The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Why Should a President have to be a Natural-Born Citizen, Alan E. Garfield
Australia's response to the death penalty in Asia, Sam B Garkawe
The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission: a suitable model to enhance the role and rights of victims of gross violations of human rights?, Sam Boris Garkawe
California’s Vanishing Community Hospital: An Endangered Institution, Craig B. Garner
Health Care Reform Sets the Standard Under the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute, But How Much Longer Will it Apply?, Craig B. Garner
Tracing the Evolution of American Health Care Through Medicare, Craig B. Garner
Rethinking Intangible Cultural Heritage and Expressions of Folklore: A Lesson from the FCC’s Localism Standards, Jon M. Garon
An Economic Analysis of Legal Harmonization: The Case of Law Enforcement within the European Union, Nuno Garoupa
Empirical Legal Studies and Constitutional Courts, Nuno Garoupa
O Governo da Justiça, Nuno Garoupa
Regulation of Professions, Nuno Garoupa
The Law and Economics of Legal Parochialism, Nuno Garoupa
Building Reputation in Constitutional Courts: Party and Judicial Politics, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
Hybrid Judicial Career Structures: Reputation v Legal Tradition, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg
The Syndrome of the Efficiency of the Common Law, Nuno Garoupa and Carlos Gomez
Paying the Price for Being Caught: The Economics of Manifest and Non-Manifest Theft in Roman Law, Nuno Garoupa and Fernando Gomez
Efficiency of the Common Law, Nuno Garoupa and Carlos Gomez-Liguerre
Explaining Constitutional Review in New Democracies: The Case of Taiwan, Nuno Garoupa, Veronica Grembi, and Shirley Lin
Explaining Constitutional Review in New Democracies: The Case of Taiwan, Nuno Garoupa, Veronica Grembi, and Shirley Lin
Corruption and Private Law Enforcement: Theory and History, Nuno Garoupa and Daniel M. Klerman
Differential Victimization: Efficiency and Fairness Justifications for the Felony Murder Rule, Nuno Garoupa and Jonathan Klick
The Judiciary in Political Transitions: The Critical Role of U.S. Constitutionalism in Latin America, Nuno Garoupa and Maria Alejandra Maldonado
Punish Once or Punish Twice: A Theory of the Use of Criminal Sanctions in, Nuno Manuel Garoupa
The Investigation and Prosecution of Regulatory Offences: Is There an Economic Case for Integration?, Nuno Garoupa, Anthony I. Ogus, and Andrew Sanders
The Brady Rule May Hurt the Innocent, Nuno Garoupa and Matteo Rizzolli
Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Nuno Garoupa and Hans-Bernd Schäfer
Twenty-Third Annual Conference of the European Association of Law & Economics, Madrid, Spain, Nuno Garoupa and Hans-Bernd Schäfer
Contemporary Approaches to Trusts and Estates, Susan N. Gary, Jerome Borison, Naomi R. Cahn, and Paula A. Monopoli
Contemporary Approaches to Trusts and Estates, Susan N. Gary, Jerome Borison, Naomi R. Cahn, and Paula A. Monopoli
Contemporary Approaches to Trusts and Estates, Susan N. Gary, Jerome Borison, Naomi R. Cahn, and Paula A. Monopoli
Contemporary Approaches to Trusts and Estates, Susan N. Gary, Jerome Borison, Naomi R. Cahn, and Paula A. Monopoli
Possibilità e limiti del potere di negoziazione nelle procedure di scelta del promotore finanziario, Valentina Gastaldo
Averting Diversity: A Review of Nominations and Appointments to the Philippine Supreme Court (1988-2008), Dante B. Gatmaytan and Cielo D. Magno
Redressing Grievances and Complaints Regarding Basic Service Delivery, Varun Gauri
Redressing Grievances and Complaints Regarding Basic Service Delivery, Varun Gauri
Constitutional Threats in the E-Commerce Jungle: First Amendment and Dormant Commerce Clause Limits on Amazon Laws and Use Tax Reporting Statutes, Scott W. Gaylord
Unconventional Wisdom: The Roberts Court's Proper Support of Judicial Elections, Scott W. Gaylord
An Introduction to the 2010 Model State Administrative Procedure Act, John L. Gedid
Pennsylvania Constitutional Conventions: Discarding the Myths, John L. Gedid
Pennsylvania's 2008 Right to Know Law: Open Access at Last, John L. Gedid
Should Pennsylvania Amend Its Constitution? The Pennsylvania Bar Association Considers Calls for Reform, John L. Gedid
An Appriasal Puzzle, George Geis
Safe Harbor: State Strategies to Protect Prostituted Minors, Darren Geist
Merry Season’s Controversy, Lorin C. Geitner
La protección posesoria a través de la defensa interdictal, Ricardo Geldres Campos
Michigan Business Taxes on the Rocks, Marjorie Gell
Taming or Protecting the Modern Corporation? Shareholder-Stakeholder Debates in a Comparative Light, Martin Gelter
The Law Merchant-Redux, art gemmell Dr.
Reassessing the Avoidance Canon in Erie Cases, Bernadette Bollas Genetin
A Tribute to Robert Spector: “It All Started With Jurisdiction”, Steven S. Gensler
A Tribute to Robert Spector: "It Started with Jurisdiction", Steven S. Gensler
Civil Rules and Appellate Rules: What’s New and What’s on the Horizon, Steven S. Gensler
Complex Litigation XIII: The Future of Civil Litigation 2, Steven S. Gensler
Discovery After Iqbal: Where Do We Go From Here?, Steven S. Gensler
Electronic Discovery and the Sensible Harvest, Steven S. Gensler
Social Media and the Continuing Evolution of the Discovery Rules, Steven S. Gensler
Some Thoughts on the Lawyer’s E-volving Duties in Discovery, Steven S. Gensler
Summary Judgment and Case Management: Each in Service of the Other, Steven S. Gensler
The Rulemaking Response to Twombly and Iqbal, Steven S. Gensler
Buying Stock In Tennessee: An Annotated Model Tennessee Stock Purchase Agreement, Terry W. Gentle Jr. and Joan MacLeod Heminway
Bankruptcy Veil Piercing, Nicholas L. Georgakopoulos
Access to Essential Medicines, Alexandra E. George
Bio-Prospecting and Biopiracy, Alexandra E. George
Human Genome, Alexandra E. George
Organ Trafficking, Alexandra E. George
Owning Life, Alexandra E. George
Trade Marks, Alexandra E. George
Addressing the Issue of Demand in the Global Sex Trade, Cheryl George Professor
Childhood Obesity (The Marketing of Fast Food to the Poor and People of Color), Cheryl George Professor
International Human Rights: Global Sex Trafficking, Cheryl George Professor
The Strong Arm of the Law is Weak: How the TVPA is Failing Victims of The Sex Trafficking Trade, Cheryl George Professor
Cultural Concepts that affect strategic management decision of Multinational businesses, Nikola S. Georgiev
Culture Influence in International Commercial Arbitration, Nikola S. Georgiev
English Arbitration Act 1996, Nikola S. Georgiev
Insider Trading The effectiveness of financial market regulation in US, UK and the EU, and the effect on investors in Forbes 500 companies, Nikola S. Georgiev
Separability/ Competance Competance, Nikola S. Georgiev
Method, Community and Comparative Law: An Encounter with Complexity Science, David J. Gerber
Credit Derivatives, Leverage, and Financial Regulation’s Missing Macroeconomic Dimension, Erik F. Gerding
The Shadow Banking System and Its Legal Origins, Erik F. Gerding
Principles for Resolving Hard Cases of Carelessly Caused Pure Economic Loss, Mark P. Gergen
Is Texas Tough on Crime But Soft on Criminal Procedure?, Adam Gershowitz
Trading a Confession for a Search: A Proposal to Deter Texting While Driving and Warrantless Cell Phone Searches, Adam Gershowitz
Learning by Magic - It is Not a Trick, Stephen A. Gerst
The Google Book Settlement and International Intellectual Property Law, Daniel J. Gervais
The Google Book Settlement and International Intellectual Property Law, Daniel J. Gervais
The Landscape of Collective Management Schemes, Daniel J. Gervais
The Rise of 360 Deals in the Music Industry, Daniel J. Gervais
Cloud Control: Copyright, Global Memes and Privacy, Daniel J. Gervais and Daniel J. Hyndman
Gideon's Vuvuzela: Reconciling the Sixth Amendment's Promises with the Doctrines of Forfeiture and Implicit Waiver of Counsel, Sarah L. Gerwig-Moore
SAVING THEIR OWN SOULS: How RLUIPA Failed to Deliver on its Promises, Sarah L. Gerwig-Moore
Utopian Thought and the Law of Nations, Stas Getmanenko
Annual Report 2011 on Belgium (FRANET), Maaike Geuens, Jozefien Van Caeneghem, Mathias Holvoet, Helena Mampaey, Alexander Hoefmans, Maarten Colette, Karen Weis, and Karen Van Laethem
Can the Rule of Law Survive Judicial Politics?, Charles G. Geyh
Financing University Research, Roya Ghafele
Financing University Research, Roya Ghafele