The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
La stampa e la professione giornalistica, Enrico Carloni
Citizen Employees, Richard R. Carlson
30 gennaio 2009, Mia Carlucci
La differenziazione regionale, Mia Carlucci
Multiculturalism: A Challenge for Modern Criminal Justice. A Latin American perspective, Raúl A. Carnevali
Abolition and restoration of a Legislative Council: Queensland and the other states, Gerard Carney
A reply to Harry Evans, 'Enclosing politicians : the ambitious project', Gerard Carney
Attorney-General, role of, Gerard Carney
A unique and precarious office - the office of the Governor-General, Gerard Carney
Australia - a Federal Story, Gerard Carney
Australian federalism: crunch time?, Gerard Carney
Centenary of state constitutions: recognition and reform, Gerard Carney
Comment - The Role of the Attorney-General, Gerard Carney
Constitutional review in Queensland: Consolidation and reform, Gerard Carney
Egan v Willis and Egan v Chadwick: The triumph of responsible government, Gerard Carney
Foreign Allegiance: A Vexed Ground of Parliamentary Disqualification, Gerard Carney
Lifting the veil of mystery: freedom of speech under parliamentary privilege, Gerard Carney
Lord Atkin: his Queensland Origins and Legacy, Gerard Carney
Members of parliament: Law and ethics, Gerard Carney
Parliamentary privilege - contemporary issues, Gerard Carney
Parliamentary process, intervention in, Gerard Carney
Reform of parliamentary privilege, Gerard Carney
Section 51 (xx): No Power of Incorporation, Gerard Carney
Sir Gerard Brennan and aspects of his human rights perspective, Gerard Carney
Sir Gerard Brennan – the principled judge, Gerard Carney
The Constitutional Systems of the Australian States and Territories , Gerard Carney
The Ethical Standards of Politicians, Gerard Carney
The High Court and the constitutionalism of electoral law, Gerard Carney
The power of privilege, Gerard Carney
The Re-interpretation of Section 92: The Decline of Free Enterprise and the Rise of Free Trade, Gerard Carney
Uniform Personal Property Security Legislation for Australia: A Comment on Constitutional Issues, Gerard Carney
Owen Dixon, Gerard Carney and Jim Corkery
Owen Dixon, Gerard Carney and Jim Corkery
The constitutional framework for water resources management, Gerard Carney and Alex Gardner
Private Trusts and Succession Planning for the Severely Disabled or Cognitively Impaired in Australia, Terry Carney and Patrick Keyzer
Confronting Ethical Issues in Internartional Arbitration, David D. Caron
ICSID Revisited: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the 2006 Amendments to ICSID Arbitration Rules, a panel discussion, David D. Caron
Remarks on the Change of Chair in ITA, David D. Caron
Round Table on the Assessment of the Revision of the UNCITRAL Rules on International Commercial Arbitration, David D. Caron
A Pre-emptive Pardon for Those Who Tortured Could Backfire, David D. Caron and Ariel Meyerstein
A Note On Radioactive Materials And Their Measurements, David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber
Assessing the Impact of the Nuclear Age on the Oceans and its Legal Regime, David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber
Interdiction Principles For The Proliferation Security Initiative, David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber
The Combating Proliferation Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction Act, David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber
The Oceans in the Nuclear Age: Challenges, Questions and Possibilities, David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004), David D. Caron and Harry N. Scheiber
What is Black Studies? (video), Greg Carr
20. Maltreated and non-maltreated children’s evaluations of emotional fantasy., Nathalie Carrick, Thomas D. Lyon, and Jodi A. Quas
Law Library Digital Reference Services and Interdisciplinary Students, Howard S. Carrier
Content & Control in the Cloud, Michael W. Carroll
Content & Control in the Cloud, Michael W. Carroll
Content & Control in the Cloud, Michael W. Carroll
One Size Does Not Fit All: A Framework for Tailoring Intellectual Property Rights, Michael W. Carroll
Human Rights in EU Law: Justice, Terrorism and Constitutional Reform, stephen carruthers
The Treaty of Lisbon and the Reformed Jurisdictional Powers of the European Court of Justice in the Field of Justice and Home Affairs, stephen carruthers
Treaties as Law and the Rule of Law: the Judicial Power to Compel Domestic Treaty Implementation, Wiliam (Chip) Carter
Criminal Forfeiture Procedure in 2009: A Survey of Developments in the Case Law, Stefan D. Cassella
United States v. Santos: The U.S. Supreme Court Rewrites the Money Laundering Statute, Stefan D. Cassella
Federal Criminal Discovery: Handbook Regarding Exculpatory & Impeachment Material, R. Michael Cassidy, Douglas P. Woodlock, and Leo T. Sorokin
Human Dignity Under the Fourth Amendment, John D. Castiglione
Qualitative and Quantitative Proportionality - A Specific Critique of Retributivism, John D. Castiglione
Subprime Litigation - Where Are We Now?, John D. Castiglione
Judicial Diversity on State Supreme Courts, John D. Castiglione and Gregory L. Acquiaviva
Incidencia de la Reforma Financiera en el Régimen Pensional Colombiano, Fernando Castillo Cadena
La Incidencia de la Acción de Tutela en la Implementación de las Políticas Públicas, Fernando Castillo Cadena
La incidencia de la acción de tutela en las políticas públicas, Fernando Castillo Cadena
Problemas Actuales de Seguridad Social: Los bonos pensionales, Fernando Castillo Cadena
Procedimientos concursales a la luz del análisis económico del derecho, Fernando Castillo Cadena
Réquiem por el Régimen de Ahorro Individual, Fernando Castillo Cadena
Worker participation and the Lisbon Agenda, Bruno Cattero, Romuald Jagodzinski, Norbert Kluge, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, Kurt Vandaele, and Sigurt Vitols
Worker participation and the Lisbon Agenda, Bruno Cattero, Romuald Jagodzinski, Norbert Kluge, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, Kurt Vandaele, and Sigurt Vitols
Worker participation and the Lisbon Agenda, Bruno Cattero, Romuald Jagodzinski, Norbert Kluge, Isabelle Schömann, Michael Stollt, Kurt Vandaele, and Sigurt Vitols
On Realism's Own 'Hangover' of Natural Law Philosophy: Llewellyn avec Dooyeweerd, David S. Caudill
Strategic Idealizations of Science to Oppose Enviornmental Regulations: A Case Study of Five TMOLs, David S. Caudill
Issue Preclusion In Complex Litigation, Edward D. Cavanagh
The Private Antitrust Remedy: Lessons From The American Experience, Edward D. Cavanagh
The private Antitrust Remedy: Lessons From The American Experience, Edward D. Cavanagh
Accountability and the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: Deciding Who Owns the Ocean Floor, Anna Cavnar
A Reappraisal of Attorneys' Fees in Bankruptcy, Michelle A. Cecil
Self-Representation in the International Arena: Striking a False Right of Spectacle, Eugene Cerruti
An Opportunity Lost: The Supreme Court’s Failure to Recognize the Implications of Its Holding in Hall Street Associates, L.L.C. v. Mattel, Inc., Eric S. Chafetz
ASEAN-European Union FTA negotiations: Waiting for Godot ?, Julien Chaisse
Syllabus Investment Law, Julien Chaisse
India’s Multilayered Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment - Between Reluctance to Multilateral Negotiations and Unilateral Proactivism, Julien Chaisse and Debashis Chakraborty
Les économies asiatiques face aux défis de la compétitivité internationale, Julien Chaisse and Philippe Gugler
Sovereign Wealth Funds in the European Union - General trust despite concerns, Julien Chaisse and Philippe Gugler
The coated free sheet paper from China case, Julien Chaisse and Luan Xinjie
Why Will China Establish a Government-Sponsored Response Mechanism in Countervailing Games?, Julien Chaisse and Luan Xinjie
Fisher Management Regimes and Fisheries Governance in Floodplain Wetland of Assam, Ganesh Chandra
Stock Enhancement and Its Impact on the Productivity of Haribhanga Beel in Assam, Ganesh Chandra
Dissemination of Scientific Know-How for Sustainable Fisheries in Wetlands of Northeastern India: A Comparative Study of Media Use by Fishers and Extension Functionaries in Assam, Ganesh Chandra, B K. Bhattacharjya, V Kolekar, K K. Sharma, and P Gogoi
Floodplain Wetland Management, Ganesh Chandra and D Debnath
Prosecutors and Evidence-Based Sentencing: Rewards, Risks, and Responsibilities, Steven L. Chanenson
Revolution or Evolution: Recent Developments in American Federal Criminal Sentencing, Steven L. Chanenson
The Next Era of Sentencing Reform ... Revisited, Steven L. Chanenson, Mark Bergstrom, Frank Dermody, and Jordan Hyatt