The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
From Pedagogical Sociology to Constitutional Adjudication: The Meaning of Desegregation in Social Science Research and Law, Anne Richardson Oakes
Civil Law Compromise, Common Law Accord and Satisfaction: Can the Two Doctrines Coexist in Louisiana?, Sally Brown Richardson
Behavioral Economics and Health Policy: Understanding Medicaid's Failure, Barak Richman
How Communities Create Economic Advantage: Jewish Diamond Merchants in New York, Barak Richman
How Communities Create Economic Advantage: Jewish Diamond Merchants in New York, Barak Richman
A Transaction Cost Economizing Approach to Regulation: Understanding the NIMBY Problem and Improving Regulatory Responses, Barak Richman and Christopher Boerner
A Transaction Cost Economizing Approach to Regulation: Understanding the NIMBY Problem and Improving Regulatory Responses, Barak Richman and Christopher Boerner
Ethnic Networks, Extralegal Certainty, and Globalisation: Peering into the Diamond Industry, Barak D. Richman
Ethnic Networks, Extralegal Certainty, and Globalisation: Peering into the Diamond Industry, Barak D. Richman
Behavioral Economics and Health Policy: Understanding Medicaid's Failure, Barak D. Richman
Community Enforcement of Informal Contracts: Jewish Diamond Merchants in New York, Barak D. Richman
Community Enforcement of Informal Contracts: Jewish Diamond Merchants in New York, Barak D. Richman
Insurance Expansions: Do They Hurt Those They are Designed to Help?, Barak D. Richman
Insurance Expansions: Do They Hurt Those They are Designed to Help?, Barak D. Richman
The King of Rockingham County and the Original Bridge to Nowhere, Barak D. Richman
The King of Rockingham County and the Original Bridge to Nowhere, Barak D. Richman
Distributive Injustice(s) in American Health Care, Barak D. Richman and Clark C. Havighurst
Distributive Injustice(s) in American Health Care, Barak D. Richman and Clark C. Havighurst
Distributive Injustice(s) in American Health Care, Barak D. Richman and Clark C. Havighurst
Foreword: Health Policy's Fourth Dimension, Barak D. Richman and Clark C. Havighurst
Foreword: Health Policy's Fourth Dimension, Barak D. Richman and Clark C. Havighurst
Transaction Cost Economics: An Assessment of Empirical Research in the Social Sciences, Barak D. Richman and Jeffrey Macher
Transaction Cost Economics: An Assessment of Empirical Research in the Social Sciences, Barak D. Richman and Jeffrey Macher
Transaction Cost Economics: An Assessment of Empirical Research in the Social Sciences, Barak D. Richman and Jeffrey Macher
Recent Developments in Evidence Law, Liesa L. Richter
The Power of Privilege and the Attorney-Client Privilege Protection Act: How Corporate America Has Everyone Excited About the Emperor's New Clothes, Liesa L. Richter
The Performance of Distributed News Aggregators, Wolf Richter, Tobias Escher, and David A. Bray
Recognizing Marriage, William J. Rich
Equitable third party liability, Pauline Ridge and Joachim Dietrich
Clitoridectomy and the Economics of Islamic Marriage & Divorce Law, Ryan M. Riegg
Get Rid of the Patent Absurdities, Matthew Rimmer
Harry Potter and the Lexicon of Doom, Matthew Rimmer
Intellectual Property and Biotechnology: Biological Inventions, Matthew Rimmer
Intellectual Property: The Many Faces of the Public Domain; A Book Review, Matthew Rimmer
Patent Trolls and Patent-Busters, Matthew Rimmer
Race Against Time: The Export of Essential Medicines to Rwanda, Matthew Rimmer
The Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement 2008: Intellectual Property and Development. A Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties., Matthew Rimmer
The Black Label: Trade Mark Dilution, Culture Jamming, and the No Logo Movement, Matthew Rimmer
The True History of Copyright, The Australian Experience 1905-2005; A Book Review, Australian Bar Review, Vol. 31 (2), p. 230-235., Matthew Rimmer
Vanquishing the 'Patent Trolls', Matthew Rimmer
La globalización y el Derecho: La necesaria aplicación de un pluralismo jurídico real., Javier G. Rincón Salcedo
La noción de "Servicio de interés General". Un elemento jurídico de base para la construcción de un derecho global. The notion of "services of general interest". A base element for the construction of a global law., Javier G. Rincón Salcedo
Les recours juridictionnels en matière contractuelle. Analyse comparée des droits français et colombien, Javier G. Rincón Salcedo
Yours, Mine or Ours: Employee Invention Ownership, Amelia S. Rinehart
Democracy Sovereignty and Tax Competition: The Role of Tax Sovereignty in Shaping Tax Cooperation, Diane M. Ring
Tax Sovereignty as a Window onto the Possibilities and Limits of Tax Cooperation, Diane M. Ring
What's at Stake in the Sovereignty Debate?: International Tax and the Nation-State, Diane M. Ring
What's at Stake in the Sovereignty Debate?: International Tax and the Nation-State, Diane M. Ring
What’s at Stake in the Sovereignty Debate? International Tax and the Nation-State, Diane M. Ring
Taxation as a Global Socio-Legal Phenomenon, Diane M. Ring, Allison Christians, Steven Dean, and Adam H. Rosensweig
U.S. Income Taxation of Foreign Corporations, Diane M. Ring, Jessica L. Katz, and Charles T. Plambeck
Federal Income Taxation of Corporate Enterprise, Diane M. Ring and Bernard Wolfman
El derecho de los secretos, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
El interés procesal, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
El Quinto Estado, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Seguridad jurídica, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Control Constitucional y Representación en Democracias Contempóraneas, Julio Ríos-Figueroa and Andrea Pozas-Loyo
¿Puede ser inconstitucional una enmienda constitucional?, Julio Ríos-Figueroa and Andrea Pozas-Loyo
When and Why ‘Law’ and ‘Reality’ Coincide? De Jure and De Facto Judicial Independence in Chile and Mexico, Julio Ríos-Figueroa and Andrea Pozas-Loyo
Multiple Personalities Incorporated: Accepting the Multi-Dimensional Personhood of the Modern Corporation, Susanna K. Ripken
Everything is Patentable, Michael Risch
A Course in Ethics and Economics, Mario J. Rizzo
Justice versus Benevolence: A Modern Humean View, Mario J. Rizzo
Little Brother is Watching You: New Paternalism on the Slippery Slopes, Mario J. Rizzo and Douglas Glen Whitman
THE KNOWLEGE PROBLEM OF NEW PATERNALISM, Mario J. Rizzo and Douglas Glen Whitman
Digitus Impudicus: The Middle Finger and the Law, Ira P. Robbins
Digitus Impudicus: The Middle Finger and the Law, Ira P. Robbins
An Introduction to Applied Legal Storytelling, Ruth Anne Robbins
Restitutionary Disgorgement as a Moral Compass for Breach of Contract, Caprice L. Roberts
Judging Jury Verdicts, Cassandra Burke Robertson
Get Sick, Get Out: The Medical Causes of Home Foreclosures, Christopher T. Robertson, Richard Egelhof, and Michael Hoke
Introduction, Crimtorts Symposium, Christopher J. Robinette
Peace: A Public Purpose for Punitive Damages?, Symposium: Punitive Damages, Due Process, and Deterrence: The Debate After Philip Morris v. Williams, Christopher J. Robinette
A Recipe for Balanced Tort Reform: Early Offers with Swift Settlements, Christopher J. Robinette and Jeffrey O’Connell
Intellectual Property and Information Technology Due Diligence in Merger and Acquisition Transactions, Martin B. Robins
Intellectual property and Information Technology Due Diligence in Merger and Acquisition Transactions, Martin B. Robins
Intellectual Property and Information Technology Due Diligence in Merger and Acquisition Transactions, Martin B. Robins
The Disruption of Marital eHarmony: Distinguishing Mail-Order Brides From Online Dating in Evaluating "Good Faith Marriage", Brandon N. Robinson
The Right to a Fair Mistrial: A Criticism of the Procedures at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Kelly Isel Robreno
Análise Crítica do Julgamento por Atacado no Superior Tribunal de Justiça (Lei nº 11.672/08 sobre Recursos Especiais Repetitivos), Nelson Rodrigues Netto
Animales... ¿en peligro de extinción o en peligro de que los extingamos?, Gustavo M. Rodríguez García
¿Asimetría informativa o desigualdad en el mercado?: apuntes sobre el verdadero rol de la protección al consumidor, Gustavo M. Rodríguez García
El Derecho de la Libre Competencia frente a la Posición de Dominio originada por disposiciones legales, Gustavo M. Rodríguez García
¿El Fin de la Historia para la Propiedad Intelectual?, Gustavo M. Rodríguez García
Publicidad comercial, principio de veracidad y eficiencia económica: un cuento con final feliz, Gustavo M. Rodríguez García
Reflexiones breves sobre la publicidad de medicamentos a la luz de la jurisprudencia del Indecopi, Gustavo M. Rodríguez García
Sobre el rol esencial de las marcas en el desarrollo económico, Gustavo M. Rodríguez García
Amir Aczel - La Ciudad de las Ideas, Andrés Roemer
Daniel Gilbert - La Ciudad de las Ideas, Andrés Roemer
El otro Einstein, Andrés Roemer
La Ciudad de las Ideas, Andrés Roemer
Louanne Brizendine - La Ciudad de la Ideas, Andrés Roemer
¿Por qué amamos el futbol? Un enfoque de política pública, Andrés Roemer
Shmuley Boteach - La Ciudad de las Ideas, Andrés Roemer
The Global Advocate: From Ethical Anarchy to Discernable Duties, Catherine A. Rogers
Derecho administrativo, José Roldán Xopa
The Alien Invasion?, Ediberto Roman