The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Waist Deep in the Big Muddy: The JD/PhD Debate in Criminal Justice Education, Craig Hemmens
Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, Craig Hemmens
Paramilitarismo, Desmovilización y Reinserción. La Ley de Justicia y Paz y sus implicaciones en la Cultura Política, la Ciudadanía y la Democracia en Colombia, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro and Oscar Mejía Quintana
‘Move On’ Orders as Fourth Amendment Seizures, Stephen E. Henderson
Predicting Crime, Todd Henderson
Corporate Philanthropy and the Market for Altruism, Todd Henderson and Anup Malani
Popular Election of the President: Use or Abuse of the Electoral College, Jennifer S. Hendricks
Copyright’s Deus Ex Machina: Reverse Registration as Economic Fostering of Orphan Works, Darrin Keith Henning
Rappers Sorrow, or How Copyright’s Restriction on Digital Sampling Inhibits African-American Participation in Societal Discourse, Darrin Keith Henning
The Electronic Workplace: To Live Outside the Law You Must Be Honest, William A. Herbert
Workplace Electronic Privacy Protections Abroad: The Whole Wide World Is Watching, William A. Herbert
Workplace Electronic Privacy Protections Abroad: The Whole Wide World Is Watching, William A. Herbert
The Impact of Emerging Technologies in the Workplace: Who's Watching the Man (Who's Watching Me)?, William A. Herbert and Amelia K. Tuminaro
Tax Incentives: A Solution to Economic Uncertainty, Jared A. Hermann
Terrorism, govermnent and law, Susan N. Herman and Paul Finkelman
Terrorism, Government, and Law: National Authority and Local Autonomy in the War on Terror, Susan N. Herman and Paul Finkelman
Global Migrations and Imagined Citizenship: Examples from Slavery and Chinese Exclusion and When Questioning Birthright Citizenship, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Global Migrations and Imagined Citizenship: Examples from Slavery, Chinese Exclusion, and When Questioning Birthright Citizenship, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Law, Food, and Culture: Mexican Corn's National Identity Cooked in 'Tortilla Discourses' Post-TLC/NAFTA, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Kinship Foster Care: Implications of Behavioral Biology Research, David Herring
Kinship Foster Care: Implications of Behavioral Biology Research, David Herring
What is the nature of the patient's consent in the processing of medical data in European law?, Jean HERVEG
The Liberalizing Effects of Tort: How Corporate Complicity Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute Advances Constructive Engagement , Richard Herz
Restating the "Original Source Exception" to the False Claims Act's “Public Disclosure Bar”, Joel D. Hesch
Corporate corruption and reform undertakings: a new approach to an old problem, David Hess and Cristie L. Ford
A Spontaneous Order for Europe? Why Hayek's Libertarianism is Not the Right Way Forward for European Private Law, Martijn W. Hesselink
CFR & Social Justice: A Short Study for the European Parliament on the Values Underlying the Draft Common Frame of Reference for European Private Law - What Roles for Fairness and Social Justice?, Martijn W. Hesselink
Common Frame of Reference & Social Justice, Martijn W. Hesselink
Precontractual Liability in European Private Law: Conclusions, Martijn W. Hesselink and John Cartwright
Precontractual Liability in European Private Law: Introduction, Martijn W. Hesselink and John Cartwright
The legal basis for optional instruments on European contract law, short study for the European Parliament on the different options for a future instrument on a Common Frame of Reference (CFR) in EU contract law, in particular the legal form and the legal basis for any future optional instrument, Martijn W. Hesselink, Jacobien W. Rutgers, and Tim Q. Booys de
Professional Skills and Values in Legal Education: The GPS Model, Gerald F. Hess
Same Sex Marriage in Argentina, Martin Hevia and Ezequiel Spector
Letter to a Young Obama Supporter, Hugh Hewitt
The War Against the West, Hugh Hewitt
Compelled Speech, Steven J. Heyman
Free Speech and Human Dignity , Steven J. Heyman
Free Speech and Human Dignity, Steven J. Heyman
Ensuring Enforceability & Fairness in the Arbitration of Employment Disputes, Stacy A. Hickox
Ambient Intelligence, Criminal Liability and Democracy, Mireille Hildebrandt
A Vision of Ambient Law, Mireille Hildebrandt
Defining Profiling. A New Type of Knowledge?, Mireille Hildebrandt
Legal and technological normativity: more (and less) than twin sisters, Mireille Hildebrandt
Profiles and correlatable humans, Mireille Hildebrandt
Profiling and the Rule of Law, Mireille Hildebrandt
Public proof in courts and jury trials: Relevant for pTA citizens' juries?, Mireille Hildebrandt
Profiling the European Citizen. Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, Mireille Hildebrandt and Serge Gutwirth
The Uneven Playing Field Part IV: The Bad Faith Request Under Youngblood, Michael P. Hilferty
Restorative Justice: Sketching a New Legal Discourse, Frank D. Hill
Skatteavtalen i EG-domstolens praxis: Skatteavtalens förenlighet med EG-fördragets regler om fri rörlighet, Maria Hilling
The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court Totally Disregards Tax Treaty - A Critical Analysis of a CFC Judgment, Maria Hilling
Of Christmas Trees and Corpus Christi: The Establishment Clause and Change in Meaning over Time, Jessie Hill
Legal Services Support Centers and Rebellious Advocacy: A Case Study of the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, Bill Ong Hing
On Breaking Patents: Separating Strands of Fact from Fiction under TRIPS, Cynthia M. Ho
On Breaking Patents: Separating Strands of Fact from Fiction under TRIPS, Cynthia M. Ho
Biodiversity and Climate Change Laws: A Failure to Communicate, David R. Hodas
Imagining the Unimaginable: Reducing U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Forty Percent, David R. Hodas
Vantage Point, David R. Hodas
Designing a Global Post-Kyoto Climate Change Protocol that Advances Human Development, David R. Hodas and Albert Mumma
Lessons From the Laboratory: The Polar Opposites on the Public Sector Labor Law Spectrum, Ann C. Hodges
A Source of War: Gentili’s Thucydides, Kinch Hoekstra
Docketology, District Courts, and Doctrine, David A. Hoffman, Alan J. Izenman, and Jeffrey R. Lidicker
Law and Biology, Morris B. Hoffman
The Court Says No to Incorporation Rebound: Virginia v. Moore, Morris B. Hoffman
Responders ' Responsibility: Liability and Immunity in Public Health Emergencies, Sharona Hoffman
Finding A Cure: The Case for Regulation and Oversight of Electronic Health Record Systems, Sharona Hoffman and Andy Podgurski
The Grand Jury Legal Advisor: Resurrecting the Grand Jury's Shield, Thaddeus Hoffmeister
The Grand Jury Legal Advisor: Resurrecting the Grand Jury's Shield, Thaddeus Hoffmeister
The Grand Jury Legal Advisor: Resurrecting the Grand Jury's Shield, Thaddeus Hoffmeister
Permission to Protect: Massachusetts Pioneering Law Requiring Electronic Monitoring for Civil Protective Order Violators Advances Safety for Domestic Violence Victims, Julie M. Hofmeister
Helen Lovejoy Gets Her Way, Geoff Holland
Regulating Strategic Data Disclosure on Social Network Sites, H. Brian Holland
Regulating Strategic Data Disclosure on Social Network Sites, H. Brian Holland
Regulating Strategic Data Disclosure on Social Network Sites, H. Brian Holland
Social Distortion: Regulating Privacy in Social Networks, H. Brian Holland
The Right to Compartmentalize? Privacy Expectations and Practices of Job Applicants on Social Network Sites, H. Brian Holland
The Reagan Administration and the Rehnquist Court's New Federalism: Understanding the Role of the Federalist Society, Amanda L. Hollis-Brusky
Voting Green, Mirya R. Holman
The Developer’s Decision Calculus: An Agent-Based Model of Commercial Development, Mirya R. Holman and Travis Coan
Conflict of Laws in Insolvency Transaction Avoidance, Look Chan Ho
Advanced Issues in Relief from Removal, Mary Holper
Editor, CLINIC, Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions, 2008 Edition, Mary Holper
Editor, CLINIC, Overview of Relief from Removal: A Practitioner’s Guide, 2008 Edition, Mary Holper
Immigration Trial Advocacy Training, Mary Holper
Advanced Issues in Relief from Removal, Mary Holper, Ron Russell, Mark Silverman, and Joseph A. Vail
Restricting Fair Use to Save the News: A Proposed Change in Copyright Law to Bring More Profit to News Reporting, Ryan T. Holte
Admitted, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, Kari E. Hong
Admitted, U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, Kari E. Hong
Admitted, U.S. District Court, District of Oregon, Kari E. Hong
Crimes & Misdemeanors - Their Impact on Your Employee's Immigration Status, Kari E. Hong
Difficult Issues Arising During the Representation of Children, Kari E. Hong
Ortiz-Magana v. Mukasey, 542 F.3d 653 (9th Cir. 2008), Kari E. Hong
Saint-Fort v. Mukasey, No. 06-73645, 305 Fed.Appx. 364 (9th Cir. Dec. 23, 2008), Kari E. Hong