About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2019

Courts and the Executive in Wartime: A Comparative Study of the American and British Approaches to the Internment of Citizens During World War II and Their Lessons for Today, Amanda L. Tyler

Habeas Corpus in Wartime and Larger Lessons for Constitutional Law, Amanda L. Tyler

Dynamics of Law and Its Functionality, Saumya Uma


The Authors' Reply to Commentaries On, and Criticisms of The Militia and the Right to Arms, Or, How the Second Amendment Fell Silent, H. Richard Uviller and William G. Merkel

Información sobre la venta de alimentos por Internet: ¿Auto-regulación o adopción de una legislación "ad hoc"?, Luis González Vaqué

Is it Necessary to (Urgently) Adopt a Community Regulation for Online Food Sales?, Luis González Vaqué

Nutritional information for consumers – is it really useful? Limits and future prospects, Luis González Vaqué

Posibles prácticas desleales en la comercialización de productos alimenticios diferenciados en el Mercado único: el concepto de “expectativas legítimas” de los consumidores, Luis González Vaqué

LA VENTA DE ALIMENTOS ONLINE, Luis González Vaqué, Ivonne Colomer Xena, Silvia Bañares Vilella, and Isabel Hernández San Juan

拉丁美洲的食品立法趋势, Luis González Vaqué and Hugo A. Muñoz Ureña

El nuevo tratamiento del régimen de la capacidad en el Código Civil peruano, Enrique Varsi Rospigliosi and Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado

Il Dolce Far Niente, Margaret Hughes Vath

Gastos necesarios, crítica a una interpretación formalista, Gonzalo Vergara Quezada

La propiedad industrial y la tributación de los no residentes, Gonzalo Vergara Quezada

Los sistemas de imposición a la renta, Gonzalo Vergara Quezada

International Environmental Law, Sara Vinson, Kristen Hite, Stephanie Altman, Keith Benes, Derek Campbell, Joseph W. Dellapenna, David M. Gravallese, Richard A. Horsch, Erika Lennon, David Hunter, Erica Lyman, Joshua Meltzer, Thomas Parker Redick, and Justin Smith

Legal Research Demystified: A Step-by-Step Approach (Table of Contents and Chapter 5 on Research Plans), Eric P. Voigt

Obstacles to Transatlantic Harmonization of Data Privacy Law in Context, W. Gregory Voss

The European Union’s 2014 Non-Financial Reporting Directive: Mandatory Ex Post Disclosure – But Does It Need Improvement? (Chapter 14), W. Gregory Voss

Personal Data and the GDPR: Providing a Competitive Advantage for U.S. Companies, W. Gregory Voss and Kimberly A. Houser

Immigration Enforcement and the Future of Discretion, Shoba Wadhia

Immigration Litigation in the Time of Trump, Shoba Wadhia

National Security, Immigration and the Muslim Bans, Shoba Wadhia

Remarks on Prosecutorial Discretion and Immigration, Shoba Wadhia

FOIA Response on Deferred Action (non-DACA), Shoba S. Wadhia

Law Talk v. Science Talk: The Languages of Law and Science in WTO Proceedings, Markus Wagner

Law Talk v. Science Talk: The Languages of Law and Science in WTO Proceedings, Markus Wagner

Regulatory Space in International Trade Law and International Investment Law, Markus Wagner

Regulatory Space in International Trade Law and International Investment Law, Markus Wagner

Transnational Legal Communication: A Partial Legacy of Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, Markus Wagner

Transnational Legal Communication: A Partial Legacy of Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, Markus Wagner

Wagner, The Impending Demise of the WTO Appellate Body - final.pdf, Markus Wagner

The United Kingdom Bill of Rights 1998: The Modernisation of Rights in the Old World, Clive Walker and Russell L. Weaver

The Religious Origins of Religious Freedom in Western Thought, E. Gregory Wallace

Cosmological Fine-Tuning Arguments: What (If Anything) Should We Infer from the Fine-Tuning of Our Universe for Life?, Jason Waller

Four Preliminary Investigations, Jason Waller

Learning From the Critics, Jason Waller

Mapping the Logical Space, Jason Waller

Our Fine-Tuned Actual World?, Jason Waller

Our Fine-Tuned Universe?, Jason Waller

How Much of Health Care Antitrust Is Really Antitrust?, Spencer Weber Waller

Trade Associations, Information Exchange, and Cartels, Spencer Weber Waller

Private Ordering and Commercial Arbitration: Lasting Lessons from Mentschikoff, Stephen Ware

Why Don't We Defend Better? Data Breaches, Risk Management, and Public Policy, Richard Warner and Robert Sloan

Were Justice Scalia's Remarks in Fisher v. Texas Racist?, Tanya Washington

Infield Fly Rule Is in Effect: The History and Strategy of Baseball's Most (In)Famous Rule, Howard M. Wasserman

Panel III: Transnational Jurisprudence: Questions and Answers, Melissa Waters and Markus Wagner

Panel III: Transnational Jurisprudence: Questions and Answers, Melissa Waters and Markus Wagner

Reaping the Benefits of Mentors and Trusted Advisors, Carol A. Watson, Kristina L. Hiedringhaus, and Caroline Osborne

Fake News, Post-Truth & Information Literacy, Carol A. Watson, Caroline Osborne, and Kristina L. Niedringhaus

Administrative Searches, Technology and Personal Privacy, Russell L. Weaver

“Advice and Consent” in Historical Perspective, Russell L. Weaver

ALJ Support Systems: Staff Attorneys and Decision Writers, Russell L. Weaver

Civil Procedure-Jurisdiction-Quasi in Rem Jurisdiction and the International Shoe Minimum Contacts Doctrine, Russell L. Weaver

Constitutional Law-Civil Rights: Towards Resolving 42 U.S.C. 1981 with the Right to Privacy and the Right to Associate, Russell L. Weaver

Cybersurveillance in a Free Society, Russell L. Weaver

Does "Practicality" Have a Place in the "Canon of Constitutional Law"?, Russell L. Weaver

Evaluating Regulatory Interpretations: Individual Statements, Russell L. Weaver

Frambach v. Dunihue: The Most Underrated Decision, Russell L. Weaver

Introduction: Comparative Papers From the Administrative Law Discussion Forum, Russell L. Weaver

Introduction: Fifth Remedies Discussion Forum, Russell L. Weaver

Langdell's Legacy: Living with the Case Method, Russell L. Weaver

Law of Private Nuisance in Missouri, The , Russell L. Weaver

Lopez and the Federalization of Criminal Law, Russell L. Weaver

Reliability, Justice and Confessions: The Essential Paradox, Russell L. Weaver

Retroactive Regulatory Interpretations: An Analysis of Judicial Responses, Russell L. Weaver

Some Realism about Chevron, Russell L. Weaver

U.S. Cybersurveillance in the Post-Snowden Era, Russell L. Weaver

Is The New York Times "Actual Malice" Standard Really Necessary? A Comparative Perspective, Russell L. Weaver and Geoffrey Bennett

Creation of Transnational Administrative Structures Governing Internet Communication, The , Russell L. Weaver, Duncan Fairgrieve, and Francois Lichere

Deliberative Process Privilege, The, Russell L. Weaver and James T.R. Jones

Endrew F. Clairvoyance, Mark C. Weber

The FSOC's Designation Program as a Case Study of the New Administrative Law of Financial Supervision, Robert F. Weber

Law, Lawyers, and Self-Governance During the Heyday of the London Stock Exchange, W. Mark C. Weidemaier

Restructuring Euro Area Sovereign Debt: Have the Options Narrowed?, W. Mark C. Weidemaier

When Governments Promise to Prioritize Public Debt: Do Markets Care?, W. Mark C. Weidemaier

Interpreting Contracts Without Context, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and John F. Coyle

Billboards, Aesthetics, and the First Amendment: Municipal Sign Regulation after Metromedia, Alan Weinstein

Eminent Domain: Judicial and Legislative Responses to Kelo, Alan Weinstein

New Rules for Zoning Adult Uses: The Supreme Court's Renton Decision, Alan Weinstein

Section 1983 and Land Use, Alan Weinstein

The Reemergence of Nuisance Law in Environmental Litigation, Alan Weinstein

Justice John Paul Stevens - His Take on Takings, Alan C. Weinstein

Regulating Pornography: Recent Legal Trends, Alan C. Weinstein

Sign Regulation after Reed: Suggestions for Coping with Legal Uncertainty, Alan C. Weinstein

Complying with RLUIPA, Alan C. Weinstein

First Amendment Zoning Issues: Regulation of Signs, Adult Entertainment & Religious Uses, Alan C. Weinstein

Reflections on the Persistence of Racial Segregation in Housing, Alan C. Weinstein

Regulating Wireless Facilities, Alan C. Weinstein

Temporary Sign Regulations in a Post-Reed America, Alan C. Weinstein and Wendy E. Moeller

First Amendment and Land Use, in Recent Developments in Land Use, Planning, and Zoning, Alan C. Weinstein and Edward E. Ziegler Jr.

Ohio Planning and Zoning Law (2019 ed.), Alan Weinstein, Kenneth Pearlman, John Bredin, and Rebecca Retzlaff

Appellant's Opening Brief (with co-counsel), Bowers v. U.S. Parole Comm'n (Bowers III), 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 15158 (May 22, 2019), Charles D. Weisselberg

Appellant's Reply Brief (with co-counsel), Bowers v. U.S. Parole Comm'n (Bowers III), 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 15158 (May 22, 2019), Charles D. Weisselberg

Microaggressions: What They Are and Why They Matter, Catharine P. Wells

The Positivist, Catharine P. Wells

IEEE’s Ethically Aligned Design and Healthcare Robots, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

The Natural Law of Robotics: Rethinking Artificial Intelligence Governance from Human-Robot Interaction, Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Towards AI Governance for Embodied Intelligent Systems, Yueh-Hsuan Weng