The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Foucault and American Foreign Policy During 2001 Bush Era, Kyle S. Herman
Dreams Deferred – Why In-State College Tuition Rates Are Not a Benefit Under the IIRIRA and How This Interpretation Violates the Spirit of Plyler, Laura A. Hernandez
When the Wise (Latina) Judge Meets a Living Constitution - Why It IS a Matter of Perception, Laura A. Hernandez
Boumediene v. Bush and Guantanamo, Cuba: Does the 'Empire Strike Back'?, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Economic Crises from the Bottom Up: (in)Securities of Silencing a Racial Past and Present: Cluster Introduction, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
LA’s Taco Truck War: How Law Cooks Food Culture Contests, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez
Los orígenes del constitucionalismo en Iberoamérica, Eduardo Herrera
30 = 20: ‘Understanding’ Maximum Sentence Enhancements, Frank R. Herrmann S.J.
Standing Mute at Arrest as Evidence of Guilt: The 'Right to Silence' Under Attack, Frank R. Herrmann S.J. and Brownlow M. Speer
An Optional Instrument on EU Contract Law: Could it Increase Legal Certainty and Foster Cross-Border Trade?, Martijn W. Hesselink
Five Political Ideas of European Contract Law, Martijn W. Hesselink
'If You Don’t Like our Principles We Have Others'; On Core Values and Underlying Principles in European Private Law: A Critical Discussion of the New 'Principles' Section in the Draft CFR, Martijn W. Hesselink
Unfair Terms in Contracts between Businesses, Martijn W. Hesselink
Remaking the World to Save It: Applying U.S. Environmental Laws to Climate Engineering Projects, Tracy Hester
Webster's Real Estate Law in North Carolina: Possessory Estates and Present Interests in Real Property, Patrick K. Hetrick, James B. McLaughlin, and James A. Webster
The Dark Side of the Force: The Legacy of Justice Holmes for First Amendment Jurisprudence, Steven J. Heyman
The Dark Side of the Force: The Legacy of Justice Holmes for First Amendment Jurisprudence, Steven J. Heyman
Clearing the Smoke on Medical Marijuana Users in the Workplace, Stacy A. Hickox
Negative Credentials: Fair and Effective Consideration of Criminal Records, Stacy A. Hickox and Mark Roehling
Fatherhood by Conscription: Nonconsensual Insemination and the Duty of Child Support, Michael J. Higdon
Fatherhood by Conscription: Nonconsensual Insemination and the Duty of Child Support, Michael J. Higdon
Autonomic and autonomous ‘thinking’: preconditions for criminal accountability, Mireille Hildebrandt
Criminal Liability and 'Smart' Environments, Mireille Hildebrandt
De contrafakticiteit van de rechtsstaat in een postnationale rechtsorde, Mireille Hildebrandt
De rechtsstaat in cyberspace?, Mireille Hildebrandt
Law, Human Agency and Autonomic Computing. The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology, Mireille Hildebrandt
Legal Protection by Design. Objections and Refutations, Mireille Hildebrandt
Privacy na de 'computationele wending', Mireille Hildebrandt
Law, Human Agency and Autonomic Computing. The Philosophy of Law meets the Philosophy of Technology, Mireille Hildebrandt and Antoinette Rouvroy (eds.)
Out of Class Feedback, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger
Turnover of Checks Honored Postpetition; The Treatment of Social Security in Chapter 13 Plans, Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger
Changes in the Application of Tax Treaties in Sweden, Maria Hilling
(Dis)owning Religious Speech, Jessie Hill
Gone but Not Forgotten: When Privacy, Policy and Privilege Collide, Louise L. Hill
Returning to First Principles of Privilege Law: Focusing on the Facts in Internal Corporate Investigations, Christopher T. Hines
Reason Over Hysteria: Keynote Essay, Bill Ong Hing
Thinking Broadly About Immigration Reform by Addressing Root Causes, Bill Ong Hing
Law School Education in the 21st Century: Adding Information Technology Instruction to the Curriculum, Kenneth J. Hirsh and Wayne V. Miller
The Quest for "Proportionality" in Electronic Discovery, Ted Hirt
The Quest for "Proportionality" in Electronic Discovery, Ted Hirt
The internationalisation of law: Introductory and personal thoughts for the Symposium, Mary Hiscock
The Keeper of the Flame: Good Faith and Fair Dealing in International Trade, Mary E. Hiscock
Epilogue, Mary E. Hiscock and William van Caenegem
Conflict of laws, Mary Hiscock and Winnie J. Ma
California Drops the Ball: The Lack of a Clear Approach to Recklessness in Sport Injury Litigation, Joseph M. Hnylka
Addressing Access to Medicine: The Influence of Competing Patent Perspectives, Cynthia M. Ho
Book Review: Crucial Issues in Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol: Asia and the World (Koh Kheng-Lian, Lye Lin-Heng and Jolene Lin (eds)), David R. Hodas
International Law and Sustainable Energy: A Portrait of Failure, David R. Hodas
Extending Wrongful Death Damages to Kinship-Care Relationships, Sonya Harrell Hoener
The Rights of Spring -- Principle Over Pragmatism in Human Rights, Adonis E. Hoffman Esq.
Are Health Care Conflicts all that Different? A Contrarian View, Diane E. Hoffmann
Emergency Care and Managed Care - A Dangerous Combination, Diane E. Hoffmann
Evaluating Ethics Committees: A View from the Outside, Diane E. Hoffmann
Introduction: The Right to Die After Cruzan, Diane E. Hoffmann
Mediating Life and Death Decisions, Diane E. Hoffmann
Pain Management and Palliative Care in the Era of Managed Care: Issues for Health Insurers, Diane E. Hoffmann
Physicians Who Break the Law, Diane E. Hoffmann
Proxy Consent to Participation of the Decisionally Impaired in Medical Research - Maryland's Policy Initiative, Diane E. Hoffmann
Regulating Ethics Committees in Health Care Institutions - Is It Time?, Diane E. Hoffmann
Teaching Health Law- A Health Law Practice Workshop: Bridging Externship Placements and the Classroom, Diane E. Hoffmann
The Biotechnology Revolution and its Regulatory Evolution, Diane E. Hoffmann
The Influence of Law and Lawyers on Patient Care, Diane E. Hoffmann
The Maryland Health Care Decisions Act: Achieving the Right Balance?, Diane E. Hoffmann
Treating Pain v. Reducing Drug Diversion and Abuse: Recalibrating the Balance in Our Drug Control Laws and Policies, Diane E. Hoffmann
Mediating Bioethical Disputes, Diane E. Hoffmann and Naomi Karp
The Guardianship Puzzle: Whatever Happened to Due Process?, Diane E. Hoffmann and Joan L. O'Sullivan
Judging Genes: Implications of the Second Generation of Genetic Tests in the Courtroom, Diane E. Hoffmann and Karen H. Rothenberg
When Should Judges Admit or Compel Genetic Tests?, Diane E. Hoffmann and Karen H. Rothenberg
Whose Duty is it Anyway?: The Kennedy Krieger Opinion and its Implications for Public Health Research, Diane E. Hoffmann and Karen H. Rothenberg
Achieving Quality and Responding to Consumers - the Medicare Beneficiary Complaint Process: Who Should Respond?, Diane E. Hoffmann and Virginia Rowthorn
Building Public Health Law Capacity at the Local Level, Diane E. Hoffmann and Virginia Rowthorn
Who Decides Whether a Patient Lives or Dies?, Diane E. Hoffmann and Jack Schwartz
Regulating Research With Decisionally Impaired Individuals: Are We Making Progress?, Diane E. Hoffmann, Jack Schwartz, and Evan G. DeRenzo
Achieving the Right Balance in Oversight of Physician Opiod Prescribing for Pain: a Survey of State Medical Boards, Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian
Achieving the Right Balance in Oversight of Physician Opioid Prescribing for Pain: The Role of State Medical Boards, Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian
Dying in America - An Examination of Policies that Deter Adequate End-of-Life Care in Nursing Homes, Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian
The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias Against Women in the Treatment of Pain, Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian
The Role and Legal Status of Health Care Ethics Committees in the United States, Diane E. Hoffmann and Anita J. Tarzian
Are Ethics Committee Members Competent to Consult?, Diane E. Hoffmann, Anita J. Tarzian, and J. Anne O'Neil
Medical Marijuana and the Law, Diane E. Hoffmann and Ellen M. Weber
Financial Exploitation of the Elderly, Diane E. Hoffmann and Roger Wolf
Testing Children for Genetic Predispositions: Is it in Their Best Interest?, Diane E. Hoffmann and Eric A. Wulfsberg
The Dangers of Directives or the False Security of Forms, Diane E. Hoffmann, Sheryl Itkin Zimmerman, and Catherine J. Tompkins
Future Public Policy and Ethical Issues Facing the Agricultural and Microbial Genomics Sectors of the Biotechnology Industry, Diane Hoffmann and Lawrence Sung
SIGNS, SIGNS, EVERYWHERE SIGNS: How The Wilderness Society v. Kane County Leaves Everyone Confused About Navigating a Right-of-Way Claim Under Revised Statute 2477, Hillary M. Hoffmann
The Importance of Immutability, Sharona Hoffman
Austria's New Approach on Banking Secrecy Law and Tax Treaty Policy, Alexander Hofmann
9/11 Remembered: Turning Bayonets Into Ploughshares, Justin G. Holbrook
Veterans’ Courts and Criminal Responsibility: A Problem Solving History & Approach to the Liminality of Combat Trauma, Justin G. Holbrook
Veterans Courts: Early Outcomes and Key Indicators for Success, Justin G. Holbrook and Sara Anderson
Serve Those Who Serve Their Country: Represent a Veteran before the VA, Justin G. Holbrook and Thomas J. Reed
Serve Those Who Serve Their Country: Represent a Veteran before the VA, Justin G. Holbrook and Thomas J. Reed
Wedlocked, Morgan L. Holcomb
Timber Piracy, Statutory Interpretation, and Legislative Intent: The Louisiana Supreme Court’s Decision in Sullivan v. Wallace, Mirais Holden
The Psychology of Procedural Justice in the Federal Courts, Rebecca Hollander-Blumoff
Standing As a Barrier To Constitutional Justice - Can We Create a New ‘Public Law Paradigm’?, Geoff Holland
A Social Semiotic Approach to Copyright Law, H. Brian Holland
Internet Exceptionalism as a Statutory Construct, H. Brian Holland
Social Semiotics in the Fair Use Analysis, H. Brian Holland