The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Beyond Counting Votes: The Political Economy of Bush v. Gore, Michael Abramowicz and Maxwell L. Stearns
Feminist Debate Over Pornography, Kathryn Abrams
Forebearant and Engaged Tolerance: A Comment on David Heyd, Kathryn Abrams
Introduction, Kathryn Abrams
Introduction: Witness, Kathryn Abrams and Irene Kacandes
Into the Breach: The Legislative Function of Taboo, Ali Abrar
Into the Breach: The Legislative Function of Taboo, Ali Abrar
From Madness to Method: The Americans with Disabilities Act Meets the Internet, Ali Abrar and Kerry Dingle
Comentario a la reforma constitucional en materia electoral de 2007, John Mill Ackerman Rose
Constitucionalidad y legalidad de los contratos de servicios múltiples firmados por Pemex, Jorge Adame Goddard
ESBORRAZ, David Fabio, Contrato y sistema en América Latina, Jorge Adame Goddard
Estudios sobre política y religión, Jorge Adame Goddard
La propiedad de la nación sobre el petróleo y los hidrocarburos, Jorge Adame Goddard
La propiedad de la nación sobre el petróleo y los hidrocarburos, Jorge Adame Goddard
La propiedad de la nación sobre el petróleo y los hidrocarburos, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Protege la constitución mexicana la vida del concebido no nacido?, Jorge Adame Goddard
Resumen de la ponencia del Dr. Jorge Adame Goddard. 1a Audiencia Pública sobre la Despenalización del Aborto en el DF, Jorge Adame Goddard
Estudios sobre política y religión, Jorge Carlos Adame
Palingenesia del título "De todos los juicios" (I,12) de las sentencias de Paulo, Jorge Carlos Adame
Jugendschutz durch Lenkungsabgaben, Michael Adams
Reform des Kostenersatzrechts bei Aktionärsklagen mit Drittwirkung , Michael Adams
Steering Tax on Children’s Tobacco Consumption, Michael Adams
Critical Error, Bryan L. Adamson
Critical Error, Bryan L. Adamson
Critical Error, Bryan L. Adamson
Know It Before You Waive It: A Primer on the Constitutional Rights of Corporations, Sarah J. Adams-Schoen and Janet Lee Hoffman
Punitive Damages Following a Criminal Sentence, Dr. Yehuda Adar and Prof. Ronen Perry
The Law of Remedies in a Mixed Jurisdiction: The Israeli Experience, Dr. Yehuda Adar and Prof. Gabriela Shalev
The Protect America Act of 2007: A Framework for Improving Intelligence Collection in the War on Terror, Jeffrey F. Addicott
The Protect America Act of 2007: A Framework for Improving Intelligence Collection in the War on Terror, Jeffrey F. Addicott
The Protect America Act of 2007: A Framework for Improving Intelligence Collection in the War on Terror, Jeffrey F. Addicott
The Protect America Act of 2007: A Framework for Improving Intelligence Collection in the War on Terror, Jeffrey F. Addicott and Michael McCaul
The War on Tax Havens: Shooting Blanks, Timothy V. Addison
Progressive Era, Richard Adelstein
The Rest Is Silence: Chevron Deference, Agency Jurisdiction, and Statutory Silences, Jonathan H. Adler and Nathan A. Sales
The dignity of sex, Libby Adler
The Gay Agenda, Libby Adler
[Classified]: Stories That Catalyze Dialogue About Diversity, Laura E. Agnich, Kimberly A. Baker, Megan Carney, and Shannon M. Turner
[Classified]: Stories That Catalyze Dialogue About Diversity, Laura E. Agnich, Kimberly A. Baker, Megan Carney, and Shannon M. Turner
The ‘Framing’ of 4-16: Gender and Symbolic Nurturing, Laura E. Agnich, James E. Hawdon, and John Ryan
Colonised Epistemologies, Ashok Agrwaal
In Search of Vanished Blood, Ashok Agrwaal
In Search of Vanished Blood, Ashok Agrwaal
Sustainable Futures, Ashok Agrwaal
Comentario del artículo de Alfonso Herranz-Loncán "Railroad Impact in Backward Economies: Spain, 1850 - 1913", Javier Agudo
Comentario del artículo de Joan R. Rosés y Blanca Sánchez-Alonso "Regional wage convergence in Spain 1850 - 1930", Javier Agudo
Histéresis y desempleo: el caso de Francia y EE.UU., Javier Agudo
The changing role of the state in the British economy between 1914 and 1921, Javier Agudo
When Subnational Meets International: The Politics and Place of Cities, States, and Provinces of the World, Robert B. Ahdieh
Resisting Guantanamo: Rights at the Brink of Dehumanization, Muneer I. Ahmad
“The issues of personal privacy and internet – A Critical analysis of Indian position and International scenario”, Nehaluddin Ahmad
Criminalization of HIV Positive Women, Aziza Ahmed, Alice Welbourn, Beri Hull, and Ebony Johnson
Voices on the Run: What the Slave Narratives Can Tell Us about The Immigration Debate, Hadley Ajana
The extent of executive authority of the president under the Constitution of Georgia, Giorgi Alasania
პრეზიდენტის აღმასრულებელი ხელისუფლების ფარგლები საქართველოს კონსტიტუციის მიხედვით, Giorgi Alasania
The Limits of Revolution Theory, Richard Albert
The Next Separation of Powers, Richard Albert
The Ethical Trade in Cultural Property: Ethics and Law in the Antiquity Auction Industry, Kimberly L. Alderman
Private Parties and WTO Dispute Settlement System, alberto alemanno
Private parties and WTO Dispute Settlement System , Alberto Alemanno
The European Food Safety Authority at Five, alberto alemanno
Federal Tails and State Puppy Dogs: Preempting Parallel State Wage Claims to Preserve the Integrity of Federal Group Wage Actions, Rachel K. Alexander
Judiciary and the Administration of Justice in Building and Constructon Disputes under Kuwaiti Law, Mashael Alhajeri
KUWAIT UNIVERSITY, CIVIL LAW AND THE INTERNET: Genesis of a Dedicated Civil Law-Teaching Website (Being a UNESCO Cited Project), Mashael Alhajeri
المسؤوليـة المدنـيــة للمهنـدس الاستشـاري كمــا ينظمهــا القانــون المدنــي الكويتــي رقــم 67 لسنــة 1980, Mashael Alhajeri
Assessment of Kyrgyz Republic Criminal Procedure Code, Cynthia J. Alkon
Comments on the Draft Commercial Arbitration Law and Draft Commercial Mediation Law, Afghanistan, Cynthia J. Alkon
Plea Bargaining as a Legal Transplant: A Good Idea for Troubled Criminal Justice Systems?, Cynthia J. Alkon
The Tower of Bazzle: Why Due Process Requires a Hybrid Model of Classwide Arbitration, Zachary Allen
Location-Based Services in Emergency Management- from Government to Citizens: Global Case Studies, A. Aloudat, Katina Michael, and Jun Yan
Reflexões sobre a natureza jurídica dos embriões excedentários na experiência brasileira contemporânea, Carolina Altoé Velasco
Crise Econômica e Regulação, Jefferson Alvares
Nova Arquitetura, Jefferson Alvares
The Rise and Fall of Digital Music Distribution Services: a Cross-Case Comparison of, Napster and Kazaa, K. Alves and Katina Michael
Judicial Independence and Party Politics in the Kelsenian Constitutional Courts: The Case of Portugal, Sofia AmaralGarcia, Nuno Garoupa, and Veronica Grembi
“Aporte para la garantía del equilibrio procesal en el Sistema Interamericano de Protección de Derechos Humanos: la acumulación de etapas procesales y el debido proceso a favor del Estado”, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal
El Desalojo Forzoso o de la reconfiguración del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal
“El protagonismo de las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales en las relaciones internacionales: ejemplo de la apertura de espacios de participación a nuevos sujetos internacionales en el siglo XX”, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal
Commentary, Session 1: Deciding to Become a Dean, Linda L. Ammons
The Art and Science of Deaning: Lessons from my Garden, Leadership in Legal Education Symposium VIII, Linda L. Ammons
Freshwater Conservation: A Review of Oregon Water Law & Policy, Adell L. Amos
Towards a Proper Juvenile Justice System in Bangladesh from a Cluttered one: An Analytical Overture on Focusing Human Rights Perspective, Zafrin Andaleeb, Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali, and Abu Saleh Md. Tofazzel Haque
EU Company Law and the Company Laws of Europe, Mads Andenas
Co-Presenter, Risks Worth Taking: Working with Students with Disabilities in a Clinical Setting, Alexis Anderson
Penalizing Poverty: Making Indigent Criminal Defendants Pay for their Court-Appointed Counsel through Recoupment and Contribution, Helen A. Anderson
A Study of American Zoning Board Composition and Public Attitudes Toward Zoning Issues, Jerry L. Anderson, Aaron Brees, and Emily Renninger
Just Semantics: The Lost Readings of the ADA, Jill C. Anderson
Hiding Behind Nationality: The Temporary Presence Exception and Patent Infringement Avoidance, Jonas Anderson
The cultural grounding of personal relationship: The importance of attractiveness in everyday life., S L. Anderson, G Adams, and V C. Plaut
Book Review, Reviewing L. Knowles & G. Kaebnick eds., Reprogenetics: Law, Policy and Ethical Issues (2007), Lori B. Andrews
Challenging Sperm Donor Privacy, Lori B. Andrews
DNA Inside, Lori B. Andrews
Fight for Your Health Care, Lori B. Andrews