The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Leases, Michael Weir, Anne Wallace, Les McCrimmon, and Carmel MacDonald
Medellin, the President’s Foreign Affairs Power and Domestic Law, Arthur M. Weisburd
The International Court of Justice and the Concept of State Practice, Arthur M. Weisburd
Institutional Design, FCC Reform, and the Hidden Side of the Administrative State, Phil Weiser
The Future of Internet Regulation, Phil Weiser
The Future of Internet Regulation, Phil Weiser
The International Boundary Commission, Treaty Interpretation, and the President's Removal Power, David C. Weiss
Kentucky River at the Intersection of Professional and Supervisory Status: Fertile Delta or Bermuda Triangle?, Marley Weiss
Architectural Digest for International Trade and Labor Law: Regional Free Trade Agreements and Minimum Criteria for Enforceable Social Clauses, Marley S. Weiss
Human Rights and the Global Economy: The Centrality of Economic and Social Rights, Marley S. Weiss
Innovations in Collective Bargaining: Nummi - Driven to Excellence, Marley S. Weiss
Innovations in Collective Bargaining: Nummi - Driven to Excellence, Marley S. Weiss
Innovations in Collective Bargaining: Nummi - Driven to Excellence, Marley S. Weiss
Risky Business: Age and Race Discrimination in Capital Redeployment Decisions, Marley S. Weiss
Ruminations on the Past, Present and Future of International Labor Standards: Empowering Law in the Brave New Economic World, Marley S. Weiss
The Impact of the European Community on Labor Law: Some American Comparisons, Marley S. Weiss
Scott v. Harris and the Role of the Jury in Constitutional Litigation, Michael L. Wells
State-Created Property and Due Process of Law: Filling the Void Left by Engquist v. Oregon Department of Agriculture, Michael L. Wells and Alice E. Snedeker
‹@Ší�l–@—¥, Yueh-Hsuan Weng
Toward the Human-Robot Co-Existence Society: On Legislative Consortium for Social Robotics, Yueh-Hsuan Weng
Toward the Human-Robot Co-Existence Society: On Safety Intelligence for Next Generation Robots, Yueh-Hsuan Weng, Chien-Hsun Chen, and Chuen-Tsai Sun
Förbättrad pedagogik vid storföreläsningar, Ulrika Wennersten
Grundläggande immaterialrätt, Ulrika Wennersten and Ulf Maunsbach
Meaningful Mortgage Reform, Jake Werrett
Simply a Dress Rehearsal? U.S. Olympic Sports Arbitration and De Novo Review at the Court Of Arbitration for Sport, Maureen A. Weston Prof.
The Story of Us: Resolving the Face-Off Between Autobiographical Speech and Information Privacy, Sonja R. West
Konkurrensrätt - en kommentar, Carl Wetter, Johan Karlsson, and Marie Östman
Discovery of Expert Findings, Rhonda Wheate
Discovery of Expert Findings – Depositions & Discovery Motions, Rhonda Wheate
Jury Comprehension of Scientific Evidence, Rhonda Wheate
Peer Review, Rhonda Wheate
Report Writing for Courts, Rhonda Wheate
Mental Health Law and Practice: Civil and Criminal Aspects, Darius Whelan
Putting Aside the Rule of Law Myth: Corruption and the Case for Juries in Emerging Democracies, Brent T. White
Protecting Foreign Investors from International Securities Fraud, Derek N. White
Why Divorce Laws Matter: Incentives for Non-Contractible Marital Investments under Unilateral and Consent Divorce, Abraham L. Wickelgren
Credible discovery, settlement, and negative expected value suits, Abraham L. Wickelgren and Warren F. Schwartz
Collective Bargaining as a Dispute-Reduction Vehicle Accommodating Contrary Animal Welfare Agendas, Michael N. Widener
The New International Law-Makers? Conferences of the Parties to Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Annecoos Wiersema
Location based services - a bridge too far for data linkage and behaviour under security and privacy concerns?, Marcus R. Wigan
Effect of Husbands’ Migration on Gender Role Ideology and Mental Health of Rural Mexican Women, Jared A. Wilkerson
Leveraging Knowledge Assets: Can Law Reform Help?, Margaret Ann Wilkinson and Mark Perry
DOES STRICKLAND PREJUDICE DEFENDANTS ON DEATH ROW? forthcoming in 43 U. Rich. L. Rev. (2009), Kenneth Williams
Too Close For Comfort: Application of Shareholder’s Derivative Actions to Disputes Involving Closely Held Corporations, Melanie S. Williams and Allan B. Cooper
Collateral Consequences of Criminal Convictions, Penny Willrich
The State of Black Arizona: Education and the Law, Penny L. Willrich
Contra Private Fairness, Bart J. Wilson
Contra Private Fairness, Bart J. Wilson
Exchange and Specialisation as a Discovery Process, Bart J. Wilson, Sean Crockett, and Vernon L. Smith
Exchange and Specialisation as a Discovery Process, Bart J. Wilson, Sean Crockett, and Vernon L. Smith
Justice and Fairness in the Dictator Game, Bart J. Wilson and Karl Schurter
Justice and Fairness in the Dictator Game, Bart J. Wilson and Karl Schurter
An Experimental Inquiry into the Social Construction of Property, Bart J. Wilson and Vernon L. Smith
Taking Stare Decisis Seriously: A Cautionary Tale for a Progressive Supreme Court, James G. Wilson
Prepublication Version, Taking Stare Decisis Seriously: A Cautionary Tale for a Progressive Supreme Court, James G. Wilson and Shimshon Balanson
Japan's New Criminal Jury Trial System: In Need of More Transparency, More Access, and More Time, Matthew J. Wilson
An Exclusionary Rule for Police Lies, Melanie D. Wilson
Rules and Tools of Nonprofit Lobbying, Sharon Wilson
The Gap in the Employment Tax Gap, Richard Winchester
An Escape Route from the Medellin Maze, Anthony S. Winer
A Black Mathematician Responds to Delgado, Aris B. Winger
Activist Investing: A Fresh Look at Takeovers, Stephen P. Wink
The Unintended Disenfranchisement of Shareholders, Stephen P. Wink
A New Deal for End Users? Lessons From a French Innovation in the Regulation of Interoperability, Jane K. Winn and Nicolas Jondet
Public Communities, Private Rules, Hannah Wiseman
After Gant, Is New York’s Car Search Rule Stricter, More Lenient or Juuuust Right?, Benjamin C. Wolf
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Without Actually Driving, Benjamin C. Wolf
Fetal Homicide Laws & Legal Abortion - The Common Denominator, Benjamin C. Wolf
Navigating the Matrimonial and Family Law Jurisdictional Gauntlet Where One Party Lives Out-of-State, Benjamin C. Wolf
Resolving the Conflict Between Jewish and Secular Estate Law, Benjamin C. Wolf
Chance to add some spice (Australia-Japan relations), Leon Wolff
Lost in translation: Japan wants its identity back, Leon Wolff
The dark side to Australia's equity revolution: Credit crunch, creditor protection and corporate law, Leon Wolff
Beyond mooting: Designing an advocacy, ethics and values matrix for the Law School curriculum, Bobette Wolski
Book Review: The Advocate’s Notebook, by Anthony Young, Bobette Wolski
Culture, society and mediation in China and the West, Bobette Wolski
Dispute systems design, Bobette Wolski
Mediator settlement strategies: Winning friends and influencing people, Bobette Wolski
New rules to facilitate the use of ADR in the resolution of international commercial disputes, Bobette Wolski
Recent Developments in International Commercial Dispute Resolution: Expanding the Options, Bobette Wolski
Reform of the civil justice system two decades past - Implications for the legal profession and for law teachers, Bobette Wolski
Some reflections on how, why and what to teach, Bobette Wolski
Teaching and learning dispute resolution by self-instruction, Bobette Wolski
The Model Dispute Resolution Procedure for Australian Workplace Agreements: A Dispute Systems Design Perspective, Bobette Wolski
Voluntariness and consensuality: defining characteristics of mediation?, Bobette Wolski
Why, how and what to practice: Integrating skills teaching and learning in the undergraduate law curriculum, Bobette Wolski
China's Urban Health Care Reform: From State Protection to Individual Responsibility, Chack-Kie Wong, Vai Io Lo, and Kwong-leung Tang
Unaffordable health care amid phenomenal growth: The case of health care protection in reform China, Chack-Kie Wong, Kwong-Leung Tang, and Vai Io Lo
Dubbel straffbarhet i svensk straff- och straffprocessrätt (trans. "Double criminality in Swedish criminal and criminal procedural law"), Christoffer Wong
Understanding the Evolution of Signing Bonuses and Guaranteed Money in the National Football League for the 2011 Collective Bargaining Negotiaions, Glenn Wong and Chris Deubert
The NCAA's Infractions Appeals Committee: Recent Case History, Analysis and the Beginning of a New Chapter, Glenn Wong, Chris Deubert, and Kyle Skillman
Understanding the Evolution of Signing Bonuses and Guaranteed Money in the National Football League: Preparing for the 2011 Collective Bargaining Negotiations, Glenn M. Wong and Chris R. Deubert
The NCAA’s Infractions Appeals Committee: Recent Case History (and Now a New Chapter?), Glenn M. Wong, Chris R. Deubert, Kyle Skillman, and Richard J. Evrard