The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Analysis of the Republic of Tajikistan's Draft Law 'About Freedom of Conscience and Religious Unions', Robert C. Blitt and W. Cole Durham
The Emergent Logic of Health Law, Maxwell Gregg Bloche
Institutions in the Marketplace of Ideas, Joseph Blocher
Border Searches, Terrorism, and the Fourth Amendment, Robert M. Bloom
Debate on Fourth Amendment Issues in Homeland Security Law, Robert M. Bloom
Drug Testing in Public Schools, Robert M. Bloom
Jury Trial in Japan, Robert M. Bloom
Terry v.Ohio, Massiah v. United States, and Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, Robert M. Bloom
The Story of Pottawatomie County v. Lindsay Earls: Drug Testing in the Public Schools, Robert M. Bloom
The Death Penalty in Delaware: An Empirical Study, John H. Blume, Theodore Eisenberg, Sheri Johnson, and Valerie P. Hans
On the Nature of Forgiveness and Vengeance, Theodore Y. Blumoff
A Matter of Life and Death: Statutory Authority Enabling Sobriety Checkpoints to Effectively Fulfill Their Public Safety Role, Christopher J. Bodnar
Religion, Politics, and Education: Faith-filled Peadagogy in a Campaign Year, Ellen K. Boegel
Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Glenn, Don Bogan, Mark Gillett, Kathleen Guzman, and Joseph Thai
Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Commercial Leasing: The Right Doctrine in the Wrong Transaction, Daniel B. Bogart
California Real Estate Finance, Cases and Materials (and Teacher's Manual), Daniel B. Bogart, Roger Berhardt, Stephen W. Dyer, and Daniel S. Schecter
Estates in Land and Future Interests, Problems and Answers, Daniel B. Bogart and John Makdisi
Crime and Moral Condemnation, John H. Bogart
Foreign Public Law and Article 7(1) of the Rome Convention: Some Reflections from Sweden, Michael Bogdan
Sweden: Private International Law, Michael Bogdan
The New EC Rules on Summary Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, Michael Bogdan
Amicus Brief on behalf of the Ohio School Boards Association b efore the Ohio Supreme Court,, Craig M. Boise
Amicus Briefs on behalf of the Ohio School Boards Association before the Ohio Board of Tax Appeals and the Ohio Court of Appeals, Craig M. Boise
Pluralism in Ghana: The Perils and Promise of Parallel Law, Johanna Bond
Addressing the South-South "Exception" in the World of BITs: The Cases of Latin America and India, Stephania Bonilla and Rosa Julieta Castro
Addressing the South-South "Exception" in the World of BITs: The Cases of Latin America and India, Stephania Bonilla and Rosa Julieta Castro
Public-Private Partnerships and Insurance Regulation, Alexander Boni-Saenz
Capital Requirements in United States Corporation Law, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Five Decades of Corporation Law - From Conglomeration to Equity Compensation, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Five Decades of Corporation Law - From Conglomeration to Equity Compensation, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Give Me Equity or Give Me Death - The Role of Competition and Compensation in Building Silicon Valley, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Going Public, Selling Stock, and Buying Liquidity, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Stockholders and Stock Options -- Malfeasance, Manipulation, Misappropriation or Not?, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Taking Certification Seriously – Why There is No Such Thing as an Adequate Representative in a Securities Fraud Class Action, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Taking Certification Seriously - Why There Is No Such Thing as an Adequate Representative in a Securities Fraud Class Action (forthcoming), RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Buzzard Was Their Friend: Hedge Funds and the Problem of Over-valued Equity, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Duty to Creditors Reconsidered - Filling a Much Needed Gap in Corporation Law, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Missing Link Between Insider Trading and Securities Fraud, RICHARD A. BOOTH
THE PAULSON REPORT RECONSIDERED: How to Fix Securities Litigation by Converting Class Actions into Issuer Actions, RICHARD A. BOOTH
The Paulson Report Reconsidered: How to Fix Securities Litigation by Converting Class Actions into Issuer Actions, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Using Spread and Net Trading Range to Measure Risk in Suitability Cases, RICHARD A. BOOTH
What is a Business Crime?, RICHARD A. BOOTH
What is a Business Crime?, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Who Should Recover What in a Securities Fraud Class Action?, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Executive Compensation, Corporate Governance, and the Partner-Manager, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Fiduciary Duty, Contract, and Waiver in Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Foreword (Update), Richard A. Booth
Form and Function in Business Organizations, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
How to Compensate Mutual Fund Investors for Late Trading and Market Timing, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Making Economic Sense Out of Unisex Life Insurance (Or the Difference Between Cost and Value and Why It Matters to Real People), Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Minority Discounts and Control Premiums in Appraisal Proceedings, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Stockholders, Stakeholders, and Bagholders (or How Investor Diversification Affects Fiduciary Duty), Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Texas Gulf Sulfur Revisited, Richard A. Booth
The End of Securities Fraud Class Action?, Richard A. Booth
The End of the Securities Fraud Class Action as We Know It, Richard A. Booth
The Limited Liability Company and the Search for a Bright Line Between Corporations and Partnerships, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
The Suitability Rule, Investor Diversification, And Using Spread to Measure Risk, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Using Spread and Net Trading Range to Measure Risk in Suitability Cases, Richard A. Booth
Why Pay a Fraud Plaintiff to Sue?, Richard A. Booth
Windfall Awards under PSLRA, Richard A. Booth Marbury Research Professor of Law
Educating the Future eHealth Professional Nurse, Richard G. Booth
Using Patent Law’s Teaching Function to Introduce an Environmental Ethic into the Process of Technical Innovation, David L. Booton and Carolyn R. Abbot
A Win-Win Proposal for Analyzing Profits-Only Partnership Interests, Brad Borden
Financing Reverse Exchanges and Safeguarding Exchange Proceeds, Brad Borden
Partnership Tax Allocations and the Internalization of Tax-Item Transactions, Brad Borden
Policy and Theoretical Dimensions of Qualified Tax Partnerships, Brad Borden
Safe Harbors and Careful Planning Make Deferred Exchanges a Valuable Tool, Brad Borden
Tax-Free Like-Kind Exchanges, Brad Borden
The Like-Kind Exchange Equity Conundrum, Brad Borden
Like-Kind Exchanges of Personal-Use Residences, Brad Borden and Alex Hamrick
Prepublication Version: Mistake and Disclosure in a Model of Two-Sided Informational Inputs, Michael J. Borden
Auction vs. Allocation: Distributing Emission Credits Under a Cap-and-Trade System, Jason Bordoff
Designing a U.S. Cap-and-Trade System, Jason Bordoff
Pay-As-You-Drive Car Insurance, Jason Bordoff
Pay-as-you-drive car insurance (Op-ed), Jason Bordoff
The Threat to Free Trade Posed by Climate Change Policy, Jason Bordoff
Progressive Tax Reform in the Era of Globalization: Building Consensus for More Broadly Shared Prosperity, Jason Bordoff and Jason Furman
Overcoming the Economic Bariers To Climate Change and Energy Security, Jason Bordoff, Jason Furman, Manasi Deshpande, and Pascal Noel
Insurance Pricing Can Cut Gas Use (Op-Ed), Jason Bordoff and Pascal Noel
Pay-As-You-Drive Auto Insurance: A Simple Way to Reduce Driving-Related Harms and Increase Equity, Jason Bordoff and Pascal Noel
The Impact of Pay-As-You-Drive Auto Insurance in California, Jason Bordoff and Pascal Noel
Rethinking Judicial Deference to Legislative Factfinding, Caitlin E. Borgmann
Rethinking Judicial Deference to Legislative Factfinding, Caitlin E. Borgmann
Rethinking Judicial Deference to Legislative Factfinding, Caitlin E. Borgmann
The Meaning of "Life": Belief and Reason in the Abortion Debate, Caitlin E. Borgmann
A "revolutionary decision":Court of Cassation judgment 9878/08 and the notary's opposing interest in not working in a competitive system, Andrea Bortoluzzi
Disability, the person, the market, Andrea Bortoluzzi
Small rooms,large contexts(musings on the unified roots of European law), Andrea Bortoluzzi
The principle of proportionality. A comparative approach from the Italian perspective., Andrea Bortoluzzi
The Unjust Exclusion of Gay Sperm Donors: Litigation Strategies to End Discrimination in the Gene Pool, Luke A. Boso
Nuevo Plan de Aztlan, Ruben B. Botello JD
African governments also at fault, Karol C. Boudreaux
A Matter of Life and Death, Karol C. Boudreaux
A New Call of the Wild: Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Namibia, Karol C. Boudreaux
The Legal Empowerment of the Poor: Titling and poverty alleviation in post-apartheid South Africa, Karol C. Boudreaux
Urbanisation and Informality in Africa's Housing Markets, Karol C. Boudreaux
Wildlife, Property, and Poverty in Africa, Karol C. Boudreaux