The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Entrenching the right to participate in government in Kenya's constitutional order: some viable lessons from the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, Morris K. Mbondenyi
Invigorating the African system on human and peoples’ rights through institutional mainstreaming and rationalisation, Morris K. Mbondenyi
‘Special tribunal for Kenya’: Ignore Waki’s recommendations to the country’s peril, Morris K. Mbondenyi
The African system on human and peoples’ rights: Some strategies for reforming its economic, social and cultural rights norms, Morris K. Mbondenyi
The right to participate in the government of one’s country: An analysis of Article 13 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights in the light of Kenya’s 2007 political Crisis, Morris K. Mbondenyi
Taking History Seriously: Textulism,Originalim, and the Ninh Amndment, Thomas B. McAffee
Behavioral Dimensions of Tax Reform, Edward J. McCaffery
Through the Looking Glass: The Politics of Estate Tax Reform, Edward J. McCaffery
The Last Best Hope for Progressivity in Tax, Edward J. McCaffery and James R. Hines Jr.
Exploring the Foundations of Dworkin's Empire: The Discovery of an Underground Positivist, Brian M. McCall
It's Just Secured Credit: The Natural Law Case in Defense of Some Forms of Secured Credit, Brian M. McCall
Learning from Our History: Evaluating the Modern Housing Finance Market in Light of Ancient Principles of Justice, Brian M. McCall
Learning from Our History: Symposium Presentation, Brian M. McCall
The Architecture of Law: Building Law on a Solid Foundation The Eternal and Natural Laws, Brian M. McCall
The True Cost of Economic Rights Jurisprudence, Max McCann
Neuroscientific Evidence in the Law: Fascinating Science, but to Laymen it's still Phrenology, John M. McCarthy
Neuroscientific Evidence in the Law: Fascinating Science but to Layment It's Still Phrenology (Revised, 2009), John M. McCarthy
Is it the End of Barcodes in Supply Chain Management? , Luke McCathie and Katina Michael
Acknowledging the 4th Strike, M. Dylan McClelland
Acknowledging the 4th Strike, M. Dylan McClelland
SLAPPlash: the Courts Finally turn on California's Anti-SLAPP Motion, M. Dylan McClelland
Monstrous by Law: Gothic Technology in Four Slavery Texts, Theodore A.B. McCombs
Commercial Contracts in Muslim Countries of the Middle East: A Comparison With the United States, Jacqueline McCormack
Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Species Trees: How Accuracy of Phylogenetic Inference Depends upon the Divergence History and Sampling Design, John E. McCormack, Huateng Huang, and L. Lacey Knowles
Sky Islands, John E. McCormack, Huateng Huang, and L. Lacey Knowles
Cap and Trade Programs Under the Clean Air Act: Lessons from the Clean Air Interstate Rule and the NOx SIP Call, Patricia Ross McCubbin
EPA's Endangerment Finding for Greenhouse Gases and the Potential Duty to Adopt National Ambient Air Quality Standards to Address Global Climate Change, Patricia Ross McCubbin
Symposium Introduction: Contemporary Issues at the Intersection of Public Health and Environmental Law, Patricia Ross McCubbin
Data Sensitivity, Karen McCullagh
Data Sensitivity, Karen McCullagh
IP addresses and personal data: K.U. v Finland, Karen McCullagh
Protecting 'Privacy' through Control of 'Personal' Data Processing: A Flawed Approach, Karen McCullagh
Down the Rabbit Hole: The Madness of State Film Incentives as as "Solution" to Runaway Production, Adrian H. McDonald
Down the Rabbit Hole: The Madness of State Film Incentives as as "Solution" to Runaway Production, Adrian H. McDonald
Fighting With Faith: The Role of Religion in Dealing With Modern Conflict, Sean P. McDonnell
‘Storyline patents’: are plots patentable?, Benjamin J. McEniery
The Federal Circuit in Bilski: The Machine-or-Transformation Test, Benjamin J. McEniery
Warming Up to Climate Change Risk Disclosure, Jeffrey M. McFarland
Please Do Not Publish this Article in England: A Jurisdictional Response to Libel Tourism, Robert L. McFarland
Compulsory Licensing of Patented Pharmaceuticals: Why a WTO Administrative Body Should Determine What Constitues a Public Health Crisis under the Doha Declaration, Aileen M. McGill
Digging Up The Past, Chad J. McGuire
Local scientists hope for winds of change in climate conference, Chad J. McGuire
Vote 1 uberveillance: UOW term in running for 2008 Word of the Year, Kate McIlwain, M.G. Michael, and K. Michael
One Million Downloads for UOW’s Research Online, Kate McIlwain, Michael Organ, K. Michael, and M. G. Michael
Will Benefits of Communicating Face-To-Face Drive Widespread Adoption of Telepresence for Use in Commercial Negotiation?, Brian D. McKenzie
The Lost Sanctuary: Examining Sex Trafficking Through the Lens of United States v. Ah Sou, M. Margaret McKeown and Emily Ryo
A "City-Type" Strategy for Economic Development: Before You Market -- Audit!, Oscar T. McKnight
Re-examining the Helicopter Parent: What Every Marketing Professional in Higher Education Should Know, Oscar T. McKnight, Ronald Paugh, Aaron McKnight, and Heidi Parker
Marketing Entrepreneurship from Within: a "City-Type" Strategy for Economic Development, Oscar T. McKnight, Ronald Paugh, and Jeremiah Trein
DOMA and the Constitutional Coming Out of Same-Sex Marriage, Julia Halloran McLaughlin
The Fundamental Truth About Best Interests, Julia Halloran McLaughlin
Copyright Criminals, Kembrew McLeod
Copyright Criminals: A Discussion About Filmmaking, the Clearance Culture, and Fair Use, Kembrew McLeod
Copyright Criminals, Fair Use, and the Difficulties of Doing Multimedia Scholarship, Kembrew McLeod
Copyright, the Clearance Culture, and Filmmaking, Kembrew McLeod
Crashing the Spectacle: A Forgotten History of Digital Sampling, Infringement, Copyright Liberation and the End of Recorded Music, Kembrew McLeod
Freedom of Expression: Resistance and Repression in the Age of Intellectual Property, Kembrew McLeod
From Audio to Print to Video to Court: Copyright Law and ―Sampling‖ Across Media, Kembrew McLeod
Media Pranks and Pedagogy, Kembrew McLeod
Scratch That: The Sample License Clearance Process and Artist Compensation, Kembrew McLeod
The Ironies of Making Copyright Criminals, Kembrew McLeod
To Quote or Not to Quote: This Is the Question that Plagues Our Culture in the Age of Intellectual Property, Kembrew McLeod
Phoning It In: A Digitized Lecture-Performance On the History of Music and the Telephone, by The Killer Apps, Kembrew McLeod and L. Glass
An Introduction to US Legal Education and Preparation for the Practice of Law, Judith A. McMorrow
Civility Issues in Federal Court Practice, Judith A. McMorrow and Daniel R. Coquillette
Organizational Culture, Professional Ethics, and Guantanamo, Greg McNeal
Commentary Regarding Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Bagambiki, Imanishimwe, Gregory S. McNeal
Institutional Legitimacy and Counterterrorism Trials, Gregory S. McNeal
Fairness in Ohio Agency Hearings, Chris McNeil
Perceptions of Fairness in State Administrative Hearings, Chris McNeil
Perceptions of Fairness in State Administrative Agency Proceedings: Applying Theories of Procedural Justice to State Agency Hearings, Christopher B. McNeil
Expert Report on Aboriginal Title at Common Law, Kent McNeil
Expert Report on Aboriginal Title at Common Law, Kent McNeil
Sex Offenders and Preventive Detention: Politics, Policy and Practice, Bernadette McSherry and Patrick Keyzer
Modern Disparities in Legal Education: Emancipation from Racial Neutrality, David Mears
Increasing Certainty and Harnessing Private Information in the U.S. Patent System: A Proposal for Reform, Michael Meehan
Untapped Inventive Potential in U.S. Communities, Michael Meehan
Facial Challenges and Separation of Powers, Luke Meier
Civil Law Consequences of Corruption and Bribery in France, Michala Meiselles Ms and Beatrice Jaluzot Dr
A Theoretical Justification for Special Solicitude: States and the Administrative State, Matthew S. Melamed
Global Legal Education and Comparative Visa Regulations, Luca Melchionna
From Paradox to Subsidiarity: The United States and Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Tara J. Melish
Haunted by History's Ghostly Gaps: A Literary Critique of the Dred Scott Decision and Its Historical Treatments, Allen P. Mendenhall
Moundsville Penitentiary, Model & Symptom of Hyperreality, Allen P. Mendenhall
A prova da moralidade libertária: uma crítica, Lucas Mendes
Da imoralidade e da ineficiência do estado: uma análise Rothbardiana, Lucas Mendes
Desregulamentação do mercado de trabalho: a liberdade garante a ética e a qualidade, Lucas Mendes
Olavo de Carvalho sobre economia de mercado e tradição, Lucas Mendes
Pode a filosofia política desprezar a ciência econômica? Uma análise econômica da cooperação social, Lucas Mendes
Sobre dotes naturais, desigualdade e justiça: o conflito do liberalismo contemporâneo, Lucas Mendes
Direito, legislação e liberdade: a obra-prima de Hayek, Lucas Mendes and Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Hayek e a ideia de ordem espontânea, Lucas Mendes and Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Oportunismo: o algoz da liberdade, Lucas Mendes and Bruno Meyerhof Salama
Patent Case Management Judicial Guide, Peter Menell
Is China a ‘Currency Manipulator’?: The legitimacy of China’s exchange regime under the current international legal framework, Bryan Mercurio and Celine Sze Ning Leung