply to Lawson on Article I, Section 7, Clause 3, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law (4th ed. 2007) citing Kalt-Tillman exchange on Recess Appointments, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law (4th ed. 2007) citing Lawson-Tillman exchange and Tillman's Reply to Lawson on Article I, Section 7, Clause 3, Seth Barrett Tillman


Extract from T.J. Halstead, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress (2007), citing Kalt-Tillman Colloquy on Recess Appointments, Seth Barrett Tillman


Links To My Publications Posted on SSRN and Elsewhere on the Internet, Seth Barrett Tillman


Links to Reprinted and/or Otherwise Republished Articles, Seth Barrett Tillman


Links to Responses to my Publications Posted on SSRN and Elsewhere on the Internet, Seth Barrett Tillman


Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking: Can the 110th Senate Enact a Bill Passed By the 109th House?, Seth Barrett Tillman


Professor Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl's Against Mix-And-Match Lawmaking -- a response to Tillman's Noncontemporaneous Lawmaking, Seth Barrett Tillman


Professor Brian C. Kalt's Keeping Recess Appointments in Their Place -- a response to Tillman's Senate Termination of Presidential Recess Appointments, Seth Barrett Tillman


Professor Brian C. Kalt's Keeping Tillman Adjournments in Their Place -- A rejoinder to Tillman's Reply to Kalt, Seth Barrett Tillman


Senate Termination of Presidential Recess Appointments, Seth Barrett Tillman