About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2019

One Challenge Facing the Discipline of Legal Writing: The Connection between Discipline and Status, Emily Zimmerman and Daniel M. Filler

SHU prof takes close look at Conn. state politics in new book, Kevin Zimmerman

The Rule of Law, Legal Pluralism, and Challenges to a Western-centric View: Some Very Preliminary Observations, Peer Zumbansen

The Electronic Commercialisation of Fresh Foods, Francisco-Ramón Zúñiga and Luis González Vaqué

Documents from 2018

A Political Scientist Says Living In Connecticut Is About To Get More Expensive. Here's Why.

Coming to terms with history: Germany is not Burka?

Comments on the IEEE PatCom’s proposal to accept LOAs under two distinct patent policies

Fragrant Harbour and Oyster Mirror: Beijing's Treaty Policy toward Hong Kong and Macao

Intellectual property policies for solar geoengineering

International Law


Longtime Professor Shares Stories of His Time at Sacred Heart

No Title

No Title

Power as a Factor in Lawyers' Ethical Deliberations

Quoted in "Supreme Court Hears Case Involving Brazilian Immigrant Who Lives on Martha’s Vineyard"

The 2015 IEEE Policy on Standard Essential Patents –The Empirical Record

The Constitutional Right Not to Cooperate? Local Sovereignty and the Federal Immigration Power

What We Don't See When We See Copyright As Property


Why the UNFCCC and CBD Should Refrain from Regulating Solar Climate Engineering

Canadian Company Tried to Stop Referendum on Mine in Guatemala

Ontario Legal Aid toughens rules after lawyers failed Roma clients

Ontario may appeal ruling allowing girl, 11, to be taken off chemo

Open Science by Design: Realizing a Vision for 21st Century Research

Quoted in "US Law Against Encouraging Illegal Immigration Struck Down"

Safe in a sacred space

SCC to hear Daniels this fall

This Company Lends Money to Pay for Your Divorce

Visible minority lawyers and paralegals face discrimination

Why is Canada Only Now Accepting More LGBT Asylum Claims?

MDL v. Trump: The Puzzle of Public Law in Multidistrict Litigation, and

"Playing It Safe" with Empirical Evidence: Selective Use of Social Science in Supreme Court Cases About Racial Justice and Marriage Equality, and

The Serrano Documents, and

A First Appraisal of Serrano, , , and

Plenary Dialogue: Peace, Pamela Aall, Roxanna Altholz, Fateh Azzam, and Roxanne Krystalli

Dudas y certezas sobre nuestra alimentación, Leticia A. Bourges and Luis González Vaqué

The Distinctive Energies of Normal Science, Kathryn Abrams

Fashioning an Effective Negotiation Style: Choosing Between Good Practices, Tactics, and Tricks, Harold I. Abramson

Fashioning an Effective Negotiation Style: Choosing Between Good Practices, Tactics, and Tricks, Harold I. Abramson

Networking the Party: First Amendment Rights & the Pursuit of Responsive Party Government, Tabatha Abu El-Haj

Public Unions Under First Amendment Fire, Tabatha Abu El-Haj

Corporate Ethics: Approaches and Implications to Expanding the Corporate Mindset of Profitability, 49 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 637 (2018), Arthur Acevedo

La poliza de riesgos ciberneticos. Breve comentario a propósito del reciente ataque cibernetico al sistema financiero y bancario peruano .docx, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo

El insurtech una aproximación a su concepto y a su impacto en el mercado asegurador global, Carlos Augusto Acosta Olivo and Pedro Eduardo Richter Valdivia

El aborto es corrupción.docx, Jorge Adame Goddard

Role of Clinical Legal Education in Social Justice in Nigeria, Olanike S. Adelakun-Odewale

Right to Inclusive Development of the Girl Child in Africa, Olanike S. Adelakun

Handling Tax Collection Matters - Procedures and Strategies, W Edward Afield, Tameka E. Lester, and Willard N. Timm Jr.

Justice Prabha Sridevan and Prof. Srividya Raghavan on Patent Local Working and Safeguarding India's Sovereignty, Pankhuri Agarwal

Does Breaking Gender Stereotypes Contribute to Victimization at School?, Laura E. Agnich, Lindsay L. Kahle, Anthony A. Peguero, Jennifer L. Murphy, Olivia Foroughi, and Jennifer N. Nester

Personal and Political: LGBTQ+ Students’ Perceptions of Safety and Harassment in the Rural South, Laura E. Agnich, Gabrielle Lory, and Shanna N. Felix

After the Fall: Financial Crisis and the International Order, Robert B. Ahdieh

Agency Coordination as Agency Action, Robert B. Ahdieh

A Man in Full (A Tribute Remembering Professor David Bederman), Robert B. Ahdieh

Between Dialogue and Decree: International Review of National Courts, Robert B. Ahdieh

Between Mandate and Market: Contract Transition in the Shadow of the International Order, Robert B. Ahdieh

Beyond Individualism in Law and Economics, Robert B. Ahdieh

Coordination and Conflict: The Persistent Relevance of Networks in International Financial Regulation, Robert B. Ahdieh

Dialectical Regulation, Robert B. Ahdieh

Enter the Fox - Lumping and Splitting in the Study of Transnational Networks: A Response to Stavros Gadinis, Robert B. Ahdieh

Foreign Affairs, International Law, and the New Federalism: Lessons from Coordination, Robert B. Ahdieh

From Federalism to Intersystemic Governance: The Changing Nature of Modern Jurisdiction, Robert B. Ahdieh

From "Federalization" to "Mixed Governance" in Corporate Law: A Defense of Sarbanes-Oxley, Robert B. Ahdieh

From Federal Rules to Intersystemic Governance in Securities Regulation, Robert B. Ahdieh

From Fedspeak to Forward Guidance: Regulatory Dimensions of Central Bank Communications, Robert B. Ahdieh

Imperfect Alternatives: Networks, Salience, and Institutional Design in Financial Crises, Robert B. Ahdieh

Law's Signal: A Cueing Theory of Law in Market Transition, Robert B. Ahdieh

Making Markets: Network Effects and the Role of Law in the Creation of Strong Securities Markets, Robert B. Ahdieh

Notes from the Border: Writing Across the Administrative Law/Financial Regulation Divide, Robert B. Ahdieh

Reanalyzing Cost-Benefit Analysis: Toward a Framework of Function(s) and Form(s), Robert B. Ahdieh

Russia's Constitutional Revolution: Legal Consciousness and the Transition to Democracy, 1985-1996, Robert B. Ahdieh

The Dialectical Regulation of Rule 14a-8: Intersystemic Governance in Corporate Law, Robert B. Ahdieh

The Fog of Certainty, Robert B. Ahdieh

The (Misunderstood) Genius of American Corporate Law, Robert B. Ahdieh

The Role of Groups in Norm Transformation: A Dramatic Sketch, in Three Parts, Robert B. Ahdieh

The Strategy of Boilerplate, Robert B. Ahdieh

The Visible Hand: Coordination Functions of the Regulatory State, Robert B. Ahdieh

Trapped in a Metaphor: The Limited Implications of Federalism for Corporate Governance, Robert B. Ahdieh

Varieties of Corporate Law-Making: Competition, Preemption, and Federalism, Robert B. Ahdieh

Toward a Jurisprudence of Free Expression in Russia: The European Court of Human Rights, Sub-National Courts, and Intersystemic Adjudication, Robert B. Ahdieh and H. Forrest Flemming

The Existing Legal Infrastructure of BRICs: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going, Robert B. Ahdieh, Zhu Lee, Srividhya Ragavan, Kevin Noonan, and Clinton W. Francis

Refugee Status Determination Legal Framework and Human Rights-Constructing the Productive Other within the Frontier Justice.pdf, Dr Nafees Ahmad

“Empowering Citizenship in Our Shared Digital Future”, Conference on Empowering Citizenship, Padideh Ala'i

"International Adjudication: Peaks, Valleys, and Rolling Hills”, The 20th Annual Grotius Lecture, Padideh Ala'i

"Trade Outlook: The View from Governments", XIV Symposium on International Trade, Padideh Ala'i

“Transparency and its Limits”, Transparency and Society – Between Promise and Peril, Herrenhausen Conference, Padideh Ala'i

“WTO Participation and Potential Violation”, US Trade Policy Panel on WTO Participation and Potential Violation, Padideh Ala'i

Georgia State University Opens Groundbreaking New Legal Analytics Lab, Charlotte S. Alexander

Legal Avoidance and the Restructuring of Work, Charlotte S. Alexander

Uber, China, and Robots, Charlotte S. Alexander

The Hacking of Employment Law, Charlotte S. Alexander and Elizabeth Tippett

Aktuelle Rechtsprechung zur Durchsetzung von energierechtlichen Informationspflichten, Christian Alexander

Das Recht am eigenen Bild | The Right to the Personal Image, Christian Alexander

Die aktuelle Rechtsprechung zu Preis‐ und Vergleichsportalen, Christian Alexander

Die UWG-Novelle 2015 in der Praxis – Kontinuität der Rechtsanwendung oder Änderungsbedarf?, Christian Alexander

Geheimnisschutz nach dem GeschGehG und investigativer Journalismus, Christian Alexander

Medien und Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen | Media and Protection of Trade Secrets, Christian Alexander

Worksheets on European Competition Law, Christian Alexander

Use of Antibiotics in Meat Producing Animals in Bangladesh: A Regulatory Review, Dr. A N M Atahar Ali

Plea Bargaining: An Example of Negotiating With Constraints, Cynthia Alkon