The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Intellectual Property Related Development Aid: Is supply aligned with demand?, Roya Ghafele and Jakob Engel
Intellectual Property Related Development Aid: Is supply aligned with demand?, Roya Ghafele and Jakob Engel
A Changing Climate: Statistical Evidence of the Intellectual Property Landscape of Clean Energy Technologies, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
A Changing Climate: Statistical Evidence of the Intellectual Property Landscape of Clean Energy Technologies, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
Counting the Costs of Collective Rights Management of Music Copyright in Europe, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
Counting the Costs of Collective Rights Management of Music Copyright in Europe, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
Counting the Costs of Collective Rights Management of Music Copyright in Europe, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
Counting the Costs of Collective Rights Management of Music Copyright in Europe, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
The Transaction Cost Benefits of Electronic Patent Licensing Platforms: A Discussion at the Example of the PatentBooks Model, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
The Transaction Cost Benefits of Electronic Patent Licensing Platforms: A Discussion at the Example of the PatentBooks Model, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
The Transaction Cost Benefits of Electronic Patent Licensing Platforms: A Discussion at the Example of the PatentBooks Model, Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
Trademarks as Fictitious Commodities: An Erosion of the Public Interest? An Assessment of the use of trademarks over urban space at the example of London’s Regent Street and Paris’ Champs-Elysées, Roya Ghafele and Samantha Vanderslott
The Statistics Tell a Story; An Asian Look at the Evolving Global Textiles & Clothing Trade after Quota Expiry, Umair Ghori
Anticipating the Future Use of Safeguards by EU and US on China’s Textiles & Clothing Exports, Umair H. Ghori Dr
Reactive and pre-emptive use of anti-dumping measures in the post-quota textiles & clothing trade, Umair H. Ghori
The Sale of Patented Methods: Reconciling On-Sale Bar & Patent Exhaustion Doctrines in Light of In re Kollar & Quanta v. LG, Shubha Ghosh
Transparent and Commercialized?: Managing the Public-Private Model for Data Production and Use, Shubha Ghosh
EU Parliament resolution on the EU-India FTA calls for dialogue on Kashmir, Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Positing for Balancing: Investment Treaty Rights and the Rights of Citizens, Ahmad Ali Ghouri
The Evolution of Bilateral Investment Treaties, Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Investment Law, Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Credit Arrangements, Angelo Giampietro Avv.
Proximate cause in Maritime Insurance, Angelo Giampietro Avv.
The Execution of Cameron Todd Willingham: Junk Science, an Innocent Man, and the Politics of Death, Paul C. Giannelli
Knowledge of Law as Knowledge of Facts. The Roman Experience, Tomasz Giaro
Legal Tradition of Eastern Europe. Its Rise and Demise, Tomasz Giaro
Code Wars: 10 years of P2P file sharing litigation, Rebecca Giblin
How litigation only spurred on P2P file sharing, Rebecca Giblin
Physical World Assumptions and Software World Realities (and Why There are More P2P Software Providers than Ever Before), Rebecca Giblin
Clearing and Trade Execution Requirements for OTC Derivatives Swaps Under the Frank-Dodd Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Willa E. Gibson
Corrupção e judiciário: a (in)eficácia do sistema judicial no combate à corrupção, Ivo T. Gico Jr. and Carlos H. R. de Alencar
When Crime Pays: Measuring Judicial Efficacy against Corruption in Brazil, Ivo T. Gico and Carlos H. R. de Alencar
Legal Negotiation: Theory and Practice. 2d edition, Donald G. Gifford
Equal Protection and the Prosecutor's Charging Decision: Enforcing an Ideal, Donald G. Gifford
How Does the Dean Resemble the Islets of Langerhans?, Donald G. Gifford
Legal Negotiation: Theory and Practice, 2d edition, Donald G. Gifford
Meaningful Reform of Plea Bargaining: The Control of Prosecutorial Discretion, Donald G. Gifford
Suing the Tobacco and Lead Pigment Industries: Government Litigation as Public Health Prescription, Donald G. Gifford
The inherently distributive aspects of many bargaining interactions, Donald G. Gifford
What are Professional Skills and Why Should Law Schools Teach Them?, Donald G. Gifford
A Constitutional Analysis of Ohio's New Drunk Driving Law, Donald G. Gifford and Howard M. Friedman
Market Share Liability Beyond DES Cases: The Solution to the Causation Dilemma in Lead Paint Litigation?, Donald G. Gifford and Paolo Pasicolan
Market Share Liability Beyond DES Cases: The Solution to the Causation Dilemma in Lead Paint Litigation?, Donald G. Gifford and Paolo Pasicolan
Il taglio degli enti pubblici. Commento all'art. 1, c. 31, d.l. n. 138 del 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 10 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 11 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 11 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 12 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 13 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 14 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 15 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 16 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 16 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 17 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 18 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 18 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 19 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 1 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 20 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 22 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 23 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 28 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 29 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 2 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 30 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 3 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 4 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 5 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 6 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 9 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto amministrativo - 9 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto sanitario - 10 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto sanitario - 13 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto sanitario - 14 aprile 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto sanitario - 23 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto sanitario - 24 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto sanitario - 4 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto sanitario - 5 maggio 2011, Fabio Giglioni
Materiali di diritto sanitario - 9 marzo 2011, Fabio Giglioni
L'accreditamento degli erogatori, Fabio Giglioni and Martina Conticelli
Immigrant Laws, Obstacle Preemption and the Lost Legacy of McCulloch, Lauren Gilbert
Revising the Horizontal Merger Guidelines: Lessons from the U.S. and the E.U., Richard J. Gilbert
Restoring Law and Order: Inventory Control in a Public Academic Law Library., Jordan A. Gilbertson and Ellen M. Richardson
The Rise and Permanence of Quasi-Legislative Independent Commissions, Gabriel Gillett, Steven R. Ross, and Raphael A. Prober
The Federal Government’s Ability To Respond To A Major Terrorist Attack: Issues, Concerns and Inadequacies in The Disaster Law Construct, M. Jonathan Gil
Again and Again We Suffer; The Poor and the Endurance of the War on Drugs, Brian G. Gilmore
Defending the Law Review, Harvey Gilmore
This Is Not A Symposium On How To Commit Fraud, But If It Were..., Harvey Gilmore
An Economic Interpretation of the Pashtunwali, Tom Ginsburg
In Defense of Imperialism? The Rule of Law and the State-building Project, Tom Ginsburg
On the Evasion of Executive Term Limits, Tom Ginsburg
Pitfalls of Measuring the Rull of Law, Tom Ginsburg
Empiricism and the Rising Incidence of Co-authorship in Law, Tom Ginsburg and Thomas J. Miles
'The Reasonable Zone of Right Answers': Analytical Feedback on Student Writing, Jane Kent Gionfriddo
The European Union Readmission Policy after Lisbon, Mariagiulia Giuffre
The European Union Readmission Policy after Lisbon, Mariagiulia Giuffre