The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Mad mothers, over-zealous therapists and the paedophile inquiry, Nicole Rogers
Mad mothers, over-zealous therapists and the paedophile inquiry, Nicole Rogers
Mad mothers, over-zealous therapists and the paedophile inquiry, Nicole Rogers
Performances in the wild, Nicole Rogers
Planning for climate change in New South Wales: do planning laws and climate change litigation hinder or help?, Nicole Rogers
Re-interpreting democracy: an activist’s guide to the Constitution, Nicole Rogers
Sacrificing rights in response to risk: a comparison of the Australian responses to terrorism and climate change, Nicole Rogers
Stepping out of the ivory tower with contemptuous breasts, Nicole Rogers
Terrorism and black magic in the Lodhi trial, Nicole Rogers
Terrorist v sovereign: legal performances in a state of exception, Nicole Rogers
The common informer suit: a strategy for peace activists, Nicole Rogers
The Gene Technology Act, Nicole Rogers
The playfulness of constitutional law, Nicole Rogers
The playfulness of constitutional law, Nicole Rogers
The playfulness of constitutional law, Nicole Rogers
The play(fulness) of law, Nicole Rogers
The play of law: comparing performances in law and theatre, Nicole Rogers
The play of law: comparing performances in law and theatre, Nicole Rogers
The Prime Minister as puppet: taking Howard to the High Court, Nicole Rogers
The Prime Minister as puppet: taking Howard to the High Court, Nicole Rogers
Violence and play in Saddam's trial, Nicole Rogers
Violence and play in Saddam's trial, Nicole Rogers
Violence and play in Saddam's trial, Nicole Rogers
Violence and play: surviving the Holocaust, Nicole Rogers
Where the wild things are: finding the wild in law, Nicole Rogers
Wild time, Nicole Rogers
Wimmenspeak on midwifery lore, Nicole Rogers
Wimmenspeak on midwifery lore, Nicole Rogers
Fear of freedom: anti-terrorism laws and the challenge to Australian democracy, Nicole Rogers and Aidan Ricketts
Third party rights in NSW environmental legislation: the backlash, Nicole Rogers and Aidan Ricketts
Linking Climate, Human Rights, and Development, Naomi Roht-Arriaza and Lyuba Zarsky
The Ethics of Willful Ignorance, Rebecca Roiphe
Obtaining the Minimum Winning Coalition Through Fuzzy Subsets and Binary Integer Programming (BIP), Julio Rojas-Mora, Jaime Gil-Lafuente, and Rodrigo Acuna-Agost
TLC Colombia - Unión Europea: Perspectivas preliminares de sus relaciones en contexto de globalización., Iván A. Rojas V
Rapporto tra prelazione legale urbana e prelazione convenzionale. Ma è proprio vero che “prior in tempore, potior in iure?, Valerio Cosimo Romano
Risarcibilità del danno esistenziale da stress dovuto ad inadempimento contrattuale, Valerio Cosimo Romano
Local Regulation of Mineral Development in Wyoming, Alan Romero
Rural Property Law, Alan Romero
Det flexibla svenska anställningsskyddet, Mia Rönnmar
Det svenska arbetsmarknadssystemet, Mia Rönnmar
Fifteen Years with the Norma Research Programme, Mia Rönnmar
Flexicurité et règlementation de l'emploi suédois, Mia Rönnmar
Labour Policy on Fixed-Term Work in Sweden, Mia Rönnmar
Laval returns to Sweden. The final judgment of the Swedish Labour Court and Swedish legislative reform, Mia Rönnmar
L'Impact de la Directive Sur le Travail Temporaire en Suède, Mia Rönnmar
Recension av Mikael Hansson, Kollektivavtalsrätten. En rättsvetenskaplig berättelse, Mia Rönnmar
The Regulation of Temporary Agency Work in Sweden and the Impact of the (2008/104/EC) Directive, Mia Rönnmar
Recensión: L'ordine giuridico dei privati, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual
Reflexiones en torno a la compraventa de bien futuro, Jimmy J. Ronquillo Pascual
Knowledge, Capabilities and Manufacturing Innovation: A US-Europe Comparison, Stephen Roper, Jan Youtie, Philip Shapira, and Andrea Fernandez-Ribas
Working for Another Miracle, César F. Rosado Marzán
Creating the Optimisitc Classroom: What Law Schools Can Learn From Explanatory Style Effects, Corie Rosen
People v. Bermudez: Is a Freestanding Claim of Actual, Factual Innocence a Ground for Reversal under the New York State Constitution?, Gregory C. Rosenfeld
From Exclusivity to Concurrence, Mark D. Rosen
State Extraterritorial Powers Reconsidered, Mark D. Rosen
Originalism Is Useless, Lawrence Rosenthal
Originalism Is Useless, Lawrence Rosenthal
Pragmatism, Originalism, Race and the Case against Terry v. Ohio, Lawrence Rosenthal
Second Thoughts on Damages for Wrongful Convictions, Lawrence Rosenthal
The Law Professor as Counterterrorist Tactician, Lawrence Rosenthal
Ahistorical Indians and Reservation Resources, Ezra Rosser
Anticipating de Soto: Allotment of Indian Reservations and the Dangers of Land-Titling, Ezra Rosser
Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of super-oxidized water (Sterilox®) and sodium hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis in a bovine root canal model, G. Rossi-Fedele, J.A. Figueiredo, Liviu Steier, L. Canullo, Gabriela Steier, and A.P. Roberts
Current Issues in Indian Child Welfare Policy: Foster Care Payment Contracts, Casey Ross-Petherick
Presidential Ambitions of U.S. Supreme Court Justices: A History and an Ethical Warning, William G. Ross
Presidential Ambitions of U.S. Supreme Court Justices: A History and an Ethical Warning, William G. Ross
Presidential Ambitions of U.S. Supreme Court Justices: A History and an Ethical Warning, William G. Ross
Buying and selling drugs., Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
Human trafficking in the Islamic region., Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
Laws relating to couples in marriage and divorce., Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace in Iran., Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
Socio-demographic and legal factors of incest in Malaysia., Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
Student disciplinary committee., Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
The effects of prostitution on society., Ehsan -. Rostamzadeh -
Database-driven investigations: The promise—and peril—of using forensics to solve no-suspect cases, Andrea Roth
Safety in Numbers?: Deciding When DNA Alone is Enough to Convict, Andrea L. Roth
The Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995: Potent Weapon or Uphill Battle?, Erin J. Roth and Robert B. Bennett
Codifying Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co., Ronald D. Rotunda
Congressional Silence Hurts Immigrants, Ronald D. Rotunda
Judicial Disqualification in the Aftermath of Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co., Ronald D. Rotunda
Legal Ethics: The Lawyer's Deskbook on Professional Responsibility, Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski
Professional Responsibility: A Student's Guide, Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski
Constitutional Law (a one volume treatise on Constitutional Law), Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Principles of Constitutional Law, Ronald D. Rotunda and John E. Nowak
Is There Still a Catholic Vote in the US?, Vincent D. Rougeau
Just Contracts and Catholic Social Teaching: A Perspective from American Law, Vincent D. Rougeau
Multicultural modernity in Montréal, Vincent D. Rougeau
Soulful Pray-er: A Review of Charlene Smith and John Feister's Thea's Song: The Life of Thea Bowman, Vincent D. Rougeau
Contre la digialisation de la vie même: éloge de la récalcitrance., Antoinette Rouvroy
Contre la digitalisation de la vie même, éloge de la récalcitrance, Antoinette Rouvroy
Détecter et prévenir : les symptômes technologiques d’une nouvelle manière de gouverner, Antoinette Rouvroy
La « digitalisation de la vie même » : enjeux épistémologiques et politiques de la mémoire digitale, Antoinette Rouvroy
La gouvernementalité algorithmique., Antoinette Rouvroy
Que les données peuvent-elles nous aider à prévoir ?, Antoinette Rouvroy
Le nouveau pouvoir statistique Ou quand le contrôle s'exerce sur un réel normé, docile et sans événement car constitué de corps « numériques »..., Antoinette Rouvroy and Thomas Berns