The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Avoid or Compensate? Liability for Incidental Injury to Civilians Inflicted during Armed Conflict, Yael Ronen
Actualités Juridiques Internationales. Suède, Mia Rönnmar
EU industrial relations v. national industrial relations. Comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives, Mia Rönnmar
EU, sysselsättningsstrategin och flexicurity, Mia Rönnmar
Introduction: EU industrial relations v. national industrial relations – conflict, interplay or harmony?, Mia Rönnmar
Kollektivavtal i ett framväxande arbetsmarkandssystem på EU-nivå - nu och i framtiden, Mia Rönnmar
Suède. Le contrat à durée déterminée déssai: un aspect de la méthode suédoise, Mia Rönnmar
El contrato con efectos oponibles erga omnes: Su incidencia en el sistema de transferencia de la propiedad inmueble y en el sistema de oponibilidad de derechos, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual
¿La propiedad no inscrita debe prevalecer sobre el embargo inscrito? Aportes para una solución uniforme en los procesos de tercería excluyente de dominio, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual
Kennedy v. Louisiana and the Committee of Philosopher Kings, Eric G. Roscoe
The AUMFAI, Resolution 1790, SOFAs, and Base Agreements: How Does the U.S. Stay in Iraq?, Eric G. Roscoe
Reforming Securities Litigation Reform: A Proposal For Restructuring The Relationship Between Public And Private Enforcement Of Rule 10b-5, Amanda M. Rose
Green-Collar Jobs: Turn green switch now for a fresh boost of energy, Anna Rose and Susan Harris Rimmer
Troubled Indictments at the Special Court for Sierra Leone: The Pleading of Joint Criminal Enterprise and Sex-Based Crimes, Cecily E. Rose
Supplying the Adverb: Corporate Risk-Taking and the Business Judgment Rule, David Rosenberg
What's Law Gto to Do with It? The Bosnia v. Serbia Decision's Impact on Reconciliation, Sheri P. Rosenberg
Contextualizing Preemption, Mark D. Rosen
Chapman Dialogues: Same Sex Marriage - Response to Professor Eskrdige, Lawrence Rosenthal
The Emerging First Amendment Law of Managerial Prerogative, Lawrence Rosenthal
The Emerging First Amendment Law of Managerial Prerogative, Lawrence Rosenthal
Sovereigns as Shareholders, Paul Rose
The Evolution of the Suspension Clause at the Constitutional Convention, Michael L. Rosin
Customary Law: The Way Things Were, Codified, Ezra Rosser
Immigrant Remittances, Ezra Rosser
Protecting Non-Indians from Harm? The Property Consequences of Indians, Ezra Rosser
Conditional Rules in Criminal Procedure: Alice in Wonderland Meets the Constitution., David Rossman
The Edifice of Legal Infrastructure: Developing Sustainable Approaches, Keith A. Rosten
The Scaffolding for Legal Infrastructure: Developing Sustainable Approaches, Keith A. Rosten
2008 Supplement to Modern Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda
Foreword, Ronald D. Rotunda
Impact, Ronald D. Rotunda
Professional Responsibility (Black Letter Series), Ronald D. Rotunda
Teaching Professional Responsibility and Ethics, Ronald D. Rotunda
Legal Ethics: The Lawyer's Deskbook on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski
Professional Responsibility: A Student's Guide, Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski
2008 Selected Standards on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan
Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and Thomas D. Morgan
Treatise on Constitutional Law: Substance and Procedure, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
A Freedom Under Fire: a Review of Martha Nussbaum's Liberty of Conscience: In Defense of America's Tradition of Religious Equality, Vincent D. Rougeau
Christians in the American Empire: Faith and Citizenship in the New World Order, Vincent D. Rougeau
No Bonds but Those Freely Chosen: An Obituary for the Principle of Forced Heirship in American Law, Vincent D. Rougeau
Representation-Reinforcement and Australian Constitutionalism, Tom Round
Are autonomic computing and the statistical governance of the "real" compatible with the preservation of the "virtual" dimension of human identity and legal subjectivity?, Antoinette Rouvroy
Des technologies normatives à l’ère de l’intelligence ambiante : quelques enjeux pour le droit et l’éthique de la communication et de l’information., Antoinette Rouvroy
Epistemic and legal issues involved by convergence in surveillence technologies: tentative thoughts, Antoinette Rouvroy
Généticisation et responsabilité: les habits neufs de la gouvernance néolibérale (uncorrected proofs), Antoinette Rouvroy
Human Genes and Neoliberal Governance. A Foucauldian Critique. (NEW PAPERBACK EDITION, SEPT. 2009), Antoinette Rouvroy
La protection de la vie privée au défi de l’ «Internet des objets »., Antoinette Rouvroy
Plus on est observé, moins on est sensible aux atteintes à la vie privée, Antoinette Rouvroy
Privacy, Data Protection, and the Unprecedented Challenges of Ambient Intelligence, Antoinette Rouvroy
Privacy, Data Protection, and the Unprecedented Challenges of Ambient Intelligence, Antoinette Rouvroy
Réinventer l'art d'oublier et de se faire oublier dans la société de l'information?, Antoinette Rouvroy
Repenser le sens du droit à la protection de la vie privée dans la société de surveillance : une urgence démocratique., Antoinette Rouvroy
"Trust by design ?": Embedding data protection principles in intelligent interfaces designed for elder users., Antoinette Rouvroy
Which Rights for Which Subjects? Genetic Confidentiality and Privacy in the Post-Genomic Era, Antoinette Rouvroy
Rethinking "Reasonable Efforts" to Protect Trade Secrets in a Digital World, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Who Are These People? New Generation Employees and Trade Secrets, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Encyclopedia of United States Indian Policy and Law, Judith Royster
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, Judith Royster
Native American Natural Resources Law: Cases and Materials, Judith Royster and Michael Blumm
The Justices Find Religion: Why the Supreme Court Ought to Expand Religious Accommodation Rights, Nantiya Ruan
Suicide, Law and Morality, Edward Rubin
The Deadweight Loss of Coupon Remedies for Price Overcharges, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and A. Mitchell Polinsky
Criminal Constitutional Law (Matthew Bender & Co. 1990 & Supp. 1991-2011) (with C.P. Erlinder & David C. Thomas)., David S. Rudstein
Criminal Law -- Cases, Materials, and Problems, David S. Rudstein
Criminal Procedure: The Investigative Process, David S. Rudstein
Retrying the Acquitted in England, Part II: The Exception to the Rule Against Double Jeopardy for “Tainted Acquittals" (forthcoming), David S. Rudstein
Loss of Sixth Amendment Confrontation Rights: Forfeiture Triggered by Voluntary Wrongful Conduct, Ralph Ruebner and Eugene Goryunov
Legal Process, Sandra Ruffin
Whittling Away, J.B. Ruhl and James Salzman
La Clausula Paramount, Salvador Francisco Ruiz Medrano
Chronicles of a Failure: From a Renegotiation Clause to Arbitration of Transnational Contracts, Luigi Russi
Chronicles of a Failure: From a Renegotiation Clause to Arbitration of Transnational Contracts, Luigi Russi
A Tiny Heart Beating: Student-Edited Legal Periodicals in Good Ol' Europe, Luigi Russi and Federico Longobardi
A Tiny Heart Beating: Student-Edited Legal Periodicals in Good Ol' Europe, Luigi Russi and Federico Longobardi
Implicit Premises: Structure of the Law and Extralegal Formant in Italy, Luigi Russi and Matteo Mattioni
Implicit Premises: Structure of the Law and Extralegal Formant in Italy, Luigi Russi and Matteo Mattioni
A Swing State Voter’s Epiphany, Erin Ryan
Reporting on Palin: Negotiations in Political Theater, Erin Ryan
It's Just Not Worth Searching For Welcome Mats with a Kaleidoscope and a Broken Compass, Rory M. Ryan
It’s Just Not Worth Searching for Welcome Mats with a Kaleidoscope and a Broken Compass., Rory M. Ryan
Two to Tango, One in Limbo: A Comparative Analysis of Fathers' Rights in Infant Adoptions, Margaret Ryznar
Two to Tango, One in Limbo: A Comparative Analysis of Fathers' Rights in Infant Adoptions, Margaret Ryznar
Two to Tango, One in Limbo: A Comparative Analysis of Fathers' Rights in Infant Adoptions, Margaret Ryznar
Caracteres del negocio de ultima voluntad: Planteamiento de nuevas perspectivas y renuncia a antiguas perspectivas, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Petition without Prejudice: Against the Fraud Exception from the Toxic Tort Perspective, Jim M. Sabovich
Beyond the Liability Wall: Strengthening Tort Remedies in International Environmental Law, Noah Sachs
John McCain's Citizenship: A Tentative Defense, Stephen E. Sachs
Why John McCain Was a Citizen at Birth, Stephen E. Sachs
Enforceability of Labor Law: Evidence from a Labor Court in Mexico, Joyce Sadka and David Kaplan
Litigation and Settlement: New Evidence from Labor Courts in Mexico, Joyce Sadka, David S. Kaplan, and Jorge Luis Silva-Mendez
The Un-Exceptionalism of U.S. Exceptionalism, Sabrina Safrin
Thinking about Leaving? The Ethics of Departing One Firm for Another, John Sahl