The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Shaping Modern Sentencing: Three Giants, Steven L. Chanenson and Mark L. Miller
The Slip and Fall of the California Legislature in the Classification of Personal Injury Damages at Divorce and Death, Helen Y. Chang
Contemporary Constitutional Issue: Deportation by private hospitals, JINSUNG CHANG
Will Americans Embrace Single-Payer Health Insurance: The Intractable Barriers of Inertia, Free Market, and Culture, Susan Channick
Will Americans Embrace Single-Payer health Insurance: The Intractable Barriers of Inertia, Free Market, and Culture, Susan A. Channick
Will Americans Embrace Single-Payer Health Insurance: The Intractable Barriers of Inertia, Free Market, and Culture, Susan Adler Channick
Schemes of Arrangement as a Corporate Rescue Mechanism: The Singapore Experience, Tracey E. Chan
Linking a US Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade System to the EU ETS, James Chapman
Coasean Irrelevance and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Dharmendra Chatur
Indian Constituent Assembly Debates and Federalism, Dharmendra Chatur
Legal Framework Regulating Internet Obscenity: An Indian Perspective, Dharmendra Chatur
Legalization of Prostitution in India, Dharmendra Chatur
Responsibility of States for Injury to Aliens, Dharmendra Chatur
Bebe, Jianlin Chen
dd, Jianlin Chen
sample, Jianlin Chen
新加坡En-Bloc 程序与我国拆迁制度的立法完善, Jianlin Chen and Jiongzhe Cui
trans. 蒙田的政治学:《随笔集》中的权威与治理 [Montaigne’s Politics: Authority and Governance in the Essais], authored by Biancamaria Fontana (Beijing: Peking University Press), Yongxi Chen and Li Chen
Ambient belonging: How stereotypical cues impact gender participation in computer science., S Cheryan, V C. Plaut, P G. Davies, and C M. Steele
Judging By the Numbers: An Empirical Study of the Power of Story, Kenneth D. Chestek
Law on Australia’s Northern Frontier: The Fall and Rise of Race, John H. Chesterman and Heather A. Douglas
Rethinking Public Privacy in the Internet Era: A Study of Virtual Persecution by the Internet Crowd, Anne SY Cheung
Book Review: The Iraq War and International Law, Maxwell O. Chibundu
Pedagogies of Comparative Jurisprudence: On the Gleaning of 'Trans-cultural Perspectives' from the World's Legal systems, Maxwell O. Chibundu
On Abstraction and Equivalence in Software Patent Doctrine: A Reply to Bessen, Meurer and Klemens, Andrew Chin
Legal Issues, Mary Ann Chirba
The EC Commission's Guidance Paper on the Application of Article 82 EC, Anca Daniela Chirita
Aggressive Regionalism in Korea-U.S. FTA: The Present and Future of Korea's FTA Policy, Won-Mog Choi
I Want a Refund: The Inadequate Opinion of Northwest Energetic Services, LLC v. California Franchise Tax Board, Nathanael Cho
I Want a Refund: The Inadequate Opinion of Northwest Energetic Services, LLC v. California Franchise Tax Board, Nathanael Cho
The Milgram Universe of Credit Derivatives: A Regulatory Proposal, Grace Chong
Artificial Agents and the Contracting Problem: A Solution Via an Agency Analysis, Samir Chopra and Laurence Frederic White
A Long and Winding Road: The Doha Round Negotiation in the World Trade Organization, Sungjoon Cho
An Identity Crisis of International Organizations, Sungjoon Cho
Anticompetitive Trade Remedies: How Antidumping Measures Obstruct Market Competition, Sungjoon Cho
Development by Moving People: Unearthing the Development Potential of a GATS Visa, Sungjoon Cho
Global Constitutional Lawmaking, Sungjoon Cho
Green Protectionism Is No Less Harmful Than Any Other Type, Sungjoon Cho
Is the WTO Passe?: Exploring the Meaning of the Doha Debacle, Sungjoon Cho
Of The World Trade Court's Burden, Sungjoon Cho
The World Trade Constitutional Court, Sungjoon Cho
Bills of Rights as Instruments of Nation-Building in Multinational States: the Canadian Charter and Quebec Nationalism, Sujit Choudhry
Drafting Nepal's Language Policy, Sujit Choudhry
He Had a Mandate': The South African Constitutional Court and the African National Congress in a Dominant Party Democracy, Sujit Choudhry
Managing linguistic nationalism through constitutional design: Lessons from South Asia, Sujit Choudhry
What is a Canadian?, Sujit Choudhry
Barriers to Access: Evaluating the Accessibility of Judicial Bypasses to Minors in Missouri, Shyamali Choudhury and Barbara Baumgartner
"Bright Line," "Substantial Participation," or Something Else: Who is a Primary Violator Under Rule 10b-5?, Rodney D. Chrisman
Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta: Do Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 Require a Misstatement or Omission?, Rodney D. Chrisman
Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta: Do Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 Require a Misstatement or Omission? (pre-publication draft), Rodney D. Chrisman
Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta: Do Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 Require a Misstatement or Omission? (pre-publication draft), Rodney D. Chrisman
Legal Reading and Success in Law School: Law Students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Leah M. Christensen
Eindrapport Voor het eerst geplaatste delinquente minderjaringen en recidive, Jenneke Christiaens, Tinne Geluyckens, Els Enhus, and Els Dumortier
Patenting Standards - A case for US Antitrust Law or a Call for Recognizing Immanent Public Policy Limitations to the Exploitation Rights Conferred by the Patent Act?, Apostolos Chronopoulos
The Regulation of Structured Debts: Why? What? And How?, Cyrus C. Y. Chu
The Regulation of Structured Debt: Why, What and How?, Cyrus C. Y. Chu
The Principle of Proportionality: its Dimensions and Limits, Juan Cianciardo
Pulling the Trigger: Separation Violence as a Basis for Refugee Protection for Battered Women, Marisa S. Cianciarulo
Pulling the Trigger: Separation Violence as the Basis for Battered Women, Marisa S. Cianciarulo and Dr. Cladia David
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Is Judicial Independence a Casualty in State and Local Budget Battles?, Michael A. Cicconetti, Michael Buenger, Lawrence G. Myers, and Robert Wessels
Direct Democracy, Herb Cihak
Preserving Identities: Protecting Personal Identifying Information Through Enhanced Privacy Policies and Laws, Corey A. Ciocchetti
The Future of Privacy Policies: A Privacy Nutrition Label Filled With Fair Information Practices, Corey A. Ciocchetti
Architect's Contract Administration, Carl J. Circo
Does Sustainability Require a New Theory of Property Rights?, Carl J. Circo
Civil Rights in the Cyber World, Danielle Keats Citron
Cyber Civil Rights (November 2008; mp3), Danielle Keats Citron
Fulfilling Government 2.0's Promise with Robust Privacy Protections, Danielle Keats Citron
Law's Expressive Value in Combating Cyber Gender Harassment, Danielle Keats Citron
Law's Expressive Value in Combating Cyber Gender Harassment, Danielle Keats Citron
Technological Due Process, Danielle Keats Citron
The Fourth Amendment as a Collective Right, Thomas K. Clancy
Indian Tribes of Oklahoma: A Guide, C. Blue Clark
De-Cloaking Torture: Boumediene and the Military Commissions Act, Alan W. Clarke
Rendition to Torture: A Critical Legal History, Alan W. Clarke
The Architecture of Accountability: A Case Study of the Warrantless Surveillance Program, Kathleen Clark
Deep Links: Does Knowledge of the Law Change Managers’ Perceptions of the Role of Law and Ethics in Business?, Gavin Clarkson and Constance E. Bagley
Unguarded Indians: The Complete Failure of the Post-Oliphant Guardian and the Dual-Edged Nature of Parens Patriae, Gavin Clarkson and David DeKorte
The "New" Christian Left, the Kingdom of God and American Politics, Marc A. Clauson, Thomas S. Mach, and Mark C. Smith
Clear as Mud: How the Uncertain Precedential Status of Unpublished Opinions Muddles Qualified Immunity Determinations, David R. Cleveland
Punishment For Virtual Child Pornography…It’s Just A Fantasy, Allison L. Cochran
Law Without Disgust: A Fetid Freedom, Matthew Jordan Cochran
The Supreme Court's Municipal Bond Decision and the Market-Participant Exception to the Dormant Commerce Clause, Dan T. Coenen
Where United Haulers Might Take Us: The Future of the State-Self-Promotion Exception to the Dormant Commerce Clause Rule, Dan T. Coenen
Saving the Leftovers: Models for Banking Cord Blood Stem Cells, Kimberly J. Cogdell
The HPV Vaccine: Making an Informed Choice, Kimberly J. Cogdell
Critical Remarks on the Dutch Policy and Practice of Euthanasia and Proposed Guidelines for Physician-Assisted Suicide, raphael cohen-almagor
Net Responsibility in Democracies, raphael cohen-almagor
Net Responsibility in Democracies, raphael cohen-almagor
Liberalism, Tolerance and Multiculturalism: The Bounds of Liberal Intervention in Affairs of Minority Cultures, raphael cohen-almagor and Marco Zambotti
No Boy Left Behind? Single-Sex Education and the Essentialist Myth of Masculinity, David S. Cohen
L'épreuve orale. Les magistrats administratifs face aux audiences de reconduite à la frontière, Mathilde Cohen
L’unité de la justification à l’épreuve de la justification juridique [Justificatory Unification and Legal Justification], Mathilde Cohen
Judicial Dissonance: An Analysis of Judicial Activism, Matthew P. Cohen
Gerry Spence Was My Third Grade Teacher, Dana Cole
Search and Seizure After Arizona v. Gant, Dave Cole