About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

Accepted LLM Thesis Proposal, Jennifer Allison

Magisterarbeit: Privatisierung der öffentlichen Staatsaufgaben vor dem Hintergrund des Grundrechtschutzes in Deutschland (LL.M. Thesis: Privatization of State Functions Against the Background of the Protection of Fundamental Rights in Germany), Jennifer Allison

Anesthetizing the Public Conscience: Lethal Injection and Animal Euthanasia, Ty Alper

Confidentiality in the Age of Social Media, Ty Alper

Elusive Justice: Legal Redress for Killings by U.S. Border Agents, Roxanna Altholz

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll's Will: A Tale of Testamentary Capacity, Stephen R. Alton

Quoted in "Here’s a Look at Some Major Cases Brett Kavanaugh Could Help Decide on the Supreme Court", Travis Andersen

Ethics Issues Inherent in Special Immigrant Juvenile State Court Proceedings - Practical Proposals for Intractable Problems, Alexis Anderson

Incorporating Experiential Learning in Every Class: Required Courses, Seminars and Live-Client Representation, Courtney Anderson, Jessica Gabel Cino, Nicole G. Iannarone, and Leslie E. Wolf

Incorporating Experiential Learning in Every Class: Required Courses, Seminars and Live-Client Representation, Courtney Anderson, Jessica Gabel Cino, Nicole G. Iannarone, and Leslie E. Wolf

Incorporating Experiential Learning in Every Class: Required Courses, Seminars and Live-Client Representation, Courtney Anderson, Jessica Gabel Cino, Nicole G. Iannarone, and Leslie E. Wolf

Incorporating Experiential Learning in Every Class: Required Courses, Seminars and Live-Client Representation, Courtney Anderson, Jessica Gabel Cino, Nicole G. Iannarone, and Leslie E. Wolf

User Innovation and Patent Law, Jonas Anderson

Deconstructing Neighborhoods, Kristi Andrasik and Joseph Mead

Handling Evictions of Unknown Occupants Before Trial, Steven J. Andre

Mapping of Waste dumpsites using geospatial technique in Karu, Nasarawa State, North Central, Nigeria., N R. Andrew, S N. Tsado, and C I. Oguche

Derechos Fundamentales, Privacidad y Aplicaciones Móviles Médicas, Lori Andrews

Virtual Clinical Trials: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Lori Andrews, Kayla Kostelecky, Stephanie Spritz, and Alexandra Franco

Public Awareness and Perception of Biogas as Alternative Energy Source for Environmental Sustainability in Gwagwalada Town, FCT Abuja, Nigeria., Millicent C. Anibueze

Unilateral Enforcement of Un Security Council Resolutions The Case of Operation Iraqi Freedom.pdf, Alex Ansong

A Baby Boomer's View on Millennial Leaders in Libraries, Filippa M. Anzalone

Lawyer and Law Student Well-Being, Filippa M. Anzalone

Think Fast: Post Judgment Considerations in Hague Child Abduction Cases, Timothy L. Arcaro

Assessment of Factors Influencing Domestic Energy Consumption and Efficiency of Biomass Briquettes in Minna as Alternative Source of Energy, Isaac O. Areo, M M. Alhassan, and I Ishaya

Aspectos éticos del sistema financiero, Ligia Catherine Arias Barrera

Regulation and Supervision of the OTC Derivatives Market, Ligia Catherine Arias Barrera

Targeting, Gender, and International Posthumanitarian Law and Practice: Framing The Question of the Human in International Humanitarian Law, Matilda Arvidsson

La incautación inmobiliaria. Los efectos reales y formas jurídicas involucradas, apropósito de un caso..docx, Jorge Luis . Ascencios Dávila


La necesaria personalidad jurídica de las juntas de propietarios., Jorge Luis . Ascencios Dávila


La pared común. Aproximaciones al derecho de medianería, una especie de copropiedad forzosa sin utilidad en la realidad..docx, Jorge Luis . Ascencios Dávila

La pared común. Aproximaciones al derecho de medianería, una especie de copropiedad forzosa sin utilidad en la realidad..docx, Jorge Luis . Ascencios Dávila

Sobre el título supletorio: ¿Qué ocurre cuando se transfiere una parte del terreno matriz?¿Qué es para un juez un "propietario" que no puede acreditar su derecho?, Jorge Luis . Ascencios Dávila

Un rostro bello en un lunar de carne: La falacia de la riqueza con base al paradigma de la formalización predial.docx, Jorge Luis . Ascencios Dávila

Stategraft, Bernadette Atuahene and Timothy Hodge

From Reparations to Dignity Restoration: The Story of the Popela Community., Bernadette Atuahene and Sanele Sibanda

The Fiery Furnace Civil Disobedience and the Civil Rights Movement: A Biblical Exegesis on Daniel 3 and Letter From Birmingham Jail, Jonathan C. Augustine

The Partnership Report Revisited: BEPS, the Multilateral Convention and the 2017 OECD Model Convention, Hugh J. Ault

Strengthening cooperation on transboundary groundwater resources, Alice Aureli and Gabriel Eckstein

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, David W. Austin, Paul E. Johnson, and Mark E. Wojcik

The Chilling Effect: The Politics of Charging Rape Complainants With False Reporting, Lisa Avalos

Victim Recantations: Addressing Gender Bias in Sexual Assault Response and Investigation, Lisa Avalos

Unions and ADR: The Relationship between Labor Unions and Workplace Dispute Resolution in U.S. Corporations, Ariel C. Avgar, J. Ryan Lamare, David B. Lipsky, and Abhishek Gupta

Assessment of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Special Intervention Projects in Ilaje Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria., Samuel Ayadi and N D. Marcus

Federalism and the Right to Decide Who Decides, Andrew B. Ayers

Bankruptcy on the Side, Kenneth Ayotte, Anthony J. Casey, and David A. Skeel Jr.

Helene Cixous's The Perjured City: Nonprosecution Alternatives to Collective Violence, Susan Ayres

Outlaw Against the Thinking Fathers, Susan Ayres

Paternity Un(certainty): How the Law Surrounding Paternity Challenges Negatively Impacts Family Relationships and Women's Sexuality, Susan Ayres

Teaching Empathy: Using Dramatic Narrative to Understand Domestic Violence, Susan Ayres

The "Straight Mind" in Russ’s The Female Man, Susan Ayres

When Women Kill Newborns: The Rhetoric of Vulnerability, Susan Ayres

The Blinding Color of Race: Elections and Democracy in the Post-Shelby County Era, Sahar F. Aziz

A Muslim Registry: The Precursor to Internment?, Sahar F. Aziz

Civil Rights in the Post-9/11 Era of Global Conflict and Populism, Sahar F. Aziz

Coercing Assimilation: The Case of Muslim Women of Color, Sahar F. Aziz

Coercive Assimilationism: The Perils of Muslim Women's Identity Performance in the Workplace, Sahar F. Aziz

Egypt’s Protracted Revolution, Sahar F. Aziz

Global Conflict and Populism in a Post-9/11 World, Sahar F. Aziz

Rethinking Counterterrorism in the Age of ISIS: Lessons from Sinai, Sahar F. Aziz

Security and Technology: Rethinking National Security, Sahar F. Aziz

Sticks and Stones, The Words That Hurt: Entrenched Stereotypes Eight Years after 9/11, Sahar F. Aziz

Sex in a Masculinities World: Gender, Undesired Sex, and Rape, Kimberly D. Bailey

Sex in a Masculinities World: Gender, Undesired Sex, and Rape, Kimberly D. Bailey

Competition Policy, Market Power, and Inequality, Jonathan B. Baker

Welcome and Introductory Remarks, Jonathan B. Baker

Procreation and Parenting, Katharine K. Baker

Seeking Full Disclosure on How Patents are Working Locally through Form 27 will help Promote Innovation Knowledge Ecology International, Thiru Balasubramanium

Berkeley and Israel: Past, Present and Future, Kenneth A. Bamberger

Platform Market Power, Kenneth A. Bamberger and O Lobel

Privacy Law -- on the Books and on the Ground, Kenneth A. Bamberger and Deirdre Mulligan

Public Law Norms for “Governance-by-Design”, Kenneth A. Bamberger and Deirdre Mulligan

Public International Law: Environmental Law, Gilbert M. Bankobeza, Susan Biniaz, Clare Breidenich, Melanne Andromecca Civic, Gabriel E. Eckstein, David Favre, Paul E. Hagen, Teresa Hobgood, Karissa Taylor Kovner, Gregory F. Maggio, Howard Mann, Darlene A. Pearson, Margaret F. Spring, Katherine E. Mills, David W. Wagner, and John Barlow Weiner

Religious Monopolies and the Commodification of Religion, Shima Baradaran-Robison, Brett G. Scharffs, and Elizabeth A. Sewell

57th Henry J. Miller Distinguished Lecture: Keynote Address, Robert Barnes, Dahlia Lithwick, Adam Liptak, Eric J. Segall, and Luke Donohue

Arrested Development: Rethinking the Contract Age of Majority for the Twenty-First Century Adolescent, Wayne Barnes

Contemplating a Civil Law Paradigm for a Future International Commercial Code, Wayne R. Barnes

Social Media and the Rise in Consumer Bargaining Power, Wayne R. Barnes

The Complete Guide to Mechanic's and Materialman's Lien Laws of Texas, Wayne Barnes and Sterling W. Steves

Fanaticism and the End of Rational Discourse.docx, David Barnhizer

Institutional Conditions of Contemporary Legal Thought, Paulo D. Barrozo

Legisprudence and the Limits of Legislation תורת החקיקה וגבולות החקיקה, Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov

Quantinsky v. the Knesset in the Matter of the Third Apartment Tax: A Necessary Decision or an Unjustified "Major Deviation" From the Case Law? בג"ץ קוונטינסקי נ' הכנסת בעניין מס דירה שלישית: החלטה מתבקשת או 'סטיה רבתי' בלתי מוצדקת מההלכה הפסוקה?, Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov

Revolution or Continuity? Bank Hamizrachi's Role in the Development of Judicial Review Models in Israel מהפכה או המשכיות?: מקומו של פסק דין בנק המזרחי בהתפתחות המודלים של ביקורת שיפוטית בישראל, Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov

Temporary Legislation's Finest Hour?: Towards a Proper Model of Temporary Legislation in Israel שעתן היפה של הוראות השעה?: לקראת מודל ראוי של חקיקה זמנית בישראל, Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov

Cloud Crimes: Understanding the Privacy Challenges, Subhajit Basu

'Mallet against machine’: Regulating the AI landscape, Subhajit Basu

Regulation for E-payment Systems: Analytical Approaches Beyond Private Ordering, Subhajit Basu and Adekemi Omotubora

Legal framework for small autonomous agricultural robots, Subhajit Basu, Adekemi Omotubora, Matt Beeson, and Charles Fox

Beyond the present: Privacy and Personalised Medicine, Subhajit Basu and Kemi Omotubora

Next Generation Privacy for Smart Technologies, Subhajit Basu and Kemi Omotubora

Building a Regime of Restrictive Immigration Laws, 1840-1945, Felice Batlan

Domestic Disorders: Suffrage and New York's Constitutional Convention of 1867, Felice Batlan

Politics and Mythology in the Early Women’s Rights Movement, Felice Batlan

Beyond Greed is Good: Pop Culture in the Business Law Classroom, Felice Batlan and Joshua Bass

Introduction: The Making of a Canonical Legal Historian, Felice Batlan and R. B. Bernstein

Are We Our Mother's Law Students?: Women's Law School Experiences and an Agenda for Action, Felice J. Batlan

CFIUS Introduction and Trends.pdf, Perry S. Bechky

Salini's Nature: Arbitrators' Duty of Jurisdictional Policing, Perry S. Bechky