The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
Photochemisch Aktivierte Desinfektion (PAD), Gabriela Steier
Gold foil restoration: a never-ending beauty, Liviu Steier, Giovanni Dicran Meghighian, and Gabriela Steier
The ‘Comp-up’ technique – efficiency for direct composite restorations, Liviu Steier and Gabriela Steier
A Liberal Challenge to Behavioral Economics: The Case of Probability, Alex Stein
Healthcare Intermediaries, Alex Stein
Mediating Rules in Criminal Law, Alex Stein and Richard A. Bierschbach
Policy Oscillation in California's Law of Premises Liability, Ronald L. Steiner
Mother Earth and Uncle Sam: How Pollution and Hollow Government Hurt our Kids, Rena I. Steinzor
Combating the Ramifications of the USA PATRIOT Act: The Standing Doctrine and the Judiciary’s True Role in the Separation of Powers Scheme , Anthony Michael Stella
Reforming Redistricting: Why Popular Initiatives To Establish Redistricting Commissions Succeed or Fail, Nicholas Stephanopoulos
Lactate-Containing Corrosion Inhibitor, Adam R. Stephenson
Post KSR v. Teleflex: Is Anything Invented Patentable Anymore?, Adam R. Stephenson
Taiwan Patent No. TW270143B, Adam R. Stephenson
Student Body Diversity: A View from the Trenches, Gail S. Stephenson
Terminal Ambiguity: Law, Ethics and Policy in the Assisted Dying Debate, Ruth C. Stern and J. Herbie DiFonzo
Entrapment and Terrorism, Dru Stevenson
“The Daily Show Effect” Revisited: How satire contributes to political participation and trust in young audiences, Daxton R. Stewart
Principled Consequentialism, Hamish C. Stewart
E-Commerce, the Internet and the Law, Cases and Materials , Margaret G. Stewart
Jackpot Justice: Verdict Variability and The Mass Tort Class Action, Byron G. Stier
Discouraging Forum Shopping by Properly Implementing the Entity Theory of Partnerships, John T. Stinson
'Real Time' Strategies for Relational Conflict, Thomas J. Stipanowich
The Arbitration Penumbra: Arbitration Law and the Rapidly Changing Landscape of Dispute Resolution, Thomas J. Stipanowich
Halos, Billboards, and the Taxation of Charitable Sponsorships, Ethan G. Stone
The Juridical Coup d’État and the Problem of Authority, Alec Stone Sweet
The Juridical Coup d’État and the Problem of Authority: Response to G. La Palombella, W. Sadurski, and N. Walker, Alec Stone Sweet
The Politics of Constitutional Review in France and Europe, Alec Stone Sweet
Contextualizing Multiculturalism: A Three Dimensional Examination of Multicultural Claims, Gila Stopler
Derechos Originarios de Propiedad: Llevando el Modelo Buchanan–Tullock al Estado de Naturaleza, Eduardo Stordeur
Infracapitalización Societaria, Responsabilidad de los Accionistas y Capital Social: Un Análisis Económico, Eduardo Stordeur
Clean Sports & Dirty Politics: Proposed Steroid-Testing Legislation Violates the Fourth Amendment, Christopher S. Storm
To Speak or Not to Speak? Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Parallel Investigations Following the Amendment of Federal Rule of Evidence 408, Mikah K. Story Thompson
White Collar Crime and Punishment, Kelly Strader
Surveillance of Emergent Associations: Freedom of Association in a Network Society, Katherine J. Strandburg
Users as Innovators: Implications for Patent Doctrine, Katherine J. Strandburg
Users as Innovators: Implications for Patent Doctrine, Katherine J. Strandburg
Eight scientific problems to understand Gaetano Mosca´s theorie of "The political class" : with a portuguese version of the Mosca´s classic text, carlos luiz strapazzon
Rational Choice Theory: a critical approach to the epistemological and methodological assumptions of Anthony Downs, Kenneth Arrow, James Buchanan e Mancur Olson, carlos luiz strapazzon
Deliberate Indifference, Professional Judgment, and the Constitution: On Liberty Interests in the Child Placement Context, Mark Strasser
Preaching, Fundraising and the Constitution: On Proselytizing and the First Amendment , Mark Strasser
The Often Illusory Protections of “Biology Plus:” On the Supreme Court’s Parental Rights Jurisprudence, Mark Strasser
A Parliament for the United Nations?, Andrew L. Strauss
Considering Global Democracy: An Introduction to the Symposium: Envisioning a More Democratic Global System, Andrew L. Strauss
Constitutionalism on the International and Domestic Planes, Andrew L. Strauss
Designing International Organizations for the 21st Century, Andrew L. Strauss
Establishing a Global Parliament: From Idea to Reality, Andrew L. Strauss
Feeling the Heat? Climate Change Litigation in the 21st Century, Andrew L. Strauss
International Conflict and Climate Change, Andrew L. Strauss
On the First Branch of Global Governance, Andrew L. Strauss
Felix Cohen: American Lawyer, Philosopher and Civil Rights Advocate, Rennard J. Strickland
Judge James Browning Distinguished Lecture in Law, Rennard J. Strickland
La cláusula general como elemento esencial en la configuración de los actos de competencia desleal enunciados y no enunciados, Pierino Stucchi
Behavioral Economists at the Gate: Antitrust in the Twenty-First Century, Maurice E. Stucke
A Balancing Act between Crime Prevention and Privacy Protection, Marcel Stuessi
A Balancing Act Between Crime Prevention and Privacy Protection, Marcel Stuessi
Interview with Heitam Maleh, Marcel Stuessi
Cases in Vaccine Court-- Legal Battles Over Vaccines and Autism, Stephen D. Sugarman
Roles of Government in Compensating Disaster Victims, Stephen D. Sugarman
Roles of Government in Compensating Disaster Victims, Stephen D. Sugarman
Who Counts as an American Family, Stephen D. Sugarman
Who Counts as an American Family?, Stephen D. Sugarman
The Case for Specially Compensating the Victims of Terrorist Acts: An Assessment, Stephen D. Sugarman and Robert Rabin
Discrimination at Will: Job Security Protections and Equal Employment Opportunity in Conflict, Julie C. Suk
Procedural Path Dependence: Discrimination and the Civil-Criminal Divide, Julie C. Suk
Whistleblowing and the Employee’s Obligations under the Contract of Employment: A Critique of Nigeria’s Position, Ibrahim Sule
Bargaining in the Shadow of Violence: the NPT, IAEA, and Nuclear Nonproliferation Negotiations, Arsalan Suleman
Strategic Planning for Combating Terrorism: A Critical Examination, Arsalan Suleman
Military Commissions Act of 2006, Arsalan M. Suleman
Cyber-Extortion: Duties and Liabilities Related to the Elephant in the Server Room, Adam J. Sulkowski
Acerca del control estatal de las asociaciones privadas y la jurisprudencia del TC: un enfoque económico, Óscar Súmar
¿Debemos alegrarnos o entristecernos con la reducción de las tarifas de telefonía?, Óscar Súmar
Perú: ¿Quiénes son los Damnificados del Sismo? ¿Qué Rol Juega el Derecho?, Óscar Súmar
Salario mínimo legal en debate, Óscar Súmar
Bosnia: A Better Tomorrow, Benita Sumita
Bosnia: A Better Tomorrow?, Benita Sumita
South Asia and Genocide: A Case for Prevention, Benita Sumita
The International Criminal Court and its Role in Conflict Resolution: The Emperor’s New Clothes, Benita Sumita
De-sanctified Novelties: The Museum Gift Shops After Bridgeman, J. Hunter Summerford
Achieving Progressive Tax Reform in an Increasingly Global Economy, Lawrence H. Summers, Jason Furman, and Jason Bordoff
The Police Power and "Public Use": Balancing the Public Public Interest Against Private Rights Through Principled Constitutional Distinctions, Christopher Supino
Antitrust Governance: The New Wave of Antitrust [Conference on Masushita at Twenty], Yane Svetiev
The effect of TPS in US manufacturing during 1981-1998: Inventory increased or decreased as a function of plant performance, Paul Swamidass
Biotech in Court: A Legal Lesson on the Unity of Science, Kara Swanson
Access to Justice: Arguing for Miranda Rights in India, Aditya Swarup
Socialism and the New Economic Order: Constitutional Perspectives, Aditya Swarup
State Sponsored Armed Conflict: The Salwa Judum and the State of Chattisgarh, Aditya Swarup
Terrorism and the Rule of Law: A Case comment on Kartar Singh v. State of Punjab, Aditya Swarup
Microchip Implants, G. Sweeting and K. Michael
The Unethical Judicial Ethics of Instrumentalism and Detachment in American Legal Thought, Keith Swisher
Annotated bibliography of the legal literature of Brazil, Rachel Sztajn and Juan Javier del Granado
Consumer Bankruptcy after the Fall: United States Law under S.256, Charles J. Tabb
Consumer Bankruptcy Filings: Trends and Indicators, Charles J. Tabb
Courting Controversy, Charles J. Tabb
Lessons from the Globalization of Consumer Bankruptcy, Charles J. Tabb