The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2010
Fine-tuning affirmation of contract by election: Part 1, Rick A. Bigwood
Know Your Customer - Or Not, Genci Bilali
Madison's Hand, Mary S. Bilder
Panelist, Blackstone in America, Mary S. Bilder
Panelist, Graduate Student Forum, Mary S. Bilder
Panelist, International Seminar on the Atlantic World, 1500-1825, Mary S. Bilder
Lessons From the BP Emergency Action Plan in Action, Denis Binder
The Next Threshold in Medical Monitoring, Denis Binder
The Next Generation of Administrative Law: Building the Legal Infrastructure for Collaborative Governance, Lisa Blomgren Bingham
A Loss for Words: "Religion" in the First Amendment, Mason Binkley, J.D.
A Loss for Words: "Religion" in the First Amendment, Mason Binkley
Culture Clash: The Challenge of Lawyering Across Difference in Juvenile Court, Tamar R. Birckhead
Graham v. Florida: Justice Kennedy's Vision of Childhood and the Role of Judges, Tamar R. Birckhead
When Juveniles Face Questioning, Tamar R. Birckhead
Art or artifice: judging in troubled times, Greta Mary Bird and Nicole Rogers
Talking to judges about the art of judging: an annotated performance text, Greta Mary Bird and Nicole Rogers
Talking to judges about the art of judging: an annotated performance text, Greta Mary Bird and Nicole Rogers
The art and performance of judging, Greta Mary Bird and Nicole Rogers
Breaking Bucks in Money Market Funds, William Birdthistle
Investment Indiscipline: A Behavioral Approach to Mutual Fund Jurisprudence, William Birdthistle
Breaking Bucks: SEC Regulation by Obfuscation, William A. Birdthistle
מרחב פרטי: הזכות לפרטיות בין משפט לטכנולוגיה Private Space: Privacy, Law & Technology [Hebrew], Michael D. Birnhack
Parallel Paths and Unintended Consequences: The role of civil society and the ICC in Rule of Law Strengthening in Kenya, Christine S. Bjork Ms. and Juanita Goebertus Estrada Ms.
How to Improve Retail Investor Protection After the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Barbara Black
Legal Regulation of the Liability of Members of Management Organs: An Analysis of International Practice (Правовое Регулирование Ответственности Членов Органов Управления: Анализ Мировой Практики), Bernard S. Black, Anastasiya Farukshina, Brian R. Cheffins, Martin Gelter, Kim Hwa-Jin, Nolan Richard, Mathias M. Siems, and
Cultural Norms and Race Discrimination Standards: A Case Study in How the Two Diverge, Derek W. Black
The Contradiction Between Equal Protection's Meaning and Its Legal Substance: How Deliberate Indifference Can Cure It, Derek W. Black
The Contradiction Between Equal Protection's Meaning and Its Legal Substance: How Deliberate Indifference Can Cure It, Derek W. Black
Unlocking the Power of State Constitutions With Equal Protection: The First Step Toward Education as a Federally Protected Right, Derek W. Black
Unlocking the Power of State Constitutions With Equal Protection: The First Step Toward Education as a Federally Protected Right, Derek W. Black
OutFoxed: Pierson v. Post and the Natural Law, Josh Blackman
Oklahoma Family Law - Statutes and Rules - Annotated (Divorce & Adoption) 2010-2011, Marianne Blair, Robert Spector, and Carolyn Thompson
Welcoming Women: Recent Changes in U.S. Asylum Law, Jillian Blake
When Is Tax Enforcement Publicized? (with Daniel Z. Levin), Joshua D. Blank
A Lawyer Writes - Outlining, Timothy Blevins
Charting and Outlining, Timothy Blevins
He Said, You Said., Timothy Blevins
One New President, One New Patriarch and a Generous Disregard for the Constitution: A Recipe for the Continuing Decline of Secular Russia, Robert C. Blitt
Should New Bills of Rights Address Emerging International Human Rights Norms? The Challenge of “Defamation of Religion”, Robert C. Blitt
Go-Shop Provisions: Beneficial Inducement Mechanisms or “Window Dressings” for Powerful Private Equity Buyers?, Amanda K. Bloch
Go-Shop Provisions: Beneficial Inducement Mechanisms or “Window Dressings” for Powerful Private Equity Buyers?, Amanda K. Bloch
Go-Shop Provisions: Beneficial Inducement Mechanisms or “Window Dressings” for Powerful Private Equity Buyers?, Amanda K. Bloch
Reverse Incorporation of State Constitutional Law, Joseph Blocher
History of American Legal Education, with an Emphasis on Clinical Education, Robert M. Bloom
The Odyssey of the United States Road to Torture-How did the United States become a Waterboarder?, Robert M. Bloom
U.S. Exclusionary Rule: A Comparative Analysis, Robert M. Bloom
Present At the Creation: The 1910 Big Burn and the Formative Days of the U.S. Forest Service, Michael Blumm
The Florida Beach Case and the Road to Judicial Takings, Michael Blumm
The Public Trust Doctrine and Private Property: the Accommodation Principle, Michael C. Blumm
Background Principles, Takings, and Libertarian Property: A Response to Professor Huffman, Michael C. Blumm and J.B. Ruhl
The Brain Sciences and Criminal Law Norms, Theodore Y. Blumoff
A Religious, Cultural, and Economic Overview of Arranged Marriages in India and Saudi Arabia, Lucrecia A. Boado
Reflections: The Honorable Irma S. Raker – Judge, Teacher, and Role Model, Elizabeth I. Boals
Insuring Understanding: The Tested Langauge Defense, Michelle Boardman
Can Red Clay Go Green? Adapting Law and Policy in the Face of Climate Change, 20th Annual Red Clay Conference, Daniel M. Bodansky, David D. Caron, Mary Carr, Heidi Davison, David Hunter, Josh Love, and James Marlow
Hardt v. Reliance Standard Life Insurance Co., Don Bogan, Mark D. DeBofsky, and Mala Rafik
Conkright v. Frommert, Don Bogan and Paul Secuda
Cyberspace Pirates Walk the Plank: Some Comments on the Swedish Judgment in the Pirate Bay Case, Michael Bogdan
Development Assistance in the Field of Legal Education, Michael Bogdan
Private International Law, Michael Bogdan
Some Reflections on Contracts and Torts in Cyberspace in view of Regulations Rome I and Rome II, Michael Bogdan
Swedish Legal System (editor), Michael Bogdan
Litigating the NAP: Legal Challenges for the Emissions Trading Scheme of the European Union, Sanja Bogojević
IP Misuse as Foreclosure, Christina Bohannan
Optimal Tax Treaty Administrative Guidance, Craig M. Boise
Regulating Tax Competition in Offshore Financial Centers, Craig M. Boise
Energy-Efficiency and Wind Energy: Investment Strategy for Venture Capital and Private Equity, Nicolas L. Boittin
Energy-Efficiency and Wind Energy: Investment Strategy for Venture Capital and Private Equity, Nicolas L. Boittin
Multimodal maritime plus: European perspectives on law and policy, Olena Bokareva and Proshanto K. Mukherjee
Multimodal maritime plus: some European perspectives on law and policy, Olena Bokareva and Proshanto K. Mukherjee
A Circumspect Look at Problem-Solving Courts, Richard C. Boldt
A Study in Regulatory Method, Local Political Cultures, and Jurisprudential Voice: The Application of Federal Confidentiality Law to Project Head Start, Richard C. Boldt
Confidentiality of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment Information for Emergency Department and Trauma Center Patients, Richard C. Boldt
Evaluating Histories of Substance Abuse in Cases Involving the Termination of Parental Rights, Richard C. Boldt
Introduction: Obstacles to the Development and Use of Pharmacotherapies for Addiction, Richard C. Boldt
Public Education as Public Space: Some Reflections on the Unfinished Work of Marc Feldman, Richard C. Boldt
Rehabilitative Punishment and the Drug Treatment Court Movement, Richard C. Boldt
Restitution, Criminal Law, and the Ideology of Individuality, Richard C. Boldt
Review Essay: Excuse Theory Through a Liberal Lens, Richard C. Boldt
The Adversary System and Attorney Role in the Drug Treatment Court Movement, Richard C. Boldt
The Construction of Responsibility in the Criminal Law, Richard C. Boldt
The Great American Public, Mass Society, and the New Constitutional Order, Richard C. Boldt
The Relationship between Theory and Practice in the Study of Punishment, Richard C. Boldt
The "Tomahawk" and the "Healing Balm": Drug Treatment Courts in Theory and Practice, Richard C. Boldt
The Faces of Law in Theory and Practice: Doctrine, Rhetoric, and Social Context, Richard C. Boldt and Marc Feldman
Juristocracy in the Trenches: Problem-Solving Judges and the Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Drug Treatment Courts and Unified Family Courts, Richard C. Boldt and Jana B. Singer
Anti-Dumping and Distrust: Reducing Anti-Dumping Duties Under the W.T.O. Through Heightened Scrutiny, Reid Bolton
The Senate Filibuster: The Politics of Destruction, Emmet J. Bondurant
How Developing Countries can Adapt Current Bilateral Investment Treaties to Provide Benefits to Their Domestic Economies, Joshua B. Boone
Hurd on the Street, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Malfeasance, Misappropriation, Manipulation--or Not?, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Things Happen, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Why Stock Options are the Best Form of Executive Compensation (and How to Make Them Even Better), RICHARD A. BOOTH
Partners' Interests in a Partnership, Brad Borden
PIP Factors: Examine with low Expectations, Brad Borden
Residual-Risk Model for Classifying Business Arrangements, Brad Borden
Prepublication Version, The Promissory Character of Adequate Assurances of Performance, Michael J. Borden
Victims, Lawyers, and Money: Legal Representation in the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, Brian H. Bornstein