The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Striking a Balance: When Should Trade Secret Law Shield Disclosures to the Government?, Elizabeth A. Rowe
Experiential Learning in the First-Year Curriculum: The Public Interest Partnership, Nantiya Ruan
Econometric Issues in Antitrust Analysis, Daniel L. Rubinfeld
On the Pretrial Use of Economics, Daniel L. Rubinfeld
Sustainable Economics for a Digital Planet: Ensuring Long-term Access to Digital Information, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Various Authors
Understanding UPP, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and Roy J. Epstein
Online Advertising: Defining Relevant Markets, Daniel L. Rubinfeld and James Ratliff
An Ad Hoc Inquiry Into the Feasibilities and Impracticalities Associated With Class Certification of Blood Glucose Monitor Users, Margarita Rubin
An Ad Hoc Inquiry Into the Feasibilities and Impracticalities Associated With Class Certification Of Blood Glucose Monitor Users, Margarita Rubin
An Ad Hoc Inquiry Into the Feasibilities and Impracticalities Associated With Class Certification Of Blood Glucose Monitor Users, Margarita Rubin
Bloomin' Buzzin' Confusion: Facts and Meaning in Adjudication and Mediation, Robert Rubinson
Bloomin' Buzzin' Confusion: Facts and Meaning in Adjudication and Mediation, Robert Rubinson
Bloomin' Buzzin' Confusion: Facts and Meaning in Adjudication and Mediation, Robert Rubinson
Comment: Extending Copyright Misuse to an Affirmative Cause of Action, Michael E. Rubinstein
Marisol's Predicament, Michael E. Rubinstein
Adaptive Management in the Courts, J.B. Ruhl and Robert L. Fischman
Acerca de la Cláusula Democrática y del Dialogo Político en el TLCUEM., Salvador Francisco Ruiz Medrano
Use of Female Interrogators: The Analysis of Sexualized Interrogations that the Detainee Interrogation Working Group Did Not Conduct, Celia M. Rumann
If You Think Law Schools Teach Students to "Think Like a Lawyer"...Think Again!, Douglas Rush
If You Think Law Schools Teach Students to "Think Like a Lawyer"...Think Again!, Douglas Rush
Collaborative Experience: Cataloging Projects with Cassidy Cataloging, Gordon R. Russell, Paula Tejeda, and Joni L. Cassidy
Racial disproportionality in child welfare: False logic and dangerous misunderstandings, Jesse Russell
A Cooperative Conundrum? The NAALC and Mexican Migrant Workers in the United States, Robert M. Russo
Family and Inheritance Law, Eva Ryrstedt
Understanding Family Law, Eva Ryrstedt
All’s Fair in Love and War: But What About in Divorce? The Fairness of Property Division in American and English Big Money Divorce Cases, Margaret Ryznar
Infanticide: A Crime of Its Own, Margaret Ryznar
International Commercial Surrogacy and Its Parties, Margaret Ryznar
The Proper Guardians of Foster Children’s Educational Interests, Margaret Ryznar and Chai Park
The Legal Treatment of Cohabitation in Poland and the United States, Margaret Ryznar and Anna Stępień-Sporek
Americanization del derecho sucesorio peruano, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Behavioral Law and Economics: Una aproximacion inicial, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Comentario al libro "Codigo Civil: Derecho de Sucesiones", tomos I, II y III del profesor Cesar Fernandez Arce, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Comparative Law and Economics: Algunos apuntes preliminares, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Debate: Responsabilidad civil precontractual, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Del homo economicus al homer economicus: Breves apuntes sobre el behavioral law and economics, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
En caso de duda se la tiene por... ¿facultativa?: Un error mas a la lista del legislador peruano, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Hacia una teoría general sobre las alternativas contractuales al testamento, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Imitando la intermediación financiera indirecta: El caso de los Bancos de Alimentos, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Incorporación del interés creditorio en la cláusula penal: Un análisis desde el comparative law and economics, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
¿Interpretamos la voluntad del testador o sólo lo literalmente expresado en el testamento?: Consideraciones desde la óptica de la comparación jurídica, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Neuroeconomia y Derecho: ¿un mapa de la geografia cerebral o la clave para la ultima caja negra?, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Obstaculos juridicos y economicos a la aplicacion de la teoria del incumplimiento eficiente: ¿Un irritante juridico o una figura de aplicacion imposible?, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Paternalismo Libertario: ¿un oximoron o una solucion a la bounded rationality?, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
¿Quién tiene mayor necesidad de pagar impuestos?: Un esbozo crítico desde la perspectiva de un no-especialista, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Responsabilidad por lesión del derecho de autor: Algunas consideraciones preliminares, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Sobre formantes, trasplantes e irritaciones: Apuntes acerca de las teorías del cambio jurídico y la comparación jurídica, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Superando los sesgos cognitivos a través del Derecho: Breve análisis del Derecho contractual y la Responsabilidad extracontractual, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Tratos preliminares y su ruptura: Un ejercicio de comparative law and economics, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Una obligación sin prestación o sólo una hipótesis de cumplimiento defectuoso: La responsabilidad del médico dependiente, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Winner's curse (la maldición del ganador): Un análisis de la toma de decisiones en subastas de valor común, Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Rescuing the Strong Precautionary Principle from Its Critics, Noah Sachs
Signed and Sealed, Stephen E. Sachs
21st Century Healthcare - A New Scenario Needs New Rules of the Game, Mian Atif Saeed
Cost-Effective Healthcare – How Patent Framework Can be Re-designed to Help Fulfil this Objective, Mian Atif Saeed
Differential Interaction of the E3 Ligase Parkin with the Proteasomal Subunit S5a and the Endocytic Protein Eps15, Susan S. Safadi and Gary S. Shaw
Entertainment Law - The Specter of Malpractice Claims and Disciplinary Actions, John Sahl
Foreword: The New Era- Quo Vadis?, John Sahl
The Adjudicative Method of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jordan J. Saint John
Convergent Evolution in Law and Science: The Structure of Decision-making Under Uncertainty, Michael J. Saks
Self Restraint and National Security, Nathan Alexander Sales
Malaysian Law on Partnership: Cases, Materials and Commentary, 2nd ed., Mohammad Rizal Salim
De Donis, Kenneth C. Salzberg
ESSAY: The Curious Case of Greening in Carbon Markets, James Salzman and William Boyd
Negligence in the Air: The Duty of Care in Climate Change Litigation, James Salzman and David Hunter
Here's Hulu: How Popular Culture Helps Teach the Next generation of Lawyers, Victoria S. Salzmann
Impeachment as Judicial Selection, Tuan Samahon
Democracy at the Corner of First and Fourteenth: Judicial Campaign Spending and Equality, James Sample
Patent, Trademark and Copyright Laws, Jeffrey M. Samuels
The Impact of dickinson v. Zurko on Federal Circuit Review of PTO Board Decisions: An Analytical and Empirical Analysis, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels
Is the Google Book Settlement an Abuse of Class Actions?, Pamela Samuelson
Is the Proposed Google Book Settlement "Fair"?, Pamela Samuelson
Last Chance to Opt Out of the Google Book Settlement, Pamela Samuelson
Standing up for Copyright: Marybeth Peters and the Google Book Settlement, Pamela Samuelson
Upgrade Copyright Law for the Digital Age, Pamela Samuelson
What Effects Do Legal Rules Have on Service Innovation?, Pamela Samuelson
Software and Internet Law, 4th ed., Pamela Samuelson, Mark A. Lemley, Peter S. Menell, and Robert P. Merges
El proyecto derecho administrativo global: Una reseña desde Brasil, Michelle R. Sanchez-Badin Mrs.
Inter-American Court, Crimes Against Humanity and Peacebuilding in South America, Joan Sánchez and
Apuntes para algunas reglas básicas de la enseñanza judicial, Rodrigo Sánchez Villa
A Critical Look at the Economic Argument for Taxing Only Labor Income, Chris William Sanchirico
Multiemployer Bargaining and Monopoly: Labor-Management Collusion and a Partial Solution, Anthony B. Sanders
Clean Water in Indian Country: The Risks (and Rewards) of Being Treated in the Same Manner as a State, Marren Sanders
Handelsbolag och enkla bolag, Torsten Sandström
Svensk aktiebolagsrätt, Torsten Sandström
Heller's Self-Defense, Boaz Sangero
Arbitrato societario, nozione di "atto costitutivo" e patto parasociale, Valerio Sangiovanni
Aspetti contrattuali della nuova consulenza finanziaria, Valerio Sangiovanni
Aspetti problematici del giudizio di omologazione del concordato fallimentare, Valerio Sangiovanni
Attività assicurativa e di intermediazione assicurativa e abusivismo, Valerio Sangiovanni
Beni personali e acquisto di immobili dopo il matrimonio, Valerio Sangiovanni