The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Case Note: Clark Contracting Services, Inc. v. Wells Fargo--Does An Assignee Of A CT Lien Entry Become Unperfected?, Alvin C. Harrell
Teaching Consumer Law - Part 4, Alvin C. Harrell
A Review of the 2005 Bankruptcy Code Amendments: Impact on Creditors' Operations, Alvin C. Harrell and Jon Ann Giblin
Consumer Standards Under The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: A Case For Regulatory Expansion, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas
Can a Buyer and Secured Party Rely on Certificate of Title? - Part IV: The Wilserv Case, Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller
Introduction to the 2008 Annual Survey Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell, Frederick H. Miller, and Donald C. Lampe
The Economic Realities of Immigration in the United States: Implications for Policy, Emily A. Harrell and David L. Franklin
Explosive Road From Dublin: The Legal Flaws in the Convention to Ban Cluster Munitions and Recommendations for Their Cure., Alexandra R. Harrington
Peer Pressure: Correlations Between Membership in Regional and Regional Economic Organizations and WTO Dispute Resolution Claims and Their Implications, Alexandra R. Harrington
Policing Against the State: United Nations Policing as Violative of Sovereignty, Alexandra R. Harrington
Prostituting Peace: The Impact of Sending State’s Legal Regimes on U.N. Peacekeeper Behavior and Suggestions to Protect the Populations Peacekeepers Guard, Alexandra R. Harrington
Throwing One Arm Around the World: Why the Failure of the World Trade Organization to Include Anti-Bribery and Corruption Targets Within Its Aid for Trade Program Undermines this Program and How to Bridge These Issues., Alexandra R. Harrington
Do No Harm: An Analysis of the Legal and Social Consequences of Child Visitation Determinations for Incarcerated Perpetrators of Extreme Acts of Violence Against Women, Dana Harrington Conner
Service Learning and Legal Education: A Sense of Duty, Dana Harrington Conner, Nathaniel C. Nichols, and Thomas J. Reed
Service Learning and Legal Education: A Sense of Duty, Dana Harrington Conner, Nathaniel C. Nichols, and Thomas J. Reed
Service Learning and Legal Education: A Sense of Duty, Dana Harrington Conner, Nathaniel C. Nichols, and Thomas J. Reed
Panel member - Bioethics, Maxine M. Harrington
The Debate Over ‘Futile’ Care Under the Texas Advance Directives Act, Maxine M. Harrington
The Thin Flat Line: Are Organs Being Removed from Donors Who Are Not Legally Dead?, Maxine M. Harrington
Happiness, Efficiency and the Promise of Decisional Equity: From Output to Process, Jeffrey L. Harrison
A Question of Character, Susan Harris Rimmer
Beloved Madam: Gender Issues at the Indonesian ad hoc Human Rights Court, Susan Harris Rimmer
Book Review - Human Rights Overboard, Susan Harris Rimmer
Borders Erected around Unlimited Right to Detain, Susan Harris Rimmer
Character as Destiny: The dangers of character tests in Commonwealth law, Susan Harris Rimmer
Clear case for reform, Susan Harris Rimmer
Diminishing Conflict in Timor Leste, Susan Harris Rimmer
Evidence to Inquiry into whistleblowing protections within the Australian Government public sector, Susan Harris Rimmer
Giving the Houses a Democratic Makeover, Susan Harris Rimmer
Struggle continues for Timor Occupation Survivors, Susan Harris Rimmer
Struggle continues for Timor Occupation Survivors, Susan Harris Rimmer
The Anatomy of a Good Idea from the Sublime to the Subprime, Susan Harris Rimmer
The Dangers of Character Tests, Susan Harris Rimmer
There is much to celebrate but still work to be done, Susan Harris Rimmer
Another Look at the Equator Principles: A Historical and Economic Perspective, Ron Harris
State Identity, Territorial Integrity and Party Banning: A Pan-Arab Political Party in Israel, Ron Harris
The Institutional Dynamics of Early Modern Eurasian Trade: The Commenda and the Corporation, Ron Harris
Some Reflections on the Transplantation of British Company Law in Post Ottoman Palestine, Ron Harris and Michael Crystal
Contract Formation and the Entrenchment of Power, Danielle K. Hart
Finding an Erie Conflict Where None Exists -- State Offer of Judgment Rules Overwhelmingly Apply in Diversity Cases, Michelle Hartmann and T. Ray Guy
Voices on Voting: Election Law in 2008, and Harvard Journal on Legislation
Voices on Voting: Election Law in 2008, and Harvard Journal on Legislation
Fighting Women: The Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change, Jill Elaine Hasday
Strategic assessment of Fiji market for microfinance, Yoshi Hasegawa, Gaku Ichikawa, Huimin Li, Francois Xavier Mateo, James Mize, and Mariko Sakakibara (Ed.)
Interstate Variations in Medical Practice Patterns for Low Back Conditions, Dean M. Hashimoto, Dongchun Wang, Kathryn Mueller, Sharon Belton, and Xiaoping Zho
The Political Economy of Legal Education and Legal Pracitce: Judicial Globalization and the Establishment of American Style Law Schools in Japan, Hidetoshi Hashimoto
Case note on Supreme Court of Cyprus (2007), Toumaian Christodoulidou v. Toumaian (2007) 1 Α.Α.Δ. 1024 [in Greek], Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
Fairness in Health Care: Who Pays? Who Benefits?, Clark C. Havighurst
Till We Have Built Jerusalem: The Need for Squatter's Rights in the Midst of the Homeless Epidemic, Warren Curt Hawkins
Experimental Evidence of Self-Serving Omission Bias, ANDREW HAYASHI
The Effects of Mandatory Disclosure, ANDREW HAYASHI
Creative Conflict Resolution in Organizations. Workshop, Sherrill W. Hayes
Examining the Dispute Resolution Section Pro Bono Mediation Project: Lessons Learned and a Plan for the Future, Sherrill W. Hayes
Integrating Conflict Resolution Techniques into Employment Assistance Programs, Sherrill W. Hayes
Understanding Conflict in Non-Profit Organizations Using the Kraybill Personal Conflict Style Inventory. Workshop, Sherrill W. Hayes
What Happened To The "A" In ADR?: Unintended Consequences Of Institutionalizing Mediation, Sherrill W. Hayes
Social Issues and Workplace Wellness in North Carolina: An Action-Based Assessment, Sherrill W. Hayes, L. Kallam, K. Melvin, and R. Middleton
Privacy in Federal Courts, Allyson W. Haynes
Privacy in the Federal Courts, Allyson W. Haynes
Web Site Visitors and Online Privacy: What Have You Agreed to Share?, Allyson W. Haynes
EXPLOITATION NATION: The Thin and Grey Legal Lines between Trafficked Persons and Abused Migrant Laborers, Dina Haynes
Election Day At The Bar, Allison Hayward
Is That a Bundle in Your Pocket, Or . . .?, Allison Hayward
Render Unto Caesar, Inc., Allison Hayward
Revisiting the Fable of Reform, Allison Hayward
What Is an Unconstitutional "Other Tax" on Voting? Construing the Twenty-Fourth Amendment, Allison Hayward
Fire Safety in Shopping Malls & Premises Liability, John O. Hayward
Strategic Protectionism? National Security and Foreign Investment in the Russian Federation, Jesse R. Heath
Transforming Transsexual and Transgender Rights, L. Camille Hebert
Pushing the Envelope: Why Washington, D.C. Airspace Restrictions Do Not Enhance Security, John W. Heck
Criminal recidivism of female offenders: The importance of structured, community-based aftercare, Kirk Heilbrun, David DeMatteo, Ralph Fretz, Jacey Erickson, Douglas Gerardi, and Catherine Halper
Standards of practice and care in forensic mental health assessment: Legal, professional, and principles-based considerations, Kirk Heilbrun, David DeMatteo, Geff Marczyk, and Alan Goldstein
Kicking to death – Medical and criminological aspects of assaults by kicks against the head and the thorax, Daniel H. Heinke
Book Review, Eric Heinze
Book Review, Eric Heinze
Truth and Myth in Critical Race Theory and LatCrit: Human Rights and the Ethnocentrism of Anti-Ethnocentrism, Eric Heinze
Public Awareness of Human Rights: Distortions in the Mass Media, Eric Heinze and Rosa Freedman
The Story of San Antonio Independent School Dist. v. Rodriguez: School Finance, Local Control, and Constitutional Limits, Michael Heise
When Religious Practices Become Legal Obligations: Extending the Foreign Compulsion Defense, Michael A. Helfand
Deciding Who Cashes in on the Deceased Celebrity Business, Kathy Z. Heller
Commerce Clause Restraints on State Business Development Incentives, Walter Hellerstein and Dan T. Coenen
Is Pro Bono Work 'Self-Serving' and 'Anti-Social'?, Lawrence K. Hellman
Lawyers Should Have a Professional I.D., Lawrence K. Hellman
Seeking a Professional I.D., Lawrence K. Hellman
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation and the Pre-Statutory Limits on Deferral, Brant J. Hellwig
Expanding Civil Jurisdiction After the Long Family Opinion, Taiawagi Helton
Federal Reserved Rights, Indian Water Rights, Adjudications and Alternatives, Taiawagi Helton
Maximizing the Law School Experience for Native American Students, Taiawagi Helton
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan: Process and Prospects, Taiawagi Helton
Plains Commerce Bank v. Long Family Cattle Company: Impact on Tribal Court Jurisdiction over Non-Indians, Taiawagi Helton
Update on Supreme Court and Circuit Indian Law and the Increased Importance of the Appellate Panel, Taiawagi Helton
Year in Review: Tenth Circuit Developments in Indian Law, Taiawagi Helton
The Foundations of Federal Indian Law and Its Application in the Twentieth Century, Taiawagi Helton and Lindsay G. Robertson
Criminal Justice Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 2007 Ter, Craig Hemmens