The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2012
Back to the Future of Cooperative Collection Development (an Editorial), Glenda A. Thornton
Development and Revision of the Standards and Guidelines,, Glenda A. Thornton
Digital Library Development: The View From Kanazawa, Glenda A. Thornton
Impact of Electronic Resources on Collection Development, the Roles of Librarians, and Library Consortia., Glenda A. Thornton
Physical Access to Periodical Literature: The Dilemma Revisited and a Brief Look at the Future, Glenda A. Thornton
Renovation of Technical Services: Physical and Philosophical Considerations, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Building a Scholarly Communications Center: Modeling the Rutgers Experience, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of CD-Rom Directory 95 With Multimedia CDs, 13th ed., Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Digital Collections: Implications For Users, Funders, Developers, and Maintainers, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Finding Common Ground: Creating the Library of the Future without Diminishing the Library of the Past, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of OPAC Directory 1998: A Guide to Internet-Accessible Online Public Access Catalogs, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Our Enduring Values: Librarianship in the 21st Century, Glenda A. Thornton
The Race for Readers: A Public Library and an Academic Library Team up to Entice College Students to Read Books, Glenda A. Thornton and Holly Carroll
A Traditional Library Meets Twenty-first Century Users, Glenda A. Thornton, Bruce Jeppesen, and George Lupone
Exploring Document Delivery Options: A Pilot Study of the University of Colorado System, Glenda A. Thornton and Fong Yem
Constructive Methods and Abuse of Antiumping Laws: A Legal Analysis of State Practice within the WTO Framework, P.R. Thulasidhass
Addressing the 'Emerging Majority': Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Law Librarianship in the Twenty-First Century, Alyssa Thurston
Book Review, Julie E. Cohen, Configuring the Networked Self: Law, Code and the Play of Everyday Practice (2012), Alyssa Thurston
Cross-region FDI productivity spillovers in transition economies: Evidence from China, Xiaowen Tian, Vai Io Lo, Shuanglin Lin, and Shunfeng Song
From Black Power to Hip Hop: Discussing Race, Policing, and the Fourth Amendment Through the "War On" Paradigm, Donald F. Tibbs
FROM BLACK POWER to PRISON POWER: The Making of Jones v. North Carolina Prisoners' Labor Union, Donald F. Tibbs
I Don't Rhyme For the Sake of Riddling: When Hip Hop Speaks, Law Listens, Donald F. Tibbs
U.S.Foreign Trade Zones, Tax-Free Trade Zones of the World, and Their Impact on the U.S. Economy, Susan W. Tiefenbrun
Book Jacket Blurb to John R. Vile's Writing and Ratification of the U.S. Constitution: Practical Virtue in Action (Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2012), Seth Barrett Tillman
Citation List to "Time to open courts and let justice be seen", Seth Barrett Tillman
Closing Statement, The Original Public Meaning of the Foreign Emoluments Clause: A Reply to Professor Zephyr Teachout (2013), Seth Barrett Tillman
Conlawprof Listserv: Exchange on Dual Office Holding, Seth Barrett Tillman
David R. Upham, An Essay on the President’s Constitutional Duty to Prioritize Expenditures (2012) (unpublished manuscript), citing Tillman & Tillman "A Fragment on Shall and May", Seth Barrett Tillman
Dorf on Law blog: Dual Office-Holding (and an exchange with Professor Marty Lederman in comments), Seth Barrett Tillman
Editors' Welcome in the Irish Law Journal, a peer reviewed journal, acknowledging Tillman (2012), Seth Barrett Tillman
Either/Or: Professors Zephyr Rain Teachout and Akhil Reed Amar – Contradictions and Reconciliation (2012), Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from (Justice) Antonin Scalia & Bryan A. Garner, Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts (2012), citing Tillman & Tillman, A Fragment on Shall & May, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law (4th ed. Supp. 2012), citing Tillman-Levinson exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law (4th ed. Supp. 2012), citing Tillman's book review of Tara Ross's Enlightened Democracy, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Sanford Levinson, Framed: America’s Fifty-One Constitutions and the Crisis of Governance (Oxford University Press 2012), citing Prakash-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Tara Ross, Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College (2d ed. 2012), citing Tillman's Betwixt Principle and Practice, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from United States Code Annotated, Section on Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 (West 2012 & 2013), citing Tillman-Teachout Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for Bicameralism citing Bruhl-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for "Citizens United v Federal Elections Commission" citing Tillman-Teachout exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for Recess Appointments, citing Kalt-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for Separation of Powers, citing Calabresi-Tillman exchange and Prakash-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for the Continuity of Government Commission, citing Levinson-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for the Establishment Clause, citing Stone-Tillman Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Wikipedia Entry for "Voidable" citing Bigler & Tillman on the Void-Voidable Distinction under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from William C. Snyder's Syllabus for "National Security Law" (Syracuse University College of Law, Fall 2012), citing Tillman’s Model Continuity of Congress Statute, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from William C. Snyder's Syllabus for "Prosecuting Terrorists" (Syracuse University College of Law, Fall 2012), citing Tillman’s Model Continuity of Congress Statute, Seth Barrett Tillman
Lee R. Petillon & Robert Joe Hull, Representing Start-Up Companies Sect. 2:39 (Supp. Oct. 2012), citing Bigler & Tillman's Void or Voidable? -- Curing Defects in Stock Issuances Under Delaware Law, Seth Barrett Tillman
Member of the House of Representatives and Vice President of the US: Can Paul Ryan Hold Both Positions at the Same Time?, Seth Barrett Tillman
Moderator: Professor Kevin Saunders presenting on Brown v Entertainment Merchants Association, Seth Barrett Tillman
Opening Statement, Citizens United and the Scope of Professor Teachout’s Anti-Corruption Principle, in Tillman & Teachout, an Exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
Opinion Editorial, "Time to open courts and let justice be seen" (August 22, 2012), Seth Barrett Tillman
Paul MacMahon, Self-Service Search Warrants and International Terrorism: Lessons from Damache v DPP, Irish Law Journal (2012) (peer reviewed), acknowledging Tillman, Seth Barrett Tillman
Podcast, Interviewing Professor Brian C. Kalt, author of Constitutional Cliffhangers (2012), Seth Barrett Tillman
Point of Order Blog: An Exchange with Michael Stern on the Foreign Emoluments Clause, Seth Barrett Tillman
PrawfsBlawg: An Open Letter (Blog Post) to Professor Saikrishna B. Prakash, Seth Barrett Tillman
Professor Zephyr Teachout, Closing Statement, Constitutional Purpose and the Anti-Corruption Principle (2014), citing Tillman publications, Seth Barrett Tillman
Professor Zephyr Teachout, Rebuttal, Gifts, Offices and Corruption: A Response to Tillman (2012), citing Tillman's Opening Statement and "Interpreting Precise Constitutional Text", Seth Barrett Tillman
Report, Ensuring the Stability of Presidential Succession in the Modern Era (2012), citing Levinson-Tillman exchange, Seth Barrett Tillman
The Originalism Blog: An Exchange with Professor Michael Ramsey on the Unitary Executive Theory, Seth Barrett Tillman
The Possibilities for a Tranformative Biblical Literary Tradition, Seth Barrett Tillman
Woody R. Clermont, Hitting the Reset Button on Freedom of Conscience: Reading the Writing on the Wall (2012) (unpublished manuscript), citing Tillman & Tillman's A Fragment on Shall and May, Seth Barrett Tillman
Confidentiality of Adoption Records in Texas: A Good Case for Defining Good Cause, Dan Tilly
A New Wave of Conservatism, By Tamar Rotem, Yofi Tirosh
Bibi-man, by Merav Michaeli, Yofi Tirosh
Reciprocal Antidiscrimination Arguments, Yofi Tirosh
The Right to Be Fat, Yofi Tirosh
The Silent Defendant: Some Thoughts on Law and Film, Yofi Tirosh
Leasing Sovereignty: on State Infrastructure Contracts, Matthew Titolo
The Reactionary Road to Free Love: How DOMA, State Marriage Amendments and Social Conservatives Undermine Traditional Marriage, Scott Titshaw
New York's Law of Tax Malpractice Damages: Balanced or Biased?, Jacob L. Todres
Assessing Public Health Strategies for Advancing Child Protection: Human Trafficking as a Case Study, Jonathan Todres
The Private Sector’s Pivotal Role in Combating Human Trafficking, Jonathan Todres
The Glass Mirror: Appearance-Based Discrimination in the Workplace, Enbar Toledano
The Importance of Being Earnest: An Environmental Whistleblower’s Guide to Protection Under SOx § 806 and Dodd-Frank, John J. Tollefsen
First Amendment, Fourth Estate & Hot News: Misappropriation is Not a Solution to the Journalism Crisis, Joseph A. Tomain
The Use of Veterans Administration Benefits in Child Support Matters, Hsiu-Ming Tom
Farewell from the Editor of BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AND THE LAW, Alan Tomkins
Introduction to "Current Directions": Behavioral Sciences and the Law 2000, Alan Tomkins
Introduction to "Persons with Disabilities": Special Issue of Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Alan Tomkins
Research and Engagement Opportunities for Applying Science to Public Policy, Alan Tomkins
Constructs of Justice: Beyond Civil Litigation, Alan Tomkins and Kimberly Applequist
Introduction to International Perspectives on Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Alan Tomkins and David Carson