The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Where Do Constitutional Modalities Come From? Complexity Theory and the Emergence of Intradoctrinalism, Jesse R. Merriam
Where Do Constitutional Modalities Come From? Complexity Theory and the Emergence of Intradoctrinalism, Jesse R. Merriam
A megújuló energiák kitermelésének káros hatásairól, Milan Meszaros
Lethal Kickback of Largescale Renewable Energy Exploitation, Milan Meszaros
ÚJ MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIÁK LÉTREHOZÁSA - A tudomány kommunisztikus monopóliumának lebontása, Milan Meszaros
Political Transformations and Political Entrepreneurs, Israel in Comparative Perspective, Assaf Meydani
Public Responsibility and Political Consumption (in Hebrew), Assaf Meydani
Como Interpretar as Normas Emitidas pelo BACEN e CMN? Uma Resposta a Partir da Evolução do Modelo de Estado Brasileiro, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
De que Forma a Economia Auxilia o Profissional e o Estudioso do Direito?, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Direito, legislação e liberdade: a obra-prima de Hayek, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Limitações Institucionais ao Funcionamento dos Controles de Câmbio no Brasil: O Caso dos Blue Chip Swaps, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Towards an Intellectual Property Bargaining Theory: The Post-WTO Era, Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Towards an Intellectual Property Bargaining Theory: The Post-WTO Era, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Daniel Benoliel
Towards a Post-WTO Bargaining Theory: The Case of Pharmaceutical Patents, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Daniel Benoliel
Towards a Post-WTO Bargaining Theory: The Case of Pharmaceutical Patents, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Daniel Benoliel
Direito, Legislação e Liberdade: a obra-prima de Hayek, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Lucas Mendes
Hayek e a Ideia de Ordem Espontânea, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Lucas Mendes
Oportunismo: O Algoz da Liberdade, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Lucas Mendes
Razão e Evolução: a Epistemologia da Ordem Liberal, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Lucas Mendes
Razão e evolução: a epistemologia da ordem liberal, Bruno Meyerhof Salama and Lucas Mendes
Law Firm Legal Research Requirements of New Attorneys, Patrick Meyer
Significant Statistics: The Unwitting Policy Making of Mathematically Ignorant Judges, Michael I. Meyerson
Ministry of Defense and Support for the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran v. Elahi, Case Note, Ariel Meyerstein
A Pre-Emptive Pardon for Those Who Tortured Could Backfire, Ariel Meyerstein and David D. Caron
A Pre-Emptive Pardon for Those Who Tortured Could Backfire, Ariel Meyerstein and David D. Caron
Soft Law as Delegation, Timothy L. Meyer
Is Growth Share Working for New Jersey?, Daniel W. Meyler
Extradition Law and the Ukraine: Looking for Principles in the ECHR's Case Law, Bryane Michael
Issues in Anti-Corruption Law: How Can Code of Conduct Laws Be Drafted in Order to Reduce Corruption in a Public Sector like Romania’s?, Bryane Michael
Mutual Legal Assistance for Accession and ENP Countries, Bryane Michael
Raising Revenue through Fighting Corruption in Customs, Bryane Michael
Should the World Customs Organisation Develop a Hard Law Approach to Anti-Corruption in Customs?, Bryane Michael
The Evolution of the Anti-Corruption Industry in the Third Wave of Anti-Corruption Work, Bryane Michael
Use of Functional Reviews and Audits in Eastern European Public Administration, Bryane Michael
Using Court Statistics to Improve Justice Sector Outcomes in Armenia, Bryane Michael
Cloud Computing- A Different Perspective, K. Michael
Discussant for Paper Session II, K. Michael
Location-based Services for Emergency Management, K. Michael
Location-Based Social Networking Technologies for Tourism/Travel, K. Michael
Schotts Vocab: Uberveillance, K. Michael
Session Six: Case Studies in Favour of a Federated Identity, K. Michael
The Emergence of Community Policing Networks, K. Michael
The Language and Meaning of Implantables for Humans, K. Michael
What Can Location Based Social Networking Applications Tell Us About An Individual's Behavioural Patterns?, K. Michael
Integrating Islands of Information Through CRM, Katina Michael
Location-Based Services: a vehicle for IT&T convergence , Katina Michael
The Adoption of E-Commerce by Microbusinesses, Katina Michael
The Automatic Identification Trajectory, Katina Michael
The Online Privacy Frontier, Katina Michael
The Rise of the Wireless Internet, Katina Michael
On the Pitfalls of Location Based Social Networking, K. Michael and Ian Campbell
Brand: Pastures New, K. Michael and Maike Currie
The European Court of Human Rights Ruling Against Britain's Policy of Keeping Fingerprints & DNA samples of Criminal Suspects, K. Michael and Clive Harfield
The European Court of Human Rights Ruling Against Britain's Policy of Keeping Fingerprints & DNA samples of Criminal Suspects, K. Michael and Clive Harfield
Controlling Technology, K. Michael and M. G. Michael
Innovative Automatic Identification and Location-Based Services: From Bar Codes to Chip Implants, K. Michael and M. G. Michael
A Brief Introduction into the Use of Content Analysis in Qualitative Research, K. Michael and M.G. Michael
Predicting the socioethical implications of implanting people with microchips, K. Michael and M.G. Michael
Teaching ICT Ethics Using Wearable Computing: the Social Implications of the New 'Veillance', K. Michael and M.G. Michael
Uberveillance, K. Michael and M.G. Michael
The Dilemmas of using Wearable Computing to Monitor People: An Extended Metaphor on the Tracking of Prison Inmates and Parolees, K. Michael, M.G. Michael, and Roba Abbas
The Use of Mobile Social Networking in Illicit Networks: the medium is the message, K. Michael, M.G. Michael, Sarah Jane Fusco, and Roba Abbas
What is Uberveillance? In the Running for Word of the Year, K. Michael and Nick Rheinberger
Community Policing or Big Brother?, K. Michael and Kate Russell
Uberveillance: Microchipping People and the Assault on Privacy, MG Michael and K. Michael
Uberveillance: microchipping people and the assault on privacy, M. G. Michael and Katina Michael
Teaching Evaluations (Corporations), Curtis J. Milhaupt
Teaching Evaluations (Japanese Law), Curtis J. Milhaupt
Drug advertisements: A prescription for misleading and deceptive conduct?, Damien Millen
A competitor by any other name: Sydney Markets Ltd v Sydney Flower Market Pty Ltd [2002] ATPR (Digest) 46-216, Damien W. Millen
Ad-agent provocateur: Can advertising agencies be liable as principals for creating misleading ads?, Damien W. Millen
Delivery fee not included: What constitutes "price" in cyberspace?, Damien W. Millen
Fat spat: Packaging, passing off and misleading the metabolically challenged, Damien W. Millen
Good as new? Beer, brand names and Section 52, Damien W. Millen
Master of their own domain: Still more misleading and deceptive conduct around cyberspace, Damien W. Millen
Thorn in the ACCC's side: Rent ad rants and the TPA, Damien W. Millen
Where's the beef (from)?: Misleading and deceptive advertising as to source of product, Damien W. Millen
Who wants to be a millionaire? Misleading and deceptive seminar spruiking, Damien W. Millen
Judging In Bad Faith, Eric J. Miller
In a Dissenting Voice: Justice Ginsburg's Federalism, Russell A. Miller
Das Bundesverfassungsgericht: Procedure, Practice and Policy of the German Federal Constitutional Court, Russell A. Miller and Donald P. Kommers
Das Bundesverfassungsgericht: Procedure, Practice and Policy of the German Federal Constitutional Court, Russell A. Miller and Donald P. Kommers
Becoming Poor: Stories of the Real Safety Net and the Consequences for Middle America, Cathryn A. Miller-Wilson
Select Ecclesiastical Cases from the King's Courts 1272-1307, David K. Millon
The Single Consituency Argument in the Economic Analysis of Business Law, David K. Millon
Is it Too Easy Being Green? A Behavioral Economics Approach to Determining Whether to Regulate Environmental Marketing Claims, Jeffrey J. Minneti
Review of Mary Doyle and Cynthia A. Drew, Large-Scale Ecosystem Restoration (Island Press, 2008), Joel A. Mintz
Losing Our Religion: Reevaluating the Section 501(c)(3) Exemption of Religious Organizations that Discriminate, Nicholas A. Mirkay
Las Obligaciones negociables convertibles en acciones, Gaston Mirkin
Domestic Violence in Russia: Is Current Law Meeting the Needs of Victims and the Obligations of Human Rights Instruments?, Christina L. Misner-Pollard