The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Books above the Throne: Geopolitical and Technological Factors Exalting Textual Authority in Seventeenth-Century England, Paul D. Callister
Strict Liability and The Liberal-Justice Theory of Torts, Alan Calnan
"A Monopolização da Concorrência e a (Re-)Emergência da Tutela da Marca, de Nogueira Serens, 2007, Victor J. Calvete
I rappresentanti dei lavoratori per la sicurezza, piera campanella
Natura, oggetto e requisiti di validità del contratto di lavoro giornalistico, piera campanella
A "Plausible" Showing After Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, Charles B. Campbell
Criminal Justice and Penal Populism in Ireland, Liz Campbell
Reconfiguring the Pre-trial and Trial Processes in Ireland in the Fight against Organised Crime, Liz Campbell
Reconstituting Sentencing Policy in the Republic of Ireland, Liz Campbell
Review of Claire McDiarmid, Childhood and Crime (Dundee University Press, 2007) Edinburgh Law Review pp.340-342, Liz Campbell
South, N. and Beirne, P. (eds.) Green Criminology (Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006) (2008) 10 Environmental Law Review 86, Liz Campbell
The Culture of Control in Ireland: Theorising Recent Developments in Criminal Justice, Liz Campbell
La inspección de emigración (1907-1939): del intervencionismo científico a la tutela paternalista, Josep Cañabate
Judicial Independence and Nonpartisan Elections, Brandice Canes-Wrone and Tom S. Clark
Legacy of the Clinton Bubble: The Crisis in the Washington Consensus and the Return to Marginalist Analysis, Timothy A. Canova
The Failing Bubble Economy: American Exceptionalism and the Crisis in Legitimacy, Timothy A. Canova
Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
Cleaning Up the Mess: United Haulers, the dormant Commerce Clause, and Transaction Costs Economics, William J. Cantrell
Culture, Security and Other Difficulties in Rule of Law Reform, Lan Cao
Punch Lines, Stacy Caplow
Putting the "I" in Wr*t*ng: Drafting an A/Effective Personal Statement to Tell a Winning Refugee Story, Stacy Caplow
ReNorming Immigration Court, Stacy Caplow
The Gaelic Goetz: A Case of Self-Defense in Ireland, Stacy Caplow
Establishing Separate Criminal and Civil Evidence Codes, John J. Capowski
Evidence Codification and Transubstantive and Bifurcated Evidence Codes, John J. Capowski
"Think Glocal, Act Glocal": The Praxis of Social Justice Lawyering in the Global Era, Lauren Carasik
Mexican Corporations Entering And Leaving U.S. Markets: An Impact Of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Of 2002?, Eugenio J. Cárdenas
La fianza como contrato de formación unilateral, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La Libertad de Contratar en la Constitución y en las sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Santidad del contrato o inmutabilidad de sus términos (Sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional y de la Corte Suprema), Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Short Notes on Teaching About the Micro-Politics of Class, with Examples from Torts and Employment Law Casebooks, Susan D. Carle
take your time, Mia Carlucci
Entrenched Inequity: Health Care in the United States of America, Jean Connolly Carmalt, Sarah Zaidi, and Alicia Ely Yamin
Dignity versus Liberty: The Two Western Cultures of Free Speech, Guy E. Carmi
Are the ICSID Rules Governing Nationality and Investment Working? – A Discussion, David D. Caron
Chair -- 'Assessment of the UNICTRAL Rules Revision: A Roundtable', David D. Caron
Commentary on Federal Court's Decision Regarding U.S. Navy Sonar Exercises off the California Coast - ABC News, David D. Caron
From Babylon to Manhattan: A Brief Journey through the Evolution of Human Rights, David D. Caron
Introduction of Lucy F. Reed at 19th Annual Workshop of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration, Dallas, David D. Caron
Introduction to Investment Treaty Arbitration in the 21st Century, David D. Caron
Politics, Law and Images of the Arctic, David D. Caron
Politics, Law and Three Images of the Arctic, David D. Caron
Stefan A. Riesenfeld, the Arctic and the Law of the Sea, David D. Caron
Stefan A. Riesenfeld, the Arctic and the Law of the Sea, David D. Caron
The 2048 Project: Drafting the Future of Human Rights, David D. Caron
Preface to "The Future of Investment Arbitration" (Roger P. Alford & Catherine A. Rogers, eds., Oxford Press, forthcoming), David D. Caron and Lucy F. Reed
Anticipating The 2009 U.S. “Fairness in Arbitration Act”, David D. Caron and Seth Schreiberg
El Tribunal Constitucional peruano en el 2007, Edgar Carpio Marcos y Pedro Grandez Castro
The World Bank's Inspection Panel: Promoting True Accountability through Arbitration, Enrique R. Carrasco
Governance and Accountability: The Regional Development Banks, Enrique R. Carrasco, HeeJin Lee, and Wesley Carrington
The Life & Legacy of Carter G. Woodson (video), Greg Carr
Complying With The National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy: Copyright Considerations and Options, Michael W. Carroll
Policies & Tools for Ensuring Access to Scholarship: The Future of Open Access, Michael W. Carroll
Research on the Experiences of International Graduate Students: A Selective Literature Review, Bryan M. Carson
A Análise Econômica do Direito Tributário, Cristiano Carvalho
Comentários à LC 116/03 - Imposto sobre Serviços, Cristiano Carvalho
Ficções Júrídicas no Direito Tributário, Cristiano Carvalho
Entre Princípios e Regras: uma proposta de análise econômica no Direito Tributário, Cristiano Carvalho and Ely José de Mattos
A Questão do ISS nas Operações de Leasing: Análise da Polêmica e da Atual Posição dos Tribunais, Cristiano Carvalho and José Augusto Dias de Castro
Aspectos Tributários das Entidades Sem Fins Lucrativos e das OSCIPs, Cristiano Carvalho and José Augusto Dias de Castro
Os juros no parcelamento tributário, Cristiano Carvalho and José Augusto Dias de Castro
O Direito Tributário e a Interpretação Econômica do Direito: deveres instrumentais, custos de conformidade e custos de transação, Cristiano Carvalho and Eduardo Jobim
Análise econômica do Direito tributário e colisão de princípios jurídicos: um caso concreto, Cristiano Carvalho and Ely José de Mattos
RESPONSABILIDADE TRIBUTÁRIA DO TOMADOR DO SERVIÇO NA LC 116/03, Cristiano Carvalho and Maria Eduarda Fleck da Rosa
Criminal Forfeiture Procedure in 2008: A Survey of Developments in the Case Law, Stefan D. Cassella
Santos and Cuellar: The U.S. Supreme Court Limits the Government's Ability to Prosecute Transnational Crime Under the Money Laundering Statutes, Stefan D. Cassella
The Case for Civil Forfeiture: Why In Rem Proceedings are an Essential Tool for Recovering the Proceeds of Crime, Stefan D. Cassella
Essential Facility Access in Europe: Building a Test for Antitrust Policy, Angelo Castaldo and Antonio Nicita
Human Dignity Under the Fourth Amendment, John D. Castiglione
Tellabs v. Makor: One Year Later, John D. Castiglione
Análisis Económico de la Acción de Tutela, Fernando Castillo Cadena
Análisis Económico de la Constitución Política, Fernando Castillo Cadena
De la integración internacional, los subsidios, la protección social y el convenio de seguridad social con el Reino de España, Fernando Castillo Cadena
El proyecto de Ley de Competencia a la luz del Análisis Económico del Derecho, Fernando Castillo Cadena
Los procedimientos concursales a la luz del Análisis Económico del Derecho, Fernando Castillo Cadena
” El Procedimiento No Contencioso de la Separación Convencional y Divorcio Ulterior en las Municipalidades y Notarias ¿asegura la protección de los Derechos Indisponibles Familiares? ", Olga Maria Castro Perez Treviño
Addressing the South-South 'Exception' in the World of BITs: The Cases of Latin America and India, Rosa Julieta Castro and
How Innovative is Innovative Enough? Reflections on the Interpretation of Article 27 TRIPS from Novartis v. Union of India, Rosa Julieta Castro and Alessandra Arcuri
Análise econômica da lei de S.A. brasileira, Alexandre B. Cateb
"DNA and the Genealogy of Scientific Truth in the Courtroom," 98 Jornal of Criminal Law and Criminology 687 (reviewing J. Aronson, Genetic Witness), David S. Caudill
Idealized Images of Science in Law: Experts in Trial Movies, David S. Caudill
Idealized Images of Science in Law: the Expert Witness in Trial Movies, David S. Caudill
Property: Cases, Documents, and Lawyering Strategies, David S. Caudill, David Crump, and David Charles Hricik
Twombly: The Demise of Notice Pleading, the Triumph of Milton Handler and the Uncertain Future of Private Antitrust Enforcement, Edward D. Cavanagh
Vertical Price Restraints After Leegin, Edward D. Cavanagh
Toward A More Reasoned Approach To The Priority of Attorneys' Fees in Bankruptcy, Michelle A. Cecil
Toward A More Reasoned Approach To The Priority of Attorneys' Fees in Bankruptcy, Michelle A. Cecil
"Using Connected Legal Writing Assignments to Help Students Think Outside of the Assignment and About the Bigger Picture", Candace Mueller Centeno
A Common Morality for the Global Age (In Gratitude for What We Are Given), and Catholic University of America Center for Law, Philosophy and Culture
A Common Morality for the Global Age (In Gratitude for What We Are Given), and Catholic University of America Center for Law, Philosophy and Culture
Much Ado About Non-state Actors: The Vanishing Relevance of State Affiliation in International Criminal Law, John P. Cerone
Looking Into a Crystal Ball: Courts' Inevitable Refusal to Enforce Parties' Contracts to Expand Judicial Review of Non-Domestic Arbitral Awards, Eric S. Chafetz
Designing a coherent European Community Investment (and Trade) Policy, Julien Chaisse