The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Styles of Pragmatism, Social Science and the Law, Robert P. Burns
The Distinctiveness of Trial Narrative, Robert P. Burns
Navigating the Legislative Maze, Cynthia Burress
Faut-il se passer du common law (européen)? Réflexions sur un code civil continental dans le droit mondialisé, Mauro Bussani
Diritto europeo dei contratti: un'introduzione, Mauro Bussani and Marta Infantino
Diritto europeo dei contratti: un'introduzione, Mauro Bussani and Marta Infantino
Letter To Madrid: Immigration and 9/11, David D. Butler
Monarchy is Understood in Holy Scriptures. You Come Across it First In Judges. Then They Become Kings., David D. Butler
Monarchy is Understood in Holy Scriptures. You Come Across it First In Judges. Then They Become Kings., David D. Butler
"Put Colloquially, American Law Believes That Talking Out Prevents Acting Out." A First Amendment Primer, David D. Butler
"Put Colloquially, American Law Believes That Talking Out Prevents Acting Out." A First Amendment Primer, David D. Butler
"Put Colloquially, American Law Believes That Talking Out Prevents Acting Out." A First Amendment Primer, David D. Butler
"Put Colloquially, American Law Believes That Talking Out Prevents Acting Out." A Free Speech Primer, David D. Butler
"Put Colloquially, American Law Believes That Talking Out Prevents Acting Out." A Free Speech Primer, David D. Butler
"Put Colloquially, American Law Believes That Talking Out Prevents Acting Out." A Free Speech Primer, David D. Butler
"'The World Turned Upside Down:' A Free Speech Primer", David D. Butler
"'The World Turned Upside Down:' A Free Speech Primer", David D. Butler
A Bill of Rights for Australia?- Part 1, Joel Butler
A Bill of Rights for Australia?- Part 2, Joel Butler
Corruption, power and the law, Joel Butler
WorkChoices- Bashing unions or helping business?, Joel Butler
Elucidating the Formation of 6-Deoxyheptose: Biochemical Characterization of the GDP-d-glycero-d-manno-heptose C6 Dehydratase, DmhA, and Its Associated C4 Reductase, DmhB, Frank D. Butty, Monique Aucoin, Leslie Morrison, Nathan Ho, Gary Shaw, and Carole Creuzenet
Nottebohm's Nightmare: Have We Exorcised the Ghosts of WWII Detention Programs or Do They Still Haunt Guantanamo?, Cindy G. Buys
Strangers in a Strange Land: The Importance of Better Compliance with the Consular Notification Rights, Cindy G. Buys, Scott D. Pollock, and Ioana Navarrete
Good Manners, Gay Rights and the Law, Keith J. Bybee
Legal Realism, Common Courtesy, and Hypocrisy, Keith J. Bybee
The Rule of Law is Dead! Long Live the Rule of Law!, Keith J. Bybee
Managing Radical Disputes: Public Reason, the American Dream, and the Case of Same-Sex Marriage, Keith J. Bybee and Cyril Ghosh
Efficient, Fair, and Incomprehensible: How the State 'Sells' Its Judiciary, Keith J. Bybee and Heather Pincock
New Avenues for U.S. Real Estate Investments – Distressed Income Producing Commercial Properties, William H. Byrnes
New Developments of the Spanish-United States Tax Treaty, William H. Byrnes
Proposal for Establishing a Work Group for Distance Education to Explore Learning Outcomes, William H. Byrnes
Treaty Override of the Japan-United States Tax Treaty: A Three-Part Analysis Addressing Public Finance & Public Policy, International Relations, and Tax Policy, William H. Byrnes
Using Econometrics and Predictive Modeling for Allocation of Resources to Counter Organized Crime, William H. Byrnes
Making WTO Remedies Work for Developing Nations: The Need for Class Actions, Phoenix X. Cai
Dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles, Mark J. Calaguas
Baseball's Moral Hazard: Law, Economics And The Designated Hitter Rule, Steve P. Calandrillo
Baseball's Moral Hazard: Law, Economics And The Designated Hitter Rule, Steve P. Calandrillo
Time to Blossom: An Inquiry into Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Means to Ordered Legal Research Skills, Paul D. Callister
The Instrumental Justice of Private Law, Alan Calnan
What's Wrong With "Torts as Wrongs" (or Redirecting Civil Recourse Theory), Alan Calnan
The Boundaries Of Privacy Harm, M. Ryan Calo
Da Ilicitude como uma das Belas Artes, Victor J. Calvete
O controlo jurisdicional da actividade da Autoridade da Concorrência, Victor J. Calvete
Strategic Auditing in a Political Hierarchy: An Informational Model of the Supreme Court's Certiorari Decisions, Charles M. Cameron, Jeffrey A. Segal, and Donald Songer
The Legal Framework for Cross-Border Insolvency in Brazil, Paulo Fernando Campana Filho
Pacifica Reconsidered: Implications for the Current Controvery over Broadcast Indecency, Angela J. Campbell
No Sirve: The Invalidity of Service of Process Abroad by Mail or Private Process Server, Charles B. Campbell
Dispelling the Fog About Direct Taxation (First Version), James Campbell
A rights-based analysis of DNA retention: “non-conviction” databases and the liberal state, Liz Campbell
Criminal Law in Ireland: Cases and Commentary, Liz Campbell
Development of a DNA Database in Ireland – Assessing the Proposed Legislation, Liz Campbell
Development of a DNA Database in Ireland — Assessing the Proposed Legislation, Liz Campbell
DNA Databases and Innocent Persons: Lessons From Scotland?, Liz Campbell
Responding to Gun Crime in Ireland, Liz Campbell
The Recovery of ‘Criminal’ Assets in New Zealand, Ireland and England: Fighting Organised Crime in the Civil Realm, Liz Campbell
The Scottish Dna Database And The Criminal Justice And Licensing (Scotland) Bill, Liz Campbell
Large Health Savings Accounts: A Step toward Tax Neutrality for Health Care, Michael F. Cannon
"Shall Be Bound Thereby": Structural Incorporation via Article VI, Dean A. Cantalupo Esq.
The Several States within the United States Constitution, Dean A. Cantalupo Esq.
TREASON AGAINST ONE'S STATE, EX PARTE DORR, 44 U.S. 103 (1844), Dean A. Cantalupo
Treason as a State Crime, Thomas Wilson Dorr, Ex Parte Dorr, Dean A. Cantalupo
The U.B.S. Case: the U.S. Attack on Swiss Banking Sovereignty, Beckett G. Cantley
Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell
No Good Deed Goes Unpublished: Precedent-Stripping and the Need for a New Prophylactic Rule, Edward Cantu
No Good Deed Goes Unpublished: Precedent-Stripping and the Need for a New Prophylactic Rule, Edward Cantu
No Good Deed Goes Unpublished: Precedent-Stripping and the Need for a New Prophylactic Rule, Edward Cantu
No Good Deed Goes Unpublished: Precedent-Stripping and the Need for a New Prophylactic Rule, Edward Cantu
The Path of Posner's Pragmatism, Edward Cantu
On the Ecological Issues in the Three Gorges Area and Its Countermeasures of Law, Mingde Cao
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Request for Precautionary Measures: Villas del Sol, Puerto Rico, Andrea P. Capellán, Smita Rao, and Meetali Jain
The Cheated Never Prosper: Recognizing Economic Harm in Sports From the Intentional Deprivation of Prospective Value in Publicity Rights, Ernest Cardenas
Compraventa a prueba, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Compraventa sobre muestra, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Diferencia entre oferta irrevocable y contrato de opción, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Embriones humanos: entre la congeladora y el tacho de desechos, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Embriones humanos: ¿Productos defectuosos?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Hacia la supresión de la exigencia de que el notario manuscriba el testamento, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Irrevocabilidad de la oferta contractual y revocabilidad limitada, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
La cesión de créditos y la falacia del contrato con efectos solo obligacionales, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Lectura del testamento otorgado por escritura pública. ¿Una sola lectura o varias?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Libertad de contratación, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Marcos Luiz Lovato, "Los derechos de la personalidad antes del 'inicio' y después del 'fin' de la sujeto de derecho, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Maurizio Faggioni, "La vena eugenésica de la fecundación in vitro", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Momento y lugar de formación del contrato, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Natalino Irti, "El carácter político jurídico del mercado", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Notas sobre la cesión de rango hipotecario, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Notas sobre la compraventa de bien incierto, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Notas sobre la donación con cargo, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Paulo Luiz Netto Lôbo, "Principio jurídico de la afectividad en la filiación", Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Retorno a la cesión de créditos. Contra la aplicación de la llamada cesión de derechos a la transmisión de la propiedad y de otras situaciones jurídicas, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
Un vacío en temas de contraoferta ¿Qué efectos produce en la oferta?, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez
A Social Movement History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan D. Carle
A Social Movement History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan D. Carle
Debunking the Myth of Civil Rights Liberalism: Visions of Racial Justice in the Thought of T. Thomas Fortune, 1880-1890, Susan D. Carle
Progressive Lawyering in Politically Depressing Times: Can New Models for Institutional Self-Reform Achieve More Effective Structural Change?, Susan D. Carle
Federalismo Fiscale in Italia, Mia Carlucci