The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Four Property Wrongs of Self-Storage Law, Jeffrey D. Jones
Property Rights, Property Wrongs, and Dispossession under Self-Storage Leases, Jeffrey D. Jones
Statutory Dispossession: Property Rights, Property Wrongs & Dispossession Under State Self-Storage Statutes, Jeffrey D. Jones
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in a Post-Crisis World, Renee Jones
Corporate Law Discussion Group on the Dodd-Frank Act, Renee Jones
Corporate Law Discussion Group on the Dodd-Frank Act, Renee Jones
Enforcing Directors Duties: A Comparative Analysis, Renee Jones
Junior Faculty Forum, Renee Jones
Panelist, Enforcing Directors Duties: A Comparative Analysis, Renee Jones
Panelist, Federalism and Corporate Governance, Renee Jones
Back to Basics: Why Financial Regulatory Overhaul is Overrated, Renee M. Jones
Corporate Governance and Accountability, Renee M. Jones
Dynamic Federalism: Competition, Cooperation and Securities Enforcement, Renee M. Jones
Law, Norms, and the Breakdown of the Board, Renee M. Jones
Legitimacy and Corporate Law: The Case for Regulatory Redundancy, Renee M. Jones
The Role of Good Faith in Delaware: How Open-Ended Standards Help Delaware Preserve Its Edge, Renee M. Jones
Will the SEC Survive Financial Regulatory Reform?, Renee M. Jones
Conditional Spending, Coercion, and Commandeering: The Affordable Care Act and the Federal Regulation of State Taxation, Bradley W. Joondeph
Building Academic Research Centers to Advance Research on Violence Against Women: An Empirical Foundation, Carol E. Jordan
One to One with Bill Goodman, Carol E. Jordan
The University of Kentucky Center for Research on Violence Against Women: Science Inspired by Women’s Stories, Carol E. Jordan
The Constitutionality & Ethics of Licensing Lawyers to Advise Designated Foreign Terror Organizations, Elinor R. Jordan J.D.
Who Do They Think They Are?, Donald P. Judges
Missgynnande i fråga om ekonomiska förmåner som en nödvändig följd av föräldraledighet, Jenny Julén Votinius assistant professor
Parenthood Meets Market Functionalism – Parental Rights in the Modern Labour Market, Jenny Julén Votinius assistant professor
Troublesome Transformation. EU Law on Pregnancy and Maternity Turned into Swedish Law on Parental Leave, Jenny Julén Votinius assistant professor
"What We Could Do Is...": The Relation of Education to Legal Obligations to Protect Public Health and the Environment, Kirk W. Junker
"What We Could Do Is...": The Relation of Education to Legal Obligations to Protect Public Health and the Environment, Kirk W. Junker
Asian‐American Public Opinion, Jane Junn, Taeku Lee, S. Karthick Ramakrishnan, and Janelle Wong
Freezing Assets in the War on Terror: OFAC and the Fourth Amendment, Rebecca Kagan Sternhell
Victimized Twice: The Reasonable Efforts Requirement in Child Protection Cases When Parents Have a Mental Illness, Jeanne M. Kaiser
Catholic Social Thought and the Law, Gregory Kalscheur
Catholic Social Thought and the Law, Gregory Kalscheur
Conscience, Citizenship, and Professional Life: Questions of Conscience for Judges, Legislators, and Voters, Gregory Kalscheur
From Living Conversations to Living Tradition: Embodying the Catholic Intellectual Tradition in Student Affairs, Gregory Kalscheur
Insights into U.S. Law: Freedom of Religion, Gregory Kalscheur
"'Nothing Finally is Profane": Reflections on Faith and Life in the Law, Gregory Kalscheur
Response from a Jesuit Law Professor, Gregory Kalscheur
Review of Religious Liberty, Volume 1: Overviews and History, by Douglas Laycock, Gregory Kalscheur
Spiritual Exercises, Gregory Kalscheur
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: An Ongoing Conversation at Boston College, Gregory Kalscheur
Catholics in Public Life: Judges, Legislators, and Voters, Gregory A. Kalscheur S.J.
Christian Scripture and American Scripture: An Instructive Analogy?, Gregory A. Kalscheur S.J.
Civil Procedure and the Establishment Clause: Exploring the Ministerial Exception, Subject-Matter Jurisdiction, and the Freedom of the Church, Gregory A. Kalscheur
Conscience and Citizenship: The Primacy of Conscience for Catholics in Public Life, Gregory A. Kalscheur S.J.
Ignatian Spirituality and the Life of the Lawyer: Finding God in All Things – Even in the Ordinary Practice of the Law, Gregory A. Kalscheur S.J.
John Paul II, John Courtney Murray, and the Relationship Between Civil Law and Moral Law: A Constructive Proposal for Contemporary American Pluralism, Gregory A. Kalscheur S.J.
Law School as a Culture of Conversation: Re-imagining Legal Education as a Process of Conversion to the Demands of Authentic Conversation, Gregory A. Kalscheur S.J.
Moral Limits on Morals Legislation: Lessons for U.S. Constitutional Law from the Declaration on Religious Freedom, Gregory A. Kalscheur S.J.
Public Opinion is More than Law: Popular Sovereignty and Vigilantism in the Nebraska Territory, Sean Kammer
Patent Reversion: An Employee-Inventor’s Second Bite at the Apple, Richard Kamprath
Constructing a University/Public School Partnership: Scholar-practioner Pursuits, Barry Kanpol and Jeff Abbott
Criminalizing the Undocumented: Ironic Boundaries of the Post-September 11th ‘Pale of Law.’, Daniel Kanstroom
Deportation and Justice: A Constitutional Dialogue, Daniel Kanstroom
Deportation and Justice: A Constitutional Dialogue, Daniel Kanstroom
Deportation, Social Control, and Punishment: Some Thoughts about Why Hard Laws Make Bad Cases, Daniel Kanstroom
Padilla v. Kentucky and the Evolving Right to Deportation Counsel: Watershed or Work-in-Progress?, Daniel Kanstroom
Introduction: Law, Torture, and the “Task of the Good Lawyer” – Mukasey Agonistes , Daniel Kanstroom
Legal Lines in Shifting Sand: Immigration Law and Human Rights in the Wake of September 11, Daniel Kanstroom
Legal Lines in Shifting Sand: Immigration Law and Human Rights in the Wake of September 11th, Daniel Kanstroom
On "Waterboarding": Legal Interpretation and the Continuing Struggle for Human Rights, Daniel Kanstroom
On “Waterboarding”: Legal Interpretation and the Continuing Struggle for Human Rights , Daniel Kanstroom
Panelist, Deportation and Human Rights, Daniel Kanstroom
"Passed Beyond Our Aid:" U.S. Deportation, Integrity, and the Rule of Law, Daniel Kanstroom
Reaping the Harvest: The Long, Complicated, Crucial Rhetorical Struggle Over Deportation, Daniel Kanstroom
Sharpening the Cutting Edge of International Human Rights Law: Unresolved Issues of War Crimes Tribunals, Daniel Kanstroom
The Better Part of Valor: The REAL ID Act, Discretion, and the “Rule” of Immigration Law, Daniel Kanstroom
The Right to Deportation Counsel in Padilla v. Kentucky: The Challenging Construction of the Fifth-and-a-Half Amendment, Daniel Kanstroom
The Shining City and the Fortress: Reflections on the “Euro-solution” to the German Immigration Dilemma, Daniel Kanstroom
Various entries, Daniel Kanstroom
“Megatons to Megawatts:” A Mega-Player of US Nuclear Enrichment, Christodoulos Kaoutzanis
A National Strategy to Combat the Childhood Obesity Epidemic, Lauren B. Kaplin
When Money Changes Hands: “Unwelcomeness” in Sex for Money, Lauren B. Kaplin
Journey of Elam: Her Pedagogy as a Public Intellectual, Zorka Karanxha, Vonzell Agosto, and Donna Elam
Analysis of Digital Financial Data, Robert L. Kardell
Climate change and reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases from ships: an appraisal, Saiful Karim and Shawkat Alam
Why Intellectual Property Rights in Traditional Knowledge Cannot Contribute to Sustainable Development, Dennis S. Karjala
Admissibility of Electronic Documents, Curtis E.A. Karnow
Statistics In Law: Bad Inferences & Uncommon Sense, Curtis E.A. Karnow
Did Learned Hand Get It Wrong?: The Questionable Patent Forfeiture Rule of Metallizing Engineering Co. v. Kenyon Bearing & Auto Parts Co., Dmitry Karshtedt
Did Learned Hand Get It Wrong?: The Questionable Patent Forfeiture Rule of Metallizing Engineering Co. v. Kenyon Bearing & Auto Parts Co., Dmitry Karshtedt
Did Learned Hand Get It Wrong?: The Questionable Patent Forfeiture Rule of Metallizing Engineering Co. v. Kenyon Bearing & Auto Parts Co., Dmitry Karshtedt
None, Dmitry Karshtedt
None, Dmitry Karshtedt
Parents Behaving Badly: Whether, in the Wake of Miller-Jenkins, Public Policy Considerations Should Play a Role in Custody Decisions, Ethan G. Kate
Shareholder Protection and Hedge Fund Activism: Some Empirical Evidence, Dionysia Katelouzou
Aquatic Ecosystem Goods and Services: Evaluation Study in Rural Assam, Pradeep K. Katiha, Anjana Ekka, B K. Bhattacharjya, and Ganesh Chandra
Legal N-Grams? A Simple Approach to Track the Evolution of Legal Language, Daniel M. Katz and M Bommarito
An Empirical Survey of the Population of U.S. Tax Court Written Decisions, Daniel M. Katz, M Bommarito II, and J Isaacs-See
Why Negotiation Should Be a Required Course in Law School (and how to deliver it in a cost -effective manner), Howard E. Katz
The Economics of Section 170: A Case for the Charitable Deduction of Parochial School Tuition, Meir Katz
Brief of Amicus Curiae in Support of Affirmance, Ron D. Katznelson
The Overhaul of U.S. Patent Law, Ron D. Katznelson
Family Law in America, Sanford N. Katz